using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace Dreamteck.Splines.IO
 public class CSV : SplineParser
 public enum ColumnType { Position, Tangent, Tangent2, Normal, Size, Color }
 public List columns = new List();

 private System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
 private System.Globalization.NumberStyles style = System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any;

 public CSV(SplineComputer computer)
 Spline spline = new Spline(computer.type, computer.sampleRate);
 spline.points = computer.GetPoints();
 if (spline.type != Spline.Type.Bezier && spline.type != Spline.Type.Linear) spline.CatToBezierTangents();
 if (computer.isClosed) spline.Close();
 buffer = new SplineDefinition(, spline);
 fileName =;

 public CSV(string filePath, List customColumns = null)
 if (File.Exists(filePath))
 string ext = Path.GetExtension(filePath).ToLower();
 fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
 if (ext != ".csv")
 Debug.LogError("CSV Parsing ERROR: Wrong format. Please use SVG or XML");
 string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
 if (customColumns == null)
 } else columns = new List(customColumns);
 buffer = new SplineDefinition(fileName, Spline.Type.CatmullRom);

 void Read(string[] lines)
 int expectedElementCount = 0;
 foreach (ColumnType col in columns)
 switch (col)
 case ColumnType.Position: expectedElementCount +=3; break;
 case ColumnType.Tangent: expectedElementCount += 3; break;
 case ColumnType.Tangent2: expectedElementCount += 3; break;
 case ColumnType.Normal: expectedElementCount += 3; break;
 case ColumnType.Size: expectedElementCount ++; break;
 case ColumnType.Color: expectedElementCount += 4; break;
 for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++)
 lines[i] = Regex.Replace(lines[i], @"\s+", "");
 string[] elements = lines[i].Split(',');
 if(elements.Length != expectedElementCount)
 Debug.LogError("Unexpected element count on row " + i + ". Expected " + expectedElementCount + " found " + elements.Length + " Please make sure that all values exist and the column order is correct.");
 float[] values = new float[elements.Length];
 for (int j = 0; j < elements.Length; j++)
 float.TryParse(elements[j], style, culture, out values[j]);
 int currentValue = 0;
 foreach (ColumnType col in columns)
 switch (col)
 case ColumnType.Position: buffer.position = new Vector3(values[currentValue++], values[currentValue++], values[currentValue++]); break;
 case ColumnType.Tangent: buffer.tangent = new Vector3(values[currentValue++], values[currentValue++], values[currentValue++]); break;
 case ColumnType.Tangent2: buffer.tangent2 = new Vector3(values[currentValue++], values[currentValue++], values[currentValue++]); break;
 case ColumnType.Normal: buffer.normal = new Vector3(values[currentValue++], values[currentValue++], values[currentValue++]); break;
 case ColumnType.Size: buffer.size = values[currentValue++]; break;
 case ColumnType.Color: buffer.color = new Color(values[currentValue++], values[currentValue++], values[currentValue++], values[currentValue++]); break;

 public SplineComputer CreateSplineComputer(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
 return buffer.CreateSplineComputer(position, rotation);

 public Spline CreateSpline()
 return buffer.CreateSpline();

 public void FlatX()
 for (int i = 0; i < buffer.pointCount; i++)

 public void FlatY()
 for (int i = 0; i < buffer.pointCount; i++)

 public void FlatZ()
 for (int i = 0; i < buffer.pointCount; i++)

 void AddTitle(ref string[] content, string title)
 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content[0])) content[0] += ",";
 content[0] += title;

 void AddVector3Title(ref string[] content, string prefix)
 AddTitle(ref content, prefix + "X," + prefix + "Y," + prefix + "Z");

 void AddColorTitle(ref string[] content, string prefix)
 AddTitle(ref content, prefix + "R," + prefix + "G," + prefix + "B" + prefix + "A");

 void AddVector3(ref string[] content, int index, Vector3 vector)
 AddFloat(ref content, index, vector.x);
 AddFloat(ref content, index, vector.y);
 AddFloat(ref content, index, vector.z);

 void AddColor(ref string[] content, int index, Color color)
 AddFloat(ref content, index, color.r);
 AddFloat(ref content, index, color.g);
 AddFloat(ref content, index, color.b);
 AddFloat(ref content, index, color.a);

 void AddFloat(ref string[] content, int index, float value)
 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content[index])) content[index] += ",";
 content[index] += value.ToString();

 public void Write(string filePath)
 if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath))) throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("The file is being saved to a non-existing directory.");
 List csvPoints = buffer.points;
 string[] content = new string[csvPoints.Count+1];
 //Add the column titles
 foreach(ColumnType col in columns)
 switch (col)
 case ColumnType.Position: AddVector3Title(ref content, "Position"); break;
 case ColumnType.Tangent: AddVector3Title(ref content, "Tangent"); break;
 case ColumnType.Tangent2: AddVector3Title(ref content, "Tangent2"); break;
 case ColumnType.Normal: AddVector3Title(ref content, "Normal"); break;
 case ColumnType.Size: AddTitle(ref content, "Size"); break;
 case ColumnType.Color: AddColorTitle(ref content, "Color"); break;
 //Add the content for each column
 foreach (ColumnType col in columns)
 for (int i = 1; i <= csvPoints.Count; i++)
 int index = i - 1;
 switch (col)
 case ColumnType.Position: AddVector3(ref content, i, csvPoints[index].position); break;
 case ColumnType.Tangent: AddVector3(ref content, i, csvPoints[index].tangent); break;
 case ColumnType.Tangent2: AddVector3(ref content, i, csvPoints[index].tangent2); break;
 case ColumnType.Normal: AddVector3(ref content, i, csvPoints[index].normal); break;
 case ColumnType.Size: AddFloat(ref content, i, csvPoints[index].size); break;
 case ColumnType.Color: AddColor(ref content, i, csvPoints[index].color); break;
 File.WriteAllLines(filePath, content);