using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif #if CURVEDUI_TMP || TMP_PRESENT using TMPro; #endif [assembly: CurvedUI.OptionalDependency("TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI", "CURVEDUI_TMP")] namespace CurvedUI { //Added to every UI object by CurvedUISettings. //This is the script that subdivides and modifies the shape of the canvas object it is attached to. // //Requires Unity 5.3 or later public partial class CurvedUIVertexEffect : BaseMeshEffect { #region VARIABLES //public settings [Tooltip("Check to skip tesselation pass on this object. CurvedUI will not create additional vertices to make this object have a smoother curve. Checking this can solve some issues if you create your own procedural mesh for this object. Default false.")] public bool DoNotTesselate = false; //stored references Canvas myCanvas; CurvedUISettings mySettings; Graphic myGraphic; Text myText; #if CURVEDUI_TMP || TMP_PRESENT TextMeshProUGUI myTMP; CurvedUITMPSubmesh myTMPSubMesh; #endif //variables we operate on bool m_tesselationRequired = true; bool tesselationRequired { get { return m_tesselationRequired; } set { m_tesselationRequired = value; //Debug.Log( + " settting tess to " + value, this.gameObject); } } bool curvingRequired = true; bool TransformMisaligned = false; Matrix4x4 CanvasToWorld; Matrix4x4 CanvasToLocal; Matrix4x4 MyToWorld; Matrix4x4 MyToLocal; List<UIVertex> m_tesselatedVerts = new List<UIVertex>(); List<UIVertex> m_curvedVerts = new List<UIVertex>(); List<UIVertex> m_vertsInQuads = new List<UIVertex>(); UIVertex m_ret; UIVertex[] m_quad = new UIVertex[4]; float[] m_weights = new float[4]; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] Vector3 savedPos; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] Vector3 savedUp; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] Vector2 savedRectSize; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] Color savedColor; #if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] Vector4 savedTextUV0; #else [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] Vector2 savedTextUV0; #endif [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] float savedFill; #endregion #region LIFECYCLE protected override void Awake() { base.Awake(); myGraphic = GetComponent<Graphic>(); myText = GetComponent<Text>(); #if CURVEDUI_TMP || TMP_PRESENT myTMP = GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>(); myTMPSubMesh = GetComponent<CurvedUITMPSubmesh>(); #endif } protected override void OnEnable() { //find the settings object and its canvas. FindParentSettings(); //If there is an update to the graphic, we cant reuse old vertices, so new tesselation will be required if (myGraphic) { myGraphic.RegisterDirtyMaterialCallback(TesselationRequiredCallback); myGraphic.SetVerticesDirty(); } //add text events and callbacks if (myText) { myText.RegisterDirtyVerticesCallback(TesselationRequiredCallback); Font.textureRebuilt += FontTextureRebuiltCallback; } } /// <summary> /// Start is executed after OnEnable /// </summary> protected override void Start() { base.Start(); //if we have an interactable component, make sure its inside the canvas and it's Z position is 0 in relation to the canvas. //Otherwise the interactions on it will not be accurate, or it may not work at all! //This is because, in order to save performance, CurvedUI creates a collider only for the space inside the Canvas rectangle. if (myCanvas && GetComponent<Selectable>()) { Vector3 myPosOnCanvas = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(this.transform.position); RectTransform canvasRect = (myCanvas.transform as RectTransform); if (myPosOnCanvas.x.Abs() > canvasRect.rect.width / 2.0f || myPosOnCanvas.y.Abs() > canvasRect.rect.height / 2.0f) { Debug.LogWarning("CurvedUI: " + GetComponent<Selectable>().GetType().Name + " \"" + + "\" is outside of the canvas. It will not be interactable. Move it inside the canvas rectangle (white border in scene view) for it to work.", this.gameObject); } if (myPosOnCanvas.z.Abs() > 0.1f) { Debug.LogWarning("CurvedUI: The Z position of \"" + + "\" " + GetComponent<Selectable>().GetType().Name + ", or one of its parents is not 0 in relation to the canvas. The interactions may not be accurate.", this.gameObject); } } } protected override void OnDisable() { //If there is an update to the