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Raw Normal View History

2023-10-20 13:29:44 +03:00
// Copyright (c) BrainFailProductions
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using static BrainFailProductions.PolyFew.CombiningInformation;
namespace BrainFailProductions.PolyFew
public class MaterialCombiner : MonoBehaviour
private static CombiningInformation staticCombinationInfo;
private class Vertices
List<Vector3> verts = null;
List<Vector2> uv1 = null;
List<Vector2> uv2 = null;
List<Vector2> uv3 = null;
List<Vector2> uv4 = null;
List<Vector3> normals = null;
List<Vector4> tangents = null;
List<Color32> colors = null;
List<BoneWeight> boneWeights = null;
public Vertices()
verts = new List<Vector3>();
public Vertices(Mesh aMesh)
verts = CreateList(aMesh.vertices);
uv1 = CreateList(aMesh.uv);
uv2 = CreateList(aMesh.uv2);
uv3 = CreateList(aMesh.uv3);
uv4 = CreateList(aMesh.uv4);
normals = CreateList(aMesh.normals);
tangents = CreateList(aMesh.tangents);
colors = CreateList(aMesh.colors32);
boneWeights = CreateList(aMesh.boneWeights);
private List<T> CreateList<T>(T[] verticesToList)
if (verticesToList == null || verticesToList.Length == 0) { return null; }
return new List<T>(verticesToList);
private void Copy<T>(ref List<T> destination, List<T> source, int index)
if (source == null) { return; }
if (destination == null) { destination = new List<T>(); }
public int Add(Vertices other, int index)
int a = verts.Count;
Copy(ref verts, other.verts, index);
Copy(ref uv1, other.uv1, index);
Copy(ref uv2, other.uv2, index);
Copy(ref uv3, other.uv3, index);
Copy(ref uv4, other.uv4, index);
Copy(ref normals, other.normals, index);
Copy(ref tangents, other.tangents, index);
Copy(ref colors, other.colors, index);
Copy(ref boneWeights, other.boneWeights, index);
return a;
public void AssignTo(Mesh target)
if (uv1 != null) target.SetUVs(0, uv1);
if (uv2 != null) target.SetUVs(1, uv2);
if (uv3 != null) target.SetUVs(2, uv3);
if (uv4 != null) target.SetUVs(3, uv4);
if (normals != null) target.SetNormals(normals);
if (tangents != null) target.SetTangents(tangents);
if (colors != null) target.SetColors(colors);
if (boneWeights != null) target.boneWeights = boneWeights.ToArray();
class CombineKey
public Material[] materials;
public Mesh mesh;
public Mesh finalMesh;
public MeshFilter targetFilter;
public SkinnedMeshRenderer targetSkin;
public class NonfeasibleMaterial
public bool isOnMeshRenderer = true;
public int submeshIndex;
public Renderer renderer;
public Material material;
public GameObject gameObject;
public NonfeasibleMaterial(bool isOnMeshRenderer, int submeshIndex, Renderer renderer, Material material, GameObject gameObject)
this.isOnMeshRenderer = isOnMeshRenderer;
this.submeshIndex = submeshIndex;
this.renderer = renderer;
this.material = material;
this.gameObject = gameObject;
public NonfeasibleMaterial() { }
private static HashSet<NonfeasibleMaterial> nonFeasibleMaterials;
private static Dictionary<GameObject, List<MaterialEntity>> InitializeFromGameObjects(List<GameObject> gameObjectsList, TextureArrayGroup textureArraysSettings, DiffuseColorSpace diffuseColorSpace, bool regardChildren, Action<string> OnError)
staticCombinationInfo = new CombiningInformation();
staticCombinationInfo.textureArraysSettings = textureArraysSettings;
staticCombinationInfo.diffuseColorSpace = diffuseColorSpace;
int textureArraysToGenerate = 0;
var objectsMaterialLinks = new Dictionary<GameObject, List<MaterialEntity>>();
nonFeasibleMaterials = new HashSet<NonfeasibleMaterial>();
HashSet<Material> tempAdded = new HashSet<Material>();
foreach (GameObject gameObject in gameObjectsList)
if (gameObject == null)
Renderer[] renderers = null;
if (regardChildren)
renderers = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>(true);
renderers = new Renderer[] { gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>() };
foreach (Renderer renderer in renderers)
MeshRenderer meshRenderer = renderer as MeshRenderer;
SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer = renderer as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
if (meshRenderer == null && skinnedMeshRenderer == null) { continue; }
MeshFilter meshFilter = renderer.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if ((skinnedMeshRenderer != null && skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh == null) || (meshFilter != null && meshFilter.sharedMesh == null))
Debug.LogWarning("Mesh Filter on GameObject " + + " does not have a mesh and was skipped");
int submeshIndex = -1;
// Has Submeshes
if (renderer.sharedMaterials != null && renderer.sharedMaterials.Length > 1)
bool skipGameObject = true;
foreach (var mat in renderer.sharedMaterials)
if (mat == null)
NonfeasibleMaterial nfm = new NonfeasibleMaterial
isOnMeshRenderer = renderer is MeshRenderer ? true : false,
submeshIndex = submeshIndex,
renderer = renderer,
material = mat,
gameObject = renderer.gameObject
Material[] s = new Material[renderer.sharedMaterials.Length];
Array.Copy(renderer.sharedMaterials, s, s.Length);
int a = 0;
foreach (var item in s)
if (item == null)
s[a] = new Material(Shader.Find("Unlit/Color"));
s[a].color =;
renderer.sharedMaterials = s;
else { skipGameObject = false; }
if (skipGameObject)
Debug.LogWarning("Renderer on GameObject " + + " does not have any material associated with any of the submeshes and was skipped");
else if ((meshRenderer != null && meshRenderer.sharedMaterial == null) || (skinnedMeshRenderer != null && skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMaterial == null))
Debug.LogWarning("Renderer on GameObject " + + " does not have a material and was skipped");
Material[] materials = meshRenderer != null ? meshRenderer.sharedMaterials : skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMaterials;
submeshIndex = -1;
foreach (Material material in materials)
if (material == null) { continue; }
string shaderName =;
if (shaderName != "standard" && shaderName != "standard (specular setup)")
// Might have submeshes
if (renderer.sharedMaterials.Length > 1)
NonfeasibleMaterial nfm = new NonfeasibleMaterial
isOnMeshRenderer = renderer is MeshRenderer ? true : false,
submeshIndex = submeshIndex,
renderer = renderer,
material = material,
gameObject = renderer.gameObject
// Don't log warning for forcefully added nonfeasible materials
if (!tempAdded.Contains(material))
Debug.LogWarning($"The material \"{}\" on GameObject \"{}\" has a Non Standard Shader \"{}\". The material won't be combined.");
bool hasTint = false;
if ((shaderName == "standard" || shaderName == "standard (specular setup)") && material.mainTexture == null && renderer.sharedMaterials.Length == 1)
hasTint = true;
Color albedoColor = material.color;
Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(1, 1);
texture.SetPixels(new Color[] { albedoColor });
material.mainTexture = texture;
MaterialEntity materialEntity = null;
Texture2D mainTexture = material.mainTexture as Texture2D;
if (mainTexture == null)
mainTexture = material.GetTexture("_MainTex") as Texture2D;
if (mainTexture != null)
materialEntity = GetMaterialEntityWithDiffuseMap(staticCombinationInfo, mainTexture);
if (materialEntity == null)
materialEntity = new MaterialEntity();
materialEntity.diffuseMap = material.mainTexture as Texture2D;
if (materialEntity.combinedMats == null)
materialEntity.combinedMats = new List<CombineMetaData>();
Mesh sharedMesh = meshFilter != null ? meshFilter.sharedMesh : skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh;
var materialProperties = new MaterialProperties();
materialProperties.FillPropertiesFromMaterial(material, staticCombinationInfo);
AddCombine(sharedMesh, materialProperties, materialEntity, staticCombinationInfo, meshFilter, meshRenderer, skinnedMeshRenderer);
