namespace Dreamteck.Splines.Editor { using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Dreamteck.Editor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using Dreamteck.Splines; public class SplineEditor : SplineEditorBase { public enum Space { World, Local }; public bool editMode = false; protected Matrix4x4 _matrix; protected virtual string editorName { get { return "SplineEditor"; } } public bool is2D = false; public Color drawColor = Color.white; public MainPointModule mainModule; public SerializedSplinePoint[] points = new SerializedSplinePoint[0]; public List selectedPoints = new List(); public Tool lastEditorTool = Tool.None; public Space editSpace = Space.World; public delegate void SplineEvaluation(double percent, ref SplineSample result); public delegate void SplinePointEvaluation(int pointIndex, ref SplineSample result); public delegate Vector3 SplineEvaluatePosition(double percent); public delegate float SplineCalculateLength(double from, double to); public delegate double SplineTravel(double start, float distance, Spline.Direction direction); public SplineEvaluation evaluate; public SplinePointEvaluation evaluateAtPoint; public SplineEvaluatePosition evaluatePosition; public SplineCalculateLength calculateLength; public SplineTravel travel; public EmptyHandler selectionChangeHandler; public int moduleCount { get { return _modules.Length; } } public PointModule currentModule { get { if (_module < 0 || _module >= _modules.Length) return null; else return _modules[_module]; } } protected List pointOperations = new List(); protected Vector2 lastClickPoint =; protected GUIContent[] toolContents = new GUIContent[0], toolContentsSelected = new GUIContent[0]; protected bool pointToolsToggle = false; protected Toolbar toolbar; protected SplineSample evalResult = new SplineSample(); protected SerializedProperty _splineProperty { get; private set; } protected SerializedProperty _pointsProperty { get; private set; } protected SerializedProperty _typeProperty { get; private set; } protected SerializedProperty _sampleRateProperty { get; private set; } protected SerializedProperty _closedProperty { get; private set; } protected string splinePropertyName { get { if (_customSplinePropertyName != "") return _customSplinePropertyName; return "_spline"; } } private int _module = -1, _selectModule = -1, _loadedModuleIndex = -1; private PointModule[] _modules = new PointModule[0]; private string[] _pointOperationStrings = new string[0]; private float _editLabelAlpha = 0f; private Vector2 _editLabelPosition =; private float lastEmptyClickTime = 0f; private int _selectedPointOperation = 0; private bool _emptyClick = false; private string _customSplinePropertyName = ""; public Matrix4x4 matrix { get { return _matrix; } } public SplineEditor(Matrix4x4 transformMatrix, SerializedObject splineHolder, string customSplinePropertyName) : base(splineHolder) { _customSplinePropertyName = customSplinePropertyName; Initialize(transformMatrix, splineHolder); } public SplineEditor(Matrix4x4 transformMatrix, SerializedObject splineHolder) : base(splineHolder) { Initialize(transformMatrix, splineHolder); } private void Initialize(Matrix4x4 transformMatrix, SerializedObject splineHolder) { _matrix = transformMatrix; string[] serializedPath = splinePropertyName.Split('/'); foreach (var element in serializedPath) { if (_splineProperty == null) { _splineProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(element); continue; } int i = 0; if (int.TryParse(element, out i)) { _splineProperty = _splineProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); } else { _splineProperty = _splineProperty.FindPropertyRelative(element); } } GetSerializedProperteis(); mainModule = new MainPointModule(this); mainModule.onSelectionChanged += OnSelectionChanged; List moduleList = new List(); OnModuleList(moduleList); _modules = moduleList.ToArray(); toolContents = new GUIContent[_modules.Length]; toolContentsSelected = new GUIContent[_modules.