/* --------------------------------------- * Author: Martin Pane (martintayx@gmail.com) (@tayx94) * Contributors: https://github.com/Tayx94/graphy/graphs/contributors * Project: Graphy - Ultimate Stats Monitor * Date: 23-Dec-17 * Studio: Tayx * * Git repo: https://github.com/Tayx94/graphy * * This project is released under the MIT license. * Attribution is not required, but it is always welcomed! * -------------------------------------*/ using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Tayx.Graphy.Audio; using Tayx.Graphy.Fps; using Tayx.Graphy.Ram; using Tayx.Graphy.Utils; namespace Tayx.Graphy { /// <summary> /// Main class to access the Graphy Debugger API. /// </summary> public class GraphyDebugger : G_Singleton<GraphyDebugger> { /* ----- TODO: ---------------------------- * Add summaries to the variables. * Add summaries to the functions. * Ask why we're not using System.Serializable instead for the helper class. * Simplify the initializers of the DebugPackets, but check wether we should as some wont work with certain lists. * --------------------------------------*/ protected GraphyDebugger () { } #region Enums -> Public public enum DebugVariable { Fps, Fps_Min, Fps_Max, Fps_Avg, Ram_Allocated, Ram_Reserved, Ram_Mono, Audio_DB } public enum DebugComparer { Less_than, Equals_or_less_than, Equals, Equals_or_greater_than, Greater_than } public enum ConditionEvaluation { All_conditions_must_be_met, Only_one_condition_has_to_be_met, } public enum MessageType { Log, Warning, Error } #endregion #region Structs -> Public [System.Serializable] public struct DebugCondition { [Tooltip("Variable to compare against")] public DebugVariable Variable; [Tooltip("Comparer operator to use")] public DebugComparer Comparer; [Tooltip("Value to compare against the chosen variable")] public float Value; } #endregion #region Helper Classes [System.Serializable] public class DebugPacket { [Tooltip("If false, it won't be checked")] public bool Active = true; [Tooltip("Optional Id. It's used to get or remove DebugPackets in runtime")] public int Id; [Tooltip("If true, once the actions are executed, this DebugPacket will delete itself")] public bool ExecuteOnce = true; [Tooltip("Time to wait before checking if conditions are met (use this to avoid low fps drops triggering the conditions when loading the game)")] public float InitSleepTime = 2; [Tooltip("Time to wait before checking if conditions are met again (once they have already been met and if ExecuteOnce is false)")] public float ExecuteSleepTime = 2; public ConditionEvaluation ConditionEvaluation = ConditionEvaluation.All_conditions_must_be_met; [Tooltip("List of conditions that will be checked each frame")] public List<DebugCondition> DebugConditions = new List<DebugCondition>(); // Actions on conditions met public MessageType MessageType; [Multiline] public string Message = string.Empty; public bool TakeScreenshot = false; public string ScreenshotFileName = "Graphy_Screenshot"; [Tooltip("If true, it pauses the editor")] public bool DebugBreak = false; public UnityEvent UnityEvents; public List<System.Action> Callbacks = new List<System.Action>(); private bool canBeChecked = false; private bool executed = false; private float timePassed = 0; public bool Check { get { return canBeChecked; } } public void Update() { if (!canBeChecked) { timePassed += Time.deltaTime; if ( (executed && timePassed >= ExecuteSleepTime) || (!executed && timePassed >= InitSleepTime)) { canBeChecked = true; timePassed = 0; } } } public void Executed() { canBeChecked = false; executed = true; } } #endregion #region Variables -> Serialized Private [SerializeField] private List<DebugPacket> m_debugPackets = new List<DebugPacket>(); #endregion #region Variables -> Private private G_FpsMonitor m_fpsMonitor = null; private G_RamMonitor m_ramMonitor = null; private G_AudioMonitor m_audioMonitor = null; #endregion #region Methods -> Unity Callbacks private void Start() { m_fpsMonitor = GetComponentInChildren<G_FpsMonitor>(); m_ramMonitor = GetComponentInChildren<G_RamMonitor>(); m_audioMonitor = GetComponentInChildren<G_AudioMonitor>(); } private void Update() { CheckDebugPackets(); } #endregion #region Public Methods /// <summary> /// Add a new DebugPacket. /// </summary> public void