using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace BNG { /// /// An example Grabbable that adds lots of particles and changes audio pitch on collision. /// Press X to activate while in hand /// public class LaserSword : GrabbableEvents { Grabbable grabbable; // Enable this when toggled on public Transform BladeTransform; public Transform RaycastTransform; public LayerMask LaserCollision; public ParticleSystem CollisionParticle; public bool BladeEnabled = false; bool SaberSwitchOn = false; public float LaserLength = 1f; public float LaserActivateSpeed = 10f; public AudioSource CollisionAudio; public bool Colliding = false; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { grabbable = GetComponent(); if(CollisionParticle != null) { CollisionParticle.Stop(); } } void Update() { // Toggle Saber if (grabbable.BeingHeld && input.BButtonDown) { SaberSwitchOn = !SaberSwitchOn; } // Sheath / Unsheath if (BladeEnabled || SaberSwitchOn) { BladeTransform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(BladeTransform.localScale,, Time.deltaTime * LaserActivateSpeed); } else { BladeTransform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(BladeTransform.localScale, new Vector3(1, 0, 1), Time.deltaTime * LaserActivateSpeed); } BladeTransform.gameObject.SetActive(BladeTransform.localScale.y >= 0.01); checkCollision(); // Raise pitch on collision if(Colliding) { CollisionAudio.pitch = 2f; } else { CollisionAudio.pitch = 1f; } } public override void OnTrigger(float triggerValue) { BladeEnabled = triggerValue > 0.2f; base.OnTrigger(triggerValue); } void checkCollision() { Colliding = false; if (BladeEnabled == false && !SaberSwitchOn) { CollisionParticle.Pause(); return; } RaycastHit hit; Physics.Raycast(RaycastTransform.position, RaycastTransform.up, out hit, LaserLength, LaserCollision, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore); if(hit.collider != null) { if (CollisionParticle != null) { float distance = Vector3.Distance(hit.point, RaycastTransform.transform.position); float percentage = distance / LaserLength; BladeTransform.localScale = new Vector3(BladeTransform.localScale.x, percentage, BladeTransform.localScale.z); // Allow collision particle to play CollisionParticle.transform.parent.position = hit.point; CollisionParticle.transform.parent.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal); if(!CollisionParticle.isPlaying) { CollisionParticle.Play(); } // Haptics input.VibrateController(0.2f, 0.1f, 0.1f, thisGrabber.HandSide); Colliding = true; } } else { if (CollisionParticle != null) { CollisionParticle.Pause(); } } } void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { if (RaycastTransform != null) { // Draws a blue line from this transform to the target Gizmos.color =; Gizmos.DrawLine(RaycastTransform.position, RaycastTransform.position + RaycastTransform.up * LaserLength); } } } }