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.diffuseMap, material, "_Diffuse");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.diffuseMap, material, "_Albedo");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.diffuseMap, material, "_DiffuseTex");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.diffuseMap, material, "_AlbedoTex");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.specularMap, material, "_SpecGlossMap");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.normalMap, material, "_BumpMap");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.normalMap, material, "_Bump");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.normalMap, material, "_NormalMap");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.normalMap, material, "_Normal");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.metallicMap, material, "_MetallicGlossMap");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.occlusionMap, material, "_OcclusionMap");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.occlusionMap, material, "_AO");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.occlusionMap, material, "_AOMap");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.heightMap, material, "_ParallaxMap");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.heightMap, material, "_HeightMap");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.heightMap, material, "_Height");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.detailAlbedoMap, material, "_DetailAlbedoMap");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.detailNormalMap, material, "_DetailNormalMap");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.detailMaskMap, material, "_DetailMask");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.emissionMap, material, "_EmissiveMap");
SetTextureFromMaterial(ref materialEntity.emissionMap, material, "_EmissionMap");
if (!hasTint && !materialEntity.HasAnyTextures())
// Might have submeshes
if (renderer.sharedMaterials.Length > 1)
NonfeasibleMaterial nfm = new NonfeasibleMaterial
isOnMeshRenderer = renderer is MeshRenderer ? true : false,
submeshIndex = submeshIndex,
renderer = renderer,
material = material,
gameObject = renderer.gameObject
Debug.LogWarning($"The material \"{}\" on GameObject \"{}\" has no textures. The material won't be combined.");
if (objectsMaterialLinks.ContainsKey(renderer.gameObject))
var entititesLinked = objectsMaterialLinks[renderer.gameObject];
var entititesLinked = new List<MaterialEntity>();
objectsMaterialLinks.Add(renderer.gameObject, entititesLinked);
//AddCombine(sharedMesh, materialProperties, materialEntity, staticCombinationInfo, meshFilter, meshRenderer, skinnedMeshRenderer);
for (int a = 0; a < staticCombinationInfo.materialEntities.Count; ++a)
var materialEntity = staticCombinationInfo.materialEntities[a];
if (!materialEntity.HasAnyTextures())
else { textureArraysToGenerate++; }
if (textureArraysToGenerate < 1)
string error = "Failed to combine materials. Not enough feasible materials to combine. You might want to check the \"Consider Children\" option to take nested children into account. If you are trying to combine materials that are not using StandardShaders, then this is not supported";
return null;
return objectsMaterialLinks;
public static bool CombineMaterials(GameObject[] gameObjectsList, string savePath, TextureArrayGroup textureArraysSettings, DiffuseColorSpace diffuseColorSpace, bool regardChildren, bool removeObjMatLinks, bool displayErrorBox, Action<string> OnError)
bool createdEmptyParentFolder = false;
List<Mesh> meshesChangedToReadible = new List<Mesh>();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath)) { savePath = UtilityServices.BATCHFEW_ASSETS_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH; }
string originalSavePath = savePath;
char last = savePath[savePath.Length - 1];
if (last == '/') { savePath = savePath.Remove(savePath.Length - 1, 1); }
if (last == '\\') { savePath = savePath.Remove(savePath.Length - 1, 1); }
if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(savePath))
last = savePath[savePath.Length - 1];
if (last == '/') { savePath = savePath.Remove(savePath.Length - 1, 1); }
if (last == '\\') { savePath = savePath.Remove(savePath.Length - 1, 1); }
// The folder at default path doesn't exist so create it
if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(savePath))
createdEmptyParentFolder = true;
string folderName = savePath.Substring(savePath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
string parentPath = savePath.Split(new string[] { "/" + folderName }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(parentPath, folderName);
AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(savePath, "BatchFew_CombinedStuff");
savePath += "/BatchFew_CombinedStuff";
// The folder at default path exists so create a unique sub folder
savePath += "/BatchFew_CombinedStuff";
savePath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath);
string folderName = savePath.Substring(savePath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
string parentPath = savePath.Split(new string[] { "/" + folderName }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(parentPath, folderName);
Debug.LogWarning($"The save path: \"{originalSavePath}\" is not valid or does not exist. A default path \"{savePath}\" will be used to save the combined assets.");
savePath += "/";
last = savePath[savePath.Length - 1];
if (last == '/') { savePath = savePath.Remove(savePath.Length - 1, 1); }
if (last == '\\') { savePath = savePath.Remove(savePath.Length - 1, 1); }
savePath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "/BatchFew_CombinedStuff");
string uniqueName = savePath.Substring(savePath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
string parentPath = savePath.Split(new string[] { "/" + uniqueName }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(parentPath, uniqueName);
savePath += "/";
#endregion FIX SAVE PATH
#region PRE CHECKS
if (gameObjectsList == null)
string error = $"Failed to combine materials. " + new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(gameObjectsList)).Message;
if (displayErrorBox)
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Operation Failed", error, "Ok");
if (savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets/") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets\\") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath)) { }
if (createdEmptyParentFolder) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(UtilityServices.BATCHFEW_ASSETS_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH); }
else { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(savePath); }
return false;
if (gameObjectsList.Length == 0)
string error = "Failed to combine materials. The provided GameObjects list is empty";
if (displayErrorBox)
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Operation Failed", error, "Ok");
if (savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets/") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets\\") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath)) { }
if (createdEmptyParentFolder) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(UtilityServices.BATCHFEW_ASSETS_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH); }
else { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(savePath); }
return false;
HashSet<Transform> allSelected = new HashSet<Transform>();
List<GameObject> feasibleSelections = new List<GameObject>();
if (regardChildren)
foreach (var selection in gameObjectsList)
if (selection != null) { allSelected.Add(selection.transform); }
for (int a = 0; a < gameObjectsList.Length; a++)
Transform selectedObject = gameObjectsList[a].transform;
Transform topSelectedParent = UtilityServices.GetTopLevelSelectedParent(selectedObject, allSelected);
if (!topSelectedParent.Equals(selectedObject))
gameObjectsList[a] = null;
foreach (var item in gameObjectsList)
if (item != null) { feasibleSelections.Add(item); }
if (feasibleSelections.Count == 0)
