using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

namespace Dreamteck.Splines
    //This is a blank SplineUser-derived class which you can use to build your custom SplineUser
    //You can safely delete any functions that you won't use
    //DO NOT ADD Update, LateUpdate or FixedUpdate, use Run, it is automatically called through one of these methods
    public class BlankUser : SplineUser
        protected override void Awake()
            //Awake is also called in the editor

        void Start()
            //Write initialization code here

        protected override void LateRun()
            //Code to run every Update/FixedUpdate/LateUpdate

        protected override void Build()
            //Build is called after the spline has been sampled. 
            //Use it for calculations (example: generate mesh geometry, calculate object positions)

        protected override void PostBuild()
            //Called on the main thread after Build has finished
            //Use it to apply the calculations from Build to GameObjects, Transforms, Meshes, etc.
