using UnityEngine; namespace Dreamteck.Splines { [ExecuteInEditMode] public class SplineUser : MonoBehaviour, ISerializationCallbackReceiver { public enum UpdateMethod { Update, FixedUpdate, LateUpdate } [HideInInspector] public UpdateMethod updateMethod = UpdateMethod.Update; public SplineComputer spline { get { return _spline; } set { if (value != _spline) { if (_spline != null) { _spline.Unsubscribe(this); } _spline = value; if (_spline != null) { _spline.Subscribe(this); Rebuild(); } OnSplineChanged(); } } } public double clipFrom { get { return _clipFrom; } set { if (value != _clipFrom) { animClipFrom = (float)_clipFrom; _clipFrom = DMath.Clamp01(value); if (_clipFrom > _clipTo) { if (!_spline.isClosed) _clipTo = _clipFrom; } getSamples = true; Rebuild(); } } } public double clipTo { get { return _clipTo; } set { if (value != _clipTo) { animClipTo = (float)_clipTo; _clipTo = DMath.Clamp01(value); if (_clipTo < _clipFrom) { if (!_spline.isClosed) _clipFrom = _clipTo; } getSamples = true; Rebuild(); } } } public bool autoUpdate { get { return _autoUpdate; } set { if (value != _autoUpdate) { _autoUpdate = value; if (value) Rebuild(); } } } public bool loopSamples { get { return _loopSamples; } set { if (value != _loopSamples) { _loopSamples = value; if(!_loopSamples && _clipTo < _clipFrom) { double temp = _clipTo; _clipTo = _clipFrom; _clipFrom = temp; } Rebuild(); } } } //The percent of the spline that we're traversing public double span { get { if (samplesAreLooped) return (1.0 - _clipFrom) + _clipTo; return _clipTo - _clipFrom; } } public bool samplesAreLooped { get { return _loopSamples && _clipFrom >= _clipTo; } } public RotationModifier rotationModifier { get { return _rotationModifier; } } public OffsetModifier offsetModifier { get { return _offsetModifier; } } public ColorModifier colorModifier { get { return _colorModifier; } } public SizeModifier sizeModifier { get { return _sizeModifier; } } //Serialized values [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] private SplineComputer _spline; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] private bool _autoUpdate = true; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] protected RotationModifier _rotationModifier = new RotationModifier(); [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] protected OffsetModifier _offsetModifier = new OffsetModifier(); [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] protected ColorModifier _colorModifier = new ColorModifier(); [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] protected SizeModifier _sizeModifier = new SizeModifier(); [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] private SplineSample _clipFromSample = new SplineSample(), _clipToSample = new SplineSample(); [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] private bool _loopSamples = false; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] private double _clipFrom = 0.0; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] private double _clipTo = 1.0; //float values used for making animations [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] private float animClipFrom = 0f; [SerializeField] [HideInInspector] private float animClipTo = 1f; private SampleCollection _sampleCollection = new SampleCollection(); private bool rebuild = false, getSamples = false, postBuild = false; private Transform _trs = null; private bool _hasTransform = false; private SplineSample _workSample = new SplineSample(); #if UNITY_EDITOR private bool _isPlaying = false; protected bool isPlaying => _isPlaying; #endif protected Transform trs { get { return _trs; } } protected bool hasTransform { get { return _hasTransform; } } public int sampleCount { get { return _sampleCount; } } private int _sampleCount = 0, _startSampleIndex = 0; /// <summary> /// Use this to work with the Evaluate and Project methods /// </summary> protected SplineSample evalResult = new SplineSample(); //Threading values [HideInInspector] public volatile bool multithreaded = false; [HideInInspector] public bool buildOnAwake = true; [HideInInspector] public bool buildOnEnable = false; public event EmptySplineHandler onPostBuild; #if UNITY_EDITOR public virtual void EditorAwake() { } #endif protected virtual void Awake() { #if UNITY_EDITOR _isPlaying = Application.isPlaying; if (!_isPlaying) { if (spline != null) { if (!