string error = $"Failed to combine materials. The provided GameObjects list is empty";
if (savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets/") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets\\") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath)) { }
if (createdEmptyParentFolder) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(UtilityServices.BATCHFEW_ASSETS_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH); }
else { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(savePath); }
return false;
#endregion PRE CHECKS
bool didFail = false;
var objectsMaterialLinks = InitializeFromGameObjects(feasibleSelections, textureArraysSettings, diffuseColorSpace, regardChildren, (string error) =>
if (displayErrorBox)
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Operation Failed", error, "Ok");
didFail = true;
if (didFail)
if (savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets/") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets\\") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath)) { }
if (createdEmptyParentFolder) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(UtilityServices.BATCHFEW_ASSETS_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH); }
else { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(savePath); }
return false;
CombiningInformation objectsData = staticCombinationInfo;
List<MaterialEntity> srcMatEntitites = objectsData.materialEntities;
if (objectsData == null || objectsData.materialEntities == null || objectsData.materialEntities.Count == 0)
string error = $"Failed to combine materials. Please check console for any clues.";
if (displayErrorBox)
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Operation Failed", error, "Ok");
if (savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets/") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets\\") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath)) { }
if (createdEmptyParentFolder) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(UtilityServices.BATCHFEW_ASSETS_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH); }
else { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(savePath); }
return false;
objectsData.combinedMaterials = null;
var settings = objectsData.textureArraysSettings;
#pragma warning disable
HashSet<string> meshNames = new HashSet<string>();
int textureArraysCount = srcMatEntitites.Count;
if (textureArraysCount < 1) { textureArraysCount = 1; }
bool diffuseHasAlpha = DiffuseMapHasAlpha(objectsData);
bool createNormalArr = objectsData.ShouldGenerateNormalArray();
bool createOcclusionArr = objectsData.ShouldGenerateOcclusionArray();
bool createMetalArr = objectsData.ShouldGenerateMetallicArray();
bool createDetailMaskArr = objectsData.ShouldGenerateDetailMaskArray();
bool createDetailAlbedoArr = objectsData.ShouldGenerateDetailAlbedoArray();
bool createDetailNormalArr = objectsData.ShouldGenerateDetailNormalArray();
bool createEmissionArr = objectsData.ShouldGenerateEmissionArray();
bool createHeightArr = objectsData.ShouldGenerateHeightArray();
bool createSpecularArr = objectsData.ShouldGenerateSpecularArray();
Texture2DArray diffuseArray = null;
Texture2DArray normalArray = null;
Texture2DArray metallicArray = null;
Texture2DArray occlusionArray = null;
Texture2DArray heightArray = null;
Texture2DArray emisArray = null;
Texture2DArray detailAlbedoArray = null;
Texture2DArray detailNormalArray = null;
Texture2DArray detailMaskArray = null;
Texture2DArray specularArray = null;
var s = settings.diffuseArraySettings;
var textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(s.compressionType, s.compressionQuality, diffuseHasAlpha);
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textureFormat))
throw new TextureFormatNotSupportedException($"The texture compression format \"{s.compressionType}\" chosen for the \"Albedo\" texture array is not supported on this platform. Please change it to a supported compression type and then continue.");
diffuseArray = AllocateArray(settings.diffuseArraySettings, textureArraysCount, objectsData.diffuseColorSpace, diffuseHasAlpha);
s = settings.normalArraySettings;
textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(s.compressionType, s.compressionQuality, true);
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textureFormat))
throw new TextureFormatNotSupportedException($"The texture compression format \"{s.compressionType}\" chosen for the \"Normal\" texture array is not supported on this platform. Please change it to a supported compression type and then continue.");
normalArray = createNormalArr ? AllocateArray(settings.normalArraySettings, textureArraysCount, DiffuseColorSpace.LINEAR, true) : null;
s = settings.metallicArraySettings;
textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(s.compressionType, s.compressionQuality, true);
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textureFormat))
throw new TextureFormatNotSupportedException($"The texture compression format \"{s.compressionType}\" chosen for the \"Metallic\" texture array is not supported on this platform. Please change it to a supported compression type and then continue.");
metallicArray = createMetalArr ? AllocateArray(settings.metallicArraySettings, textureArraysCount, DiffuseColorSpace.LINEAR, true) : null;
s = settings.occlusionArraySettings;
textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(s.compressionType, s.compressionQuality, false);
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textureFormat))
throw new TextureFormatNotSupportedException($"The texture compression format \"{s.compressionType}\" chosen for the \"Occlusion\" texture array is not supported on this platform. Please change it to a supported compression type and then continue.");
occlusionArray = createOcclusionArr ? AllocateArray(settings.occlusionArraySettings, textureArraysCount, DiffuseColorSpace.LINEAR, false) : null;
s = settings.heightArraySettings;
textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(s.compressionType, s.compressionQuality, false);
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textureFormat))
throw new TextureFormatNotSupportedException($"The texture compression format \"{s.compressionType}\" chosen for the \"Height\" texture array is not supported on this platform. Please change it to a supported compression type and then continue.");
heightArray = createHeightArr ? AllocateArray(settings.heightArraySettings, textureArraysCount, DiffuseColorSpace.LINEAR, false) : null;
s = settings.emissiveArraySettings;
textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(s.compressionType, s.compressionQuality, false);
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textureFormat))
throw new TextureFormatNotSupportedException($"The texture compression format \"{s.compressionType}\" chosen for the \"Emission\" texture array is not supported on this platform. Please change it to a supported compression type and then continue.");
emisArray = createEmissionArr ? AllocateArray(settings.emissiveArraySettings, textureArraysCount, objectsData.diffuseColorSpace, false) : null;
s = settings.detailAlbedoArraySettings;
textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(s.compressionType, s.compressionQuality, false);
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textureFormat))
throw new TextureFormatNotSupportedException($"The texture compression format \"{s.compressionType}\" chosen for the \"Detail Albedo\" texture array is not supported on this platform. Please change it to a supported compression type and then continue.");
detailAlbedoArray = createDetailAlbedoArr ? AllocateArray(settings.detailAlbedoArraySettings, textureArraysCount, objectsData.diffuseColorSpace, false) : null;
s = settings.detailNormalArraySettings;
textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(s.compressionType, s.compressionQuality, true);
