using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; // Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. namespace SciFiShipController { /// <summary> /// This component can be attached to a ShipControlModule or a GameObject. /// When attached to a (mother)ship, it would typically be a slower moving capital ship /// or large platform. If attached to GameObject without a shipControlModule, /// it should be a stationary object in the scene. /// </summary> [AddComponentMenu("Sci-Fi Ship Controller/Docking Components/Ship Docking Station")] [HelpURL("")] public class ShipDockingStation : MonoBehaviour { #region Enumerations #endregion #region Public Variables /// <summary> /// If enabled, the Initialise() will be called as soon as Awake() runs. This should be disabled if you are /// instantiating the ShipDockingStation through code. /// </summary> public bool initialiseOnAwake = false; public List<ShipDockingPoint> shipDockingPointList; /// <summary> /// The colour of the selected Docking Points in the scene view /// Non-selected docking points are slightly transparent /// </summary> public Color dockingPointGizmoColour = new Color(1f, 0.92f, 0.016f, 1.0f); /// <summary> /// Methods that get called immediately before Undock or UndockDelayed are executed. /// WARNING: Do NOT call UndockShip from this event. /// </summary> public SSCDockingEvt1 onPreUndock = null; /// <summary> /// Methods that get called immediately after docking is complete. /// WARNING: Do NOT call DockShip from this event. /// </summary> public SSCDockingEvt1 onPostDocked = null; /// <summary> /// [INTERNAL ONLY] /// </summary> public bool isDockingPointListExpanded = true; /// <summary> /// [INTERNAL ONLY] /// </summary> [HideInInspector] public bool allowRepaint = false; #endregion #region Public Properties public bool IsInitialised { get; private set; } public bool IsDockingPointPathsInitialised { get; private set; } public int NumberOfDockingPoints { get { return shipDockingPointList == null ? 0 : shipDockingPointList.Count; } } /// <summary> /// [READONLY] Does this ShipDockingStation have a (mother)ship attached to it /// and has it been initialised? /// </summary> public bool IsMotherShip { get { return isStationShipInitialised; } } /// <summary> /// [READONLY] The runtime unique identifier for this Ship Docking Station /// </summary> public int ShipDockingStationId { get { return shipDockingStationId; } } #endregion #region Public Static Properties public static readonly int NoDockingPoint = -1; #endregion #region Private variables /// <summary> /// If the docking station is attached to a ship, cache the /// shipControlModule. /// </summary> private ShipControlModule shipControlModuleStation; private bool isStationShipInitialised = false; private RigidbodyInterpolation originalRBInterpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.None; private bool isOriginalRBInterpolationSet = false; private Vector3 initialStationPosition; private Quaternion initialStationRotation = Quaternion.identity; private Vector3 currentStationPosition =; private Quaternion currentStationRotation = Quaternion.identity; private Vector3 deltaPosition; private Quaternion deltaRotation = Quaternion.identity; private Vector3 pathVelocity, pathAngularVelocity; private SSCManager sscManager; private int numDockingPoints = 0; private int shipDockingStationId = -1; private Vector3 tfrmScale =; /// <summary> /// [INTERNAL ONLY] /// Remember which tabs etc were shown in the editor /// </summary> [SerializeField] private int selectedTabInt = 0; #endregion #region Initialisation Methods void Awake() { if (initialiseOnAwake) { Initialise(true); } } /// <summary> /// Initialise the docking station. This will have no effect if IsInitialised is true. /// If the station is attached to a mothership (rather than a stationary gameobject), the ship /// will be initialised automatically if it is not already initialised. /// Ships that are assigned with to a docking point, will also be automatically initialised. /// </summary> /// <param name="initDockingPointPaths">Assumes ShipDockingStation position and rotation is same as when Entry and Exit Paths where created. /// If not, set to false and afterwards call InitialiseDockingPointsPaths(..)