// Copyright (c) BrainFailProductions


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using static BrainFailProductions.PolyFew.CombiningInformation;

namespace BrainFailProductions.PolyFew

    public class DataContainer 

        public class TempGameObjectWrapper
            private GameObject gameObject;

            // This is the unique Id for the current GameObject and it's children hierarchy
            private int uniqueId;

            private TempGameObjectWrapper(GameObject gameObject)
                this.gameObject = gameObject ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(gameObject));
                uniqueId = gameObject.GetInstanceID();

            public static implicit operator GameObject(TempGameObjectWrapper gameObjectWrapper) => gameObjectWrapper.gameObject;

            public static explicit operator TempGameObjectWrapper(GameObject gameObject) => new TempGameObjectWrapper(gameObject);

            public override int GetHashCode()
                return uniqueId;

            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                if ((obj == null) || !GetType().Equals(obj.GetType()))
                    return false;
                    return (GetHashCode() == obj.GetHashCode());

        public class ObjectMeshPair : SerializableDictionary<GameObject, MeshRendererPair> { }

        public class MeshRendererPair
            public bool attachedToMeshFilter;
            public Mesh mesh;

            public MeshRendererPair(bool attachedToMeshFilter, Mesh mesh)
                this.attachedToMeshFilter = attachedToMeshFilter;
                this.mesh = mesh;

            public void Destruct()
                if(mesh != null)

        public class CustomMeshActionStructure
            public MeshRendererPair meshRendererPair;
            public GameObject gameObject;
            public Action action;

            public CustomMeshActionStructure(MeshRendererPair meshRendererPair, GameObject gameObject, Action action)
                this.meshRendererPair = meshRendererPair;
                this.gameObject = gameObject;
                this.action = action;

        public class ObjectHistory
            public bool isReduceDeep;
            public ObjectMeshPair objectMeshPairs;

            public ObjectHistory(bool isReduceDeep, ObjectMeshPair objectMeshPairs)
                this.isReduceDeep = isReduceDeep;
                this.objectMeshPairs = objectMeshPairs;

            public void Destruct()

                if (objectMeshPairs == null || objectMeshPairs.Count == 0)

                foreach (var item in objectMeshPairs)

                objectMeshPairs = null;

        public class UndoRedoOps
            private const int OBJECT_HISTORY_LIMIT = 5;
            public GameObject gameObject;
            public List<ObjectHistory> undoOperations;
            public List<ObjectHistory> redoOperations;

            public UndoRedoOps(GameObject gameObject, List<ObjectHistory> undoOperations, List<ObjectHistory> redoOperations)
                this.gameObject = gameObject;
                this.undoOperations = undoOperations;
                this.redoOperations = redoOperations; 

            public void SaveRecord(bool isReduceDeep, bool isUndo, ObjectMeshPair originalMeshesClones)

                if (undoOperations == null)
                    undoOperations = new List<ObjectHistory>();

                if (redoOperations == null)
                    redoOperations = new List<ObjectHistory>();

                if (isUndo)
                    if (undoOperations.Count == OBJECT_HISTORY_LIMIT)
                        undoOperations[0] = null;

                    ObjectHistory undoOperation = new ObjectHistory(isReduceDeep, originalMeshesClones);



                    if (redoOperations.Count == OBJECT_HISTORY_LIMIT)
                        redoOperations[0] = null;

                    ObjectHistory redoOperation = new ObjectHistory(isReduceDeep, originalMeshesClones);


            public void ApplyUndoRedoOperation(bool isUndo)

                if (isUndo)
                    if (undoOperations == null || undoOperations.Count == 0)

                    if (redoOperations == null || redoOperations.Count == 0)

                List<ObjectHistory> operations = isUndo ? undoOperations : redoOperations;
                ObjectHistory lastOp = operations[operations.Count - 1];

                if (lastOp.isReduceDeep)
                    if (isUndo)
                        //Debug.Log("Last undo operation was reduce deep   ObjectMeshPair count  " + lastOp.objectMeshPairs.Count);
                        //Debug.Log("Last redo operation was reduce deep   ObjectMeshPair count  " + lastOp.objectMeshPairs.Count);

                    if (isUndo)
                        //Debug.Log("Last undo operation was NOT reduce deep   ObjectMeshPair count  " + lastOp.objectMeshPairs.Count);
                        //Debug.Log("Last redo operation was NOT reduce deep   ObjectMeshPair count  " + lastOp.objectMeshPairs.Count);