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textureFormat))
throw new TextureFormatNotSupportedException($"The texture compression format \"{s.compressionType}\" chosen for the \"Detail Normal\" texture array is not supported on this platform. Please change it to a supported compression type and then continue.");
detailNormalArray = createDetailNormalArr ? AllocateArray(settings.detailNormalArraySettings, textureArraysCount, DiffuseColorSpace.LINEAR, true) : null;
s = settings.detailMaskArraySettings;
textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(s.compressionType, s.compressionQuality, false);
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textureFormat))
throw new TextureFormatNotSupportedException($"The texture compression format \"{s.compressionType}\" chosen for the \"Detail Mask\" texture array is not supported on this platform. Please change it to a supported compression type and then continue.");
detailMaskArray = createDetailMaskArr ? AllocateArray(settings.detailMaskArraySettings, textureArraysCount, DiffuseColorSpace.LINEAR, false) : null;
s = settings.specularArraySettings;
textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(s.compressionType, s.compressionQuality, true);
if (!SystemInfo.SupportsTextureFormat(textureFormat))
throw new TextureFormatNotSupportedException($"The texture compression format \"{s.compressionType}\" chosen for the \"Specular\" texture array is not supported on this platform. Please change it to a supported compression type and then continue.");
specularArray = createSpecularArr ? AllocateArray(settings.specularArraySettings, textureArraysCount, DiffuseColorSpace.LINEAR, true) : null;
Texture2D blankBump = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true, true);
blankBump.SetPixel(0, 0, new Color(0, 0.5f, 0, 0.5f));
Texture2D blankGrey = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, true, true);
blankBump.SetPixel(0, 0, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f));
Texture2D attrImg = MaterialProperties.NewTexture();
bool isSpecularShader = false;
for (int a = 0; a < srcMatEntitites.Count; ++a)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Preparing Source Materials {a + 1}/{srcMatEntitites.Count}", (float)(a + 1) / srcMatEntitites.Count);
MaterialEntity arrayToGenerate = srcMatEntitites[a];
Texture2D diffuse = arrayToGenerate.diffuseMap;
if (diffuse == null)
diffuse = Texture2D.whiteTexture;
Texture2D diffuseTexture = GetResizedTexture(arrayToGenerate.diffuseMap != null ? arrayToGenerate.diffuseMap : Texture2D.whiteTexture, settings.diffuseArraySettings.resolution, false);
Texture2D normalTexture = GetResizedTexture(arrayToGenerate.normalMap != null ? arrayToGenerate.normalMap : blankBump, settings.normalArraySettings.resolution, true);
Texture2D metallicTexture = GetResizedTexture(arrayToGenerate.metallicMap != null ? arrayToGenerate.metallicMap : Texture2D.blackTexture, settings.metallicArraySettings.resolution, true);
Texture2D occlusionTexture = GetResizedTexture(arrayToGenerate.occlusionMap != null ? arrayToGenerate.occlusionMap : Texture2D.whiteTexture, settings.occlusionArraySettings.resolution, true);
Texture2D heightTexture = GetResizedTexture(arrayToGenerate.heightMap != null ? arrayToGenerate.heightMap : Texture2D.blackTexture, settings.heightArraySettings.resolution, true);
Texture2D emissionTexture = GetResizedTexture(arrayToGenerate.emissionMap != null ? arrayToGenerate.emissionMap : Texture2D.blackTexture, settings.emissiveArraySettings.resolution, false);
Texture2D detailAlbedoTexture = GetResizedTexture(arrayToGenerate.detailAlbedoMap != null ? arrayToGenerate.detailAlbedoMap : blankGrey, settings.detailAlbedoArraySettings.resolution, false);
Texture2D detailNormalTexture = GetResizedTexture(arrayToGenerate.detailNormalMap != null ? arrayToGenerate.detailNormalMap : blankBump, settings.detailNormalArraySettings.resolution, true);
Texture2D detailMaskTexture = GetResizedTexture(arrayToGenerate.detailMaskMap != null ? arrayToGenerate.detailMaskMap : Texture2D.whiteTexture, settings.detailMaskArraySettings.resolution, true);
Texture2D specularTexture = GetResizedTexture(arrayToGenerate.specularMap != null ? arrayToGenerate.specularMap : Texture2D.blackTexture, settings.specularArraySettings.resolution, false);
CompressTexture(diffuseTexture, settings.diffuseArraySettings, diffuseHasAlpha);
CompressTexture(normalTexture, settings.normalArraySettings, true);
CompressTexture(metallicTexture, settings.metallicArraySettings, true);
CompressTexture(occlusionTexture, settings.occlusionArraySettings, false);
CompressTexture(heightTexture, settings.heightArraySettings, false);
CompressTexture(emissionTexture, settings.emissiveArraySettings, false);
CompressTexture(detailAlbedoTexture, settings.detailAlbedoArraySettings, false);
CompressTexture(detailNormalTexture, settings.detailNormalArraySettings, true);
CompressTexture(detailMaskTexture, settings.detailMaskArraySettings, false);
CompressTexture(specularTexture, settings.specularArraySettings, true);
WriteTextureToTextureArray(diffuseTexture, diffuseArray, a, SizeToMipCount(settings.diffuseArraySettings));
WriteTextureToTextureArray(normalTexture, normalArray, a, SizeToMipCount(settings.normalArraySettings));
WriteTextureToTextureArray(metallicTexture, metallicArray, a, SizeToMipCount(settings.metallicArraySettings));
WriteTextureToTextureArray(occlusionTexture, occlusionArray, a, SizeToMipCount(settings.occlusionArraySettings));
WriteTextureToTextureArray(heightTexture, heightArray, a, SizeToMipCount(settings.heightArraySettings));
WriteTextureToTextureArray(emissionTexture, emisArray, a, SizeToMipCount(settings.emissiveArraySettings));
WriteTextureToTextureArray(detailAlbedoTexture, detailAlbedoArray, a, SizeToMipCount(settings.detailAlbedoArraySettings));
WriteTextureToTextureArray(detailNormalTexture, detailNormalArray, a, SizeToMipCount(settings.detailNormalArraySettings));
WriteTextureToTextureArray(detailMaskTexture, detailMaskArray, a, SizeToMipCount(settings.detailMaskArraySettings));
WriteTextureToTextureArray(specularTexture, specularArray, a, SizeToMipCount(settings.specularArraySettings));
if (diffuseTexture != null) { DestroyImmediate(diffuseTexture); }
if (normalTexture != null) { DestroyImmediate(normalTexture); }
if (metallicTexture != null) { DestroyImmediate(metallicTexture); }
if (occlusionTexture != null) { DestroyImmediate(occlusionTexture); }
if (emissionTexture != null) { DestroyImmediate(emissionTexture); }
if (detailAlbedoTexture != null) { DestroyImmediate(detailAlbedoTexture); }
if (detailNormalTexture != null) { DestroyImmediate(detailNormalTexture); }
if (detailMaskTexture != null) { DestroyImmediate(detailMaskTexture); }
if (specularTexture != null) { DestroyImmediate(specularTexture); }
foreach (var comb in arrayToGenerate.combinedMats)
foreach (var meshData in comb.meshesData)
Mesh sourceMesh = null;
Material[] sourceMaterials = null;
Matrix4x4 sourceMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
if (meshData.meshFilters[0] != null && meshData.meshRenderers[0] != null)
sourceMesh = meshData.meshFilters[0].sharedMesh;
sourceMaterials = meshData.meshRenderers[0].sharedMaterials;
sourceMatrix = meshData.meshFilters[0].gameObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
if (meshData.skinnedMeshRenderers[0] != null)
sourceMesh = meshData.skinnedMeshRenderers[0].sharedMesh;
sourceMaterials = meshData.skinnedMeshRenderers[0].sharedMaterials;
sourceMatrix = meshData.skinnedMeshRenderers[0].gameObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
//sourceMatrix = meshData.skinnedMeshRenderers[0].rootBone.worldToLocalMatrix * meshData.skinnedMeshRenderers[0].gameObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
if (sourceMaterials == null) { continue; }
for (int b = 0; b < sourceMaterials.Length; ++b)
Material material = sourceMaterials[b];
if (material == null)
