using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace BNG { public class SnapZoneRingHelper : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// The Snap Zone to respond to. Change size and color of ring if there is a valid grabbable within /// </summary> public SnapZone Snap; public Color RestingColor = Color.gray; public Color ValidSnapColor = Color.white; /// <summary> /// Scale in Dynamic Pixels Per Unit /// </summary> public float RestingScale = 1000f; /// <summary> /// Scale in Dynamic Pixels Per Unit /// </summary> public float ValidSnapScale = 800f; CanvasScaler ringCanvas; Text ringText; GrabbablesInTrigger nearbyGrabbables; bool validSnap = false; public float ScaleSpeed = 50f; void Start() { ringCanvas = GetComponent<CanvasScaler>(); ringText = GetComponent<Text>(); nearbyGrabbables = Snap.GetComponent<GrabbablesInTrigger>(); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { validSnap = checkIsValidSnap(); // Scale float lerpTo = validSnap ? ValidSnapScale : RestingScale; ringCanvas.dynamicPixelsPerUnit = Mathf.Lerp(ringCanvas.dynamicPixelsPerUnit, lerpTo, Time.deltaTime * ScaleSpeed); // Color ringText.color = validSnap ? ValidSnapColor : RestingColor; } bool checkIsValidSnap() { if(nearbyGrabbables != null) { // Invalid if we are already holding something if(Snap.HeldItem != null) { return false; } // Can snap if there is a held object inside our trigger if (Snap.ClosestGrabbable != null) { return true; } } return false; } } }