AddNewDebugPacket(DebugPacket newDebugPacket) { m_debugPackets?.Add(newDebugPacket); } /// <summary> /// Add a new DebugPacket. /// </summary> public void AddNewDebugPacket ( int newId, DebugCondition newDebugCondition, MessageType newMessageType, string newMessage, bool newDebugBreak, System.Action newCallback ) { DebugPacket newDebugPacket = new DebugPacket(); newDebugPacket.Id = newId; newDebugPacket.DebugConditions.Add(newDebugCondition); newDebugPacket.MessageType = newMessageType; newDebugPacket.Message = newMessage; newDebugPacket.DebugBreak = newDebugBreak; newDebugPacket.Callbacks.Add(newCallback); AddNewDebugPacket(newDebugPacket); } /// <summary> /// Add a new DebugPacket. /// </summary> public void AddNewDebugPacket ( int newId, List<DebugCondition> newDebugConditions, MessageType newMessageType, string newMessage, bool newDebugBreak, System.Action newCallback ) { DebugPacket newDebugPacket = new DebugPacket(); newDebugPacket.Id = newId; newDebugPacket.DebugConditions = newDebugConditions; newDebugPacket.MessageType = newMessageType; newDebugPacket.Message = newMessage; newDebugPacket.DebugBreak = newDebugBreak; newDebugPacket.Callbacks.Add(newCallback); AddNewDebugPacket(newDebugPacket); } /// <summary> /// Add a new DebugPacket. /// </summary> public void AddNewDebugPacket ( int newId, DebugCondition newDebugCondition, MessageType newMessageType, string newMessage, bool newDebugBreak, List<System.Action> newCallbacks ) { DebugPacket newDebugPacket = new DebugPacket(); newDebugPacket.Id = newId; newDebugPacket.DebugConditions.Add(newDebugCondition); newDebugPacket.MessageType = newMessageType; newDebugPacket.Message = newMessage; newDebugPacket.DebugBreak = newDebugBreak; newDebugPacket.Callbacks = newCallbacks; AddNewDebugPacket(newDebugPacket); } /// <summary> /// Add a new DebugPacket. /// </summary> public void AddNewDebugPacket ( int newId, List<DebugCondition> newDebugConditions, MessageType newMessageType, string newMessage, bool newDebugBreak, List<System.Action> newCallbacks ) { DebugPacket newDebugPacket = new DebugPacket(); newDebugPacket.Id = newId; newDebugPacket.DebugConditions = newDebugConditions; newDebugPacket.MessageType = newMessageType; newDebugPacket.Message = newMessage; newDebugPacket.DebugBreak = newDebugBreak; newDebugPacket.Callbacks = newCallbacks; AddNewDebugPacket(newDebugPacket); } /// <summary> /// Returns the first Packet with the specified ID in the DebugPacket list. /// </summary> /// <param name="packetId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DebugPacket GetFirstDebugPacketWithId(int packetId) { return m_debugPackets.First(x => x.Id == packetId); } /// <summary> /// Returns a list with all the Packets with the specified ID in the DebugPacket list. /// </summary> /// <param name="packetId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<DebugPacket> GetAllDebugPacketsWithId(int packetId) { return m_debugPackets.FindAll(x => x.Id == packetId); } /// <summary> /// Removes the first Packet with the specified ID in the DebugPacket list. /// </summary> /// <param name="packetId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void RemoveFirstDebugPacketWithId(int packetId) { if (m_debugPackets != null && GetFirstDebugPacketWithId(packetId) != null) { m_debugPackets.Remove(GetFirstDebugPacketWithId(packetId)); } } /// <summary> /// Removes all the Packets with the specified ID in the DebugPacket list. /// </summary> /// <param name="packetId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void RemoveAllDebugPacketsWithId(int packetId) { if (m_debugPackets != null) { m_debugPackets.RemoveAll(x => x.Id == packetId); } } /// <summary> /// Add an Action callback to the first Packet with the specified ID in the DebugPacket list. /// </summary> /// <param name="callback"></param> /// <param name="id"></param> public void AddCallbackToFirstDebugPacketWithId(System.Action callback, int id) { if (GetFirstDebugPacketWithId(id) != null) { GetFirstDebugPacketWithId(id).Callbacks.Add(callback); } } /// <summary> /// Add an Action callback to all the Packets with the specified ID in the DebugPacket list. /// </summary> /// <param name="callback"></param> /// <param name="id"></param> public void AddCallbackToAllDebugPacketWithId(System.Action callback, int