using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace QFSW.QC.Extras { public static class ScreenCommands { [Command("fullscreen", "fullscreen state of the application.")] private static bool Fullscreen { get => Screen.fullScreen; set => Screen.fullScreen = value; } [Command("screen-dpi", "dpi of the current device's screen.")] private static float DPI => Screen.dpi; [Command("screen-orientation", "the orientation of the screen.")] [CommandPlatform(Platform.MobilePlatforms)] private static ScreenOrientation Orientation { get => Screen.orientation; set => Screen.orientation = value; } [Command("current-resolution", "current resolution of the application or window.")] private static Resolution GetCurrentResolution() { Resolution resolution = new Resolution { width = Screen.width, height = Screen.height, refreshRate = Screen.currentResolution.refreshRate }; return resolution; } [Command("supported-resolutions", "all resolutions supported by this device in fullscreen mode.")] [CommandPlatform(Platform.AllPlatforms ^ Platform.WebGLPlayer)] private static IEnumerable<Resolution> GetSupportedResolutions() { foreach (Resolution resolution in Screen.resolutions) { yield return resolution; } } [Command("set-resolution")] private static void SetResolution(int x, int y) { SetResolution(x, y, Screen.fullScreen); } [Command("set-resolution", "sets the resolution of the current application, optionally setting the fullscreen state too.")] private static void SetResolution(int x, int y, bool fullscreen) { Screen.SetResolution(x, y, fullscreen); } [Command("capture-screenshot")] [CommandDescription("Captures a screenshot and saves it to the supplied file path as a PNG.\n" + "If superSize is supplied the screenshot will be captured at a higher than native resolution.")] private static void CaptureScreenshot( [CommandParameterDescription("The name of the file to save the screenshot in")] string filename, [CommandParameterDescription("Factor by which to increase resolution")] int superSize = 1 ) { ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshot(filename, superSize); } } }