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2023-07-24 16:38:13 +03:00
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace SciFiShipController
/// <summary>
/// A centralised futuristic radar system based on Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B).
/// Instead of the radar system doing a sweep of the environment, craft which need situational
/// awareness broadcast (send) data to the central radar system.
/// This system will be the Primary Radar System (PRS).
/// This implementation requires all craft to query the radar system (incoming broadcasts are private
/// and don't get sent to every craft - the radar system receives private msgs from ships).
/// </summary>
// [AddComponentMenu("Sci-Fi Ship Controller/Managers/Radar")]
public class SSCRadar : MonoBehaviour
#region Static Read-only valiables
public static readonly int NEUTRAL_FACTION = 0;
#region Enumerations
public enum RadarScreenLocale : int
TopLeft = 0,
TopCenter = 1,
TopRight = 2,
MiddleLeft = 3,
MiddleCenter = 4,
MiddleRight = 5,
BottomLeft = 6,
BottomCenter = 7,
BottomRight = 8,
Custom = 99
#region Public variables and properties
/// <summary>
/// If enabled, the GetOrCreateRadar() will be called as soon as Start() runs. If there is a UI (mini-map) configured,
/// it will automatically be made visible. This should be disabled if you are instantiating the SSCRadar through code
/// and using the SSCRadar API methods.
/// </summary>
public bool initialiseOnStart = false;
/// <summary>
/// [READONLY] Has the radar been initialised?
/// </summary>
public bool IsInitialised { get { return isInitialised; } }
public int poolInitialSize = 100;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int poolIncrementSize = 10;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public bool allowRepaint = false;
public bool generalShowInEditor = false;
public bool visualsShowInEditor = false;
public bool movementShowInEditor = false;
public RadarScreenLocale screenLocale = RadarScreenLocale.TopLeft;
public Vector2 screenLocaleCustomXY =;
// Normalised width as 0.0-1.0 as a proportion of the screen space.
// e.g. 0.2 would be 20% of the screen width.
[Range(0.1f, 1f)] public float radarDisplayWidthN = 0.2f;
/// <summary>
/// The sort order of the canvas in the scene. Higher numbers are on top.
/// At runtime call SetCanvasSortOrder(..)
/// </summary>
public int canvasSortOrder = 1;
/// <summary>
/// When the built-in UI is used, this is the colour of the outer rim
/// of the mini-map display along with any decals.
/// </summary>
public Color32 overlayColour = Color.white;
/// <summary>
/// When the built-in UI is used, this is the background colour of the
/// mini-map.
/// </summary>
public Color32 backgroundColour = Color.clear;
/// <summary>
/// When the built-in UI is used, this is the colour of any blip that are considered
/// as friendly. Determined by the factionId when available
/// </summary>
public Color32 blipFriendColour =;
/// <summary>
/// When the built-in UI is used, this is the colour of any blip that are considered
/// as hostile. Determined by the factionId when available
/// </summary>
public Color32 blipFoeColour =;
/// <summary>
/// When the built-in UI is used, this is the colour of any blip that are considered
/// as neutral. Determined by the factionId when available.
/// </summary>
public Color32 blipNeutralColour = Color.white;
/// <summary>
/// If changing this at runtime, call RefreshRadarImageStatus().
/// </summary>
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage radarImage = null;
/// <summary>
/// The number of results returned in the last query.
/// </summary>
public int ResultCount { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Uses 3D distances to determine range when querying the radar data.
/// </summary>
public bool is3DQueryEnabled = true;
/// <summary>
/// The sort order of the results. None is the fastest option and has
/// the lowest performance impact.
/// </summary>
public SSCRadarQuery.QuerySortOrder querySortOrder;
/// <summary>
/// [READONLY] The direction the on-screen UI display is facing
/// </summary>
public Quaternion DisplayRotation { get { return displayUIRotation; } }
/// <summary>
/// [INTERNAL ONLY] Instead call SetDisplay(..) or GetRadarResults(..)
/// Minimum range is 10 metres
/// </summary>
public float displayRange = 100f;
/// <summary>
/// [INTERNAL ONLY] Use FollowShip(..) instead.
/// The centre of the radar will move around with this ship.
/// </summary>
public ShipControlModule shipToFollow = null;
/// <summary>
/// [INTERNAL ONLY] Use FollowGameObject(..) instead.
/// The centre of the radar will move around with this gameobject
/// </summary>
public GameObject gameobjectToFollow = null;
/// <summary>
/// The centre of the radar
/// </summary>
public Vector3 centrePosition =;
#region Public Delegates
public delegate void CallbackOnDrawBlip(Texture2D tex, Quaternion displayRotation, int factionId, SSCRadarBlip sscRadarBlip);
/// <summary>
/// The name of the custom method that is called when a blip is to be
/// draw on the radar display. Your method must take 4 parameters -
/// Texture2D, Quaternion, Int, and SSCRadarBlip. Your custom method should
/// "paint" the blip onto the texture by modifying the pixels.
/// </summary>
public CallbackOnDrawBlip callbackOnDrawBlip = null;
#region Private variables
private static SSCRadar currentRadar = null;
private bool isInitialised = false;
private List<SSCRadarItem> sscRadarItemList = null;
private int numRadarItems = 0;
private int currentPoolSize = 0;
private BitArray radarItemBitArray = null;
private bool isRadarImageAvailable = false;
private bool isShowRadarImage = false;
// The width of the RawImage texture if in use
private int displayUITexWidth = 10;
private int displayUITexHeight = 10;
private int displayUITexCentreX = 5;
private int displayUITexCentreY = 5;
private Quaternion displayUIRotation = Quaternion.identity;
private Vector3 defaultDisplayFwdDirection = Vector3.forward;
// Used when our UI is enabled
private bool isFollowShip = false;
private bool isFollowGameObject = false;
private const int displayRimWidth = 4;
private Color32[] uiRimPixels;
private Color32[] uiInnerPixels;
private SSCRadarQuery sscRadarQuery;
private List<SSCRadarBlip> sscRadarResultsList;
#region Initialisation Methods
/// <summary>
/// Called after Awake() just before the scene is rendered
/// </summary>
private void Start()
if (initialiseOnStart)
// If the UI is available, display it
if (isInitialised && isRadarImageAvailable)
/// <summary>
/// [INTERNAL ONLY] Instead use SSCRadar.GetOrCreateRadar()
/// </summary>
private void Initialise()
if (sscRadarItemList == null)
if (poolInitialSize < 1) { sscRadarItemList = new List<SSCRadarItem>(10); }
else { sscRadarItemList = new List<SSCRadarItem>(poolInitialSize); }
else { sscRadarItemList.Clear(); }
// Reset the number items in the last query
ResultCount = 0;
isFollowShip = shipToFollow != null;
if (isFollowShip)
isFollowGameObject = false;
isFollowGameObject = gameobjectToFollow != null;
// By default Radar UI is not visible in the scene
if (isRadarImageAvailable)
isInitialised = true;
#region Update Methods
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (isShowRadarImage && isInitialised)
if (isFollowShip)
if (shipToFollow != null && shipToFollow.IsInitialised)
centrePosition = shipToFollow.shipInstance.TransformPosition;
else if (isFollowGameObject)
if (gameobjectToFollow != null) { centrePosition = gameobjectToFollow.transform.position; }
// Run the query
sscRadarQuery.centrePosition = centrePosition;
sscRadarQuery.range = displayRange;
sscRadarQuery.is3DQueryEnabled = is3DQueryEnabled;
sscRadarQuery.querySortOrder = querySortOrder;
sscRadarQuery.factionId = SSCRadarQuery.IGNOREFACTION;
GetRadarResults(sscRadarQuery, sscRadarResultsList);
#region Private Member Methods
/// <summary>
/// Fill the pool with empty radar items. These are added to the end
/// of the existing pool up to the current capacity.
