using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; namespace AmazingAssets.CurvedWorldEditor { public static class EditorUtilities { public enum EXTENSTION { cginc, UnityShaderGraphNormal, UnityShaderGraphVertex, AmplifyShaderEditorNormal, AmplifyShaderEditorVertex } public enum KEYWORDS_COMPILE { Default, ShaderFeature, MultiCompile } public enum RENDER_PIPELINE { Builtin, Universal, HighDefinition } public enum ACTIVATE_STATE { Done, Skip, Problem } static public readonly int MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_IDS = 32; static public readonly int MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_TYPES = Enum.GetValues(typeof(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)).Length; static public string[] bendTypesNamesForLabel = Enum.GetValues(typeof(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)).Cast().Select(x => EditorUtilities.GetBendTypeNameInfo((CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)x).forLable).ToArray(); static public string[] bendTypesNamesForMenu = Enum.GetValues(typeof(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)).Cast().Select(x => EditorUtilities.GetBendTypeNameInfo((CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)x).forMenu).ToArray(); static public string shaderProprtyName_BendSettings = "_CurvedWorldBendSettings"; static public string shaderKeywordName_CurvedWorldDisabled = "CURVEDWORLD_DISABLED_ON"; static public string shaderKeywordName_BendTransformNormal = "CURVEDWORLD_NORMAL_TRANSFORMATION_ON"; static public string shaderKeywordPrefix_BendType = "CURVEDWORLD_BEND_TYPE_"; static public string shaderKeywordPrefix_BendID = "CURVEDWORLD_BEND_ID_"; static public char[] invalidFileNameCharachters = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars(); static string curvedWorldEditorFolderPath; static string curvedWorldTransformFilePath; static string amplifyShaderEditorWindowPath; static Dictionary projectBendsFilePathes = null; static public string GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(curvedWorldEditorFolderPath)) { string[] assets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("CurvedWorldTransform"); if (assets != null && assets.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < assets.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assets[i]) == false) { string currentFilePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(assets[i]); if (currentFilePath.Contains("Amazing Assets") && currentFilePath.Contains("Curved World") && currentFilePath.Contains("Shaders") && currentFilePath.Contains("Core") && Path.GetExtension(currentFilePath) == ".cginc") { curvedWorldEditorFolderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(currentFilePath))); break; } } } } } return curvedWorldEditorFolderPath; } static public string GetCoreTransformFilePath() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(curvedWorldTransformFilePath) || File.Exists(curvedWorldTransformFilePath) == false) { curvedWorldTransformFilePath = Path.Combine(GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath(), "Shaders", "Core", "CurvedWorldTransform.cginc"); } return curvedWorldTransformFilePath; } static public string GetCoreTransformFilePathForShader() { string pathToTransformCGINC = "\"" + GetCoreTransformFilePath() + "\""; pathToTransformCGINC = pathToTransformCGINC.Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, '/'); pathToTransformCGINC = pathToTransformCGINC.Replace('\\', '/'); return "#include " + pathToTransformCGINC; } static public string GetBendFileLocation(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType, int bendID, EXTENSTION extention) { if (projectBendsFilePathes == null) { if (projectBendsFilePathes != null) projectBendsFilePathes.Clear(); projectBendsFilePathes = new Dictionary(); } bendID = (int)Mathf.Clamp(bendID, 1, EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_IDS); int key = (int)bendType * EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_IDS + bendID; if (projectBendsFilePathes.ContainsKey(key) == false) { BendFiles bendFiles; bendFiles.pathToCGINC = GetGeneratedFilePath(bendType, bendID, EXTENSTION.cginc, false); bendFiles.pathToUnityShaderGraphNormal = GetGeneratedFilePath(bendType, bendID, EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphNormal, false); bendFiles.pathToUnityShaderGraphVertex = GetGeneratedFilePath(bendType, bendID, EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphVertex, false); bendFiles.pathToAmplifyShaderEditorNormal = GetGeneratedFilePath(bendType, bendID, EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorNormal, false); bendFiles.pathToAmplifyShaderEditorVertex = GetGeneratedFilePath(bendType, bendID, EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorVertex, false); projectBendsFilePathes.Add(key, bendFiles); } switch (extention) { case EXTENSTION.cginc: return projectBendsFilePathes[key].pathToCGINC; case EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphNormal: return projectBendsFilePathes[key].pathToUnityShaderGraphNormal; case EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphVertex: return projectBendsFilePathes[key].pathToUnityShaderGraphVertex; case EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorNormal: return projectBendsFilePathes[key].pathToAmplifyShaderEditorNormal; case EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorVertex: return projectBendsFilePathes[key].pathToAmplifyShaderEditorVertex; default: return string.Empty; } } static public void RebuildProjectBendsInfo() { projectBendsFilePathes = null; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_TYPES; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_IDS; j++) { GetBendFileLocation((CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)i, j, EXTENSTION.cginc); GetBendFileLocation((CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)i, j, EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphNormal); GetBendFileLocation((CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)i, j, EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphVertex); GetBendFileLocation((CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)i, j, EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorNormal); GetBendFileLocation((CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)i, j, EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorVertex); } } } static CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE[] StringToBendTypes(string bendTypesString) { List list = new List(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bendTypesString) == false) { bendTypesString = bendTypesString.Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); string[] bendTypes = bendTypesString.Split(','); if (bendTypes != null && bendTypes.Length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < bendTypes.Length; j++) { CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bt; if (System.Enum.TryParse(bendTypes[j], out bt)) { list.Add(bt); } } } } return list.ToArray(); } static int[] StringToBendIDs(string bendTypesString) { List list = new List(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bendTypesString) == false) { bendTypesString = bendTypesString.Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); string[] bendTypes = bendTypesString.Split(','); if (bendTypes != null && bendTypes.Length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < bendTypes.Length; j++) { int iOut; if (int.TryParse(bendTypes[j], out iOut)) { if (iOut >= 1 && iOut <= EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_IDS) list.Add(iOut); } } } } return list.ToArray(); } static bool StringToNormalTransform(string normalTransfromString) { bool value = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(normalTransfromString) == false && normalTransfromString.Length == 1 && normalTransfromString == "1") value = true; return value; } static public bool StringToBendSettings(string label, out CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE[] bendTypes, out int[] bendIDs, out bool hasNormalTransform) { bendTypes = null; bendIDs = null; hasNormalTransform = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label) == false) { string[] bendSettings = label.Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim().Split('|'); if (bendSettings != null) { if (bendSettings.Length == 2) { bendTypes = StringToBendTypes(bendSettings[0]); bendIDs = StringToBendIDs(bendSettings[1]); hasNormalTransform = false; return true; } else if (bendSettings.Length == 3) { bendTypes = StringToBendTypes(bendSettings[0]); bendIDs = StringToBendIDs(bendSettings[1]); hasNormalTransform = StringToNormalTransform(bendSettings[2]); return true; } } } return false; } static public string BendSettingsToString(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE[] bendTypes, int[] bendIDs, bool hasNormalTransform) { if (bendTypes == null || bendTypes.Length == 0 || bendIDs == null || bendIDs.Length == 0) return string.Empty; bendTypes = (new List(bendTypes)).Distinct().OrderBy(x => (int)x).ToArray(); bendIDs = (new List(bendIDs)).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToArray(); return String.Join(",", bendTypes.Select(p => (int)p)) + "|" + String.Join(",", bendIDs) + (hasNormalTransform ? "|1" : string.Empty); } static public void GetBendSettingsFromVector(Vector4 prop, out CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType, out int bendID, out bool normalTransform) { bendType = (CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)prop[0]; bendID = prop[1] <= 1 ? 1 : (int)prop[1]; normalTransform = prop[2] == 1 ? true : false; } static public bool GetShaderSupportedBendSettings(Shader shader, out CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE[] bendTypes, out int[] bendIDs, out bool hasNormalTransform) { bendTypes = null; bendIDs = null; hasNormalTransform = false; for (int i = 0; i < ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount(shader); i++) { if (ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName(shader, i) == shaderProprtyName_BendSettings) { string propertyDescription = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyDescription(shader, i); if (StringToBendSettings(propertyDescription, out bendTypes, out bendIDs, out hasNormalTransform)) break; } } if (bendTypes != null && bendTypes.Length > 0 && bendIDs != null && bendIDs.Length > 0) { return true; } else { bendTypes = null; bendIDs = null; return false; } } static public bool AddShaderBendSettings(Shader shader, CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType, int bendID, KEYWORDS_COMPILE keywordsCompile, bool reimport) { CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE[] bendTypes; int[] bendIDs; bool hasNormalTransform; if (GetShaderSupportedBendSettings(shader, out bendTypes, out bendIDs, out hasNormalTransform)) { if (bendTypes.Contains(bendType) == false) { List temp = new List(bendTypes); temp.Add(bendType); bendTypes = temp.ToArray(); } if (bendIDs.Contains(bendID) == false) { List temp = new List(bendIDs); temp.Add(bendID); bendIDs = temp.ToArray(); } return SetShaderBendSettings(shader, bendTypes, bendIDs, keywordsCompile, reimport); } return false; } static public bool SetShaderBendSettings(Shader shader, CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE[] bendTypes, int[] bendIDs, KEYWORDS_COMPILE keywordsCompile, bool reimport) { if (shader == null || bendTypes == null || bendTypes.Length == 0 || bendIDs == null || bendIDs.Length == 0) return false; string propDescription = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount(shader); i++) { if (ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName(shader, i) == shaderProprtyName_BendSettings) { propDescription = "\"" + ShaderUtil.GetPropertyDescription(shader, i).Trim() + "\""; break; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propDescription)) return false; string shaderFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(shader.GetInstanceID()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shaderFilePath)) return false; string label = "\"" + BendSettingsToString(bendTypes, bendIDs, HasShaderNormalTransform(shader)) + "\""; string bendTypeKeywordString = null; string bendIDKeywordString = null; string[] allLines = File.ReadAllLines(shaderFilePath); bool replaceProperty = false; bool replaceBendTypeDefinitions = false; bool replaceBendIDDefinitions = false; //Replace Property for (int i = 0; i < allLines.Length; i++) { //Replace property if (replaceProperty == false && allLines[i].Contains(shaderProprtyName_BendSettings) && allLines[i].Contains(propDescription)) { if (StringIsCommented(allLines[i]) == false) { allLines[i] = allLines[i].Replace(propDescription, label); replaceProperty = true; break; } } } for (int i = 0; i < allLines.Length; i++) { //Replace Bend Type Keyword if (allLines[i].Contains(shaderKeywordPrefix_BendType) && (allLines[i].Contains("#define") || allLines[i].Contains("#pragma"))) { if (StringIsCommented(allLines[i])) continue; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bendTypeKeywordString)) { if (bendTypes.Length == 1) { bendTypeKeywordString = "#define " + GetKeywordName(bendTypes[0]); } else { switch (keywordsCompile) { case KEYWORDS_COMPILE.ShaderFeature: bendTypeKeywordString = "#pragma shader_feature_local"; break; case KEYWORDS_COMPILE.MultiCompile: bendTypeKeywordString = "#pragma multi_compile_local"; break; default: bendTypeKeywordString = allLines[i].Contains("multi_compile_local") ? "#pragma multi_compile_local" : "#pragma shader_feature_local"; break; } for (int j = 0; j < bendTypes.Length; j++) { bendTypeKeywordString += " " + GetKeywordName(bendTypes[j]); } } } allLines[i] = bendTypeKeywordString; replaceBendTypeDefinitions = true; } //Replace Bend ID Keyword if (allLines[i].Contains(shaderKeywordPrefix_BendID) && (allLines[i].Contains("#define") || allLines[i].Contains("#pragma"))) { if (StringIsCommented(allLines[i])) continue; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bendIDKeywordString)) { if (bendIDs.Length == 1) { bendIDKeywordString = "#define " + GetKeywordName(bendIDs[0]); } else { bendIDKeywordString = string.Empty; switch (keywordsCompile) { case KEYWORDS_COMPILE.ShaderFeature: bendIDKeywordString = "#pragma shader_feature_local"; break; case KEYWORDS_COMPILE.MultiCompile: bendIDKeywordString = "#pragma multi_compile_local"; break; default: