using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace SciFiShipController
/// A centralised futuristic radar system based on Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B).
/// Instead of the radar system doing a sweep of the environment, craft which need situational
/// awareness broadcast (send) data to the central radar system.
/// This system will be the Primary Radar System (PRS).
/// This implementation requires all craft to query the radar system (incoming broadcasts are private
/// and don't get sent to every craft - the radar system receives private msgs from ships).
// [AddComponentMenu("Sci-Fi Ship Controller/Managers/Radar")]
public class SSCRadar : MonoBehaviour
#region Static Read-only valiables
public static readonly int NEUTRAL_FACTION = 0;
#region Enumerations
public enum RadarScreenLocale : int
TopLeft = 0,
TopCenter = 1,
TopRight = 2,
MiddleLeft = 3,
MiddleCenter = 4,
MiddleRight = 5,
BottomLeft = 6,
BottomCenter = 7,
BottomRight = 8,
Custom = 99
#region Public variables and properties
/// If enabled, the GetOrCreateRadar() will be called as soon as Start() runs. If there is a UI (mini-map) configured,
/// it will automatically be made visible. This should be disabled if you are instantiating the SSCRadar through code
/// and using the SSCRadar API methods.
public bool initialiseOnStart = false;
/// [READONLY] Has the radar been initialised?
public bool IsInitialised { get { return isInitialised; } }
public int poolInitialSize = 100;
public int poolIncrementSize = 10;
public bool allowRepaint = false;
public bool generalShowInEditor = false;
public bool visualsShowInEditor = false;
public bool movementShowInEditor = false;
public RadarScreenLocale screenLocale = RadarScreenLocale.TopLeft;
public Vector2 screenLocaleCustomXY =;
// Normalised width as 0.0-1.0 as a proportion of the screen space.
// e.g. 0.2 would be 20% of the screen width.
[Range(0.1f, 1f)] public float radarDisplayWidthN = 0.2f;
/// The sort order of the canvas in the scene. Higher numbers are on top.
/// At runtime call SetCanvasSortOrder(..)
public int canvasSortOrder = 1;
/// When the built-in UI is used, this is the colour of the outer rim
/// of the mini-map display along with any decals.
public Color32 overlayColour = Color.white;
/// When the built-in UI is used, this is the background colour of the
/// mini-map.
public Color32 backgroundColour = Color.clear;
/// When the built-in UI is used, this is the colour of any blip that are considered
/// as friendly. Determined by the factionId when available
public Color32 blipFriendColour =;
/// When the built-in UI is used, this is the colour of any blip that are considered
/// as hostile. Determined by the factionId when available
public Color32 blipFoeColour =;
/// When the built-in UI is used, this is the colour of any blip that are considered
/// as neutral. Determined by the factionId when available.
public Color32 blipNeutralColour = Color.white;
/// If changing this at runtime, call RefreshRadarImageStatus().
public UnityEngine.UI.RawImage radarImage = null;
/// The number of results returned in the last query.
public int ResultCount { get; private set; }
/// Uses 3D distances to determine range when querying the radar data.
public bool is3DQueryEnabled = true;
/// The sort order of the results. None is the fastest option and has
/// the lowest performance impact.
public SSCRadarQuery.QuerySortOrder querySortOrder;
/// [READONLY] The direction the on-screen UI display is facing
public Quaternion DisplayRotation { get { return displayUIRotation; } }
/// [INTERNAL ONLY] Instead call SetDisplay(..) or GetRadarResults(..)
/// Minimum range is 10 metres
public float displayRange = 100f;
/// [INTERNAL ONLY] Use FollowShip(..) instead.
/// The centre of the radar will move around with this ship.
public ShipControlModule shipToFollow = null;
/// [INTERNAL ONLY] Use FollowGameObject(..) instead.
/// The centre of the radar will move around with this gameobject
public GameObject gameobjectToFollow = null;
/// The centre of the radar
public Vector3 centrePosition =;
#region Public Delegates
public delegate void CallbackOnDrawBlip(Texture2D tex, Quaternion displayRotation, int factionId, SSCRadarBlip sscRadarBlip);
/// The name of the custom method that is called when a blip is to be
/// draw on the radar display. Your method must take 4 parameters -
/// Texture2D, Quaternion, Int, and SSCRadarBlip. Your custom method should
/// "paint" the blip onto the texture by modifying the pixels.