graphic, we cant reuse old vertices, so new tesselation will be required if (myGraphic) myGraphic.UnregisterDirtyMaterialCallback(TesselationRequiredCallback); if (myText) { myText.UnregisterDirtyVerticesCallback(TesselationRequiredCallback); Font.textureRebuilt -= FontTextureRebuiltCallback; } } /// <summary> /// Subscribed to graphic componenet to find out when vertex information changes and we need to create new geometry based on that. /// </summary> void TesselationRequiredCallback() { tesselationRequired = true; } /// <summary> /// Called by Font class to let us know font atlas has ben rebuilt and we need to update our vertices. /// </summary> void FontTextureRebuiltCallback(Font fontie) { if (myText.font == fontie) tesselationRequired = true; } void LateUpdate() { #if CURVEDUI_TMP || TMP_PRESENT // CurvedUITMP handles updates for TextMeshPro objects. if (myTMP || myTMPSubMesh) return; #endif //Find if the change in transform requires us to retesselate the UI // do not perform the check it it will happen anyway if (!tesselationRequired) { if ((transform as RectTransform).rect.size != savedRectSize) { //the size of this RectTransform has changed, we have to tesselate again! tesselationRequired = true; } else if (myGraphic != null)//test for color changes if it has a graphic component { if (myGraphic.color != savedColor) { tesselationRequired = true; savedColor = myGraphic.color; } else if (myGraphic is Image) { if ((myGraphic as Image).fillAmount != savedFill) { tesselationRequired = true; savedFill = (myGraphic as Image).fillAmount; } } } } if (!tesselationRequired && !curvingRequired) // do not perform a check if we're already tesselating or curving. Tesselation includes curving. { //test if position in canvas's local space has been changed. We would need to recalculate vertices again Vector3 testedPos = mySettings.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(this.transform.position); if (!testedPos.AlmostEqual(savedPos)) { //we dont have to curve vertices if we only moved the object vertically in a cylinder. if (mySettings.Shape != CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER || Mathf.Pow(testedPos.x - savedPos.x, 2) > 0.00001 || Mathf.Pow(testedPos.z - savedPos.z, 2) > 0.00001) { savedPos = testedPos; curvingRequired = true; //Debug.Log("crv req - tested pos: " + testedPos, this.gameObject); } } //test this object's rotation in relation to canvas. Vector3 testedUp = mySettings.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyVector(this.transform.up).normalized; if (!savedUp.AlmostEqual(testedUp, 0.0001)) { bool testedEqual = testedUp.AlmostEqual(Vector3.up.normalized); bool savedEqual = savedUp.AlmostEqual(Vector3.up.normalized); //special case - if we change the z angle from or to 0, we need to retesselate to properly display geometry in cyllinder if ((!testedEqual && savedEqual) || (testedEqual && !savedEqual)) tesselationRequired = true; savedUp = testedUp; curvingRequired = true; //Debug.Log("crv req - tested up: " + testedUp); } } ////if we find we need to make a change in the mesh, set vertices dirty to trigger BaseMeshEffect firing. if (myGraphic && (tesselationRequired || curvingRequired)) myGraphic.SetVerticesDirty(); } #endregion #region MESH EFFECT //This is called by canvas after UI object's mesh is generated, but before it is rendered. //Best place to modify the vertices of the object. public override void ModifyMesh(VertexHelper vh) { if (!ShouldModify()) return; //check for changes in text font material that would mean a retesselation in required to get fresh UV's CheckTextFontMaterial(); //TESSELATING VERTICES--------------------------------------------------------// //tesselate (subdivide) the vertices of the UI object if we need more of them //to display nice curvature. Save them to a list, so we don't have to retesselate //if RectTransform's size has not changed. if (tesselationRequired || !Application.isPlaying) { //Prepare a list and get vertices from the vertex stream. These come as triangles. if (m_tesselatedVerts == null) m_tesselatedVerts = new List<UIVertex>(); else m_tesselatedVerts.Clear(); vh.GetUIVertexStream(m_tesselatedVerts); //subdivide them TesselateGeometry(m_tesselatedVerts); //save the transform properties we last tesselated for. savedRectSize = (transform as RectTransform).rect.size; //set