sourceMaterials[b] = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard"));
if (material.shader != null && == "standard (specular setup)")
isSpecularShader = true;
#pragma warning disable
Mesh[] outputMeshes = new Mesh[sourceMesh.subMeshCount];
Matrix4x4[] outputMatrix = new Matrix4x4[sourceMesh.subMeshCount];
if (!sourceMesh.isReadable)
UtilityServices.ChangeMeshReadability(sourceMesh, true, false);
if (sourceMesh.isReadable)
Mesh toSave = Instantiate(sourceMesh);
Color[] stamped = sourceMesh.colors.Length == 0 ? new Color[sourceMesh.vertexCount] : sourceMesh.colors;
//for (int c = 0; c < sourceMesh.subMeshCount; ++c)
for (int c = 0; c < sourceMaterials.Length; ++c)
var vertIndices = GetSubmeshVerts(sourceMesh, c, meshData.skinnedMeshRenderers[0]);
outputMatrix[c] = sourceMatrix;
int textureArrayIndex = FindTexArrIndexForMaterial(sourceMaterials[c], objectsData);
int attrImgIndex = FindAttrImgIndex(sourceMaterials[c], objectsData);
foreach (int index in vertIndices)
Color color = stamped[index];
color.r = attrImgIndex / 255.0f;
color.g = 1;
color.b = 1;
color.a = textureArrayIndex / 255.0f;
stamped[index] = color;
foreach (var link in objectsMaterialLinks)
List<MaterialEntity> materialEntitiesLinked = link.Value;
foreach (var materialEntity in materialEntitiesLinked)
if (materialEntity.GetHashCode() == arrayToGenerate.GetHashCode())
foreach (var comMats in materialEntity.combinedMats)
if (sourceMaterials[c] == null) { continue; }
if (comMats.material.GetHashCode() == sourceMaterials[c].GetHashCode())
comMats.materialProperties.matIndex = attrImgIndex;
comMats.materialProperties.texArrIndex = a;
comb.materialProperties.BurnAttrToImg(ref attrImg, attrImgIndex, a);
} =;
toSave.colors = stamped;
meshData.outputMeshes = new Mesh[] { toSave };
meshData.outputMatrices = new Matrix4x4[] { sourceMatrix };
int totalTexArray = 0;
if (diffuseArray != null) { totalTexArray++; }
if (normalArray != null) { totalTexArray++; }
if (metallicArray != null) { totalTexArray++; }
if (heightArray != null) { totalTexArray++; }
if (occlusionArray != null) { totalTexArray++; }
if (emisArray != null) { totalTexArray++; }
if (detailAlbedoArray != null) { totalTexArray++; }
if (detailNormalArray != null) { totalTexArray++; }
if (detailMaskArray != null) { totalTexArray++; }
if (specularArray != null) { totalTexArray++; }
int counter = 1;
if (diffuseArray != null)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Writing Texture Arrays To Disk {counter}/{totalTexArray}", (float)(1) / totalTexArray);
string path = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "DiffuseMapsTextureArray.asset");
WriteTextureArrayToDisk(ref diffuseArray, path);
if (normalArray != null)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Writing Texture Arrays To Disk {counter}/{totalTexArray}", (float)(2) / totalTexArray);
path = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "NormalMapsTextureArray.asset");
WriteTextureArrayToDisk(ref normalArray, path);
if (metallicArray != null)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Writing Texture Arrays To Disk {counter}/{totalTexArray}", (float)(3) / totalTexArray);
path = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "MetallicMapsTextureArray.asset");
WriteTextureArrayToDisk(ref metallicArray, path);
if (heightArray != null)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Writing Texture Arrays To Disk {counter}/{totalTexArray}", (float)(4) / totalTexArray);
path = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "HeightMapsTextureArray.asset");
WriteTextureArrayToDisk(ref heightArray, path);
if (occlusionArray != null)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Writing Texture Arrays To Disk {counter}/{totalTexArray}", (float)(5) / totalTexArray);
path = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "OcclusionMapsTextureArray.asset");
WriteTextureArrayToDisk(ref occlusionArray, path);
if (emisArray != null)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Writing Texture Arrays To Disk {counter}/{totalTexArray}", (float)(6) / totalTexArray);
path = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "EmissionMapsTextureArray.asset");
WriteTextureArrayToDisk(ref emisArray, path);
if (detailAlbedoArray != null)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Writing Texture Arrays To Disk {counter}/{totalTexArray}", (float)(7) / totalTexArray);
path = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "DetailAlbedoMapsTextureArray.asset");
WriteTextureArrayToDisk(ref detailAlbedoArray, path);
if (detailNormalArray != null)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Writing Texture Arrays To Disk {counter}/{totalTexArray}", (float)(8) / totalTexArray);
path = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "DetailNormalMapsTextureArray.asset");
WriteTextureArrayToDisk(ref detailNormalArray, path);
if (detailMaskArray != null)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Writing Texture Arrays To Disk {counter}/{totalTexArray}", (float)(9) / totalTexArray);
path = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "DetailMaskMapsTextureArray.asset");
WriteTextureArrayToDisk(ref detailMaskArray, path);
if (specularArray != null)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Writing Texture Arrays To Disk {counter}/{totalTexArray}", (float)(10) / totalTexArray);
path = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "SpecularMapsTextureArray.asset");
WriteTextureArrayToDisk(ref specularArray, path);
List<CombineKey> generatedMeshes = new List<CombineKey>();
if (attrImg != null)
string attrImgPath = savePath + "_MatAttributes.atim";
AttributesImage.BurnToAttributesImg(attrImg, attrImgPath);
attrImg = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>(attrImgPath);
Material[] generatedMaterials = GenerateMaterials(objectsData, isSpecularShader, savePath);
HashSet<Material> usedMaterials = new HashSet<Material>();
foreach (var material in generatedMaterials)
material.SetFloat("_PackingMode", 0);
material.SetTexture("_MainTex", diffuseArray);
material.SetTexture("_BumpMap", normalArray);
if (metallicArray == null && specularArray != null)
material.SetTexture("_SpecGlossMap", specularArray);
material.SetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap", metallicArray);
material.SetTexture("_AttrImg", attrImg);
material.SetTexture("_ParallaxMap", heightArray);
material.SetTexture("_OcclusionMap", occlusionArray);
material.SetTexture("_EmissionMap", emisArray);
material.SetTexture("_DetailAlbedoMap", detailAlbedoArray);
material.SetTexture("_DetailNormalMap", detailNormalArray);
material.SetTexture("_DetailMaskMap", detailMaskArray);
objectsData.combinedMaterials = generatedMaterials;
string meshPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(savePath + "TextureIndexed_Meshes");
string uniqueN = meshPath.Substring(meshPath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
string parentP = meshPath.Split(new string[] { "/" + uniqueN }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(parentP, uniqueN);
meshPath += "/";
int totalCount = 0;
int completed = 0;
List<CombineKey> tempGenMeshes = new List<CombineKey>();
foreach (var textureArray in objectsData.materialEntities)
foreach (var comb in textureArray.combinedMats)
foreach (var meshData in comb.meshesData)
for (int a = 0; a < meshData.meshFilters.Count; ++a)
MeshFilter meshFilter = meshData.meshFilters[a];
MeshRenderer meshRenderer = meshData.meshRenderers[a];
SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer = meshData.skinnedMeshRenderers[a];
Mesh sharedMesh = null;
if (meshFilter != null)
sharedMesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
if (skinnedMeshRenderer != null)
sharedMesh = skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh;
var finalMesh = new Mesh();
Mesh previous = GetPreviouslyCombined(sharedMesh, meshData.originalMaterials, tempGenMeshes);