                ObjectMeshPair originalMeshesClones = new ObjectMeshPair();
                int totalOverwrites = lastOp.objectMeshPairs.Count;
                int done = 0;

                foreach (var kvp in lastOp.objectMeshPairs)

                    EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Performing Undo/Redo", $"Reverting mesh changes to existing files {++done}/{totalOverwrites}", ((float)done / totalOverwrites));

                    MeshRendererPair meshRendererPair = kvp.Value;
                    GameObject gameObject = kvp.Key;

                    if (gameObject == null) { continue; }
                    if (meshRendererPair == null) { continue; }
                    if (meshRendererPair.mesh == null) { continue; }

                    if (meshRendererPair.attachedToMeshFilter)
                        MeshFilter filter = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();

                        if (filter != null)
                            Mesh origMesh = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(filter.sharedMesh);
                            MeshRendererPair originalPair = new MeshRendererPair(true, origMesh);
                            originalMeshesClones.Add(gameObject, originalPair);

                            // Overwrites the mesh assets and keeps references intact
                            if (UtilityServices.OverwriteAssetWith(filter.sharedMesh, meshRendererPair.mesh, true)) { }
                                EditorUtility.CopySerialized(meshRendererPair.mesh, filter.sharedMesh);
                                filter.sharedMesh.vertices = meshRendererPair.mesh.vertices;


                        SkinnedMeshRenderer sRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();

                        if (sRenderer != null)
                            Mesh origMesh = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(sRenderer.sharedMesh);
                            MeshRendererPair originalPair = new MeshRendererPair(false, origMesh);
                            originalMeshesClones.Add(gameObject, originalPair);


                            //EditorUtility.CopySerialized(meshRendererPair.mesh, sRenderer.sharedMesh);

                            //Overwrites the mesh assets and keeps references intact
                            if (UtilityServices.OverwriteAssetWith(sRenderer.sharedMesh, meshRendererPair.mesh, true)) { }
                                EditorUtility.CopySerialized(meshRendererPair.mesh, sRenderer.sharedMesh);
                                sRenderer.sharedMesh.vertices = meshRendererPair.mesh.vertices;


                SaveRecord(lastOp.isReduceDeep, !isUndo, originalMeshesClones);

                lastOp.objectMeshPairs = null;
                lastOp = null;
                operations.RemoveAt(operations.Count - 1);


            public void Destruct()
                if (undoOperations != null && undoOperations.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var operation in undoOperations)

                if (redoOperations != null && redoOperations.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var operation in redoOperations)


        public class LODLevelSettings

            public float reductionStrength;
            public float transitionHeight;
            public bool preserveUVFoldover;
            public bool preserveUVSeams;
            public bool preserveBorders;
            public bool useEdgeSort;
            public bool recalculateNormals;
            public float aggressiveness;
            public int maxIterations;
            public bool regardCurvature;
            public bool regardTolerance;
            public bool combineMeshes;
            public bool simplificationOptionsFoldout;
            public bool intensityFoldout;
            public List<float> sphereIntensities;

            public LODLevelSettings(float reductionStrength, float transitionHeight, bool preserveUVFoldover, bool preserveUVSeams, bool preserveBorders, bool smartLinking, bool recalculateNormals, float aggressiveness, int maxIterations, bool regardTolerance, bool regardCurvature, bool combineMeshes, List<float> preservationStrengths)
                this.reductionStrength = reductionStrength;
                this.transitionHeight = transitionHeight;
                this.preserveUVFoldover = preserveUVFoldover;
                this.preserveUVSeams = preserveUVSeams;
                this.preserveBorders = preserveBorders;
                this.useEdgeSort = smartLinking;
                this.recalculateNormals = recalculateNormals;
                this.aggressiveness = aggressiveness;
                this.maxIterations = maxIterations;
                this.regardTolerance = regardTolerance;
                this.regardCurvature = regardCurvature;
                this.combineMeshes = combineMeshes;
                this.sphereIntensities = preservationStrengths;