public CallbackOnDrawBlip callbackOnDrawBlip = null;
#region Private variables
private static SSCRadar currentRadar = null;
private bool isInitialised = false;
private List sscRadarItemList = null;
private int numRadarItems = 0;
private int currentPoolSize = 0;
private BitArray radarItemBitArray = null;
private bool isRadarImageAvailable = false;
private bool isShowRadarImage = false;
// The width of the RawImage texture if in use
private int displayUITexWidth = 10;
private int displayUITexHeight = 10;
private int displayUITexCentreX = 5;
private int displayUITexCentreY = 5;
private Quaternion displayUIRotation = Quaternion.identity;
private Vector3 defaultDisplayFwdDirection = Vector3.forward;
// Used when our UI is enabled
private bool isFollowShip = false;
private bool isFollowGameObject = false;
private const int displayRimWidth = 4;
private Color32[] uiRimPixels;
private Color32[] uiInnerPixels;
private SSCRadarQuery sscRadarQuery;
private List sscRadarResultsList;
#region Initialisation Methods
/// Called after Awake() just before the scene is rendered
private void Start()
if (initialiseOnStart)
// If the UI is available, display it
if (isInitialised && isRadarImageAvailable)
/// [INTERNAL ONLY] Instead use SSCRadar.GetOrCreateRadar()
private void Initialise()
if (sscRadarItemList == null)
if (poolInitialSize < 1) { sscRadarItemList = new List(10); }
else { sscRadarItemList = new List(poolInitialSize); }
else { sscRadarItemList.Clear(); }
// Reset the number items in the last query
ResultCount = 0;
isFollowShip = shipToFollow != null;
if (isFollowShip)
isFollowGameObject = false;
isFollowGameObject = gameobjectToFollow != null;
// By default Radar UI is not visible in the scene
if (isRadarImageAvailable)
isInitialised = true;
#region Update Methods
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (isShowRadarImage && isInitialised)
if (isFollowShip)
if (shipToFollow != null && shipToFollow.IsInitialised)
centrePosition = shipToFollow.shipInstance.TransformPosition;
else if (isFollowGameObject)
if (gameobjectToFollow != null) { centrePosition = gameobjectToFollow.transform.position; }
// Run the query
sscRadarQuery.centrePosition = centrePosition;
sscRadarQuery.range = displayRange;
sscRadarQuery.is3DQueryEnabled = is3DQueryEnabled;
sscRadarQuery.querySortOrder = querySortOrder;
sscRadarQuery.factionId = SSCRadarQuery.IGNOREFACTION;
GetRadarResults(sscRadarQuery, sscRadarResultsList);
#region Private Member Methods
/// Fill the pool with empty radar items. These are added to the end
/// of the existing pool up to the current capacity.
private void FillPool()
int capacity = sscRadarItemList == null ? 0 : sscRadarItemList.Capacity;
numRadarItems = sscRadarItemList == null ? 0 : sscRadarItemList.Count;
int numNewItems = capacity - numRadarItems;
if (radarItemBitArray == null) { radarItemBitArray = new BitArray(capacity, true); }
// Make sure the bit array can hold enough data
if (radarItemBitArray != null && radarItemBitArray.Length < capacity) { radarItemBitArray.Length = capacity; }
for (int itemIdx = capacity - numNewItems; itemIdx < capacity; itemIdx++)
// Create a new (empty) slot
sscRadarItemList.Add(new SSCRadarItem());
// Mark this slot as empty
radarItemBitArray[itemIdx] = true;
// Cache number of items
numRadarItems = sscRadarItemList == null ? 0 : sscRadarItemList.Count;
currentPoolSize = numRadarItems;
/// If required, increase the size of the pool
private void ExpandPool()
if (isInitialised)
currentPoolSize = sscRadarItemList == null ? 0 : sscRadarItemList.Count;
int capacity = sscRadarItemList == null ? 0 : sscRadarItemList.Capacity;
// If there is less than poolIncrementSize left at the end of the pool for expansion,
// add some more capacity
if (capacity - currentPoolSize < poolIncrementSize)
sscRadarItemList.Capacity += poolIncrementSize;
/// Set a slot in the pool of radarItems as being empty or not.
private void SetBitmap(int itemIndex, bool isEmpty)
if (isInitialised && itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < currentPoolSize)
radarItemBitArray[itemIndex] = isEmpty;
/// Draw the background Radar UI, then add the resultant blips
/// Force overlay inner and outer redraw
private void DisplayResults(bool redraw = false)
int numResults = ResultCount;
int outerRadius = (int)(displayUITexWidth / 2f);
Texture2D radarTex = radarImage.texture as Texture2D;
// If the canvas image has been resized but doesn't match
// the width of the texture, refresh it.