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < _modules.Length; i++) { _modules[i].onSelectionChanged += OnSelectionChanged; toolContents[i] = _modules[i].GetIconOff(); toolContentsSelected[i] = _modules[i].GetIconOn(); } toolbar = new Toolbar(toolContents, toolContentsSelected, 35f); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Flat X", action = delegate { FlatSelection(0); } }); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Flat Y", action = delegate { FlatSelection(1); } }); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Flat Z", action = delegate { FlatSelection(2); } }); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Mirror X", action = delegate { MirrorSelection(0); } }); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Mirror Y", action = delegate { MirrorSelection(1); } }); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Mirror Z", action = delegate { MirrorSelection(2); } }); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Distribute Evenly", action = delegate { DistributeEvenly(); } }); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Auto Bezier Tangents", action = delegate { AutoTangents(); } }); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Swap Bezier Tangents", action = delegate { SwapTangents(); } }); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Flip Bezier Tangents", action = delegate { FlipTangents(); } }); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Flip First Bezier Tangent", action = delegate { FlipFirstTangent(); } }); pointOperations.Add(new PointOperation { name = "Flip Seconds Bezier Tangent", action = delegate { FlipSecondTangent(); } }); _pointOperationStrings = new string[pointOperations.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < pointOperations.Count; i++) { _pointOperationStrings[i] = pointOperations[i].name; } if (_selectedPointOperation >= _pointOperationStrings.Length || _selectedPointOperation < 0) { _selectedPointOperation = 0; } } protected virtual void GetSerializedProperteis() { _pointsProperty = _splineProperty.FindPropertyRelative("points"); _typeProperty = _splineProperty.FindPropertyRelative("type"); _sampleRateProperty = _splineProperty.FindPropertyRelative("sampleRate"); _closedProperty = _splineProperty.FindPropertyRelative("closed"); } public PointModule GetModule(int index) { return _modules[index]; } public override void UndoRedoPerformed() { GetPointsFromSpline(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { if(selectedPoints[i] >= points.Length) { selectedPoints.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } ResetCurrentModule(); } protected virtual void OnModuleList(List list) { list.Add(new CreatePointModule(this)); list.Add(new DeletePointModule(this)); list.Add(new PointMoveModule(this)); list.Add(new PointRotateModule(this)); list.Add(new PointScaleModule(this)); list.Add(new PointNormalModule(this)); list.Add(new PointMirrorModule(this)); } public virtual void GetPointsFromSpline() { serializedObject.Update(); if (points.Length != _pointsProperty.arraySize) { points = new SerializedSplinePoint[_pointsProperty.arraySize]; } for (int i = 0; i < _pointsProperty.arraySize; i++) { points[i] = new SerializedSplinePoint(_pointsProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i)); } } public virtual void ApplyModifiedProperties(bool forceAllUpdate = false) { serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } public virtual void SetPreviewPoints(SplinePoint[] points) { } public SplinePoint[] GetPointsArray() { SplinePoint[] p = new SplinePoint[points.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++) { p[i] = points[i].CreateSplinePoint(); } return p; } public void SetPointsArray(SplinePoint[] input) { SetPointsCount(input.Length); for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++) { points[i].SetPoint(input[i]); } } public void SetPointsCount(int count) { _pointsProperty.arraySize = count; serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); GetPointsFromSpline(); } public virtual void DeletePoint(int index) { _pointsProperty.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(index); ApplyModifiedProperties(true); GetPointsFromSpline(); } public void AddPointAt(int index) { _pointsProperty.