if (previous != null) { finalMesh = previous; }
CombineKey combineKey = new CombineKey();
combineKey.mesh = sharedMesh;
combineKey.materials = meshData.originalMaterials;
combineKey.finalMesh = finalMesh;
combineKey.targetFilter = meshFilter;
combineKey.targetSkin = skinnedMeshRenderer;
if (previous == null)
foreach (var textureArray in objectsData.materialEntities)
foreach (var comb in textureArray.combinedMats)
foreach (var meshData in comb.meshesData)
for (int a = 0; a < meshData.meshFilters.Count; ++a)
MeshFilter meshFilter = meshData.meshFilters[a];
MeshRenderer meshRenderer = meshData.meshRenderers[a];
SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer = meshData.skinnedMeshRenderers[a];
Mesh sharedMesh = null;
if (meshFilter != null)
sharedMesh = meshFilter.sharedMesh;
if (skinnedMeshRenderer != null)
sharedMesh = skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMesh;
Material[] combinedMaterials = null;
Material[] sourceMaterials = null;
int length = 0;
if (meshRenderer != null)
Material usedMat = objectsData.combinedMaterials[comb.materialProperties.alphaMode];
meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = usedMat;
length = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials.Length;
sourceMaterials = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials;
if (skinnedMeshRenderer != null)
Material usedMat = objectsData.combinedMaterials[comb.materialProperties.alphaMode];
skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMaterial = usedMat;
length = skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMaterials.Length;
sourceMaterials = skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMaterials;
combinedMaterials = new Material[length];
for (int b = 0; b < length; ++b)
Material usedMat = objectsData.combinedMaterials[comb.materialProperties.alphaMode];
combinedMaterials[b] = usedMat;
bool canCombine = CanCombineMaterials(meshData.originalMaterials);
canCombine = false;
if (canCombine && combinedMaterials.Length > 0)
combinedMaterials = new Material[1] { combinedMaterials[0] };
if (meshRenderer != null)
meshRenderer.sharedMaterials = combinedMaterials;
if (skinnedMeshRenderer != null)
skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMaterials = combinedMaterials;
Mesh[] outputMeshes = meshData.outputMeshes;
Matrix4x4[] outputMatrix = meshData.outputMatrices;
CombineInstance[] combines = new CombineInstance[outputMeshes.Length];
for (int c = 0; c < outputMeshes.Length; ++c)
combines[c].mesh = outputMeshes[c];
combines[c].transform = outputMatrix[c];
var finalMesh = new Mesh();
if (outputMeshes != null && outputMeshes.Length > 0 && outputMeshes[0] != null)
{ = outputMeshes[0].name;
int totalVerticesCount = 0;
foreach (var c in combines)
totalVerticesCount += c.mesh.vertexCount;
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
if (totalVerticesCount > 64000)
finalMesh.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32;
//finalMesh.CombineMeshes(combines, canCombine, false);
//finalMesh.CombineMeshes(combines, canCombine, true);
finalMesh = outputMeshes[0];
Mesh previous = GetPreviouslyCombined(sharedMesh, meshData.originalMaterials, generatedMeshes);
if (previous != null) { finalMesh = previous; }
CombineKey combineKey = new CombineKey();
combineKey.mesh = sharedMesh;
combineKey.finalMesh = finalMesh;
combineKey.materials = meshData.originalMaterials;
combineKey.targetFilter = meshFilter;
combineKey.targetSkin = skinnedMeshRenderer;
if (previous == null)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Writing modified meshes to disk {completed}/{totalCount}", (float)(completed) / (totalCount));
string meshName = UtilityServices.MakeNameSafe( + "_TexIndexed.mesh";
string saveP = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(meshPath + meshName);
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(finalMesh, saveP);
finalMesh = previous;
foreach (var mat in combinedMaterials)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Finishing up {0}/{1}", (float)(0) / (1));
foreach (var mesh in generatedMeshes)
if (mesh.targetFilter != null)
mesh.targetFilter.sharedMesh = mesh.finalMesh;
if (mesh.targetSkin != null)
mesh.targetSkin.sharedMesh = mesh.finalMesh;
//Delete Unused materials
foreach (Material material in objectsData.combinedMaterials)
if (!usedMaterials.Contains(material))
// Add material info to objects
foreach (var link in objectsMaterialLinks)
GameObject gameObject = link.Key;
List<MaterialEntity> materialEntitiesLinked = link.Value;
ObjectMaterialLinks objMaterialLinks = gameObject.GetComponent<ObjectMaterialLinks>();
if (objMaterialLinks != null) { DestroyImmediate(objMaterialLinks); }
if (!removeObjMatLinks)
objMaterialLinks = gameObject.AddComponent<ObjectMaterialLinks>();
objMaterialLinks.linkedMaterialEntities = materialEntitiesLinked;
objMaterialLinks.linkedAttrImg = attrImg;
objMaterialLinks.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector;
string attrImgPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(attrImg);
foreach (var matEntity in materialEntitiesLinked)
foreach (var combMat in matEntity.combinedMats)
MaterialProperties props = combMat.materialProperties;
props.BurnAttrToImg(ref attrImg, props.matIndex, props.texArrIndex);
//Debug.Log($"GameObject {} is linked to Material: {}");
AttributesImage.BurnToAttributesImg(attrImg, attrImgPath);
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Combining Materials", $"Finishing up {1}/{1}", (float)(1) / (1));
// Restore Nonfeasible Materials to initial state
// Bug in some newer versions of Unity doesn't load generated materials unless they are selected
// This can cause objects to look different
generatedMaterials = new Material[usedMaterials.Count];
if (generatedMaterials != null)
//for (int a = 0; a < generatedMaterials.Length; a++)
// var item = generatedMaterials[a];
// if (item == null) { continue; }
// Selection.activeObject = item;
//for (int a = generatedMaterials.Length - 1; a > -1; a--)
// var item = generatedMaterials[a];
// if (item == null) { continue; }
// Selection.activeObject = item;
Selection.objects = generatedMaterials;
// Change back the meshes readibility State
foreach (var mesh in meshesChangedToReadible)
Debug.LogWarning($"Mesh \"{}\" was not readible so we marked it readible for the mesh combining process to complete and changed it back to non-readible after completion. This process can slow down LOD generation. You may want to mark this mesh Read/Write enabled in the model import settings, so that next time LOD generation on this model can be faster.");
UtilityServices.ChangeMeshReadability(mesh, false, false);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
// Change back the meshes readibility State
foreach (var mesh in meshesChangedToReadible)
UtilityServices.ChangeMeshReadability(mesh, false, false);
if (savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets/") || savePath.ToLower().Equals("assets\\") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(savePath)) { }
if (createdEmptyParentFolder) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(UtilityServices.BATCHFEW_ASSETS_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH); }
else { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(savePath); }
throw ex;
#region HELPERS
private static MaterialEntity GetMaterialEntityWithDiffuseMap(CombiningInformation combineInfo, Texture2D diffuseMap)
foreach (MaterialEntity materialEntity in combineInfo.materialEntities)
if (materialEntity.diffuseMap == diffuseMap)
return materialEntity;
return null;
private static void AddCombine(Mesh sharedMesh, MaterialProperties materialProperties, MaterialEntity materialEntity, CombiningInformation combineInfo, MeshFilter meshFilter, MeshRenderer meshRenderer, SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer)
var comb = FindCombine(materialProperties.originalMaterial, materialEntity);
if (comb == null)
comb = new CombineMetaData