bendIDKeywordString = allLines[i].Contains("multi_compile_local") ? "#pragma multi_compile_local" : "#pragma shader_feature_local"; break; } for (int j = 0; j < bendIDs.Length; j++) { bendIDKeywordString += " " + GetKeywordName(bendIDs[j]); } } } allLines[i] = bendIDKeywordString; replaceBendIDDefinitions = true; } } File.WriteAllLines(shaderFilePath, allLines); if (reimport) AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(shaderFilePath); if (replaceProperty && replaceBendTypeDefinitions && replaceBendIDDefinitions) return true; else { return false; } } static public void SetMaterialBendSettings(Material material, CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType, int bendID, bool normalTransform) { if (material != null && material.shader != null && material.HasProperty(shaderProprtyName_BendSettings)) { bendID = Mathf.Clamp(bendID, 1, MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_IDS); //Setup shader Bend Type CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE[] shadersBendTypes; int[] shadersBendIDs; bool hasNormalTransform; if (GetShaderSupportedBendSettings(material.shader, out shadersBendTypes, out shadersBendIDs, out hasNormalTransform)) { if (shadersBendTypes.Contains(bendType) == false) { List temp = new List(shadersBendTypes); temp.Add(bendType); shadersBendTypes = temp.ToArray(); } if (shadersBendIDs.Contains(bendID) == false) { List temp = new List(shadersBendIDs); temp.Add(bendID); shadersBendIDs = temp.ToArray(); } SetShaderBendSettings(material.shader, shadersBendTypes, shadersBendIDs, KEYWORDS_COMPILE.Default, false); UpdateMaterialKeyWords(material, bendType, bendID, normalTransform); } else { UpdateMaterialKeyWords(material, bendType, bendID, normalTransform); } } } static public void UpdateMaterialKeyWords(Material material, CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType, int bendID, bool normalTransform) { if (material == null || material.shader == null) return; if (normalTransform && HasShaderNormalTransform(material.shader) == false) normalTransform = false; List keyWords = new List(material.shaderKeywords); for (int i = keyWords.Count - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { if (keyWords[i].Contains(shaderKeywordPrefix_BendType) || keyWords[i].Contains(shaderKeywordPrefix_BendID)) { material.DisableKeyword(keyWords[i]); keyWords.RemoveAt(i); } } material.DisableKeyword(shaderKeywordName_BendTransformNormal); keyWords.Remove(EditorUtilities.shaderKeywordName_BendTransformNormal); //Bend Type keyWords.Add(GetKeywordName(bendType)); //Bend ID keyWords.Add(GetKeywordName(bendID)); if (normalTransform) keyWords.Add(EditorUtilities.shaderKeywordName_BendTransformNormal); material.shaderKeywords = keyWords.ToArray(); //Enable keywords { material.EnableKeyword(GetKeywordName(bendType)); material.EnableKeyword(GetKeywordName(bendID)); if (normalTransform) material.EnableKeyword(shaderKeywordName_BendTransformNormal); } if (material.HasProperty(shaderProprtyName_BendSettings)) { Vector4 prop = material.GetVector(shaderProprtyName_BendSettings); prop.x = (int)bendType; prop.y = bendID; prop.z = normalTransform ? 1 : 0; material.SetVector(shaderProprtyName_BendSettings, prop); } } static public bool HasShaderCurvedWorldBendSettingsProperty(Shader shader) { if (shader != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount(shader); i++) { if (ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName(shader, i) == shaderProprtyName_BendSettings) return true; } } return false; } static public bool HasShaderNormalTransform(Shader shader) { CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE[] bendType; int[] bendID; bool hasNormalTransform; if (GetShaderSupportedBendSettings(shader, out bendType, out bendID, out hasNormalTransform)) { return hasNormalTransform; } return false; } static public bool IsShaderCurvedWorldTerrain(Shader shader) { if (shader == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty( return false; return"Amazing Assets/Curved World") &&"Terrain"); } static public string GetGeneratedFilePath(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType, int bendID, EXTENSTION extention, bool createFolder) { string filePath = string.Empty; switch (extention) { case EXTENSTION.cginc: //Main CGINC filePath = GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath(); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Shaders"); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "CGINC"); if (createFolder && Directory.Exists(filePath) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, GetBendTypeNameInfo(bendType).nameOnly); if (createFolder && Directory.Exists(filePath) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, ("CurvedWorld_" + bendType.ToString() + "_ID" + bendID) + ".cginc"); break; case EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorNormal: //Amplify Shder Editor case EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorVertex: filePath = GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath(); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Shaders"); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Amplify Shader Editor"); if (createFolder && Directory.Exists(filePath) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, GetBendTypeNameInfo(bendType).nameOnly); if (createFolder && Directory.Exists(filePath) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, ("CurvedWorld_" + bendType.ToString() + "_ID" + bendID) + (extention == EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorNormal ? "_Normal" : "_Vertex") + ".asset"); break; case EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphNormal: //Unity Shader Graph case EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphVertex: filePath = GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath(); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Shaders"); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Unity Shader Graph"); if (createFolder && Directory.Exists(filePath) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, GetBendTypeNameInfo(bendType).nameOnly); if (createFolder && Directory.Exists(filePath) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, ("CurvedWorld_" + bendType.ToString() + "_ID" + bendID) + (extention == EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphNormal ? "_Normal" : "_Vertex") + ".shadersubgraph"); break; default: break; } return filePath; } static public string GetTempleFilePath(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType, EXTENSTION extention) { string filePath = string.Empty; switch (extention) { case EXTENSTION.cginc: filePath = GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath(); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Shaders"); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Templates"); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Template_" + GetBendTypeNameInfo(bendType).templateFileName + ".txt"); break; case EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorNormal: case EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorVertex: filePath = GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath(); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Shaders"); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Templates"); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Template_AmplifyShaderEditor_" + (extention == EXTENSTION.AmplifyShaderEditorNormal ? "Normal" : "Vertex") + ".txt"); break; case EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphNormal: case EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphVertex: filePath = GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath(); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Shaders"); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Templates"); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Template_UnityShaderGraph_" + (extention == EXTENSTION.UnityShaderGraphNormal ? "Normal" : "Vertex") + ".txt"); break; default: break; } if (File.Exists(filePath)) return filePath; else return string.Empty; } static public string GetGeneratedTerrainShaderPath(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType, int ID, bool createFolder) { if (ID < 1) ID = 1; string filePath = string.Empty; filePath = GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath(); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Shaders", "Custom"); if (createFolder && Directory.Exists(filePath) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Terrain"); if (createFolder && Directory.Exists(filePath) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, GetBendTypeNameInfo(bendType).forLable + " ID" + ID); if (createFolder && Directory.Exists(filePath) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); if (GetCurrentRenderPipeline() == RENDER_PIPELINE.Builtin) { filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Splats"); if (createFolder && Directory.Exists(filePath) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "FirstPass.shader"); } else { filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "TerrainLit.shader"); } return filePath; } static public string GetGeneratedTerrainShadersFolderPath(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType, int ID) { string filePath = string.Empty; filePath = GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath(); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Shaders", "Custom", "Terrain"); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, GetBendTypeNameInfo(bendType).forLable + " ID" + ID); return filePath; } static public string GetTempleTerrainFolderPath() { string filePath = string.Empty; filePath = GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath(); filePath = Path.Combine(filePath, "Shaders", "Templates", "Terrain"); return filePath; } public static string CreateCGINCFile(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE _BendType, int _BendID) { string templateFileLocation = EditorUtilities.GetTempleFilePath(_BendType, EditorUtilities.EXTENSTION.cginc); if (File.Exists(templateFileLocation) == false) return string.Empty; string[] templateFileAllLines = File.ReadAllLines(templateFileLocation); if (templateFileAllLines == null || templateFileAllLines.Length == 0) return null; if (_BendID < 1) _BendID = 1; string[] localFile = new string[templateFileAllLines.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < templateFileAllLines.Length; i++) { localFile[i] = templateFileAllLines[i].Replace("#BEND_TYPE_SMALL#", _BendType.ToString()). Replace("#BEND_TYPE_BIG#", _BendType.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()). Replace("#ID#", _BendID.ToString()); } string saveLocalFileName = EditorUtilities.GetGeneratedFilePath(_BendType, _BendID, EditorUtilities.EXTENSTION.cginc, true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveLocalFileName) == false) { File.WriteAllLines(saveLocalFileName, localFile); return saveLocalFileName; } else return null; } public static void CreateSubGraphFile(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE _BendType, int _BendID, string localGUID, EditorUtilities.EXTENSTION extention) { string templateFileLocation = EditorUtilities.GetTempleFilePath(_BendType, extention); if (File.Exists(templateFileLocation) == false) return; string[] templateFileAllLines = File.ReadAllLines(templateFileLocation); if (templateFileAllLines == null || templateFileAllLines.Length == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Template file for " + _BendType.ToString() + " not found: "); return; } EditorUtilities.BendTypeNameInfo bandTypeNameInfo = EditorUtilities.GetBendTypeNameInfo(_BendType); string[] subGraphFile = new string[templateFileAllLines.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < templateFileAllLines.Length; i++) { subGraphFile[i] = templateFileAllLines[i].Replace("#BEND_TYPE_SMALL#", _BendType.ToString()). Replace("#BEND_TYPE_BIG#", _BendType.ToString().ToUpperInvariant()). Replace("#ID#", _BendID.ToString()). Replace("#BEND_NAME#", bandTypeNameInfo.nameOnly). Replace("#BEND_AXIS#", string.IsNullOrEmpty(bandTypeNameInfo.axisOnly) ? string.Empty : "/" + bandTypeNameInfo.axisOnly). Replace("#CGINC_FILE_GUID#", localGUID); } string saveLocalFileName = EditorUtilities.GetGeneratedFilePath(_BendType, _BendID, extention, true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveLocalFileName) == false) { File.WriteAllLines(saveLocalFileName, subGraphFile); } } static public BendTypeNameInfo GetBendTypeNameInfo(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE _bendType) { BendTypeNameInfo nameInfo; nameInfo.nameOnly = string.Empty; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = string.Empty; nameInfo.axisOnly = string.Empty; nameInfo.forLable = string.Empty; nameInfo.forMenu = string.Empty; nameInfo.templateFileName = string.Empty; switch (_bendType) { case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.ClassicRunner_X_Positive: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Classic Runner"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "ClassicRunner"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X Positive"; nameInfo.forLable = "Classic Runner (X Positive)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Classic Runner/X Positive"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "ClassicRunner"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.ClassicRunner_X_Negative: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Classic Runner"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "ClassicRunner"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X Negative"; nameInfo.forLable = "Classic Runner (X Negative)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Classic Runner/X Negative"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "ClassicRunner"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.ClassicRunner_Z_Positive: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Classic Runner"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "ClassicRunner"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z Positive"; nameInfo.forLable = "Classic Runner (Z Positive)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Classic Runner/Z Positive"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "ClassicRunner"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.ClassicRunner_Z_Negative: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Classic