/// </summary>
private void FillPool()
int capacity = sscRadarItemList == null ? 0 : sscRadarItemList.Capacity;
numRadarItems = sscRadarItemList == null ? 0 : sscRadarItemList.Count;
int numNewItems = capacity - numRadarItems;
if (radarItemBitArray == null) { radarItemBitArray = new BitArray(capacity, true); }
// Make sure the bit array can hold enough data
if (radarItemBitArray != null && radarItemBitArray.Length < capacity) { radarItemBitArray.Length = capacity; }
for (int itemIdx = capacity - numNewItems; itemIdx < capacity; itemIdx++)
// Create a new (empty) slot
sscRadarItemList.Add(new SSCRadarItem());
// Mark this slot as empty
radarItemBitArray[itemIdx] = true;
// Cache number of items
numRadarItems = sscRadarItemList == null ? 0 : sscRadarItemList.Count;
currentPoolSize = numRadarItems;
/// <summary>
/// If required, increase the size of the pool
/// </summary>
private void ExpandPool()
if (isInitialised)
currentPoolSize = sscRadarItemList == null ? 0 : sscRadarItemList.Count;
int capacity = sscRadarItemList == null ? 0 : sscRadarItemList.Capacity;
// If there is less than poolIncrementSize left at the end of the pool for expansion,
// add some more capacity
if (capacity - currentPoolSize < poolIncrementSize)
sscRadarItemList.Capacity += poolIncrementSize;
/// <summary>
/// Set a slot in the pool of radarItems as being empty or not.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
/// <param name="isEmpty"></param>
private void SetBitmap(int itemIndex, bool isEmpty)
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize)
radarItemBitArray[itemIndex] = isEmpty;
/// <summary>
/// Draw the background Radar UI, then add the resultant blips
/// </summary>
/// <param name="redraw">Force overlay inner and outer redraw</param>
private void DisplayResults(bool redraw = false)
int numResults = ResultCount;
int outerRadius = (int)(displayUITexWidth / 2f);
Texture2D radarTex = radarImage.texture as Texture2D;
// If the canvas image has been resized but doesn't match
// the width of the texture, refresh it.
if (displayUITexWidth > radarTex.width)
// Cache the texture pixels to improve performance and prevent GC in each frame
DrawCircle(radarTex, ref uiRimPixels, displayUITexCentreX, displayUITexCentreY, outerRadius, overlayColour, true, redraw);
DrawCircle(radarTex, ref uiInnerPixels, displayUITexCentreX, displayUITexCentreY, outerRadius - displayRimWidth, backgroundColour, true, redraw);
bool isCallbackEnabled = callbackOnDrawBlip != null;
int factionId = 0; // neutral
// Get the direction the central ship or gameobject is facing
if (isFollowShip && shipToFollow != null)
if (shipToFollow.shipInstance != null)
displayUIRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, shipToFollow.shipInstance.TransformInverseRotation.eulerAngles.y, 0f);
factionId = shipToFollow.shipInstance.factionId;
// Ship may be in the process of being destroyed
displayUIRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(defaultDisplayFwdDirection);
else if (isFollowGameObject && gameobjectToFollow != null)
displayUIRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, Quaternion.Inverse(gameobjectToFollow.transform.rotation).eulerAngles.y, 0f);
else { displayUIRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(defaultDisplayFwdDirection); }
// Populate the UI display with blips
for (int blipIdx = 0; blipIdx < numResults; blipIdx++)
if (isCallbackEnabled) { callbackOnDrawBlip(radarTex, displayUIRotation, factionId, sscRadarResultsList[blipIdx]); }
else { DrawBlip(radarTex, displayUIRotation, factionId, sscRadarResultsList[blipIdx]); }
// Only apply once all operations have finished
radarImage.texture = radarTex;
/// <summary>
/// Draw blips onto the radar UI display texture.
/// The factionId is the factionId of the item or place running the query. Items with the same factionId
/// will be displayed in the friend colour, items with factionId = 0 will be neutral, while all other items
/// will be considered hostile (foe blip colour).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tex"></param>
/// <param name="displayRotation"></param>
/// <param name="factionId"></param>
/// <param name="sscRadarBlip"></param>
private void DrawBlip(Texture2D tex, Quaternion displayRotation, int factionId, SSCRadarBlip sscRadarBlip)
Vector3 rotatedPosition = displayRotation * (sscRadarBlip.wsPosition - sscRadarQuery.centrePosition);
int blipOffsetX = (int)((rotatedPosition.x / sscRadarQuery.range) * displayUITexWidth / 2f);
int blipOffsetZ = (int)((rotatedPosition.z / sscRadarQuery.range) * displayUITexHeight / 2f);
Color blipColour = blipNeutralColour;
//int itemTypeInt = (int)sscRadarBlip.radarItemType;
// If the item running the query is neutral, all others are assumed friendly...