</param> public void Initialise (bool initDockingPointPaths = true) { if (!IsInitialised) { if (shipDockingPointList == null) { shipDockingPointList = new List<ShipDockingPoint>(10); } tfrmScale = transform.localScale; shipDockingStationId = GetInstanceID(); // Check to see if this Docking Station is attached to a large ship if (TryGetComponent(out shipControlModuleStation)) { // Auto-initialise mothership. if (!shipControlModuleStation.IsInitialised) { shipControlModuleStation.InitialiseShip(); } // cache to avoid having to check for null etc in FixedUpdate isStationShipInitialised = shipControlModuleStation.IsInitialised; if (isStationShipInitialised) { initialStationPosition = shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.TransformPosition; initialStationRotation = shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.TransformRotation; } } sscManager = SSCManager.GetOrCreateManager(); // cache the number of docking points numDockingPoints = shipDockingPointList == null ? 0 : shipDockingPointList.Count; // Keep compiler happy if (selectedTabInt < 0) { } IsInitialised = true; // Check to see if any ships are assigned the docking points // This need to be AFTER IsInitialised = true. InitialiseDockingPointShips(); if (initDockingPointPaths) { InitialiseDockingPointsPaths(, Quaternion.identity); } SetInterpolate(true); } } /// <summary> /// Check to see if any ships are assigned the docking points. /// Set the DockingState of the ships that are assigned a docking point. /// Initialise the ships (if required). /// </summary> private void InitialiseDockingPointShips() { for (int dpIdx = 0; dpIdx < numDockingPoints; dpIdx++) { ShipDockingPoint shipDockingPoint = shipDockingPointList[dpIdx]; if (shipDockingPoint != null) { if (shipDockingPoint.dockedShip != null) { // Check for a ShipDocking component on the ship that is assigned to the docking point ShipDocking shipDocking = shipDockingPoint.dockedShip.GetShipDocking(true); if (shipDocking != null) { if (!shipDockingPoint.dockedShip.IsInitialised) { shipDockingPoint.dockedShip.InitialiseShip(); } if (!shipDocking.IsInitialised) { shipDocking.Initialise(); } shipDocking.shipDockingStation = this; shipDocking.DockingPointId = dpIdx; shipDocking.dockWithShip = shipControlModuleStation; shipDocking.SetState((ShipDocking.DockingState)shipDocking.initialDockingState); } else { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogWarning("ShipDockingStation.Initialise - " + + " is missing a ShipDocking component, but is assigned to Docking Point " + (dpIdx + 1) + " on Docking Station " +; #endif } } } } } #endregion #region Update Methods private void Update() { // Is this docking station attached to a mothership? if (isStationShipInitialised) { currentStationPosition = shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.TransformPosition; currentStationRotation = shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.TransformRotation; deltaPosition = currentStationPosition - initialStationPosition; deltaRotation = currentStationRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(initialStationRotation); // Has the docking station moved during this last frame? if (deltaPosition.x != 0f || deltaPosition.y != 0f || deltaPosition.z != 0f) { // The sequence number if used to ensure PathData is not updated multiple times per frame float updateSeqNumber = Time.time; // AI path following requires the velocity, angular velocity, and current position of the docking station pathVelocity = shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.WorldVelocity; pathAngularVelocity = shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.WorldAngularVelocity; // If configured, move Entry and Exit path points in the scene to match the movement of the docking station for (int dpIdx = 0; dpIdx < numDockingPoints; dpIdx++) { ShipDockingPoint shipDockingPoint = shipDockingPointList[dpIdx]; if (shipDockingPoint != null) { if (shipDockingPoint.guidHashEntryPath != 0) { PathData pathData = sscManager.GetPath(shipDockingPoint.guidHashEntryPath); sscManager.MoveLocations(pathData, updateSeqNumber, currentStationPosition, deltaPosition, deltaRotation, pathVelocity, pathAngularVelocity); } if (shipDockingPoint.guidHashExitPath != 0 && shipDockingPoint.guidHashExitPath != shipDockingPoint.guidHashEntryPath) { PathData pathData = sscManager.GetPath(shipDockingPoint.guidHashExitPath); sscManager.MoveLocations(pathData, updateSeqNumber, currentStationPosition, deltaPosition, deltaRotation, pathVelocity, pathAngularVelocity); } } } } } } #endregion #region Private and Internal Methods /// <summary> /// Take into consideration the local scale (set at initialisation) and return the relative position /// of the Ship Docking Point on the ShipDockingStation. /// </summary> /// <param name="shipDockingPoint"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal Vector3 GetScaledRelativePosition(ShipDockingPoint