Runner"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "ClassicRunner"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z Negative"; nameInfo.forLable = "Classic Runner (Z Negative)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Classic Runner/Z Negative"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "ClassicRunner"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.LittlePlanet_X: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Little Planet"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "LittlePlanet"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X"; nameInfo.forLable = "Little Planet (X)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Little Planet/X"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "LittlePlanet"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.LittlePlanet_Y: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Little Planet"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "LittlePlanet"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Y"; nameInfo.forLable = "Little Planet (Y)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Little Planet/Y"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "LittlePlanet"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.LittlePlanet_Z: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Little Planet"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "LittlePlanet"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z"; nameInfo.forLable = "Little Planet (Z)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Little Planet/Z"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "LittlePlanet"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.CylindricalRolloff_X: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Cylindrical Rolloff"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "CylindricalRolloff"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X"; nameInfo.forLable = "Cylindrical Rolloff (X)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Cylindrical Rolloff/X"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "CylindricalRolloff"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.CylindricalRolloff_Z: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Cylindrical Rolloff"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "CylindricalRolloff"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z"; nameInfo.forLable = "Cylindrical Rolloff (Z)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Cylindrical Rolloff/Z"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "CylindricalRolloff"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.CylindricalTower_X: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Cylindrical Tower"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "CylindricalTower"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X"; nameInfo.forLable = "Cylindrical Tower (X)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Cylindrical Tower/X"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "CylindricalTower"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.CylindricalTower_Z: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Cylindrical Tower"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "CylindricalTower"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z"; nameInfo.forLable = "Cylindrical Tower (Z)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Cylindrical Tower/Z"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "CylindricalTower"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralHorizontal_X_Positive: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Horizontal"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralHorizontal"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X Positive"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Horizontal (X Positive)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Horizontal/X Positive"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "Spiral"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralHorizontal_X_Negative: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Horizontal"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralHorizontal"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X Negative"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Horizontal (X Negative)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Horizontal/X Negative"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "Spiral"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralHorizontal_Z_Positive: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Horizontal"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralHorizontal"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z Positive"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Horizontal (Z Positive)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Horizontal/Z Positive"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "Spiral"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralHorizontal_Z_Negative: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Horizontal"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralHorizontal"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z Negative"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Horizontal (Z Negative)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Horizontal/Z Negative"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "Spiral"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralHorizontalRolloff_X: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Horizontal Rolloff"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralHorizontalRolloff"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Horizontal Rolloff (X)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Horizontal Rolloff/X"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "SpiralRolloff"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralHorizontalRolloff_Z: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Horizontal Rolloff"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralHorizontalRolloff"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Horizontal Rolloff (Z)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Horizontal Rolloff/Z"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "SpiralRolloff"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralHorizontalDouble_X: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Horizontal Double"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralHorizontalDouble"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Horizontal Double (X)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Horizontal Double/X"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "SpiralDouble"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralHorizontalDouble_Z: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Horizontal Double"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralHorizontalDouble"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Horizontal Double (Z)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Horizontal