        public class LODBackup
            private Renderer[] originalRenderers = null;
            public GameObject lodParentObject;

            public Renderer[] OriginalRenderers
                get { return originalRenderers; }
                set { originalRenderers = value; }

        public UndoRedoOps objectsHistory;

        public ObjectMeshPair objectMeshPairs;
        public List<LODLevelSettings> currentLodLevelSettings;

        public List<ToleranceSphere> toleranceSpheres;

        public LODBackup lodBackup;

        #region BATCH FEW DATA

        public TextureArrayGroup textureArraysSettings;
        public List<MaterialProperties> materialsToRestore;
        public ObjectMaterialLinks lastObjMaterialLinks; // BeforeSerialization
        public bool relocateMaterialLinks;
        public bool reInitializeTempMatProps;

        public int choiceTextureMap = 0;
        public int choiceDiffuseColorSpace = 0;

        public readonly string[] textureMapsChoices = new[] { "Albedo", "Metallic", "Specular", "Normal", "Height", "Occlusion", "Emission", "Detail Mask", "Detail Albedo", "Detail Normal" };
        //public readonly string[] compressionTypesChoices = new[] { "Uncompressed", "DXT1", "ETC2_RGB", "PVRTC_RGB4", "ASTC_RGB", "DXT1_CRUNCHED" };
        public readonly string[] compressionTypesChoices = new[] { "Uncompressed", "DXT1", "ETC2_RGB", "PVRTC_RGB4", "ASTC_RGB"};
        public readonly string[] resolutionsChoices = new[] { "32", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096" };
        public readonly string[] filteringModesChoices = new[] { "Point (no filter)", "Bilinear", "Trilinear" };
        public readonly string[] compressionQualitiesChoices = new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High" };
        public readonly string[] colorSpaceChoices = new[] { "Non_Linear", "Linear" };
        public string batchFewSavePath = "";

        #endregion BATCH FEW DATA

        #region ALTER TEXTURE ARRAYS

        public List<Texture2DArray> existingTextureArrays = new List<Texture2DArray>();
        public bool existingTextureArraysFoldout;
        public int existingTextureArraysSize;
        public bool textureArraysPropsFoldout;
        public TextureArrayUserSettings existingArraysProps;
        public int choiceColorSpace = 0; //non linear

        #endregion ALTER TEXTURE ARRAYS


        public bool preserveBorders;
        public bool preserveUVSeams;
        public bool preserveUVFoldover;
        public bool useEdgeSort = false;
        public bool recalculateNormals;
        public int maxIterations = 100;
        public float aggressiveness = 7;
        public bool regardCurvature = false;
        public bool considerChildren;
        public bool isPreservationActive;
        public float sphereDiameter = 0.5f;
        public Vector3 oldSphereScale;
        public float reductionStrength;
        public bool reductionPending;
        public GameObject prevFeasibleTarget;
        public bool runOnThreads;
        public int triangleCount;
        public UnityEngine.Object lastDrawer;
        public bool foldoutAutoLOD;
        public bool foldoutBatchFew;
        public bool foldoutAutoLODMultiple;
        public Vector3 objPositionPrevFrame; 
        public Vector3 objScalePrevFrame;
        public bool considerChildrenBatchFew = true;
        public string autoLODSavePath = "";

        public bool foldoutAdditionalOpts;
        public bool generateUV2LODs;
        public bool copyParentStaticFlags;
        public bool copyParentTag;
        public bool copyParentLayer;
        public bool createAsChildren;
        public bool removeLODBackupComponent;
        public bool generateUV2batchfew;
        public bool removeMaterialLinksComponent;
        public bool clearBlendshapesComplete;
        public bool clearBlendshapesNormals;
        public bool clearBlendshapesTangents;

        public bool isPlainSkin = false;

        #endregion INSPECTOR DRAWER VARS

