/* ---------------------------------------
 * Author:          Martin Pane (martintayx@gmail.com) (@tayx94)
 * Contributors:    https://github.com/Tayx94/graphy/graphs/contributors
 * Project:         Graphy - Ultimate Stats Monitor
 * Date:            05-Dec-17
 * Studio:          Tayx
 * Git repo:        https://github.com/Tayx94/graphy
 * This project is released under the MIT license.
 * Attribution is not required, but it is always welcomed!
 * -------------------------------------*/

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Tayx.Graphy.Utils.NumString;

namespace Tayx.Graphy.Ram
    public class G_RamText : MonoBehaviour
        #region Variables -> Serialized Private

        [SerializeField] private    Text            m_allocatedSystemMemorySizeText         = null;
        [SerializeField] private    Text            m_reservedSystemMemorySizeText          = null;
        [SerializeField] private    Text            m_monoSystemMemorySizeText              = null;


        #region Variables -> Private

        private                     GraphyManager   m_graphyManager                         = null;

        private                     G_RamMonitor    m_ramMonitor                            = null;

        private                     float           m_updateRate                            = 4f;  // 4 updates per sec.

        private                     float           m_deltaTime                             = 0.0f;


        #region Methods -> Unity Callbacks

        private void Awake()

        private void Update()
            m_deltaTime += Time.unscaledDeltaTime;

            if (m_deltaTime > 1f / m_updateRate)
                // Update allocated, mono and reserved memory
                m_allocatedSystemMemorySizeText .text = ((int)m_ramMonitor.AllocatedRam).ToStringNonAlloc();
                m_reservedSystemMemorySizeText  .text = ((int)m_ramMonitor.ReservedRam).ToStringNonAlloc();
                m_monoSystemMemorySizeText      .text = ((int)m_ramMonitor.MonoRam).ToStringNonAlloc();

                m_deltaTime                     = 0f;

        #region Methods -> Public
        public void UpdateParameters()
            m_allocatedSystemMemorySizeText .color = m_graphyManager.AllocatedRamColor;
            m_reservedSystemMemorySizeText  .color = m_graphyManager.ReservedRamColor;
            m_monoSystemMemorySizeText      .color = m_graphyManager.MonoRamColor;

            m_updateRate                    = m_graphyManager.RamTextUpdateRate;

        #region Methods -> Private

        private void Init()
            // We assume no game will consume more than 16GB of RAM.
            // If it does, who cares about some minuscule garbage allocation lol.
            G_IntString.Init( 0, 16386 ); 

            m_graphyManager = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren<GraphyManager>();

            m_ramMonitor = GetComponent<G_RamMonitor>();