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(index); ApplyModifiedProperties(true); GetPointsFromSpline(); } public override void Destroy() { base.Destroy(); mainModule.Deselect(); if (currentModule != null) currentModule.Deselect(); if(lastEditorTool != Tool.None && Tools.current == Tool.None) Tools.current = lastEditorTool; } public virtual void SetSplineClosed(bool closed) { if (points.Length < 3) { closed = false; } _closedProperty.boolValue = closed; } public virtual void SetSplineType(Spline.Type type) { _typeProperty.enumValueIndex = (int)type; } public virtual void SetSplineSampleRate(int rate) { if (rate < 2) rate = 2; _sampleRateProperty.intValue = rate; } public virtual bool GetSplineClosed() { return _closedProperty.boolValue; } public virtual int GetSplineSampleRate() { return _sampleRateProperty.intValue; } public virtual Spline.Type GetSplineType() { return (Spline.Type)_typeProperty.enumValueIndex; } void OnSelectionChanged() { ResetCurrentModule(); Repaint(); if (selectionChangeHandler != null) selectionChangeHandler(); } protected override void Save() { base.Save(); EditorPrefs.SetBool(GetSaveName("editMode"), editMode); EditorPrefs.SetBool(GetSaveName("pointToolsToggle"), pointToolsToggle); EditorPrefs.SetInt(GetSaveName("selectedPointOperation"), _selectedPointOperation); } protected override void Load() { base.Load(); editMode = EditorPrefs.GetBool(GetSaveName("editMode"), false); pointToolsToggle = EditorPrefs.GetBool(GetSaveName("pointToolsToggle"), false); _selectedPointOperation = EditorPrefs.GetInt(GetSaveName("selectedPointOperation"), 0); } private void HandleEditModeToggle() { if(Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) { if (editMode && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) { if(_module >= 0) { UntoggleCurrentModule(); Repaint(); } else { editMode = false; Repaint(); } } if (Event.current.control && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.E) { editMode = !editMode; Repaint(); } } } public override void DrawInspector() { GetPointsFromSpline(); HandleEditModeToggle(); base.DrawInspector(); if (editMode) { if (!gizmosEnabled) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Gizmos are disabled in the scene view. Enable Gizmos in the scene view for the spline editor to work.", MessageType.Error); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); DrawToolMenu(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (currentModule != null) { currentModule.DrawInspector(); if (currentModule.hasChanged) { ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } DreamteckEditorGUI.DrawSeparator(); PointPanel(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) ResetCurrentModule(); } else { if (GUILayout.Button("Edit")) { editMode = true; } } } void DrawToolMenu() { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (_loadedModuleIndex >= 0) { ToggleModule(_loadedModuleIndex); _loadedModuleIndex = -1; } _selectModule = _module; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); toolbar.Draw(ref _selectModule); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { ToggleModule(_selectModule); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } protected virtual void PointPanel() { if (points.Length == 0) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No control points available.", EditorStyles.centeredGreyMiniLabel); return; } mainModule.DrawInspector(); if (mainModule.hasChanged) { ApplyModifiedProperties(); } if (selectedPoints.Count > 0 && points.Length > 0) { PointMenu(); } } public virtual void BeforeSceneGUI(SceneView current) { mainModule.BeforeSceneDraw(current); if (_module >= 0 && _module < _modules.Length) { _modules[_module].BeforeSceneDraw(current); } } public override void DrawScene(SceneView current) { GetPointsFromSpline(); HandleEditModeToggle(); if (!editMode) { return; } base.DrawScene(current); Event e = Event.current; if (Tools.current != Tool.None) { lastEditorTool = Tools.current; Tools.current = Tool.None; } int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); if (e.GetTypeForControl(controlID) == EventType.Layout) HandleUtility.AddDefaultControl(controlID); if (eventModule.mouseLeftDown) lastClickPoint = e.mousePosition; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); mainModule.DrawScene(); if (mainModule.hasChanged) { ApplyModifiedProperties(); } if (currentModule != null) { currentModule.DrawScene(); if (currentModule.hasChanged) { ApplyModifiedProperties(); } if (currentModule is CreatePointModule) { if (eventModule.mouseLeftDown && eventModule.mouseRight) { GUIUtility.hotControl = -1; ApplyModifiedProperties(true); ToggleModule(0); } } } if(eventModule.mouseLeftDown) _emptyClick = GUIUtility.hotControl == 0; if (_emptyClick) { if (eventModule.mouseLeft && !mainModule.isDragging && Vector2.Distance(lastClickPoint, e.mousePosition) >= mainModule.minimumRectSize && !eventModule.alt) { mainModule.StartDrag(lastClickPoint); _emptyClick = false; } } if (eventModule.mouseLeftUp) { if (mainModule.isDragging) mainModule.FinishDrag(); else { if (_emptyClick && !eventModule.alt) { if(selectedPoints.Count > 0) mainModule.ClearSelection(); else if(editMode) { if (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - lastEmptyClickTime <= 0.3f) { editMode = false; } else { _editLabelAlpha = 1f; _editLabelPosition = e.mousePosition; lastEmptyClickTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; } } } } } if (!eventModule.mouseRight && !eventModule.mouseLeft && e.type == EventType.KeyDown && !e.control) { switch (e.keyCode) { case KeyCode.Q: if (_module == 0) ToggleModule(1); else ToggleModule(0); e.Use(); break; case KeyCode.W: ToggleModule(2); e.Use(); break; case KeyCode.E: ToggleModule(3); e.Use(); break; case KeyCode.R: ToggleModule(4); e.Use(); break; case KeyCode.T: ToggleModule(5); e.Use(); break; case KeyCode.Y: ToggleModule(6); e.Use(); break; } } if(_editLabelAlpha > 0f) { Handles.BeginGUI(); GUI.contentColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, _editLabelAlpha); DreamteckEditorGUI.Label(new Rect(_editLabelPosition, new Vector2(140, 50)), "Click Again To Exit"); Handles.EndGUI(); _editLabelAlpha = Mathf.MoveTowards(_editLabelAlpha, 0f, Time.deltaTime * 0.05f); Repaint(); } } public void ToggleModule(int index) { Tools.current = Tool.None; if (currentModule != null) currentModule.Deselect(); if (index == _module) _module = -1; else { _module = index; ResetCurrentModule(); currentModule.Select(); if (currentModule.hasChanged) { ApplyModifiedProperties(true); } } Repaint(); } public void UntoggleCurrentModule() { if (currentModule != null) currentModule.Deselect(); _module = -1; Repaint(); } protected virtual void PointMenu() { //Otherwise show the editing menu + the point selection menu Vector3 avgPos =; Vector3 avgTan =; Vector3 avgTan2 =; Vector3 avgNormal =; float avgSize = 0f; Color avgColor = Color.clear; for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { avgPos += points[selectedPoints[i]].position; avgNormal += points[selectedPoints[i]].normal; avgSize += points[selectedPoints[i]].size; avgTan += points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent; avgTan2 += points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2; avgColor += points[selectedPoints[i]].color; } avgPos /= selectedPoints.Count; avgTan /= selectedPoints.Count; avgTan2 /= selectedPoints.Count; avgSize /= selectedPoints.Count; avgColor /= selectedPoints.Count; avgNormal.Normalize(); SplinePoint avgPoint = new SplinePoint(avgPos, avgPos); avgPoint.tangent = avgTan; avgPoint.tangent2 = avgTan2; avgPoint.size = avgSize; avgPoint.color = avgColor; avgPoint.type = points[selectedPoints[0]].type; SplinePoint.Type lastType = avgPoint.type; avgPoint.normal = avgNormal; EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Point Operations"); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); _selectedPointOperation = EditorGUILayout.Popup(_selectedPointOperation, _pointOperationStrings); if (GUILayout.Button("Apply")) { pointOperations[_selectedPointOperation].action.Invoke(); ApplyModifiedProperties(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); editSpace = (Space)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Coordinate Space", editSpace); bool isBezier = _typeProperty.enumValueIndex == (int)Spline.Type.Bezier; if (isBezier) { if (is2D) { avgPoint.SetTangentPosition(TransformedPositionField2D("Tangent 1", avgPoint.tangent)); avgPoint.SetTangent2Position(TransformedPositionField2D("Tangent 2", avgPoint.tangent2)); } else { avgPoint.SetTangentPosition(TransformedPositionField("Tangent 1", avgPoint.tangent)); avgPoint.SetTangent2Position(TransformedPositionField("Tangent 2", avgPoint.tangent2)); } } if (is2D) { avgPoint.SetPosition(TransformedPositionField2D("Position", avgPoint.position)); } else { avgPoint.SetPosition(TransformedPositionField("Position", avgPoint.position)); } if (!is2D) { avgPoint.normal = TransformedVectorField("Normal", avgPoint.normal); } avgPoint.size = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Size", avgPoint.size); avgPoint.color = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color", avgPoint.color); if (isBezier) { avgPoint.type = (SplinePoint.Type)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Point Type", avgPoint.type); } if (!EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) return; for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { points[selectedPoints[i]].SetPosition(GetChangedVector(avgPos, avgPoint.position, points[selectedPoints[i]].position)); points[selectedPoints[i]].normal = GetChangedVector(avgNormal, avgPoint.normal, points[selectedPoints[i]].normal); if (isBezier) { points[selectedPoints[i]].SetTangentPosition(GetChangedVector(avgTan, avgPoint.tangent, points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent)); points[selectedPoints[i]].SetTangent2Position(GetChangedVector(avgTan2, avgPoint.tangent2, points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2)); } if (avgPoint.size != avgSize) points[selectedPoints[i]].size = avgPoint.size; if (avgColor != avgPoint.color) points[selectedPoints[i]].color = avgPoint.color; if (lastType != avgPoint.type) points[selectedPoints[i]].type = avgPoint.type; } ApplyModifiedProperties(); } Vector3 GetChangedVector(Vector3 oldVector, Vector3 newVector, Vector3 original) { if (!Mathf.Approximately(oldVector.x, newVector.x)) original.x = newVector.x; if (!Mathf.Approximately(oldVector.y, newVector.y)) original.y = newVector.y; if (!Mathf.Approximately(oldVector.z, newVector.z)) original.z = newVector.z; return original; } Vector3 TransformedPositionField(string title, Vector3 worldPoint) { Vector3 pos = worldPoint; if (editSpace == Space.Local) pos = _matrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(worldPoint); pos = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(title, pos); if (editSpace == Space.Local) pos = _matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos); return pos; } Vector3 TransformedVectorField(string title, Vector3 worldPoint) { Vector3 vector = worldPoint; if (editSpace == Space.Local) vector = _matrix.inverse.MultiplyVector(worldPoint); vector = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(title, vector); if (editSpace == Space.Local) vector = _matrix.MultiplyVector(vector); return vector; } Vector2 TransformedPositionField2D(string title, Vector3 worldPoint) { Vector2 pos = worldPoint; if (editSpace == Space.Local) pos = _matrix.inverse.MultiplyPoint3x4(worldPoint); pos = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(title, pos); if (editSpace == Space.Local) pos = _matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(pos); return pos; } public void FlatSelection(int axis) { Vector3 avg =; bool flatTangent = false; bool flatPosition = true; if (_typeProperty.enumValueIndex == (int)Spline.Type.Bezier) { switch (EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Flat Bezier", "How do you want to flat the selected Bezier points?", "Points Only", "Tangens Only", "Everything")) { case 0: flatTangent = false; flatPosition = true; break; case 1: flatTangent = true; flatPosition = false; break; case 2: flatTangent = true; flatPosition = true; break; } } RecordUndo("Flat Selection"); if (flatPosition) { for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { avg += points[selectedPoints[i]].position; } avg /= selectedPoints.Count; for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { Vector3 pos = points[selectedPoints[i]].position; Vector3 nor = points[selectedPoints[i]].normal; switch (axis) { case 0: pos.x = avg.x; nor.x = 0f; break; case 1: pos.y = avg.y; nor.y = 0f; break; case 2: pos.z = avg.z; nor.z = 0f; break; } points[selectedPoints[i]].normal = nor.normalized; if (points[selectedPoints[i]].normal == points[selectedPoints[i]].normal = Vector3.up; points[selectedPoints[i]].SetPosition(pos); if (flatTangent) { Vector3 tan = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent; Vector3 tan2 = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2; switch (axis) { case 0: tan.x = avg.x; tan2.x = avg.x; break; case 1: tan.y = avg.y; tan2.y = avg.y; break; case 2: tan.z = avg.z; tan2.z = avg.z; break; } points[selectedPoints[i]].SetTangentPosition(tan); points[selectedPoints[i]].SetTangent2Position(tan2); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { Vector3 tan = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent; Vector3 tan2 = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2; Vector3 pos = points[selectedPoints[i]].position; switch (axis) { case 0: tan.x = pos.x; tan2.x = pos.x; break; case 1: tan.y = pos.y; tan2.y = pos.y; break; case 2: tan.z = pos.z; tan2.z = pos.z; break; } points[selectedPoints[i]].SetTangentPosition(tan); points[selectedPoints[i]].SetTangent2Position(tan2); } } ResetCurrentModule(); } public void MirrorSelection(int axis) { bool mirrorTangents = false; if (_typeProperty.enumValueIndex == (int)Spline.Type.Bezier) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Mirror tangents", "Do you want to mirror the tangents too ?", "Yes", "No")) mirrorTangents = true; } float min = 0f, max = 0f; switch (axis) { case 0: min = max = points[selectedPoints[0]].position.x; break; case 1: min = max = points[selectedPoints[0]].position.y; break; case 2: min = max = points[selectedPoints[0]].position.z; break; } RecordUndo("Mirror Selection"); if (mirrorTangents) { float value = 0f; switch (axis) { case 0: value = points[selectedPoints[0]].tangent.x; break; case 1: value = points[selectedPoints[0]].tangent.y; break; case 2: value = points[selectedPoints[0]].tangent.z; break; } if (value < min) min = value; if (value > max) max = value; switch (axis) { case 0: value = points[selectedPoints[0]].tangent2.x; break; case 1: value = points[selectedPoints[0]].tangent2.y; break; case 2: value = points[selectedPoints[0]].tangent2.z; break; } if (value < min) min = value; if (value > max) max = value; } for (int i = 1; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { float value = 0f; switch (axis) { case 0: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].position.x; break; case 1: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].position.y; break; case 2: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].position.z; break; } if (value < min) min = value; if (value > max) max = value; if (mirrorTangents) { switch (axis) { case 0: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent.x; break; case 1: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent.y; break; case 2: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent.z; break; } if (value < min) min = value; if (value > max) max = value; switch (axis) { case 0: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2.x; break; case 1: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2.y; break; case 2: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2.z; break; } if (value < min) min = value; if (value > max) max = value; } } for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { float value = 0f; if (mirrorTangents) { //Point position switch (axis) { case 0: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].position.x; break; case 1: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].position.y; break; case 2: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].position.z; break; } float percent = Mathf.InverseLerp(min, max, value); value = Mathf.Lerp(max, min, percent); Vector3 pos = points[selectedPoints[i]].position; switch (axis) { case 0: pos.x = value; break; case 1: pos.y = value; break; case 2: pos.z = value; break; } points[selectedPoints[i]].position = pos; //Tangent 1 switch (axis) { case 0: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent.x; break; case 1: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent.y; break; case 2: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent.z; break; } percent = Mathf.InverseLerp(min, max, value); value = Mathf.Lerp(max, min, percent); Vector3 tan = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent; switch (axis) { case 0: tan.x = value; break; case 1: tan.y = value; break; case 2: tan.z = value; break; } points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent = tan; //Tangent 2 switch (axis) { case 0: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2.x; break; case 1: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2.y; break; case 2: value = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2.z; break; } percent = Mathf.InverseLerp(min, max, value); value = Mathf.Lerp(max, min, percent); tan = points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2; switch (axis) { case 0: tan.x = value; break; case 1: tan.y = value; break; case 2: tan.z = value; break; } points[selectedPoints[i]].tangent2 = tan; } else { Vector3 pos = points[selectedPoints[i]].position; switch (axis) { case 0: value = pos.x; break; case 1: value = pos.y; break; case 2: value = pos.z; break; } float percent = Mathf.InverseLerp(min, max, value); value = Mathf.Lerp(max, min, percent); switch (axis) { case 0: pos.x = value; break; case 1: pos.y = value; break; case 2: pos.z = value; break; } points[selectedPoints[i]].SetPosition(pos); } //Normal Vector3 nor = points[selectedPoints[i]].normal; switch (axis) { case 0: nor.x *= -1f; break; case 1: nor.y *= -1f; break; case 2: nor.z *= -1f; break; } points[selectedPoints[i]].normal = nor.normalized; } ResetCurrentModule(); } public void DistributeEvenly() { if (selectedPoints.Count < 3) return; RecordUndo("Distribute Evenly"); int min = points.Length-1, max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { if (selectedPoints[i] < min) min = selectedPoints[i]; if (selectedPoints[i] > max) max = selectedPoints[i]; } double minPercent = (double)min / (points.Length - 1); double maxPercent = (double)max / (points.Length - 1); float length = calculateLength(minPercent, maxPercent); float step = length / (max - min); SplineSample evalResult = new SplineSample(); evaluate(minPercent, ref evalResult); for (int i = min + 1; i < max; i++) { double percent = travel(evalResult.percent, step, Spline.Direction.Forward); evaluate(percent, ref evalResult); points[i].SetPosition(evalResult.position); } ResetCurrentModule(); } public void LoopTriggerProperties(System.Action onTrigger) { SerializedProperty triggerGroups = serializedObject.FindProperty("triggerGroups"); for (int i = 0; i < triggerGroups.arraySize; i++) { SerializedProperty triggers = triggerGroups.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i).FindPropertyRelative("triggers"); for (int j = 0; j < triggers.arraySize; j++) { SerializedProperty trigger = triggers.GetArrayElementAtIndex(j); onTrigger.Invoke(trigger); } } } public void AutoTangents() { RecordUndo("Auto Tangents"); for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { int index = selectedPoints[i]; Vector3 prevPos = points[index].position, forwardPos = points[index].position; if(index == 0 && points.Length > 1) { prevPos = points[0].position + (points[0].position - points[1].position); } else prevPos = points[index - 1].position; if (index == points.Length-1 && points.Length > 1) { forwardPos = points[points.Length-1].position + (points[points.Length - 1].position - points[points.Length - 2].position); } else forwardPos = points[index + 1].position; Vector3 delta = (forwardPos - prevPos) / 2f; points[index].tangent = points[index].position - delta / 3f; points[index].tangent2 = points[index].position + delta / 3f; } ResetCurrentModule(); } public void SwapTangents() { RecordUndo("Swap Tangents"); for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { int index = selectedPoints[i]; Vector3 tempTangent = points[index].tangent; points[index].tangent = points[index].tangent2; points[index].tangent2 = tempTangent; } ResetCurrentModule(); } public void FlipTangents() { RecordUndo("Flip Tangents"); for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { int index = selectedPoints[i]; points[index].tangent = points[index].position + (points[index].position - points[index].tangent); points[index].tangent2 = points[index].position + (points[index].position - points[index].tangent2); } ResetCurrentModule(); } public void FlipFirstTangent() { RecordUndo("Flip First Tangent"); for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { int index = selectedPoints[i]; points[index].tangent2 = points[index].position + (points[index].position - points[index].tangent2); } ResetCurrentModule(); } public void FlipSecondTangent() { RecordUndo("Flip Second Tangent"); for (int i = 0; i < selectedPoints.Count; i++) { int index = selectedPoints[i]; points[index].tangent = points[index].position + (points[index].position - points[index].tangent); } ResetCurrentModule(); } protected void ResetCurrentModule() { if (_module < 0 || _module >= _modules.Length) return; _modules[_module].Reset(); } public class PointOperation { public string name = ""; public System.Action action; } } }