material = materialProperties.originalMaterial,
materialProperties = materialProperties,
meshesData = new List<MeshData>()
var meshData = FindMeshDataForMesh(comb, sharedMesh);
if (meshData == null)
meshData = new CombiningInformation.MeshData();
meshData.meshFilters = new List<MeshFilter>();
meshData.meshRenderers = new List<MeshRenderer>();
meshData.skinnedMeshRenderers = new List<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
if (meshRenderer != null)
meshData.originalMaterials = (Material[])meshRenderer.sharedMaterials.Clone();
if (skinnedMeshRenderer != null)
meshData.originalMaterials = (Material[])skinnedMeshRenderer.sharedMaterials.Clone();
private static void SetTextureFromMaterial(ref Texture2D texture, Material material, string texturePropertyName)
if (texture == null && material.HasProperty(texturePropertyName))
texture = material.GetTexture(texturePropertyName) as Texture2D;
private static CombineMetaData FindCombine(Material material, CombiningInformation.MaterialEntity textureArray)
foreach (var comb in textureArray.combinedMats)
if (comb.material == material)
return comb;
return null;
private static CombiningInformation.MeshData FindMeshDataForMesh(CombiningInformation.CombineMetaData comb, Mesh originalMesh)
foreach (var meshdata in comb.meshesData)
foreach (MeshFilter meshFilter in meshdata.meshFilters)
if (meshFilter != null && meshFilter.sharedMesh == originalMesh) { return meshdata; }
foreach (var skinnedRenderer in meshdata.skinnedMeshRenderers)
if (skinnedRenderer != null && skinnedRenderer.sharedMesh == originalMesh) { return meshdata; }
return null;
public static bool DiffuseMapHasAlpha(CombiningInformation combineInfo)
foreach (var textureArray in combineInfo.materialEntities)
if (textureArray.diffuseMap == null) { continue; }
TextureImporter importer = (TextureImporter)(AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(textureArray.diffuseMap)));
if (importer != null && importer.DoesSourceTextureHaveAlpha()) { return true; }
return false;
public static Texture2DArray AllocateArray(TextureArrayUserSettings arraySettings, int texturesCount, DiffuseColorSpace diffuseColorSpace, bool hasAlphaChannel)
int width = arraySettings.resolution.width;
int height = arraySettings.resolution.height;
var textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(arraySettings.compressionType, arraySettings.compressionQuality, hasAlphaChannel);
bool isLinearColorSpace = diffuseColorSpace == DiffuseColorSpace.NON_LINEAR ? false : true;
Texture2DArray array = new Texture2DArray(width, height, texturesCount, textureFormat, true, isLinearColorSpace);
array.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;
array.filterMode = arraySettings.filteringMode;
array.anisoLevel = arraySettings.anisotropicFilteringLevel;
return array;
public static TextureFormat GetTextureFormat(CombiningInformation.CompressionType cmp, CombiningInformation.CompressionQuality quality, bool hasAlphaChannel)
if (hasAlphaChannel)
if (cmp == CombiningInformation.CompressionType.ETC2_RGB)
return TextureFormat.ETC2_RGBA8;
else if (cmp == CombiningInformation.CompressionType.PVRTC_RGB4)
return TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGBA4;
else if (cmp == CombiningInformation.CompressionType.ASTC_RGB)
if (quality == CombiningInformation.CompressionQuality.HIGH)
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
return TextureFormat.ASTC_4x4;
return TextureFormat.ASTC_RGBA_4x4;
else if (quality == CombiningInformation.CompressionQuality.MEDIUM)
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
return TextureFormat.ASTC_8x8;
return TextureFormat.ASTC_RGBA_8x8;
//Compression quality Low
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
return TextureFormat.ASTC_12x12;
return TextureFormat.ASTC_RGBA_12x12;
else if (cmp == CombiningInformation.CompressionType.DXT1)
return TextureFormat.DXT5;
//else if (cmp == CombiningInformation.CompressionType.DXT1_CRUNCHED)
//return TextureFormat.DXT5Crunched;
return TextureFormat.ARGB32;
if (cmp == CombiningInformation.CompressionType.ETC2_RGB)
return TextureFormat.ETC2_RGB;
else if (cmp == CombiningInformation.CompressionType.PVRTC_RGB4)
return TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGB4;
else if (cmp == CombiningInformation.CompressionType.ASTC_RGB)
if (quality == CombiningInformation.CompressionQuality.HIGH)
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
return TextureFormat.ASTC_4x4;
return TextureFormat.ASTC_RGBA_4x4;
else if (quality == CombiningInformation.CompressionQuality.MEDIUM)
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
return TextureFormat.ASTC_8x8;
return TextureFormat.ASTC_RGBA_8x8;
//Compression quality Low
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
return TextureFormat.ASTC_12x12;
return TextureFormat.ASTC_RGBA_12x12;
else if (cmp == CombiningInformation.CompressionType.DXT1)
return TextureFormat.DXT1;
//else if (cmp == CombiningInformation.CompressionType.DXT1_CRUNCHED)
//return TextureFormat.DXT1Crunched;
return TextureFormat.RGB24;
public static bool IsAlphaCompressed(Texture2DArray textureArray)
var format = textureArray.format;
if (format == TextureFormat.ETC2_RGBA8) { return true; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGBA4) { return true; }
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
else if (format == TextureFormat.ASTC_4x4) { return true; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.ASTC_RGB_4x4) { return true; }
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
else if (format == TextureFormat.ASTC_8x8) { return true; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.ASTC_RGB_8x8) { return true; }
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
else if (format == TextureFormat.ASTC_12x12) { return true; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.ASTC_RGB_12x12) { return true; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.DXT5) { return true; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.DXT5Crunched) { return true; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.ARGB32) { return true; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.ETC2_RGB) { return false; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGB4) { return false; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.ASTC_RGB_4x4) { return false; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.ASTC_RGB_8x8) { return false; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.ASTC_RGB_12x12) { return false; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.DXT1Crunched) { return false; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.RGB24) { return false; }
else if (format == TextureFormat.DXT1) { return false; }
else { return true; }
public static Texture2D GetResizedTexture(Texture2D toResize, CombiningInformation.Resolution newSize, bool hasNonColorData)
RenderTexture renderTexture = new RenderTexture(newSize.width, newSize.height, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, hasNonColorData ? RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear : RenderTextureReadWrite.sRGB);
GL.sRGBWrite = (QualitySettings.activeColorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear) && !hasNonColorData;
Graphics.Blit(toResize, renderTexture);
GL.sRGBWrite = false;
if (renderTexture.width > 0 && renderTexture.height > 0) { = renderTexture; }
Texture2D resized = new Texture2D(newSize.width, newSize.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true, hasNonColorData);
resized.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height), 0, 0);
resized.Apply(true); = null;
return resized;
private static void CopyColorChannelFromSrcToDst(Texture2D srcTexture, Texture2D destTexture, int srcChannel, int destChannel)
if (srcTexture.width != destTexture.width || srcTexture.height != destTexture.height)
Debug.LogError("Failed to copy color channel, textures are of different resolution.");