Double/Z"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "SpiralDouble"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralVertical_X_Positive: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Vertical"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralVertical"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X Positive"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Vertical (X Positive)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Vertical/X Positive"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "Spiral"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralVertical_X_Negative: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Vertical"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralVertical"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X Negative"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Vertical (X Negative)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Vertical/X Negative"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "Spiral"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralVertical_Z_Positive: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Vertical"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralVertical"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z Positive"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Vertical (Z Positive)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Vertical/Z Positive"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "Spiral"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralVertical_Z_Negative: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Vertical"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralVertical"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z Negative"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Vertical (Z Negative)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Vertical/Z Negative"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "Spiral"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralVerticalRolloff_X: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Vertical Rolloff"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralVerticalRolloff"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Vertical Rolloff (X)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Vertical Rolloff/X"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "SpiralRolloff"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralVerticalRolloff_Z: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Vertical Rolloff"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralVerticalRolloff"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Vertical Rolloff (Z)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Vertical Rolloff/Z"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "SpiralRolloff"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralVerticalDouble_X: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Vertical Double"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralVerticalDouble"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Vertical Double (X)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Vertical Double/X"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "SpiralDouble"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.SpiralVerticalDouble_Z: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Spiral Vertical Double"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "SpiralVerticalDouble"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z"; nameInfo.forLable = "Spiral Vertical Double (Z)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Spiral Vertical Double/Z"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "SpiralDouble"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.TwistedSpiral_X_Positive: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Twisted Spiral"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "TwistedSpiral"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X Positive"; nameInfo.forLable = "Twisted Spiral (X Positive)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Twisted Spiral/X Positive"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "TwistedSpiral"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.TwistedSpiral_X_Negative: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Twisted Spiral"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "TwistedSpiral"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "X Negative"; nameInfo.forLable = "Twisted Spiral (X Negative)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Twisted Spiral/X Negative"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "TwistedSpiral"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.TwistedSpiral_Z_Positive: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Twisted Spiral"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "TwistedSpiral"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z Positive"; nameInfo.forLable = "Twisted Spiral (Z Positive)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Twisted Spiral/Z Positive"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "TwistedSpiral"; break; case CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE.TwistedSpiral_Z_Negative: nameInfo.nameOnly = "Twisted Spiral"; nameInfo.nameOnlyWithoutSpace = "TwistedSpiral"; nameInfo.axisOnly = "Z Negative"; nameInfo.forLable = "Twisted Spiral (Z Negative)"; nameInfo.forMenu = "Twisted Spiral/Z Negative"; nameInfo.templateFileName = "TwistedSpiral"; break; } return nameInfo; } static public GenericMenu BuildBendTypesMenu(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE _BendType, UnityEditor.GenericMenu.MenuFunction2 callback) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); foreach (CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE))) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent(EditorUtilities.GetBendTypeNameInfo(bendType).forMenu), _BendType == bendType, callback, bendType); } return menu; } static public bool IsMaterialBuiltInResource(Material material) { if (material == null) return true; return IsMaterialBuiltInResource(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(material.GetInstanceID())); } static public bool IsMaterialBuiltInResource(string materialPath) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialPath) == false && materialPath.Contains("Assets") && materialPath.Contains(".mat")) return false; return true; } static public bool IsShaderBuiltInResource(Shader shader) { if (shader == null) return true; return IsShaderBuiltInResource(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(shader.GetInstanceID())); } static public bool IsShaderBuiltInResource(string shaderPath) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shaderPath) == false && shaderPath.Contains("Assets") && shaderPath.Contains(".shader")) return false; return true; } static public bool StringIsCommented(string line) { //We need only uncomented line if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line.Length == 0) return true; line = line.TrimStart(); return (line.IndexOf("//") == 0 ? true : false); } static public string GetKeywordName(CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType) { return shaderKeywordPrefix_BendType + bendType.