_spline.IsSubscribed(this)) { _spline.Subscribe(this); UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(spline); } } } #endif CacheTransform(); if (buildOnAwake && Application.isPlaying) { RebuildImmediate(); } else { GetSamples(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { RebuildImmediate(); } #endif } protected void CacheTransform() { _trs = transform; _hasTransform = true; } protected virtual void Reset() { #if UNITY_EDITOR spline = GetComponent<SplineComputer>(); Awake(); #endif } protected virtual void OnEnable() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!_isPlaying || buildOnEnable) { RebuildImmediate(); } #else if (buildOnEnable){ RebuildImmediate(); } #endif } protected virtual void OnDisable() { } protected virtual void OnDestroy() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!_isPlaying && spline != null) { _spline.Unsubscribe(this); //Unsubscribe if DestroyImmediate is called } #endif } protected virtual void OnDidApplyAnimationProperties() { bool clip = false; if (_clipFrom != animClipFrom || _clipTo != animClipTo) clip = true; _clipFrom = animClipFrom; _clipTo = animClipTo; Rebuild(); if (clip) GetSamples(); } /// <summary> /// Gets the sample at the given index without modifications /// </summary> /// <param name="index">Sample index</param> /// <returns></returns> public void GetSampleRaw(int index, ref SplineSample sample) { if (index == 0) { sample.FastCopy(ref _clipFromSample); return; } if (index == _sampleCount - 1) { sample.FastCopy(ref _clipToSample); return; } ClampLoopSampleIndex(ref index); sample.FastCopy(ref _sampleCollection.samples[index]); } public double GetSamplePercent(int index) { if (index == 0) { return _clipFromSample.percent; } if (index == _sampleCount - 1) { return _clipToSample.percent; } ClampLoopSampleIndex(ref index); return _sampleCollection.samples[index].percent; } private void ClampLoopSampleIndex(ref int index) { if (index >= _sampleCount) { index = _sampleCount - 1; } if (samplesAreLooped) { int start; double lerp; _sampleCollection.GetSamplingValues(clipFrom, out start, out lerp); index = start + index; if (index >= _sampleCollection.length) { index -= _sampleCollection.length; } } else { index = _startSampleIndex + index; } } /// <summary> /// Returns the sample at the given index with modifiers applied /// </summary> /// <param name="index">Sample index</param> /// <param name="target">Sample to write to</param> public void GetSample(int index, ref SplineSample target) { GetSampleRaw(index, ref _workSample); ModifySample(ref _workSample, ref target); } /// <summary> /// Returns the sample at the given index with modifiers applied and /// applies compensation to the size parameter based on the angle between the samples /// </summary> public void GetSampleWithAngleCompensation(int index, ref SplineSample target) { GetSampleRaw(index, ref target); ModifySample(ref target, ref target); if(index > 0 && index < sampleCount - 1) { GetSampleRaw(index - 1, ref _workSample); ModifySample(ref _workSample, ref _workSample); Vector3 prev = target.position - _workSample.position; GetSampleRaw(index + 1, ref _workSample); ModifySample(ref _workSample, ref _workSample); Vector3 next = _workSample.position - target.position; target.size *= 1 / Mathf.Sqrt(Vector3.Dot(prev.normalized, next.normalized) * 0.5f + 0.5f); } } /// <summary> /// Rebuild the SplineUser. This will cause Build and Build_MT to be called. /// </summary> /// <param name="sampleComputer">Should the SplineUser sample the SplineComputer</param> public virtual void Rebuild() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!_hasTransform) { CacheTransform(); } //If it's the editor and it's not playing, then rebuild immediate if (_isPlaying) { if (!autoUpdate) return; rebuild = getSamples = true; } else { RebuildImmediate(); } #else if (!autoUpdate) return; rebuild = getSamples = true; #endif } /// <summary> /// Rebuild the SplineUser immediate. This method will call sample samples and call Build as soon as it's called even if the component is disabled. /// </summary> /// <param name="sampleComputer">Should the SplineUser sample the SplineComputer</param> public virtual void RebuildImmediate() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!_hasTransform) { CacheTransform(); } #endif try { GetSamples(); Build(); PostBuild(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex.Message); } rebuild = false; getSamples = false; } private void Update() { if (updateMethod == UpdateMethod.Update) { Run(); RunUpdate(); LateRun(); } } private void LateUpdate() { if (updateMethod == UpdateMethod.LateUpdate) { Run(); RunUpdate(); LateRun(); } #if UNITY_EDITOR if(!