Color[] srcColors = srcTexture.GetPixels();
Color[] destColors = destTexture.GetPixels();
for (int a = 0; a < srcColors.Length; ++a)
Color pixel = destColors[a];
pixel[destChannel] = srcColors[a][destChannel];
destColors[a] = pixel;
public static void CompressTexture(Texture2D toCompress, TextureArrayUserSettings arraySettings, bool hasAlphaChannel)
if (toCompress == null) { return; }
TextureFormat textureFormat = GetTextureFormat(arraySettings.compressionType, arraySettings.compressionQuality, hasAlphaChannel);
EditorUtility.CompressTexture(toCompress, textureFormat, 50);
public static void WriteTextureToTextureArray(Texture2D toWrite, Texture2DArray dstTextureArray, int index, int mipCount)
if (toWrite == null || dstTextureArray == null) { return; }
if (toWrite.width != dstTextureArray.width || toWrite.height != dstTextureArray.height)
Debug.LogError("Cannot copy Texture to Texture Array. Resolution mismatch");
if (toWrite.format != dstTextureArray.format)
Debug.LogError("Cannot copy Texture to Texture Array. Format Mismatch " + toWrite.format + " != " + dstTextureArray.format);
for (int mip = 0; mip < mipCount; ++mip)
Graphics.CopyTexture(toWrite, 0, mip, dstTextureArray, index, mip);
public static int SizeToMipCount(TextureArrayUserSettings arrayProperties)
int textureWidth = arrayProperties.resolution.width;
int textureHeight = arrayProperties.resolution.height;
int size = textureWidth;
if (textureWidth > textureHeight) { size = textureHeight; }
int mips = 11;
if (size == 4096) { mips = 13; }
else if (size == 2048) { mips = 12; }
else if (size == 1024) { mips = 11; }
else if (size == 512) { mips = 10; }
else if (size == 256) { mips = 9; }
else if (size == 128) { mips = 8; }
else if (size == 64) { mips = 7; }
else if (size == 32) { mips = 6; }
return mips;
private static int FindTexArrIndexForMaterial(Material material, CombiningInformation combineInfo)
int a = 0;
foreach (var textureArray in combineInfo.materialEntities)
if (material.HasProperty("_MainTex"))
if (textureArray.diffuseMap == material.GetTexture("_MainTex") as Texture2D)
return a;
return 0;
private static int FindAttrImgIndex(Material currentMaterial, CombiningInformation combineInfo)
int a = 0;
MaterialProperties materialProperties = new MaterialProperties();
materialProperties.FillPropertiesFromMaterial(currentMaterial, combineInfo);
foreach (var textureArray in combineInfo.materialEntities)
if (currentMaterial.HasProperty("_MainTex"))
if (textureArray.diffuseMap == currentMaterial.GetTexture("_MainTex") as Texture2D)
foreach (var comb in textureArray.combinedMats)
if (comb.materialProperties.IsSameAs(materialProperties))
return a;
a += textureArray.combinedMats.Count;
return 0;
private static void WriteTextureArrayToDisk(ref Texture2DArray textureArray, string path)
if (textureArray == null) { return; }
textureArray.Apply(false, false);
Texture2DArray existing = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2DArray>(path);
if (existing != null)
EditorUtility.CopySerialized(textureArray, existing);
textureArray = existing;
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(textureArray, path);
private static Material[] GenerateMaterials(CombiningInformation combineInfo, bool isSpecularWorkflow, string savePath)
Material[] generatedMaterials = new Material[4];
string[] materialPaths = new string[4];
// Generate only for Opaque blend mode
for (int a = 0; a < 4; ++a)
materialPaths[a] = GetMaterialsPath(combineInfo, a, savePath);
var mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Material>(materialPaths[a]);
if (mat == null)
if (isSpecularWorkflow)
mat = new Material(Shader.Find("BatchFewStandardSpecular"));
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, materialPaths[a]);
mat.SetFloat("_Mode", a);
mat = new Material(Shader.Find("BatchFewStandard"));
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, materialPaths[a]);
if (isSpecularWorkflow)
mat.shader = Shader.Find("BatchFewStandardSpecular");
mat.shader = Shader.Find("BatchFewStandard");
mat.SetFloat("_Mode", (float)a);
generatedMaterials[a] = mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Material>(materialPaths[a]);
return generatedMaterials;
private static string GetMaterialsPath(CombiningInformation combineInfo, int alphaMode, string basePath)
if (alphaMode == 0) { basePath += "CombineMaterial_OpaqueMode.mat"; }
if (alphaMode == 1) { basePath += "CombineMaterial_CutoutMode.mat"; }
else if (alphaMode == 2) { basePath += "CombineMaterial_FadeMode.mat"; }
else if (alphaMode == 3) { basePath += "CombineMaterial_TransparentMode.mat"; }
return AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(basePath);
private static bool CanCombineMaterials(Material[] materials)
if (materials == null || materials.Length <= 1) { return true; }
var material = materials[0];
for (int a = 1; a < materials.Length; ++a)
if (material.HasProperty("_Mode") && materials[a].HasProperty("_Mode") && material.GetFloat("_Mode") == materials[a].GetFloat("_Mode"))
if (material.shader != materials[a].shader) { return false; }
return true;
private static Mesh GetPreviouslyCombined(Mesh srcMesh, Material[] mats, List<CombineKey> keys)
foreach (var key in keys)
if (srcMesh == key.mesh)
if (mats.Length == key.materials.Length)
bool match = true;
for (int a = 0; a < mats.Length; ++a)
if (mats[a] != key.materials[a])
match = false;
if (match)
return key.finalMesh;
return null;
private static Mesh GetSubmesh(Mesh mesh, int submeshIndex, SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = null)
if (submeshIndex < 0 || submeshIndex >= mesh.subMeshCount) { return null; }
int[] indices = mesh.GetTriangles(submeshIndex);
Vertices source = new Vertices(mesh);
Vertices dest = new Vertices();
Dictionary<int, int> map = new Dictionary<int, int>();
int[] newIndices = new int[indices.Length];
for (int a = 0; a < indices.Length; a++)
int o = indices[a];
int n;
if (!map.TryGetValue(o, out n))
n = dest.Add(source, o);
map.Add(o, n);
newIndices[a] = n;
Mesh newMesh = new Mesh();
newMesh.triangles = newIndices;
newMesh.bindposes = mesh.bindposes;
//if(smr == null)
// newMesh.bindposes = mesh.bindposes;
// Transform[] bones = smr.bones;
// Matrix4x4[] bindPoses = new Matrix4x4[bones.Length];
// for(int a = 0; a < bindPoses.Length; a++)
// {
// // The bind pose is bone's inverse transformation matrix
// // In this case the matrix we also make this matrix relative to the root
// // So that we can move the root game object around freely
// bindPoses[a] = bones[a].worldToLocalMatrix * smr.rootBone.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
// }
// newMesh.bindposes = bindPoses;
return newMesh;
private static HashSet<int> GetSubmeshVerts(Mesh mesh, int submeshIndex, SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = null)
if (submeshIndex < 0 || submeshIndex >= mesh.subMeshCount) { return null; }
int[] indices = mesh.GetTriangles(submeshIndex);
Vertices source = new Vertices(mesh);
HashSet<int> map = new HashSet<int>();
for (int a = 0; a < indices.Length; a++)
int o = indices[a];
if (!map.Contains(o))
return map;
private static void RestoreNonFeasibleMats()
foreach (var nfm in nonFeasibleMaterials)
Renderer renderer = nfm.renderer;
if (renderer != null && renderer.sharedMaterials != null && renderer.sharedMaterials.Length > 0)
Material[] s = new Material[renderer.sharedMaterials.Length];
Array.Copy(renderer.sharedMaterials, s, s.Length);
s[nfm.submeshIndex] = nfm.material;
renderer.sharedMaterials = s;
#pragma warning disable
catch (Exception ex) { }
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.LogWarning("Failed to restore nfms");
#endregion HELPERS
public class TextureFormatNotSupportedException : Exception
public TextureFormatNotSupportedException()
public TextureFormatNotSupportedException(string message)
: base(message)
public TextureFormatNotSupportedException(string message, Exception inner)
: base(message, inner)