// If the blip is not neutral, must be friend or foe
if (factionId != 0 && sscRadarBlip.factionId != 0)
// Is this radar item in the same faction or alliance as the radar system
if (sscRadarBlip.factionId == factionId) { blipColour = blipFriendColour; }
else { blipColour = blipFoeColour; }
int blipSize = (int)sscRadarBlip.blipSize;
// Draw a 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 blip etc
for (int x = blipOffsetX + displayUITexCentreX - blipSize; x < blipOffsetX + displayUITexCentreX + blipSize; x++)
for (int y = blipOffsetZ + displayUITexCentreY - blipSize; y < blipOffsetZ + displayUITexCentreY + blipSize; y++)
// Clip with display rim width indent
if (x > displayRimWidth + 1 && x < displayUITexWidth - displayRimWidth - 2 && y > displayRimWidth + 1 && y < displayUITexHeight - displayRimWidth - 2)
tex.SetPixel(x, y, blipColour);
#region Internal Methods
/// <summary>
/// This method uses SetPixels which may be slower on some devices. It has very minimal GC.
/// If you pass in a Color32 as a parameter, it will be converted to a Color struct.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tex"></param>
/// <param name="centreX"></param>
/// <param name="centreY"></param>
/// <param name="circleRadius"></param>
/// <param name="pixelColour"></param>
/// <param name="isFilled"></param>
/// <param name="apply"></param>
public void DrawCircle(Texture2D tex, int centreX, int centreY, int circleRadius, Color pixelColour, bool isFilled, bool apply)
for (int x = -circleRadius; x < circleRadius; x++)
int dist = (int)Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Sqrt(circleRadius * circleRadius - x * x));
if (isFilled)
for (int y = -dist; y < dist; y++)
tex.SetPixel(x + centreX, y + centreY, pixelColour);
tex.SetPixel(x + centreX, -dist + centreY, pixelColour);
tex.SetPixel(x + centreX, dist + centreY, pixelColour);
if (x < -circleRadius + 4 || x > circleRadius - 6)
for (int i = 0; i < 16 && i < circleRadius / 6f; i++)
tex.SetPixel(x + centreX, -dist + i + centreY, pixelColour);
tex.SetPixel(x + centreX, dist - i + centreY, pixelColour);
if (apply) { tex.Apply(); }
/// <summary>
/// Uses a cached copy of the pixels for each circle that needs to be regularly drawn. This is useful when wanting
/// to update a Texture2D in the UI very regularly (like each frame). The first time it runs for a particular circle
/// it will create GC but after that there is no GC unless redraw = true.
/// IMPORTANT: After calling DrawCircle(), call tex.Apply() after you have finished drawing to the texture.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tex"></param>
/// <param name="pixels"></param>
/// <param name="centreX"></param>
/// <param name="centreY"></param>
/// <param name="circleRadius"></param>
/// <param name="pixelColour"></param>
/// <param name="isFilled"></param>
/// <param name="redraw"></param>
public void DrawCircle(Texture2D tex, ref Color32[] pixels, int centreX, int centreY, int circleRadius, Color32 pixelColour, bool isFilled, bool redraw)
if (redraw || pixels == null)
pixels = tex.GetPixels32();
// Draw the circle
for (int x = -circleRadius; x < circleRadius; x++)
// NOTE: Mathf.Ceil is almost twice as slow as Mathf.Sqrt
int dist = (int)Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Sqrt(circleRadius * circleRadius - x * x));
if (isFilled)
for (int y = -dist; y < dist; y++)
pixels[(y + centreY) * tex.width + x + centreX] = pixelColour;
pixels[(-dist + centreY) * tex.width + x + centreX] = pixelColour;
pixels[(dist + centreY) * tex.width + x + centreX] = pixelColour;
if (x < -circleRadius + 4 || x > circleRadius - 6)
for (int i = 0; i < 16 && i < circleRadius / 6f; i++)
pixels[(-dist + i + centreY) * tex.width + x + centreX] = pixelColour;
pixels[(dist - i + centreY) * tex.width + x + centreX] = pixelColour;
/// <summary>
/// Get the anchor points and correct rect transform offset for the radar display screen locale. e.g. BottomLeft, TopRight etc.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="screenLocaleInt"></param>
/// <param name="canvasSize"></param>
/// <param name="panelSize"></param>
/// <param name="anchorMin"></param>
/// <param name="anchorMax"></param>
/// <param name="panelOffset"></param>
public void GetMinimapScreenLocation(int screenLocaleInt, Vector2 canvasSize, Vector2 panelSize, ref Vector2 anchorMin, ref Vector2 anchorMax, ref Vector2 panelOffset)
float indentX = canvasSize.x * 0.01f;
float indentY = canvasSize.y * 0.01f;
switch (screenLocaleInt)
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.BottomLeft:
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 0f; anchorMax.y = 0f;
panelOffset.x += indentX;
panelOffset.y += indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.BottomCenter:
anchorMin.x = 0.5f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 0.5f; anchorMax.y = 0f;
panelOffset.x += (canvasSize.x * 0.5f) - (panelSize.x * 0.5f);
panelOffset.y += indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.BottomRight:
anchorMin.x = 1f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 1f; anchorMax.y = 0f;
panelOffset.x += canvasSize.x - panelSize.x - indentX;
panelOffset.y += indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.TopRight:
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 1f; anchorMax.y = 1f;
panelOffset.x += canvasSize.x - panelSize.x - indentX;
panelOffset.y += canvasSize.y - panelSize.y - indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.TopCenter:
anchorMin.x = 0.5f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 0.5f; anchorMax.y = 0f;
panelOffset.x += (canvasSize.x * 0.5f) - (panelSize.x * 0.5f);
panelOffset.y += canvasSize.y - panelSize.y - indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.TopLeft:
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 1f; anchorMax.x = 0f; anchorMax.y = 1f;
panelOffset.x += indentX;
panelOffset.y += canvasSize.y - panelSize.y - indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.MiddleLeft:
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 0.5f; anchorMax.x = 0; anchorMax.y = 0.5f;
panelOffset.x += indentX;
panelOffset.y += (canvasSize.y * 0.5f) - (panelSize.y * 0.5f);
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.MiddleCenter:
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 0.5f; anchorMax.x = 0f; anchorMax.y = 0.5f;
panelOffset.x += (canvasSize.x * 0.5f) - (panelSize.x * 0.5f);
panelOffset.y += (canvasSize.y * 0.5f) - (panelSize.y * 0.5f);
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.MiddleRight:
anchorMin.x = 1f; anchorMin.y = 0.5f; anchorMax.x = 1f; anchorMax.y = 0.5f;
panelOffset.x += canvasSize.x - panelSize.x - indentX;
panelOffset.y += (canvasSize.y * 0.5f) - (panelSize.y * 0.5f);
// custom
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 0f; anchorMax.y = 0f;
panelOffset.x = screenLocaleCustomXY.x;
panelOffset.y = screenLocaleCustomXY.y;
/// <summary>
/// Get the Radar canvas if it exists, or create a new one.