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(); } static public string GetKeywordName(int bendID) { return shaderKeywordPrefix_BendID + bendID; } static public RENDER_PIPELINE GetCurrentRenderPipeline() { if (UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings.renderPipelineAsset == null) return RENDER_PIPELINE.Builtin; else { if ("Universal") ||"URP")) return RENDER_PIPELINE.Universal; else return RENDER_PIPELINE.HighDefinition; } } static public bool CanGenerateUnityShaderGrap() { return GetCurrentRenderPipeline() == RENDER_PIPELINE.Builtin ? false : true; } static public bool CanGenerateAmplifyShaderFuntion() { if (amplifyShaderEditorWindowPath == null) { amplifyShaderEditorWindowPath = string.Empty; string[] assets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("AmplifyShaderEditorWindow", null); if (assets != null && assets.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < assets.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assets[i]) == false) { string filePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(assets[i]); if (filePath.Contains("AmplifyShaderEditor")) { amplifyShaderEditorWindowPath = filePath; break; } } } } } return string.IsNullOrEmpty(amplifyShaderEditorWindowPath) ? false : true; } static public ACTIVATE_STATE ActivateShader(Shader shader, bool activate, bool reimport) { if (shader == null) return ACTIVATE_STATE.Skip; if (IsShaderBuiltInResource(shader)) return ACTIVATE_STATE.Skip; string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(shader.GetInstanceID()); if (File.Exists(path) == false) return ACTIVATE_STATE.Skip; string[] allLines = File.ReadAllLines(path); if (allLines == null || allLines.Length == 0) return ACTIVATE_STATE.Skip; bool hasProperty = false; bool hasBendType = false; bool hasBendID = false; bool hasPathtoCGINC = false; for (int i = 0; i < allLines.Length; i++) { //Material Property if (allLines[i].Contains("CurvedWorldBendSettings") && allLines[i].Contains(shaderProprtyName_BendSettings)) { allLines[i] = (activate ? string.Empty : "//") + (allLines[i].Contains("HideInInspector") ? "[HideInInspector]" : string.Empty) + "[CurvedWorldBendSettings] _CurvedWorldBendSettings(\"0|1|1\", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)"; hasProperty = true; } //Bend Type keywords if (allLines[i].Contains(shaderKeywordPrefix_BendType)) { allLines[i] = (activate ? string.Empty : "//") + "#define CURVEDWORLD_BEND_TYPE_CLASSICRUNNER_X_POSITIVE"; hasBendType = true; } //Bend ID keywords if (allLines[i].Contains(shaderKeywordPrefix_BendID)) { allLines[i] = (activate ? string.Empty : "//") + "#define CURVEDWORLD_BEND_ID_1"; hasBendID = true; } //Disable keyword if (allLines[i].Contains(shaderKeywordName_CurvedWorldDisabled) && allLines[i].Contains("#pragma")) { allLines[i] = (activate ? string.Empty : "//") + "#pragma shader_feature_local " + shaderKeywordName_CurvedWorldDisabled; hasBendID = true; } //Normal Transforamtion if (allLines[i].Contains(shaderKeywordName_BendTransformNormal) && allLines[i].Contains("#pragma")) { allLines[i] = (activate ? string.Empty : "//") + "#pragma shader_feature_local " + shaderKeywordName_BendTransformNormal; //has normal - not nessesary } //Path to the cginc if (allLines[i].Contains("Core/CurvedWorldTransform.cginc")) { allLines[i] = (activate ? string.Empty : "//") + GetCoreTransformFilePathForShader(); hasPathtoCGINC = true; } } //Nothing changed if (hasProperty == false && hasBendType == false && hasBendID == false && hasPathtoCGINC == false) return ACTIVATE_STATE.Skip; //Problem detected if (hasProperty == false || hasBendType == false || hasBendID == false || hasPathtoCGINC == false) { string warningMessage = string.Format("Curved World {0} problem for shader '{1}'\nhasProperty: {2}\nhasBendType: {3}\nhasBendID: {4}\nhasPathtoCGINC: {5}\n", (activate ? "activation" : "deactivation"),, hasProperty, hasBendType, hasBendID, hasPathtoCGINC); Debug.LogWarning(warningMessage, shader); return ACTIVATE_STATE.Problem; } File.WriteAllLines(path, allLines); if (reimport) AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path); return ACTIVATE_STATE.Done; } static public void CallbackFindController(object obj) { if (obj == null) return; //Format - (int)bendType + "_" + bendID string objString = obj.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objString)) return; string[] info = objString.Split('_'); if (info.Length != 2) return; CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType = (CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)0; int bendID = 0; int result; if (int.TryParse(info[0], out result)) { if (result >= 0 && result < EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_TYPES) bendType = (CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)result; else return; } if (int.TryParse(info[1], out result)) { if (result > 0 && result <= EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_IDS) bendID = result; else return; } CurvedWorld.CurvedWorldController[] sceneControllers = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(); if (sceneControllers != null && sceneControllers.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < sceneControllers.Length; i++) { if (sceneControllers[i] != null && sceneControllers[i].bendType == bendType && sceneControllers[i].bendID == bendID) { Selection.activeGameObject = sceneControllers[i].gameObject; return; } } } Debug.LogWarning("Can not find 'CurvedWorld.Controller' script with BendType: " + EditorUtilities.GetBendTypeNameInfo(bendType).forLable + " and BendID: " + bendID + ".\n"); } static public void CallbackAnalyzeShaderCurvedWorldKeywords(object obj) { if (obj == null) return; Shader shader = (Shader)obj; if (shader == null) return; if (CurvedWorldEditorWindow.activeWindow == null) CurvedWorldEditorWindow.ShowWindow(); if (CurvedWorldEditorWindow.activeWindow != null) { CurvedWorldEditorWindow.activeWindow.gTab = CurvedWorldEditorWindow.TAB.CurvedWorldKeywords; CurvedWorldEditorWindow.activeWindow.gCurvedWorldKeywordsShader = shader; CurvedWorldEditorWindow.gCurvedWorldKeywordsShaderInfo = null; CurvedWorldEditorWindow.activeWindow.Repaint(); } } static public void CallbackReimportShader(object obj) { if (obj == null) return; Shader shader = (Shader)obj; if (shader == null) return; string shaderPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(shader.GetInstanceID()); if (EditorUtilities.IsShaderBuiltInResource(shaderPath) == false) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(shaderPath); } } static public void CallbackOpenCurvedWorldSettingsWindow(object obj) { if (CurvedWorldEditorWindow.activeWindow == false) CurvedWorldEditorWindow.ShowWindow(); //Select bendType and ID //Format - (int)bendType + "_" + bendID string objString = obj.