flag tesselationRequired = false; curvingRequired = true; } //CURVING VERTICES ---------------------------------------------------------// if (curvingRequired) { //update transformation matrices we're going to use in curving the verts. CanvasToWorld = myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix; CanvasToLocal = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix; MyToWorld = transform.localToWorldMatrix; MyToLocal = transform.worldToLocalMatrix; //prepare list if (m_curvedVerts == null) m_curvedVerts = new List<UIVertex>(); //Debug.Log("verts:" + m_curvedVerts.Count + " tess'd:" + m_tesselatedVerts.Count); if (m_curvedVerts.Count == m_tesselatedVerts.Count) { //Debug.Log("count equal"); for (int i = 0; i < m_curvedVerts.Count; i++) m_curvedVerts[i] = CurveVertex(m_tesselatedVerts[i], mySettings.Angle, mySettings.GetCyllinderRadiusInCanvasSpace(), (myCanvas.transform as RectTransform).rect.size); } else { m_curvedVerts.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_tesselatedVerts.Count; i++) m_curvedVerts.Add(CurveVertex(m_tesselatedVerts[i], mySettings.Angle, mySettings.GetCyllinderRadiusInCanvasSpace(), (myCanvas.transform as RectTransform).rect.size)); } //set flags curvingRequired = false; } //SAVE CURVED VERTICES TO THE VERTEX HELPER------------------------// //They can come as quads or as triangles. vh.Clear(); if (m_curvedVerts.Count % 4 == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < m_curvedVerts.Count; i += 4) { for (int v = 0; v < 4; v++)//create a quad m_quad[v] = m_curvedVerts[i + v]; vh.AddUIVertexQuad(m_quad); // add it to the list } } else vh.AddUIVertexTriangleStream(m_curvedVerts); } //This is called by canvas after UI object's mesh is generated, but before it is rendered. //Best place to modify the vertices of the object. public void ModifyTMPMesh(ref List<UIVertex> vertexList) { if (!ShouldModify()) return; //check for changes in text font material that would mean a retesselation in required to get fresh UV's CheckTextFontMaterial(); //TESSELATING VERTICES--------------------------------------------------------// //not needed in TMP object, skip to curving tesselationRequired = false; curvingRequired = true; //CURVING VERTICES ---------------------------------------------------------// if (curvingRequired) { //update transformation matrices we're going to use in curving the verts. CanvasToWorld = myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix; CanvasToLocal = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix; MyToWorld = transform.localToWorldMatrix; MyToLocal = transform.worldToLocalMatrix; //Debug.Log("verts:" + m_curvedVerts.Count + " tess'd:" + m_tesselatedVerts.Count); for (int i = 0; i < vertexList.Count; i++) vertexList[i] = CurveVertex(vertexList[i], mySettings.Angle, mySettings.GetCyllinderRadiusInCanvasSpace(), (myCanvas.transform as RectTransform).rect.size); //set flags curvingRequired = false; } } #endregion #region HELPERS bool ShouldModify() { if (!this.IsActive()) return false; if (mySettings == null) FindParentSettings(); if (mySettings == null || !mySettings.enabled || mySettings.Angle == 1) return false; return true; } void CheckTextFontMaterial() { //we check for a sudden change in text's fontMaterialTexture. This is a very hacky way, but the only one working reliably for now. if (myText) { if (myText.cachedTextGenerator.verts.Count > 0 && myText.cachedTextGenerator.verts[0].uv0 != savedTextUV0) { //Debug.Log("tess req - texture"); savedTextUV0 = myText.cachedTextGenerator.verts[0].uv0; tesselationRequired = true; } } } public CurvedUISettings FindParentSettings(bool forceNew = false) { if (mySettings == null || forceNew) { mySettings = GetComponentInParent<CurvedUISettings>(); if (mySettings == null) return null; else { myCanvas = mySettings.GetComponent<Canvas>(); } } return mySettings; } #endregion #region CURVING /// <summary> /// Map position of a vertex to a section of a circle. calculated in canvas's local space /// </summary> UIVertex CurveVertex(UIVertex input, float cylinder_angle, float radius, Vector2 canvasSize) { Vector3 pos = input.position; //calculated in canvas local space version: pos = CanvasToLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(MyToWorld.