/// NOTE: When creating a new canvas before Unity 2019.3, the sizeDelta returns
/// the incorrect canvas size. The correct value isn't returned until the next frame.
/// At runtime does NOT create an instance of the EventSystem - you would need to
/// do this some other way...
/// </summary>
/// <param name="radarCanvasGO"></param>
/// <param name="radarCanvas"></param>
/// <param name="canvasSize"></param>
/// <param name="canvasScale"></param>
public void GetorCreateRadarCanvas(out GameObject radarCanvasGO, out Canvas radarCanvas, out Vector2 canvasSize, out Vector3 canvasScale)
radarCanvasGO = null;
canvasSize =;
canvasScale =;
radarCanvas = SSCUtils.FindCanvas("SSCRadarCanvas");
// If SSCRadarCanvas doesn't exist, create it
if (radarCanvas == null)
radarCanvasGO = new GameObject("SSCRadarCanvas");
radarCanvasGO.layer = 5;
radarCanvas = radarCanvasGO.GetComponent<Canvas>();
radarCanvas.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay;
UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler canvasScaler = radarCanvasGO.AddComponent<UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler>();
if (canvasScaler != null)
canvasScaler.uiScaleMode = UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScaleMode.ScaleWithScreenSize;
canvasScaler.screenMatchMode = UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScreenMatchMode.MatchWidthOrHeight;
canvasScaler.referenceResolution = new Vector2(1920f, 1080f);
canvasScaler.matchWidthOrHeight = 0.5f;
// Add an Event System if it doesn't already exist.
// NOTE: If it is disabled in scene, a new one isn't added.
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("GameObject/UI/Event System");
if (radarCanvas != null)
radarCanvasGO = radarCanvas.gameObject;
canvasSize = radarCanvasGO.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta;
canvasScale = radarCanvasGO.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localScale;
#region Public API Static Methods
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current SSCRadar instance for this scene. If one does not already exist, a new one is created.
/// USAGE: SSCRadar sscRadar = SSCRadar.GetOrCreateRadar();
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static SSCRadar GetOrCreateRadar()
// Check whether we have already found a radar instance for this scene
if (currentRadar == null)
// Otherwise, check whether this scene already has a radar system
currentRadar = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<SSCRadar>();
if (currentRadar == null)
// If this scene does not already have a manager, create one
GameObject newRadarGameObject = new GameObject("SSC Radar");
newRadarGameObject.transform.position =;
newRadarGameObject.transform.parent = null;
currentRadar = newRadarGameObject.AddComponent<SSCRadar>();
if (currentRadar != null)
// Initialise the radar if it hasn't already been initialised
if (!currentRadar.isInitialised) { currentRadar.Initialise(); }
// If currentRadar is still null, log a warning to the console
Debug.LogWarning("SSCRadar GetOrCreateRadar() Warning: Could not find or create radar, so returned null.");
return currentRadar;
#region Public API Member Methods - CORE
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to add a gameobject to the radar system. If added, it will be immediately visible
/// to radar and the RadarId (itemIndex) will be return. A value of -1 indicates it wasn't added.
/// NOTE: To add a ship to radar, use shipControlModule.EnableRadar(). For Locations use
/// sscManager.EnableRadar(location).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gameObjectToAdd"></param>
/// <param name="position">typically the position of the gameobject</param>
/// <param name="factionId"></param>
/// <param name="squadronId"></param>
/// <param name="guidHash">The unique hash to identify this gameObject. If it is 0 we will set it to gameObjectToAdd.GetHashCode()</param>
/// <param name="blipSize">The relative size it appears to be on the radar mini-map. Acceptable values 1 to 5</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int EnableRadar(GameObject gameObjectToAdd, Vector3 position, int factionId, int squadronId, int guidHash, int blipSize)
// Not assigned in the radar system
int radarItemIndex = -1;
if (gameObjectToAdd != null && isInitialised)
SSCRadarItem sscRadarItem = new SSCRadarItem();
sscRadarItem.radarItemType = SSCRadarItem.RadarItemType.GameObject;
sscRadarItem.itemGameObject = gameObjectToAdd;
sscRadarItem.isVisibleToRadar = true;
sscRadarItem.guidHash = guidHash == 0 ? gameObjectToAdd.GetHashCode() : guidHash;
sscRadarItem.position = position;
sscRadarItem.factionId = factionId;
sscRadarItem.squadronId = squadronId;
sscRadarItem.blipSize = blipSize > 0 && blipSize < 6 ? (byte)blipSize : (byte)1;
radarItemIndex = AddItem(sscRadarItem);
return radarItemIndex;
/// <summary>
/// The item will no longer be visible in the radar system.
/// If you want to change the visibility to other radar
/// consumers, consider changing the radar item data rather
/// than disabling the radar and (later) calling EnableRadar again.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex">This is the value returned from sscRadar.EnableRadar(gameObject...)</param>
public void DisableRadar(int itemIndex)
if (isInitialised)
/// <summary>
/// Add an item to be tracked by radar. Items are not visible to radar initially, instead
/// they are only made visible (if set to be so) for ships in ShipControlModule.Update(),
/// or sscManager.EnableRadar(..) for Locations or sscRadar.EnableRadar(..) for gameobjects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sscRadarItemInput"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int AddItem(SSCRadarItem sscRadarItemInput)
int itemIndex = -1;
// Find first available empty slots in sscRadarItemList using the bitmap
for (int i = 0; i < currentPoolSize; i++)
// Is this an empty slot?
if (radarItemBitArray[i]) { itemIndex = i; break; }
// If the current pool has been exhausted, add some more capacity
if (itemIndex < 0)
int originalPoolSize = currentPoolSize;
// If the pool has been expanded, allocate the next (empty) slot that was added
if (currentPoolSize > originalPoolSize) { itemIndex = originalPoolSize; }
if (itemIndex >= 0)
// Remove this from the available empty slots
SetBitmap(itemIndex, false);
if (sscRadarItemInput == null)
// This should never be null.