_isPlaying && updateMethod == UpdateMethod.FixedUpdate) { Run(); RunUpdate(); LateRun(); } #endif } private void FixedUpdate() { if (updateMethod == UpdateMethod.FixedUpdate) { Run(); RunUpdate(); LateRun(); } } //Update logic for handling threads and rebuilding private void RunUpdate() { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!_isPlaying) return; #endif //Handle rebuilding if (rebuild) { if (multithreaded) { if (getSamples) SplineThreading.Run(ResampleAndBuildThreaded); else SplineThreading.Run(BuildThreaded); } else { if (getSamples || _spline.sampleMode == SplineComputer.SampleMode.Optimized) GetSamples(); Build(); postBuild = true; } rebuild = false; } if (postBuild) { PostBuild(); EmptySplineHandler postBuildHandler = onPostBuild; if(postBuildHandler != null) { postBuildHandler(); } postBuild = false; } } void BuildThreaded() { while (postBuild) { //Wait if the main thread is still running post build operations } Build(); postBuild = true; } private void ResampleAndBuildThreaded() { while (postBuild) { //Wait if the main thread is still running post build operations } GetSamples(); Build(); postBuild = true; } /// Code to run every Update/FixedUpdate/LateUpdate before any building has taken place protected virtual void Run() { } /// Code to run every Update/FixedUpdate/LateUpdate after any rabuilding has taken place protected virtual void LateRun() { } //Used for calculations. Called on the main or the worker thread. protected virtual void Build() { } //Called on the Main thread only - used for applying the results from Build protected virtual void PostBuild() { } protected virtual void OnSplineChanged() { } /// <summary> /// Applies the SplineUser modifiers to the provided sample /// </summary> /// <param name="source">Original sample</param> /// <param name="destination">Destination sample</param> public void ModifySample(ref SplineSample source, ref SplineSample destination) { destination = source; ModifySample(ref destination); } /// <summary> /// Applies the SplineUser modifiers to the provided sample /// </summary> /// <param name="sample"></param> public void ModifySample(ref SplineSample sample) { ApplyModifier(_offsetModifier, ref sample); ApplyModifier(_rotationModifier, ref sample); ApplyModifier(_colorModifier, ref sample); ApplyModifier(_sizeModifier, ref sample); } private void ApplyModifier(SplineSampleModifier modifier, ref SplineSample sample) { if (modifier.useClippedPercent) { ClipPercent(ref sample.percent); } modifier.Apply(ref sample); if (modifier.useClippedPercent) { UnclipPercent(ref sample.percent); } } /// <summary> /// Sets the clip range of the SplineUser. Same as setting clipFrom and clipTo /// </summary> /// <param name="from"></param> /// <param name="to"></param> public void SetClipRange(double from, double to) { if (!_spline.isClosed && to < from) to = from; _clipFrom = DMath.Clamp01(from); _clipTo = DMath.Clamp01(to); GetSamples(); Rebuild(); } /// <summary> /// Gets the clipped samples defined by clipFrom and clipTo /// </summary> private void GetSamples() { getSamples = false; if (spline == null) { _sampleCollection.samples = new SplineSample[0]; _sampleCount = 0; return; } _spline.GetSamples(_sampleCollection); if(_clipFrom != 0.0) { _sampleCollection.Evaluate(clipFrom, ref _clipFromSample); } else { _clipFromSample = _sampleCollection.samples[0]; } if(_clipTo != 1.0) { _sampleCollection.Evaluate(_clipTo, ref _clipToSample); } else { _clipToSample = _sampleCollection.samples[_sampleCollection.length - 1]; } int start, end; _sampleCount = _sampleCollection.GetClippedSampleCount(_clipFrom, _clipTo, out start, out end); double lerp; _sampleCollection.GetSamplingValues(_clipFrom, out _startSampleIndex, out lerp); } /// <summary> /// Takes a regular 0-1 percent mapped to the start and end of the spline and maps it to the clipFrom and clipTo valies. Useful for working with clipped samples /// </summary> /// <param name="percent"></param> /// <returns></returns> public double ClipPercent(double percent) { ClipPercent(ref percent); return percent; } /// <summary> /// Takes a regular 0-1 percent mapped to the start and end of the spline and maps it to the clipFrom and clipTo valies. Useful for working with clipped samples /// </summary> /// <param name="percent"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void ClipPercent(ref double percent) { if (_sampleCollection.length == 0) { percent = 0.0; return; } if (samplesAreLooped) { if (percent >= clipFrom && percent <= 1.0) { percent = DMath.InverseLerp(clipFrom, clipFrom + span, percent); }//If in the range clipFrom - 1.0 else if (percent <= clipTo) { percent = DMath.InverseLerp(clipTo - span, clipTo, percent); } //if in the range 0.0 - clipTo else { //Find the nearest clip start if (DMath.InverseLerp(clipTo, clipFrom, percent) < 0.5) percent = 1.0; else percent = 0.0; } } else percent = DMath.InverseLerp(clipFrom, clipTo, percent); } public double UnclipPercent(double percent) { UnclipPercent(ref percent); return percent; } public void UnclipPercent(ref double percent) { if (percent == 0.0) { percent = clipFrom; return; } else if (percent == 1.0) { percent = clipTo; return; } if (samplesAreLooped) { double fromLength = (1.0 - clipFrom) / span; if (fromLength == 0.0) { percent = 0.0; return; } if (percent < fromLength) percent = DMath.Lerp(clipFrom, 1.0, percent / fromLength); else if (clipTo == 0.0) { percent = 0.0; return; } else percent = DMath.Lerp(0.0, clipTo, (percent - fromLength) / (clipTo / span)); } else percent = DMath.Lerp(clipFrom, clipTo, percent); percent = DMath.Clamp01(percent); } private int GetSampleIndex(double percent) { int index; double lerp; _sampleCollection.GetSamplingValues(UnclipPercent(percent), out index, out lerp); return index; } public Vector3 EvaluatePosition(double percent) { return _sampleCollection.EvaluatePosition(UnclipPercent(percent)); } public void Evaluate(double percent, ref SplineSample result) { _sampleCollection.Evaluate(UnclipPercent(percent), ref result); result.percent = DMath.Clamp01(percent); } public SplineSample Evaluate(double percent) { SplineSample result = new SplineSample(); Evaluate(percent, ref result); result.percent = DMath.Clamp01(percent); return result; } public void Evaluate(ref SplineSample[] results, double from = 0.0, double to = 1.0) { _sampleCollection.Evaluate(ref results, UnclipPercent(from), UnclipPercent(to)); for (int i = 0; i < results.Length; i++) { ClipPercent(ref results[i].percent); } } public void EvaluatePositions(ref Vector3[] positions, double from = 0.0, double to = 1.0) { _sampleCollection.EvaluatePositions(ref positions, UnclipPercent(from), UnclipPercent(to)); } public double Travel(double start, float distance, Spline.Direction direction, out float moved) { moved = 0f; if (direction == Spline.Direction.Forward && start >= 1.0) { return 1.0; } else if (direction == Spline.Direction.Backward && start <= 0.0) { return 0.0; } if (distance == 0f) { return DMath.Clamp01(start); } double result = _sampleCollection.Travel(UnclipPercent(start), distance, direction, out moved, clipFrom, clipTo); return ClipPercent(result); } public double Travel(double start, float distance, Spline.Direction direction = Spline.Direction.Forward) { float moved; return Travel(start, distance, direction, out moved); } public double TravelWithOffset(double start, float distance, Spline.Direction direction, Vector3 offset, out float moved) { moved = 0f; if (direction == Spline.Direction.Forward && start >= 1.0) { return 1.0; } else if (direction == Spline.Direction.Backward && start <= 0.0) { return 0.0; } if (distance == 0f) { return DMath.Clamp01(start); } double result = _sampleCollection.TravelWithOffset(UnclipPercent(start), distance, direction, offset, out moved, clipFrom, clipTo); return ClipPercent(result); } public virtual void Project(Vector3 position, ref SplineSample result, double from = 0.0, double to = 1.0) { if (_spline == null) return; _sampleCollection.Project(position, _spline.pointCount, ref result, UnclipPercent(from), UnclipPercent(to)); ClipPercent(ref result.percent); } public float CalculateLength(double from = 0.0, double to = 1.0) { return _sampleCollection.CalculateLength(UnclipPercent(from), UnclipPercent(to)); } public float CalculateLengthWithOffset(Vector3 offset, double from = 0.0, double to = 1.0) { return _sampleCollection.CalculateLengthWithOffset(offset, UnclipPercent(from), UnclipPercent(to)); } public virtual void OnBeforeSerialize() { } public virtual void OnAfterDeserialize() { } /// <summary> /// Returns the offset transformed by the sample /// </summary> /// <param name="sample">Source sample</param> /// <param name="localOffset">Local offset to apply</param> /// <returns></returns> protected static Vector3 TransformOffset(SplineSample sample, Vector3 localOffset) { return (sample.right * localOffset.x + sample.up * localOffset.y + sample.forward * localOffset.z) * sample.size; } } }