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rabidus-test/Assets/BNG Framework/HandPoser/Scripts/SampleHandController.cs

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2023-07-24 16:38:13 +03:00
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR;
namespace BNG {
public class SampleHandController : MonoBehaviour {
public ControllerHandedness ControllerSide = ControllerHandedness.Right;
public PoseableObject HeldObject;
protected bool wasHoldingObject = false;
// Used to set the handpose depending on if we're holding an object or in the idle state
Animator handAnimator;
HandPoser handPoser;
AutoPoser autoPoser;
// We can use the HandPoseBlender to blend between an open and closed hand pose, using controller inputs such as grip and trigger as the blend values
HandPoseBlender poseBlender;
void Start() {
handAnimator = GetComponentInChildren<Animator>();
handPoser = GetComponentInChildren<HandPoser>();
autoPoser = GetComponentInChildren<AutoPoser>();
poseBlender = GetComponentInChildren<HandPoseBlender>();
// If no pose blender is found, add it and set it up so we can use it in Update()
if (poseBlender == null) {
poseBlender = this.gameObject.AddComponent<HandPoseBlender>();
poseBlender.Pose1 = Resources.Load<HandPose>("Open");
poseBlender.Pose2 = Resources.Load<HandPose>("Closed");
// Don't update pose in Update since we will be controlling this ourselves
poseBlender.UpdatePose = false;
public virtual void Update() {
public virtual void DoHandControllerUpdate() {
// Make sure we're reading inputs from the most up to date controllers
// Set the finger inputs on the Pose Blender
// Check if we are holding something
if (HoldingObject()) {
// Set hand poser or autoposer depending on the item set
else {
// If nothing equipped, do idle pose based on finger inputs
public virtual void SetCurrentlyHeldObject(GameObject holdObject) {
if(holdObject != null) {
HeldObject = holdObject.GetComponent<PoseableObject>();
else {
HeldObject = null;
public virtual void ClearCurrentlyHeldObject() {
if(HeldObject != null) {
HeldObject = null;
wasHoldingObject = false;
// Just use the HandPoser and make sure animator / auto pose don't interfere
public virtual void ResetToIdleComponents() {
handPoser.enabled = true;
handPoser.CurrentPose = null;
if (autoPoser) {
autoPoser.enabled = false;
if(handAnimator) {
handAnimator.enabled = false;
public virtual void UpdateFingerInputs() {
// Update pose blender depending on inputs from controller
// Thumb near can be counted as 'thumbTouch', primaryTouch, secondaryTouch, or primary2DAxisTouch (such as on knuckles controller)
poseBlender.ThumbValue = Mathf.Lerp(poseBlender.ThumbValue, GetThumbIsNear() ? 1 : 0, Time.deltaTime * handPoser.AnimationSpeed);
// Use Trigger for Index Finger
float targetIndexValue = correctValue(getFeatureUsage(controller, CommonUsages.trigger));
// If the index finger is on the trigger we can bring the finger in a bit
if (targetIndexValue < 0.1f && GetIndexIsNear()) {
targetIndexValue = 0.1f;
poseBlender.IndexValue = Mathf.Lerp(poseBlender.IndexValue, targetIndexValue, Time.deltaTime * handPoser.AnimationSpeed);
// Grip
poseBlender.GripValue = correctValue(getFeatureUsage(controller, CommonUsages.grip));
public virtual void DoHeldItemPose() {
// One time switch
if(!wasHoldingObject) {
// Auto Pose
if ((HeldObject.poseType == PoseableObject.PoseType.AutoPoseContinuous || HeldObject.poseType == PoseableObject.PoseType.AutoPoseOnce) && autoPoser != null) {
// Continuous
handAnimator.enabled = false;
autoPoser.enabled = true;
autoPoser.UpdateContinuously = true;
handPoser.CurrentPose = null; // No pose here
// Single
// Disable Continuos Auto Pose After Duration
Invoke("DisableContinousAutoPose", HeldObject.AutoPoseDuration);
// Hand Pose?
else if (HeldObject.poseType == PoseableObject.PoseType.HandPose) {
handAnimator.enabled = false;
autoPoser.enabled = false;
handPoser.CurrentPose = HeldObject.EquipHandPose;
// Animator Id?
else if (HeldObject.poseType == PoseableObject.PoseType.HandPose) {
autoPoser.enabled = false;
handPoser.enabled = false;
handAnimator.enabled = true;
handAnimator.SetInteger("HandPoseId", HeldObject.HandPoseID);
wasHoldingObject = true;
public virtual void DisableContinousAutoPose() {
if(autoPoser) {
autoPoser.UpdateContinuously = false;
public virtual void DoIdlePose() {
public virtual bool HoldingObject() {
return HeldObject != null;
float correctValue(float inputValue) {
return (float)System.Math.Round(inputValue * 1000f) / 1000f;
#region XRInputs
// Used in XRInput
static List<InputDevice> devices = new List<InputDevice>();
InputDevice controller;
public virtual void UpdateXRDevices() {
// Refresh XR devices
// Assign Controller based on left / right handedness
if (ControllerSide == ControllerHandedness.Right) {
controller = GetRightController();
else {
controller = GetLeftController();
float getFeatureUsage(InputDevice device, InputFeatureUsage<float> usage) {
float val;
device.TryGetFeatureValue(usage, out val);
return Mathf.Clamp01(val);
bool getFeatureUsage(InputDevice device, InputFeatureUsage<bool> usage) {
bool val;
if (device.TryGetFeatureValue(usage, out val)) {
return val;
return val;
public virtual InputDevice GetLeftController() {
var leftHandedControllers = new List<InputDevice>();
var dc = InputDeviceCharacteristics.HeldInHand | InputDeviceCharacteristics.Left | InputDeviceCharacteristics.Controller;
InputDevices.GetDevicesWithCharacteristics(dc, leftHandedControllers);
return leftHandedControllers.FirstOrDefault();
public virtual InputDevice GetRightController() {
var rightHandedControllers = new List<InputDevice>();
var dc = InputDeviceCharacteristics.HeldInHand | InputDeviceCharacteristics.Right | InputDeviceCharacteristics.Controller;
InputDevices.GetDevicesWithCharacteristics(dc, rightHandedControllers);
return rightHandedControllers.FirstOrDefault();
public virtual bool GetThumbIsNear() {
#pragma warning disable 0618
return getFeatureUsage(controller, CommonUsages.thumbTouch) > 0 ||
getFeatureUsage(controller, CommonUsages.primaryTouch) ||
getFeatureUsage(controller, CommonUsages.secondaryTouch) ||
getFeatureUsage(controller, CommonUsages.primary2DAxisTouch);
#pragma warning restore 0618
public virtual bool GetIndexIsNear() {
#pragma warning disable 0618
return getFeatureUsage(controller, CommonUsages.indexTouch) > 0;
#pragma warning restore 0618
public enum ControllerHandedness {