SSCRadarItem sscRadarItem = sscRadarItemList[itemIndex];
sscRadarItem.isVisibleToRadar = false;
SSCRadarItem sscRadarItem = sscRadarItemList[itemIndex];
// Set rarely changing fields
sscRadarItem.radarItemType = sscRadarItemInput.radarItemType;
sscRadarItem.itemGameObject = sscRadarItemInput.itemGameObject;
sscRadarItem.shipControlModule = sscRadarItemInput.shipControlModule;
sscRadarItem.guidHash = sscRadarItemInput.guidHash;
sscRadarItem.blipSize = sscRadarItemInput.blipSize;
// Set frequently changing fields
UpdateItem(itemIndex, new SSCRadarPacket(sscRadarItemInput));
return itemIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Remove a single item from the Radar
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
public void RemoveItem(int itemIndex)
// Return item to available pool by setting isEmpty to true
SetBitmap(itemIndex, true);
/// <summary>
/// Remove all items from the Radar
/// </summary>
public void RemoveItemsAll()
if (isInitialised)
// All slots should be empty (true)
/// <summary>
/// Get an active (assigned) radar item.
/// For ships and locations, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId. e.g. shipControlModule.shipInstance.RadarId
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public SSCRadarItem GetRadarItem(int itemIndex)
// Is the itemIndex within the valid range?
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize)
// Check to see if the slot is assigned
if (!radarItemBitArray[itemIndex]) { return sscRadarItemList[itemIndex]; }
else { return null; }
else { return null; }
/// <summary>
/// Get an active (assigned) radar item given the itemIndex AND its sequenceNumber.
/// The sequence number is used to validate that this is the correct radarItem.
/// For ships and locations, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId. e.g. shipControlModule.shipInstance.RadarId
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
/// <param name="sequenceNumber"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public SSCRadarItem GetRadarItem(int itemIndex, uint sequenceNumber)
// Is the itemIndex within the valid range?
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize)
// Check to see if the slot is assigned and it matches the sequence number
if (!radarItemBitArray[itemIndex] && sscRadarItemList[itemIndex].itemSequenceNumber == sequenceNumber) { return sscRadarItemList[itemIndex]; }
else { return null; }
else { return null; }
/// <summary>
/// Get an active (assigned) radar item given the SSCRadarItemKey.
/// For ships and locations, the sscRadarItemKey.radarItemIndex is stored as RadarId. e.g. shipControlModule.shipInstance.RadarId
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sscRadarItemKey"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public SSCRadarItem GetRadarItem(SSCRadarItemKey sscRadarItemKey)
// Is the itemIndex within the valid range?
if (isInitialised && sscRadarItemKey.radarItemIndex >= 0 && sscRadarItemKey.radarItemIndex < currentPoolSize)
// Check to see if the slot is assigned and it matches the sequence number
if (!radarItemBitArray[sscRadarItemKey.radarItemIndex] && sscRadarItemList[sscRadarItemKey.radarItemIndex].itemSequenceNumber == sscRadarItemKey.radarItemSequenceNumber)
return sscRadarItemList[sscRadarItemKey.radarItemIndex];
else { return null; }
else { return null; }
/// <summary>
/// Location radarItemTypes store a unique guidHash.
/// GameObject radarItemTypes by default store a Unity hash code.
/// Ship Damage Regions radarItemTypes store the damage region unique guidHash.
/// For these three types, when the itemIndex (or RadarId) is unknown, this method
/// can be used to retrieve it.
/// If there are no matches, -1 is returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guidHash"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetRadarItemIndexByHash(int guidHash)
int itemIndex = -1;
// Unset guidHash is 0, so ignore this.
if (guidHash != 0)
for (int iIdx = 0; iIdx < currentPoolSize; iIdx++)
// Check to see if the slot is assigned AND the hashes match
if (!radarItemBitArray[iIdx] && sscRadarItemList[iIdx].guidHash == guidHash)
itemIndex = iIdx;
return itemIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Does this item appear in Radar queries? If the itemIndex is invalid, this method
/// will always return false.
/// NOTE: For performance reasons, it doesn't check if this is non-empty radar item.
/// For ships and locations, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId. e.g. shipControlModule.shipInstance.RadarId
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
public bool GetVisibility (int itemIndex)
// Is the itemIndex within the valid range?
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize)
return sscRadarItemList[itemIndex].isVisibleToRadar;
else { return false; }
/// <summary>
/// Set if this item should appear in Radar queries?
/// NOTE: For performance reasons, it doesn't check if this is non-empty radar item.
/// For ships and locations, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId. e.g. shipControlModule.shipInstance.RadarId
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
/// <param name="isVisibleToRadar"></param>
public void SetVisibility(int itemIndex, bool isVisibleToRadar)
// Is the itemIndex within the valid range?
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize)
sscRadarItemList[itemIndex].isVisibleToRadar = isVisibleToRadar;
/// <summary>
/// Set a new world space position for a radar item. See also UpdateItem(..).
/// NOTE: For performance reasons, it doesn't check if this is non-empty radar item.
/// For ships and locations, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId. e.g. locationData.RadarId
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
/// <param name="wsPosition"></param>
public void SetItemPosition(int itemIndex, Vector3 wsPosition)
// Is the itemIndex within the valid range?
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize)
sscRadarItemList[itemIndex].position = wsPosition;
/// <summary>
/// Set the type of the radarItem. Typically, this will only be performed once for
/// each object (e.g. a ship or ground installation)
/// NOTE: For performance reasons, it doesn't check if this is non-empty radar item.
/// For ships, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId. e.g. shipControlModule.shipInstance.RadarId
/// For surfaceTurretModule, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
/// <param name="radarItemType"></param>
public void SetItemType(int itemIndex, SSCRadarItem.RadarItemType radarItemType)
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize)
sscRadarItemList[itemIndex].radarItemType = radarItemType;
/// <summary>
/// Set the blip size of the radarItem. Typically this is set automatically when a ship or
/// Location is enabled for radar. However, this lets the blip size be overridden at runtime.
/// NOTE: For performance reasons, it doesn't check if this is non-empty radar item.
/// For ships, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId. e.g. shipControlModule.shipInstance.RadarId
/// For surfaceTurretModule, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
/// <param name="blipSize"></param>
public void SetBlipSize (int itemIndex, byte blipSize)
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize)
if (blipSize < 1) { sscRadarItemList[itemIndex].blipSize = 1; }
if (blipSize > 5) { sscRadarItemList[itemIndex].blipSize = 5; }
else { sscRadarItemList[itemIndex].blipSize = blipSize; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the factionId of the radarItem.