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos)); // pos = mySettings.VertexPositionToCurvedCanvas(pos); if (mySettings.Shape == CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER && mySettings.Angle != 0) { float theta = (pos.x / canvasSize.x) * cylinder_angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad; radius += pos.z; // change the radius depending on how far the element is moved in z direction from canvas plane pos.x = Mathf.Sin(theta) * radius; pos.z += Mathf.Cos(theta) * radius - radius; } else if (mySettings.Shape == CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER_VERTICAL && mySettings.Angle != 0) { float theta = (pos.y / canvasSize.y) * cylinder_angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad; radius += pos.z; // change the radius depending on how far the element is moved in z direction from canvas plane pos.y = Mathf.Sin(theta) * radius; pos.z += Mathf.Cos(theta) * radius - radius; } else if (mySettings.Shape == CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.RING) { float angleOffset = 0; float r = pos.y.Remap(canvasSize.y * 0.5f * (mySettings.RingFlipVertical ? 1 : -1), -canvasSize.y * 0.5f * (mySettings.RingFlipVertical ? 1 : -1), mySettings.RingExternalDiameter * (1 - mySettings.RingFill) * 0.5f, mySettings.RingExternalDiameter * 0.5f); float theta = (pos.x / canvasSize.x).Remap(-0.5f, 0.5f, Mathf.PI / 2.0f, cylinder_angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad + Mathf.PI / 2.0f) - angleOffset; pos.x = r * Mathf.Cos(theta); pos.y = r * Mathf.Sin(theta); } else if (mySettings.Shape == CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.SPHERE && mySettings.Angle != 0) { float vangle = mySettings.VerticalAngle; float savedZ = -pos.z; if (mySettings.PreserveAspect) { vangle = cylinder_angle * (canvasSize.y / canvasSize.x); } else { radius = canvasSize.x / 2.0f; if (vangle == 0) return input; } //convert planar coordinates to spherical coordinates float theta = (pos.x / canvasSize.x).Remap(-0.5f, 0.5f, (180 - cylinder_angle) / 2.0f - 90, 180 - (180 - cylinder_angle) / 2.0f - 90); theta *= Mathf.Deg2Rad; float gamma = (pos.y / canvasSize.y).Remap(-0.5f, 0.5f, (180 - vangle) / 2.0f, 180 - (180 - vangle) / 2.0f); gamma *= Mathf.Deg2Rad; pos.z = Mathf.Sin(gamma) * Mathf.Cos(theta) * (radius + savedZ); pos.y = -(radius + savedZ) * Mathf.Cos(gamma); pos.x = Mathf.Sin(gamma) * Mathf.Sin(theta) * (radius + savedZ); if (mySettings.PreserveAspect) pos.z -= radius; } //4. write output input.position = MyToLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(CanvasToWorld.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos)); return input; } #endregion #region TESSELATION void TesselateGeometry(List<UIVertex> verts) { Vector2 tessellatedSize = mySettings.GetTesslationSize(); //find if we are aligned with canvas main axis TransformMisaligned = !(savedUp.AlmostEqual(Vector3.up.normalized)); // Convert the list from triangles to quads to be used by the tesselation TrisToQuads(verts); //do not tesselate text verts. Text usually is small and has plenty of verts already. #if CURVEDUI_TMP || TMP_PRESENT if (myText == null && myTMP == null && !DoNotTesselate) { #else if (myText == null && !DoNotTesselate) { #endif // Tesselate quads and apply transformation int startingVertexCount = verts.Count; for (int i = 0; i < startingVertexCount; i += 4) ModifyQuad(verts, i, tessellatedSize); // Remove old quads verts.RemoveRange(0, startingVertexCount); } } void ModifyQuad(List<UIVertex> verts, int vertexIndex, Vector2 requiredSize) { // Read the existing quad vertices for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) m_quad[i] = verts[vertexIndex + i]; // horizotal and vertical directions of a quad. We're going to tesselate parallel to these. Vector3 horizontalDir = m_quad[2].position - m_quad[1].position; Vector3 verticalDir = m_quad[1].position - m_quad[0].position; //To make sure filled image is properly tesselated, were going to find the bigger side of the quad. if (myGraphic != null && (myGraphic is Image) && (myGraphic as Image).type == Image.Type.Filled) { horizontalDir = (horizontalDir).x > (m_quad[3].position - m_quad[0].position).x ? horizontalDir : m_quad[3].position - m_quad[0].position; verticalDir = (verticalDir).y > (m_quad[2].position - m_quad[3].position).y ? verticalDir : m_quad[2].position - m_quad[3].position; } // Find how many quads we need to create int horizontalQuads = 1; int verticalQuads = 1; // Tesselate vertically only if the recttransform (or parent) is rotated // This cuts down the time needed to tesselate by 90% in some cases. if (TransformMisaligned || mySettings.Shape == CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.SPHERE || mySettings.Shape == CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER_VERTICAL) verticalQuads = Mathf.CeilToInt(verticalDir.magnitude * (1.0f / Mathf.Max(0.0001f, requiredSize.y))); if (TransformMisaligned || mySettings.Shape != CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER_VERTICAL) { horizontalQuads = Mathf.CeilToInt(horizontalDir.magnitude * (1.0f / Mathf.Max(0.0001f, requiredSize.x))); } //Debug.Log( + "'s panel: hori size:" + horizontalDir.magnitude + " req:" + requiredSize.x + " divs:"+horizontalQuads); bool oneVert = false; bool oneHori = false; // Create the quads! float yStart = 0.0f; for (int y = 0; y < verticalQuads || !oneVert; ++y) { oneVert = true; float yEnd = (y + 1.0f) / verticalQuads; float xStart = 0.0f; for (int x = 0; x < horizontalQuads || !oneHori; ++x) { oneHori = true; float xEnd = (x + 1.0f) / horizontalQuads; //Add new quads to list verts.Add(TesselateQuad(xStart, yStart)); verts.Add(TesselateQuad(xStart, yEnd)); verts.Add(TesselateQuad(xEnd, yEnd)); verts.Add(TesselateQuad(xEnd, yStart)); //begin the next quad where we ened this one xStart = xEnd; } //begin the next row where we ended this one yStart = yEnd; } } /// <summary> /// Converts a List of triangle mesh vertices to a list of quad mesh vertices /// </summary> void TrisToQuads(List<UIVertex> verts) { int vertsInTrisCount = verts.Count; m_vertsInQuads.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < vertsInTrisCount; i += 6) { // Get four corners from two triangles. Basic UI always comes in quads anyway. m_vertsInQuads.Add(verts[i + 0]); m_vertsInQuads.Add(verts[i + 1]); m_vertsInQuads.Add(verts[i + 2]); m_vertsInQuads.Add(verts[i + 4]); } //add quads to the list and remove the triangles verts.AddRange(m_vertsInQuads); verts.RemoveRange(0, vertsInTrisCount); } /// <summary> /// Subdivides a quad into 4 quads. /// </summary> /// <returns>The quad.</returns> /// <param name="quad">Quad.</param> /// <param name="x">The x coordinate.</param> /// <param name="y">The y coordinate.</param> #if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER private Vector4 _uv0; private Vector4 _uv1; #else private Vector2 _uv0; private Vector2 _uv1; #endif private Vector3 _pos; UIVertex TesselateQuad(float x, float y) { //1. calculate weighting factors m_weights[0] = (1 - x) * (1 - y); m_weights[1] = (1 - x) * y; m_weights[2] = x * y; m_weights[3] = x * (1 - y); //2. interpolate all the vertex properties using weighting factors _uv0 = _uv1 =; _pos =; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { _uv0 += m_quad[i].uv0 * m_weights[i]; _uv1 += m_quad[i].uv1 * m_weights[i]; _pos += m_quad[i].position * m_weights[i]; //normal += quad[i].normal * weights[i]; // normals should be recalculated to take the curve into account. Skipped to save performance. //tan += quad[i].tangent * weights[i]; // tangents should be recalculated to take the curve into account. Skipped to save performance. } //4. return output m_ret.position = _pos; //ret.color = Color32.Lerp(Color32.Lerp(quad[3].color, quad[1].color, y), Color32.Lerp(quad[0].color, quad[2].color, y), x); m_ret.color = m_quad[0].color; //used instead to save performance. Color lerps are expensive. m_ret.uv0 = _uv0; m_ret.uv1 = _uv1; m_ret.normal = m_quad[0].normal; m_ret.tangent = m_quad[0].tangent; return m_ret; } #endregion #region PUBLIC /// <summary> /// Force Mesh to be rebuild during canvas' next update loop. /// </summary> public void SetDirty() { TesselationRequired = true; } /// <summary> /// Force vertices to be tesselated again from original vertices. /// Set by CurvedUIVertexEffect when updating object's visual property. /// </summary> public bool TesselationRequired { get { return tesselationRequired; } set { tesselationRequired = value; } } /// <summary> /// Force vertices to be repositioned on the curved canvas. /// set by CurvedUIVertexEffect when moving UI objects on canvas. /// </summary> public bool CurvingRequired { get { return curvingRequired; } set { curvingRequired = value; } } #endregion }// end of class } //end of namespace