id) { if (GetAllDebugPacketsWithId(id) != null) { foreach (var debugPacket in GetAllDebugPacketsWithId(id)) { if (callback != null) { debugPacket.Callbacks.Add(callback); } } } } #endregion #region Methods -> Private /// <summary> /// Checks all the Debug Packets to see if they have to be executed. /// </summary> private void CheckDebugPackets() { if (m_debugPackets == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < m_debugPackets.Count; i++) { DebugPacket packet = m_debugPackets[i]; if (packet != null && packet.Active) { packet.Update(); if (packet.Check) { switch (packet.ConditionEvaluation) { case ConditionEvaluation.All_conditions_must_be_met: int count = 0; foreach (var packetDebugCondition in packet.DebugConditions) { if (CheckIfConditionIsMet(packetDebugCondition)) { count++; } } if (count >= packet.DebugConditions.Count) { ExecuteOperationsInDebugPacket(packet); if (packet.ExecuteOnce) { m_debugPackets[i] = null; } } break; case ConditionEvaluation.Only_one_condition_has_to_be_met: foreach (var packetDebugCondition in packet.DebugConditions) { if (CheckIfConditionIsMet(packetDebugCondition)) { ExecuteOperationsInDebugPacket(packet); if (packet.ExecuteOnce) { m_debugPackets[i] = null; } break; } } break; } } } } m_debugPackets.RemoveAll((packet) => packet == null); } /// <summary> /// Returns true if a condition is met. /// </summary> /// <param name="debugCondition"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool CheckIfConditionIsMet(DebugCondition debugCondition) { switch (debugCondition.Comparer) { case DebugComparer.Less_than: return GetRequestedValueFromDebugVariable(debugCondition.Variable) < debugCondition.Value; case DebugComparer.Equals_or_less_than: return GetRequestedValueFromDebugVariable(debugCondition.Variable) <= debugCondition.Value; case DebugComparer.Equals: return Mathf.Approximately(GetRequestedValueFromDebugVariable(debugCondition.Variable), debugCondition.Value); case DebugComparer.Equals_or_greater_than: return GetRequestedValueFromDebugVariable(debugCondition.Variable) >= debugCondition.Value; case DebugComparer.Greater_than: return GetRequestedValueFromDebugVariable(debugCondition.Variable) > debugCondition.Value; default: return false; } } /// <summary> /// Obtains the requested value from the specified variable. /// </summary> /// <param name="debugVariable"></param> /// <returns></returns> private float GetRequestedValueFromDebugVariable(DebugVariable debugVariable) { switch (debugVariable) { case DebugVariable.Fps: return m_fpsMonitor != null ? m_fpsMonitor.CurrentFPS : 0; case DebugVariable.Fps_Min: return m_fpsMonitor != null ? m_fpsMonitor.OnePercentFPS : 0; case DebugVariable.Fps_Max: return m_fpsMonitor != null ? m_fpsMonitor.Zero1PercentFps : 0; case DebugVariable.Fps_Avg: return m_fpsMonitor != null ? m_fpsMonitor.AverageFPS : 0; case DebugVariable.Ram_Allocated: return m_ramMonitor != null ? m_ramMonitor.AllocatedRam : 0; case DebugVariable.Ram_Reserved: return m_ramMonitor != null ? m_ramMonitor.AllocatedRam : 0; case DebugVariable.Ram_Mono: return m_ramMonitor != null ? m_ramMonitor.AllocatedRam : 0; case DebugVariable.Audio_DB: return m_audioMonitor != null ? m_audioMonitor.MaxDB : 0; default: return 0; } } /// <summary> /// Executes the operations in the DebugPacket specified. /// </summary> /// <param name="debugPacket"></param> private void ExecuteOperationsInDebugPacket(DebugPacket debugPacket) { if (debugPacket != null) { if (debugPacket.DebugBreak) { Debug.Break(); } if (debugPacket.Message != "") { string message = "[Graphy] (" + System.DateTime.Now + "): " + debugPacket.Message; switch (debugPacket.MessageType) { case MessageType.Log: Debug.Log(message); break; case MessageType.Warning: Debug.LogWarning(message); break; case MessageType.Error: Debug.LogError(message); break; } } if (debugPacket.TakeScreenshot) { string path = debugPacket.ScreenshotFileName + "_" + System.DateTime.Now + ".png"; path = path.Replace("/", "-").Replace(" ", "_").Replace(":", "-"); #if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshot(path); #else Application.CaptureScreenshot(path); #endif } debugPacket.UnityEvents.Invoke(); foreach (var callback in debugPacket.Callbacks) { if (callback != null) callback(); } debugPacket.Executed(); } } #endregion } }