/// NOTE: For performance reasons, it doesn't check if this is non-empty radar item.
/// For ships, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId. e.g. shipControlModule.shipInstance.RadarId
/// For surfaceTurretModule, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
/// <param name="factionId"></param>
public void SetFactionId (int itemIndex, int factionId)
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize)
sscRadarItemList[itemIndex].factionId = factionId;
/// <summary>
/// Set the squadronId of the radarItem.
/// NOTE: For performance reasons, it doesn't check if this is non-empty radar item.
/// For ships, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId. e.g. shipControlModule.shipInstance.RadarId
/// For surfaceTurretModule, the itemIndex is stored as RadarId
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
/// <param name="squadronId"></param>
public void SetSquardronId (int itemIndex, int squadronId)
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize)
sscRadarItemList[itemIndex].squadronId = squadronId;
/// <summary>
/// Send information about a ship or object to the radar system.
/// NOTE: For performance reasons, it doesn't check if this is non-empty radar item.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="itemIndex"></param>
/// <param name="sscRadarPacket"></param>
public void UpdateItem(int itemIndex, SSCRadarPacket sscRadarPacket)
// Is the itemIndex within the valid range?
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize && sscRadarPacket != null)
// This should never be null.
SSCRadarItem sscRadarItem = sscRadarItemList[itemIndex];
// Update the radar system with the latest data from the source
sscRadarItem.position = sscRadarPacket.position;
sscRadarItem.velocity = sscRadarPacket.velocity;
sscRadarItem.isVisibleToRadar = sscRadarPacket.isVisibleToRadar;
sscRadarItem.factionId = sscRadarPacket.factionId;
sscRadarItem.squadronId = sscRadarPacket.squadronId;
#region Public API Member Methods - UI
/// <summary>
/// Redraw the results
/// </summary>
public void RefreshResults()
if (isShowRadarImage && isInitialised)
/// <summary>
/// Set the world space position of the radar system. Use when
/// you want the radar system to "move" with gameobject.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="centre"></param>
/// <param name="range"></param>
public void SetDisplay(GameObject centre, float range)
gameobjectToFollow = centre;
displayRange = range;
/// <summary>
/// Set the world space position of the radar system. Use when
/// you want the radar system to be fixed to a given location or
/// will move infrequently.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="centre"></param>
/// <param name="range"></param>
public void SetDisplay(Vector3 centre, float range)
gameobjectToFollow = null;
centrePosition = centre;
displayRange = range;
/// <summary>
/// If the UI has been configured in the Editor under Visuals,
/// show the radar display on the screen.
/// </summary>
public void ShowUI()
// Only show the UI if it is available
isShowRadarImage = isRadarImageAvailable;
if (isShowRadarImage) { radarImage.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
/// <summary>
/// If the UI has been configured in the Editor under Visuals,
/// hide the radar display.
/// </summary>
public void HideUI()
isShowRadarImage = false;
if (isRadarImageAvailable)
/// <summary>
/// The centre of the radar will follow the ship.
/// Currently this only works when the built-in UI is configured in the
/// editor under Visuals. The same can be achieve via the API
/// when calling GetRadarResults(..) and passing in the ship
/// TransformPosition.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shipControlModule"></param>
public void FollowShip (ShipControlModule shipControlModule)
shipToFollow = shipControlModule;
isFollowShip = shipToFollow != null;
if (isFollowShip)
gameobjectToFollow = null;
isFollowGameObject = false;
/// <summary>
/// The centre of the radar will follow the gameobject.
/// Currently this only works when the built-in UI is configured in the
/// editor under Visuals. The same can be achieve via the API
/// when calling GetRadarResults(..) and passing in the tranform
/// position.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gameobject"></param>
public void FollowGameObject(GameObject gameobject)
gameobjectToFollow = gameobject;
isFollowGameObject = gameobjectToFollow != null;
if (isFollowGameObject)
shipToFollow = null;
isFollowShip = false;
/// <summary>
/// Set the sort order in the scene of the radar mini-map. Higher values appear on top.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newSortOrder"></param>
public void SetCanvasSortOrder(int newSortOrder)
canvasSortOrder = newSortOrder;
if (IsInitialised)
Canvas _canvas = radarImage == null ? null : radarImage.transform.parent.GetComponent<Canvas>();
if (_canvas != null) { _canvas.sortingOrder = newSortOrder; }
/// <summary>
/// Set the radar mini-map to use a particular display. Displays or monitors are numbered from 1 to 8.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="displayNumber">1 to 8</param>
public void SetCanvasTargetDisplay (int displayNumber)
if (IsInitialised && SSCUtils.VerifyTargetDisplay(displayNumber, true))
Canvas _canvas = radarImage == null ? null : radarImage.transform.parent.GetComponent<Canvas>();
if (_canvas != null) { _canvas.targetDisplay = displayNumber - 1; }
/// <summary>
/// Call at runtime if radarImage is swapped or made null
/// </summary>
public void RefreshRadarImageStatus()
isRadarImageAvailable = radarImage != null && radarImage.texture != null;
if (isRadarImageAvailable)
sscRadarQuery = new SSCRadarQuery();
sscRadarResultsList = new List<SSCRadarBlip>(20);
// There are currently no results.
ResultCount = 0;
displayUITexWidth = radarImage.texture.width;
displayUITexHeight = radarImage.texture.height;
displayUITexCentreX = Mathf.CeilToInt(displayUITexWidth * 0.5f);
displayUITexCentreY = Mathf.CeilToInt(displayUITexHeight * 0.5f);
isShowRadarImage = false;
/// <summary>
/// When the screen is resize, we may need to refresh things.
/// NOTE: Panel offset x/y seem to be incorrect...