if (displayUITexWidth > radarTex.width)
// Cache the texture pixels to improve performance and prevent GC in each frame
DrawCircle(radarTex, ref uiRimPixels, displayUITexCentreX, displayUITexCentreY, outerRadius, overlayColour, true, redraw);
DrawCircle(radarTex, ref uiInnerPixels, displayUITexCentreX, displayUITexCentreY, outerRadius - displayRimWidth, backgroundColour, true, redraw);
bool isCallbackEnabled = callbackOnDrawBlip != null;
int factionId = 0; // neutral
// Get the direction the central ship or gameobject is facing
if (isFollowShip && shipToFollow != null)
if (shipToFollow.shipInstance != null)
displayUIRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, shipToFollow.shipInstance.TransformInverseRotation.eulerAngles.y, 0f);
factionId = shipToFollow.shipInstance.factionId;
// Ship may be in the process of being destroyed
displayUIRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(defaultDisplayFwdDirection);
else if (isFollowGameObject && gameobjectToFollow != null)
displayUIRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, Quaternion.Inverse(gameobjectToFollow.transform.rotation).eulerAngles.y, 0f);
else { displayUIRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(defaultDisplayFwdDirection); }
// Populate the UI display with blips
for (int blipIdx = 0; blipIdx < numResults; blipIdx++)
if (isCallbackEnabled) { callbackOnDrawBlip(radarTex, displayUIRotation, factionId, sscRadarResultsList[blipIdx]); }
else { DrawBlip(radarTex, displayUIRotation, factionId, sscRadarResultsList[blipIdx]); }
// Only apply once all operations have finished
radarImage.texture = radarTex;
/// Draw blips onto the radar UI display texture.
/// The factionId is the factionId of the item or place running the query. Items with the same factionId
/// will be displayed in the friend colour, items with factionId = 0 will be neutral, while all other items
/// will be considered hostile (foe blip colour).
private void DrawBlip(Texture2D tex, Quaternion displayRotation, int factionId, SSCRadarBlip sscRadarBlip)
Vector3 rotatedPosition = displayRotation * (sscRadarBlip.wsPosition - sscRadarQuery.centrePosition);
int blipOffsetX = (int)((rotatedPosition.x / sscRadarQuery.range) * displayUITexWidth / 2f);
int blipOffsetZ = (int)((rotatedPosition.z / sscRadarQuery.range) * displayUITexHeight / 2f);
Color blipColour = blipNeutralColour;
//int itemTypeInt = (int)sscRadarBlip.radarItemType;
// If the item running the query is neutral, all others are assumed friendly...
// If the blip is not neutral, must be friend or foe
if (factionId != 0 && sscRadarBlip.factionId != 0)
// Is this radar item in the same faction or alliance as the radar system
if (sscRadarBlip.factionId == factionId) { blipColour = blipFriendColour; }
else { blipColour = blipFoeColour; }
int blipSize = (int)sscRadarBlip.blipSize;
// Draw a 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 blip etc
for (int x = blipOffsetX + displayUITexCentreX - blipSize; x < blipOffsetX + displayUITexCentreX + blipSize; x++)
for (int y = blipOffsetZ + displayUITexCentreY - blipSize; y < blipOffsetZ + displayUITexCentreY + blipSize; y++)
// Clip with display rim width indent
if (x > displayRimWidth + 1 && x < displayUITexWidth - displayRimWidth - 2 && y > displayRimWidth + 1 && y < displayUITexHeight - displayRimWidth - 2)
tex.SetPixel(x, y, blipColour);
#region Internal Methods
/// This method uses SetPixels which may be slower on some devices. It has very minimal GC.
/// If you pass in a Color32 as a parameter, it will be converted to a Color struct.
public void DrawCircle(Texture2D tex, int centreX, int centreY, int circleRadius, Color pixelColour, bool isFilled, bool apply)
for (int x = -circleRadius; x < circleRadius; x++)
int dist = (int)Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Sqrt(circleRadius * circleRadius - x * x));
if (isFilled)
for (int y = -dist; y < dist; y++)
tex.SetPixel(x + centreX, y + centreY, pixelColour);
tex.SetPixel(x + centreX, -dist + centreY, pixelColour);
tex.SetPixel(x + centreX, dist + centreY, pixelColour);
if (x < -circleRadius + 4 || x > circleRadius - 6)
for (int i = 0; i < 16 && i < circleRadius / 6f; i++)
tex.SetPixel(x + centreX, -dist + i + centreY, pixelColour);
tex.SetPixel(x + centreX, dist - i + centreY, pixelColour);
if (apply) { tex.Apply(); }
/// Uses a cached copy of the pixels for each circle that needs to be regularly drawn. This is useful when wanting
/// to update a Texture2D in the UI very regularly (like each frame). The first time it runs for a particular circle
/// it will create GC but after that there is no GC unless redraw = true.