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objString)) return; string[] info = objString.Split('_'); if (info.Length != 2) return; CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE bendType = (CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)0; int bendID = 0; int result; if (int.TryParse(info[0], out result)) { if (result >= 0 && result < EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_TYPES) bendType = (CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)result; else return; } if (int.TryParse(info[1], out result)) { if (result > 0 && result <= EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_IDS) bendID = result; else return; } CurvedWorldEditorWindow.activeWindow.gTab = CurvedWorldEditorWindow.TAB.Manage; CurvedWorldEditorWindow.activeWindow.gBendType = bendType; CurvedWorldEditorWindow.activeWindow.gBendID = bendID; } static public void CallbackOpenCurvedWorldSettingsWindowControllers() { if (CurvedWorldEditorWindow.activeWindow == false) CurvedWorldEditorWindow.ShowWindow(); CurvedWorldEditorWindow.activeWindow.gTab = CurvedWorldEditorWindow.TAB.Controllers; } static internal Texture2D LoadTexture(string resourceName, TextureWrapMode wrapMode, bool linear) { Texture2D texture = (Texture2D)UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(Path.Combine(GetCurvedWorldEditorFolderPath(), "Editor", "Icons", resourceName + ".png"), typeof(Texture2D)); if (texture != null) texture.wrapMode = wrapMode; return texture; } static public string RemoveInvalidCharacters(string name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) return string.Empty; else { if (name.IndexOfAny(invalidFileNameCharachters) == -1) return name; else return string.Concat(name.Split(invalidFileNameCharachters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); } } static public bool ContainsInvalidFileNameCharacters(string name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) return false; else return name.IndexOfAny(invalidFileNameCharachters) >= 0; } public struct BendFiles { public string pathToCGINC; public string pathToUnityShaderGraphNormal; public string pathToUnityShaderGraphVertex; public string pathToAmplifyShaderEditorNormal; public string pathToAmplifyShaderEditorVertex; } public struct BendTypeNameInfo { public string nameOnly; public string nameOnlyWithoutSpace; public string forLable; public string forMenu; public string axisOnly; public string templateFileName; } public class MaterialInfo { public Material material; public bool isBuiltInresource; public bool existsInScene; public MaterialInfo(Material mat) { material = mat; isBuiltInresource = EditorUtilities.IsMaterialBuiltInResource(mat); existsInScene = true; } } public class ShaderOverview { public Shader shader; public bool isShaderUnityBuiltInResource; public List materialsInfo; public string[] keywordsArray; public string keywordsString; public string keywordsTooltip; HashSet keywordsHashSet; public int hashCode; public bool foldout; public ShaderOverview(Material material) { shader = material.shader; isShaderUnityBuiltInResource = IsShaderBuiltInResource(shader); AddMaterial(material); KeywordsHasChanged(material.shaderKeywords); } public void AddMaterial(Material mat) { if (materialsInfo == null) materialsInfo = new List(); if (mat != null && materialsInfo.Any(m => m.material == mat) == false) { materialsInfo.Add(new MaterialInfo(mat)); } } public void SetNewKeywords(string keywords) { if (keywords == null) return; string[] newKeywords = keywords.Replace(',', ' ').Replace('.', ' ').Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, " ").Replace("\n", " ").Split(' ').Where(k => string.IsNullOrEmpty(k.Trim()) == false).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < materialsInfo.Count; i++) { if (materialsInfo[i] != null && materialsInfo[i].material != null && materialsInfo[i].isBuiltInresource == false) { Undo.RecordObject(materialsInfo[i].material, "Change keywords"); materialsInfo[i].material.shaderKeywords = newKeywords; } } KeywordsHasChanged(newKeywords); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } void KeywordsHasChanged(string[] keywords) { keywordsArray = keywords; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(string.Concat(keywordsArray))) { keywordsString = "Keywords: None"; keywordsTooltip = string.Empty; } else { keywordsString = "Keywords (" + keywordsArray.Length + "): " + string.Join(", ", keywordsArray.OrderBy(s => s)); keywordsTooltip = string.Join("\n", keywordsArray.OrderBy(s => s)); } keywordsHashSet = new HashSet(keywordsArray); hashCode = ( + keywordsTooltip).GetHashCode(); } public bool AllMaterialsAreBuiltInResources() { bool value = true; if (materialsInfo != null) { for (int i = 0; i < materialsInfo.Count; i++) { if (materialsInfo[i] != null && materialsInfo[i].material != null && materialsInfo[i].isBuiltInresource == false) { value = false; break; } } } return value; } public bool ContainSameKeywords(string[] array) { HashSet hSet = new HashSet(array); bool value = keywordsHashSet.SetEquals(hSet); return value; } } public class ShaderCurvedWorldKeywordsInfo { public CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE[] supportedBendTypes; public bool[] selectedBendTypes; public int[] supportedBendIDs; public bool[] selectedBendIDs; public bool supportedMultiCompile; public bool selecedMultiCompile; public ShaderCurvedWorldKeywordsInfo(Shader shader) { supportedBendTypes = null; selectedBendTypes = null; bool hasNormalTransform; if (shader == false || EditorUtilities.HasShaderCurvedWorldBendSettingsProperty(shader) == false) return; EditorUtilities.GetShaderSupportedBendSettings(shader, out supportedBendTypes, out supportedBendIDs, out hasNormalTransform); if (supportedBendTypes != null && supportedBendIDs != null) { selectedBendTypes = new bool[MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_TYPES]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_TYPES; i++) { selectedBendTypes[i] = supportedBendTypes.Contains((CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)i); } selectedBendIDs = new bool[EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_IDS]; for (int i = 0; i < EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_IDS; i++) { selectedBendIDs[i] = supportedBendIDs.Contains(i + 1); } //Check multi_compile string shaderFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(shader.GetInstanceID()); string[] allLines = File.ReadAllLines(shaderFilePath); for (int i = 0; i < allLines.Length; i++) { if (allLines[i].Contains("#")) { if (allLines[i].Contains(shaderKeywordPrefix_BendType)) { supportedMultiCompile = allLines[i].Contains("multi_compile_local"); selecedMultiCompile = supportedMultiCompile; break; } } } } } public bool IsCurvedWorldShader() { if (supportedBendTypes != null && supportedBendIDs != null) return true; else return false; } public CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE[] GetSelectedBendTypes() { List bendTypes = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_TYPES; i++) { if (selectedBendTypes[i]) bendTypes.Add((CurvedWorld.BEND_TYPE)i); } return bendTypes.ToArray(); } public int[] GetSelectedBendIDs() { List bendIDs = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < EditorUtilities.MAX_SUPPORTED_BEND_IDS; i++) { if (selectedBendIDs[i]) bendIDs.Add(i + 1); //ID indexes start from 1, not 0 } return bendIDs.ToArray(); } } public static bool Contains(this string source, string toCheck, bool ingnoreCase) { return source?.IndexOf(toCheck, ingnoreCase ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0; } } }