/// </summary>
public void ScreenResized()
if (isRadarImageAvailable)
Canvas radarCanvas = SSCUtils.FindCanvas("SSCRadarCanvas");
if (radarCanvas != null)
GameObject radarCanvasGO = radarCanvas.gameObject;
Vector2 canvasSize = radarCanvasGO.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta;
Vector3 canvasScale = radarCanvasGO.GetComponent<RectTransform>().localScale;
Vector2 anchorMin =;
Vector2 anchorMax =;
Vector2 panelOffset =;
float panelWidth = Mathf.Ceil(radarDisplayWidthN * canvasSize.x), panelHeight = panelWidth;
GetMinimapScreenLocation((int)screenLocale, canvasSize, new Vector2(panelWidth, panelHeight), ref anchorMin, ref anchorMax, ref panelOffset);
int texWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt(panelWidth);
int texHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt(panelHeight);
Texture2D radarTex = (Texture2D)radarImage.texture;
if (radarTex.width != texWidth || radarTex.height != texHeight)
#if !UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER
radarTex.Resize(texWidth, texHeight);
radarTex.Reinitialize(texWidth, texHeight);
SSCUtils.UpdateCanvasPanel(radarImage.rectTransform, panelOffset.x, panelOffset.y, panelWidth, panelHeight,
anchorMin.x, anchorMin.y, anchorMax.x, anchorMax.y, canvasScale);
SSCUtils.FillTexture(radarTex, Color.clear, false);
#region Public API Member Methods - Query
/// <summary>
/// Send a query to the radar system and populate a list of matching items.
/// The queryResultsList must be a non-null, empty list.
/// A query will never return items with isVisibleToRadar = false.
/// TODO - consider items that are close in 2D but far in 3D space
/// - Range
/// - Factions to Exclude
/// - FactionId
/// - Squadrons to Exclude
/// - Factions to Include
/// - Squadrons to Include
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sscRadarQuery"></param>
/// <param name="queryResultsList"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool GetRadarResults (SSCRadarQuery sscRadarQuery, List<SSCRadarBlip> queryResultsList)
if (sscRadarQuery != null && queryResultsList != null && sscRadarQuery.range > 0f)
// Loop through the list of items and see which ones match the query
float sqrRange = sscRadarQuery.range * sscRadarQuery.range;
float sqrDistance2D = 0f, sqrDistance3D = 0f;
float deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ;
int factionId, squadronId;
// factionsToInclude is only considered if sscRadarQuery.factionId is not set.
int numFactionsToInclude = sscRadarQuery.factionId != SSCRadarQuery.IGNOREFACTION || sscRadarQuery.factionsToInclude == null ? 0 : sscRadarQuery.factionsToInclude.Length;
int numFactionsToExclude = sscRadarQuery.factionsToExclude == null ? 0 : sscRadarQuery.factionsToExclude.Length;
int numSquadronsToInclude = sscRadarQuery.squadronsToInclude == null ? 0 : sscRadarQuery.squadronsToInclude.Length;
int numSquadronsToExclude = sscRadarQuery.squadronsToExclude == null ? 0 : sscRadarQuery.squadronsToExclude.Length;
for (int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < currentPoolSize; itemIndex++)
// Make sure slot isn't empty
if (!radarItemBitArray[itemIndex])
SSCRadarItem sscRadarItem = sscRadarItemList[itemIndex];
if (sscRadarItem.isVisibleToRadar)
deltaX = sscRadarItem.position.x - sscRadarQuery.centrePosition.x;
deltaY = sscRadarItem.position.y - sscRadarQuery.centrePosition.y;
deltaZ = sscRadarItem.position.z - sscRadarQuery.centrePosition.z;
sqrDistance2D = (deltaX * deltaX) + (deltaZ * deltaZ);
sqrDistance3D = sqrDistance2D + (deltaY * deltaY);
// Is this item within the range of the radar?
if ((sscRadarQuery.is3DQueryEnabled && sqrDistance3D <= sqrRange) || (!sscRadarQuery.is3DQueryEnabled && sqrDistance2D <= sqrRange))
// Moving the sscRadarItem outside the Array.IndexOf/Exists() reduces GC
factionId = sscRadarItem.factionId;
squadronId = sscRadarItem.squadronId;
// Avoid GC by using Array.IndexOf( ) > -1 rather than Array.Exists(..)
// Skip anything in the array of factions to exclude
if (numFactionsToExclude > 0 && System.Array.IndexOf(sscRadarQuery.factionsToExclude, factionId) > -1) { continue; }
// Does the faction match the query?
if (sscRadarQuery.factionId != SSCRadarQuery.IGNOREFACTION && sscRadarQuery.factionId != factionId) { continue; }
// Skip anything in the array of squadrons to exclude
if (numSquadronsToExclude > 0 && System.Array.IndexOf(sscRadarQuery.squadronsToExclude, squadronId) > -1) { continue; }
// Skip any factions not in the array of factions to include
if (numFactionsToInclude > 0 && System.Array.IndexOf(sscRadarQuery.factionsToInclude, factionId) < 0) { continue; }
// Skip any squadron not in the array of squadrons to include
if (numSquadronsToInclude > 0 && System.Array.IndexOf(sscRadarQuery.squadronsToInclude, squadronId) < 0) { continue; }
// Blips are structs rather than classes. These are created on the stack rather than in heap memory.
// Although, these are in a List... but generate no garbage and don't impact GC.
SSCRadarBlip blip = new SSCRadarBlip();
blip.wsPosition = sscRadarItem.position;
blip.radarItemType = sscRadarItem.radarItemType;
blip.distanceSqr2D = sqrDistance2D;
blip.distanceSqr3D = sqrDistance3D;
blip.itemGameObject = sscRadarItem.itemGameObject;
blip.shipControlModule = sscRadarItem.shipControlModule;
blip.factionId = sscRadarItem.factionId;
blip.squadronId = sscRadarItem.squadronId;
blip.blipSize = sscRadarItem.blipSize;
blip.radarItemIndex = itemIndex;
blip.radarItemSequenceNumber = sscRadarItem.itemSequenceNumber;
// Locations, GameObjects and Ship DamageRegions store a unique identifier to assist with lookups.
// For other types, the guidHash is 0.
blip.guidHash = sscRadarItem.guidHash;
//int radarItemTypeInt = (int)sscRadarItem.radarItemType;
// If this is a Location, set the guidHash so that Locations can be looked up using sscManager.GetLocation(blip.guidHash)
// GameObjects can store gameObject.GetHashCode() in this field.