/// IMPORTANT: After calling DrawCircle(), call tex.Apply() after you have finished drawing to the texture.
public void DrawCircle(Texture2D tex, ref Color32[] pixels, int centreX, int centreY, int circleRadius, Color32 pixelColour, bool isFilled, bool redraw)
if (redraw || pixels == null)
pixels = tex.GetPixels32();
// Draw the circle
for (int x = -circleRadius; x < circleRadius; x++)
// NOTE: Mathf.Ceil is almost twice as slow as Mathf.Sqrt
int dist = (int)Mathf.Ceil(Mathf.Sqrt(circleRadius * circleRadius - x * x));
if (isFilled)
for (int y = -dist; y < dist; y++)
pixels[(y + centreY) * tex.width + x + centreX] = pixelColour;
pixels[(-dist + centreY) * tex.width + x + centreX] = pixelColour;
pixels[(dist + centreY) * tex.width + x + centreX] = pixelColour;
if (x < -circleRadius + 4 || x > circleRadius - 6)
for (int i = 0; i < 16 && i < circleRadius / 6f; i++)
pixels[(-dist + i + centreY) * tex.width + x + centreX] = pixelColour;
pixels[(dist - i + centreY) * tex.width + x + centreX] = pixelColour;
/// Get the anchor points and correct rect transform offset for the radar display screen locale. e.g. BottomLeft, TopRight etc.
public void GetMinimapScreenLocation(int screenLocaleInt, Vector2 canvasSize, Vector2 panelSize, ref Vector2 anchorMin, ref Vector2 anchorMax, ref Vector2 panelOffset)
float indentX = canvasSize.x * 0.01f;
float indentY = canvasSize.y * 0.01f;
switch (screenLocaleInt)
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.BottomLeft:
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 0f; anchorMax.y = 0f;
panelOffset.x += indentX;
panelOffset.y += indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.BottomCenter:
anchorMin.x = 0.5f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 0.5f; anchorMax.y = 0f;
panelOffset.x += (canvasSize.x * 0.5f) - (panelSize.x * 0.5f);
panelOffset.y += indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.BottomRight:
anchorMin.x = 1f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 1f; anchorMax.y = 0f;
panelOffset.x += canvasSize.x - panelSize.x - indentX;
panelOffset.y += indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.TopRight:
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 1f; anchorMax.y = 1f;
panelOffset.x += canvasSize.x - panelSize.x - indentX;
panelOffset.y += canvasSize.y - panelSize.y - indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.TopCenter:
anchorMin.x = 0.5f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 0.5f; anchorMax.y = 0f;
panelOffset.x += (canvasSize.x * 0.5f) - (panelSize.x * 0.5f);
panelOffset.y += canvasSize.y - panelSize.y - indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.TopLeft:
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 1f; anchorMax.x = 0f; anchorMax.y = 1f;
panelOffset.x += indentX;
panelOffset.y += canvasSize.y - panelSize.y - indentY;
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.MiddleLeft:
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 0.5f; anchorMax.x = 0; anchorMax.y = 0.5f;
panelOffset.x += indentX;
panelOffset.y += (canvasSize.y * 0.5f) - (panelSize.y * 0.5f);
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.MiddleCenter:
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 0.5f; anchorMax.x = 0f; anchorMax.y = 0.5f;
panelOffset.x += (canvasSize.x * 0.5f) - (panelSize.x * 0.5f);
panelOffset.y += (canvasSize.y * 0.5f) - (panelSize.y * 0.5f);
case (int)RadarScreenLocale.MiddleRight:
anchorMin.x = 1f; anchorMin.y = 0.5f; anchorMax.x = 1f; anchorMax.y = 0.5f;
panelOffset.x += canvasSize.x - panelSize.x - indentX;
panelOffset.y += (canvasSize.y * 0.5f) - (panelSize.y * 0.5f);
// custom
anchorMin.x = 0f; anchorMin.y = 0f; anchorMax.x = 0f; anchorMax.y = 0f;
panelOffset.x = screenLocaleCustomXY.x;
panelOffset.y = screenLocaleCustomXY.y;
/// Get the Radar canvas if it exists, or create a new one.
/// NOTE: When creating a new canvas before Unity 2019.3, the sizeDelta returns
/// the incorrect canvas size. The correct value isn't returned until the next frame.
/// At runtime does NOT create an instance of the EventSystem - you would need to
/// do this some other way...
public void GetorCreateRadarCanvas(out GameObject radarCanvasGO, out Canvas radarCanvas, out Vector2 canvasSize, out Vector3 canvasScale)
radarCanvasGO = null;
canvasSize =;
canvasScale =;
radarCanvas = SSCUtils.FindCanvas("SSCRadarCanvas");
// If SSCRadarCanvas doesn't exist, create it
if (radarCanvas == null)
radarCanvasGO = new GameObject("SSCRadarCanvas");
radarCanvasGO.layer = 5;