//if (radarItemTypeInt == SSCRadarItem.RadarItemTypeLocationInt || radarItemTypeInt == SSCRadarItem.RadarItemTypeGameObjectInt)
// blip.guidHash = sscRadarItem.guidHash;
else { return false; }
int querySortOrderInt = (int)sscRadarQuery.querySortOrder;
// Quickly bypass if there is no sort order set.
if (querySortOrderInt > 0)
if (querySortOrderInt == SSCRadarQuery.querySortOrderDistanceAsc2DInt)
queryResultsList.Sort(delegate (SSCRadarBlip blip1, SSCRadarBlip blip2)
// If x > y return 1, if x < y return -1, if x == y return 0 (this is equivalent to x.CompareTo(y))
// NOTE: CompareTo is slightly faster than if statements to return 1, -1 or 0 - but can impact GC
// Ascending order
if (blip1.distanceSqr2D > blip2.distanceSqr2D) { return 1; }
else if (blip1.distanceSqr2D < blip2.distanceSqr2D) { return -1; }
// With floats, x == y is less likely, so do last.
else { return 0; }
else if (querySortOrderInt == SSCRadarQuery.querySortOrderDistanceAsc3DInt)
queryResultsList.Sort(delegate (SSCRadarBlip blip1, SSCRadarBlip blip2)
// Ascending order
if (blip1.distanceSqr3D > blip2.distanceSqr3D) { return 1; }
else if (blip1.distanceSqr3D < blip2.distanceSqr3D) { return -1; }
else { return 0; }
else if (querySortOrderInt == SSCRadarQuery.querySortOrderDistanceDesc2DInt)
queryResultsList.Sort(delegate (SSCRadarBlip blip1, SSCRadarBlip blip2)
// Descending order
if (blip1.distanceSqr2D < blip2.distanceSqr2D) { return 1; }
else if (blip1.distanceSqr2D > blip2.distanceSqr2D) { return -1; }
else { return 0; }
else if (querySortOrderInt == SSCRadarQuery.querySortOrderDistanceDesc3DInt)
queryResultsList.Sort(delegate (SSCRadarBlip blip1, SSCRadarBlip blip2)
// Descending order
if (blip1.distanceSqr3D < blip2.distanceSqr3D) { return 1; }
else if (blip1.distanceSqr3D > blip2.distanceSqr3D) { return -1; }
else { return 0; }
ResultCount = queryResultsList == null ? 0 : queryResultsList.Count;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Get the next blip in the supplied list, that is within the camera's viewing area. The startIndex
/// is the zero-based index to begin searching the supplied list.
/// If a match is found, the zero-based index of that blip will be returned, else -1 will be returned.
/// NOTE: Currently assumes the camera is full screen.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blipList"></param>
/// <param name="startIndex"></param>
/// <param name="camera"></param>
/// <param name="viewSize">This is usually the screen resolution</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetNextBlipInView(List<SSCRadarBlip> blipList, int startIndex, Camera camera, Vector2 viewSize)
int blipIndex = -1;
int numBlips = blipList == null ? 0 : blipList.Count;
for (int blpIdx = startIndex; blpIdx < numBlips; blpIdx++)
if (SSCUtils.PointViewDirection(camera, blipList[blpIdx].wsPosition, viewSize) == SSCUtils.ViewDirection.InFront)
blipIndex = blpIdx;
return blipIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Get the next blip in the supplied list, that is in front of the camera within a custom 2D viewport.
/// The startIndex is the zero-based index to begin searching the supplied list.
/// If a match is found, the zero-based index of that blip will be returned, else -1 will be returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blipList"></param>
/// <param name="startIndex"></param>
/// <param name="camera"></param>
/// <param name="viewSize">This is usually the screen resolution</param>
/// <param name="viewportSize">The width and height as 0.0-1.0 values of the full viewSize</param>
/// <param name="viewportOffset">-1.0 to 1.0 with 0,0 as the centre of the screen</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetNextBlipinScreenViewPort(List<SSCRadarBlip> blipList, int startIndex, Camera camera, Vector2 viewSize, Vector2 viewportSize, Vector2 viewportOffset)
int blipIndex = -1;
int numBlips = blipList == null ? 0 : blipList.Count;
for (int blpIdx = startIndex; blpIdx < numBlips; blpIdx++)
if (SSCUtils.IsPointInScreenViewport(camera, blipList[blpIdx].wsPosition, viewSize, viewportSize, viewportOffset))
blipIndex = blpIdx;
return blipIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Is the blip within the camera's viewing area?
/// NOTE: Currently assumes the camera is full screen.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="radarBlip"></param>
/// <param name="camera"></param>
/// <param name="viewSize">This is usually the screen resolution</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsBlipInView(SSCRadarBlip radarBlip, Camera camera, Vector2 viewSize)
return SSCUtils.PointViewDirection(camera, radarBlip.wsPosition, viewSize) == SSCUtils.ViewDirection.InFront;
/// <summary>
/// Is the blip in front of the camera within a custom 2D viewport.
/// Offset is -1.0 to 1.0 with 0,0 as the centre of the screen.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="radarBlip"></param>
/// <param name="camera"></param>
/// <param name="viewSize">This is usually the screen resolution</param>
/// <param name="viewportSize">The width and height as 0.0-1.0 values of the full viewSize</param>
/// <param name="viewportOffset">-1.0 to 1.0 with 0,0 as the centre of the screen</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsBlipInScreenViewPort(SSCRadarBlip radarBlip, Camera camera, Vector2 viewSize, Vector2 viewportSize, Vector2 viewportOffset)
return SSCUtils.IsPointInScreenViewport(camera, radarBlip.wsPosition, viewSize, viewportSize, viewportOffset);
/// <summary>
/// Does the radar blip contain information about a GameObject?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="radarBlip"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsGameObjectBlip(SSCRadarBlip radarBlip)
return radarBlip.itemGameObject != null && radarBlip.radarItemType == SSCRadarItem.RadarItemType.GameObject;
/// <summary>
/// Does the radar blip contain information about a Location?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="radarBlip"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsLocationBlip(SSCRadarBlip radarBlip)
return radarBlip.guidHash != 0 && radarBlip.radarItemType == SSCRadarItem.RadarItemType.Location;
/// <summary>
/// Does the radar blip contain information about a ship?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="radarBlip"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsShipBlip(SSCRadarBlip radarBlip)
return radarBlip.shipControlModule != null && (radarBlip.radarItemType == SSCRadarItem.RadarItemType.AIShip || radarBlip.radarItemType == SSCRadarItem.RadarItemType.PlayerShip);
/// <summary>
/// Does the radar blip contain information about a ship damage region?
/// </summary>
/// <param name="radarBlip"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool IsShipDamageRegionBlip(SSCRadarBlip radarBlip)
return radarBlip.guidHash != 0 && radarBlip.shipControlModule != null && radarBlip.radarItemType == SSCRadarItem.RadarItemType.ShipDamageRegion;