shipDockingPoint) { if (shipDockingPoint != null) { return new Vector3(shipDockingPoint.relativePosition.x / tfrmScale.x, shipDockingPoint.relativePosition.y / tfrmScale.y, shipDockingPoint.relativePosition.z / tfrmScale.z); } else { return; } } /// <summary> /// Will set RigidBody Interpolate if isOn is true, /// else will set it to None. It applies to all ships /// assigned to docking station points (except those in /// and undocked state, AND to the mothership of the /// Docking Station, if it has one. /// NOTE: Only applies to initialised ships. /// </summary> /// <param name="isOn"></param> internal void SetInterpolate(bool isOn) { // Does this Docking Station have a mothership? if (isStationShipInitialised) { // If we haven't recorded the original interpolation mode, // record it now and remember that it has been recorded. if (!isOriginalRBInterpolationSet) { isOriginalRBInterpolationSet = true; originalRBInterpolation = shipControlModuleStation.ShipRigidbody.interpolation; } shipControlModuleStation.ShipRigidbody.interpolation = isOn ? RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate : RigidbodyInterpolation.None; } if (IsInitialised) { // For ships that aren't Undocked but assigned to a docking point, // remmeber their original interpolation setting, then set according // to the paramter isOn. for (int dpIdx = 0; dpIdx < numDockingPoints; dpIdx++) { ShipDockingPoint shipDockingPoint = shipDockingPointList[dpIdx]; // Is there an initialised ship assigned to this docking point? if (shipDockingPoint != null && shipDockingPoint.dockedShip != null && shipDockingPoint.dockedShip.IsInitialised) { // Is the ship docked, undocking or docking? ShipDocking shipDocking = shipDockingPoint.dockedShip.GetShipDocking(false); if (shipDocking != null && shipDocking.GetStateInt() != ShipDocking.notDockedInt) { // If it hasn't already been recorded, // save the original interpolation setting shipDocking.SaveInterpolation(); shipDockingPoint.dockedShip.ShipRigidbody.interpolation = isOn ? RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate : RigidbodyInterpolation.None; } } } } } /// <summary> /// Reset the interpolation of the Station to the original setting. /// This does not update the docked ships. /// NOTE: NOT IN USE - can be changed as required. /// </summary> internal void ResetInterpolation() { if (isOriginalRBInterpolationSet && isStationShipInitialised) { shipControlModuleStation.ShipRigidbody.interpolation = originalRBInterpolation; isOriginalRBInterpolationSet = false; } } /// <summary> /// Delay the undocking manoeuvre. /// </summary> /// <param name="dockedShip"></param> /// <param name="shipDocking"></param> /// <param name="delayTime"></param> /// <returns></returns> private IEnumerator UndockShipDelayed(ShipControlModule dockedShip, ShipDocking shipDocking, float delayTime) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(delayTime); // Check that the docked ship hasn't been destroyed during the delay if (dockedShip != null && !dockedShip.shipInstance.Destroyed()) { UnDockShipInternal(dockedShip, shipDocking); } } /// <summary> /// Undock a ship from the docking point. /// </summary> /// <param name="dockedShip"></param> private void UnDockShipInternal (ShipControlModule dockedShip, ShipDocking shipDocking) { ShipAIInputModule aiShip = dockedShip.GetShipAIInputModule(false); // If it is an initialised AI ship then attempt to go into the Undocking state (and fly along the exit path - assuming there is one...) // NOTE: Behaviour change in 1.3.3 (will attempt to hover in Undocking state even if no exit path) if (aiShip != null && aiShip.IsInitialised) { shipDocking.SetState(ShipDocking.DockingState.Undocking); } // This is either NOT an AI nor an AI-assisted ship, so go straight to not docked state else { shipDocking.SetState(ShipDocking.DockingState.NotDocked); } } #endregion #region Public API Methods /// <summary> /// Remember initial Entry/Exit docking path location positions for all ShipDockingPoints. /// Offset and rotate them as indicated. Initial positions may need to be modified if the ShipDockingStation /// has moved in the scene from where the Entry/Exit Paths were first setup. /// Also sets the initial velocity, angular velocity, and anchorPoint. /// </summary> /// <param name="positionOffset">The difference between where docking station was setup with the Paths in the scene and now.</param> /// <param name="rotationDelta">The amount the docking station has been rotated since the Paths were setup in the scene.</param> public void InitialiseDockingPointsPaths(Vector3 positionOffset, Quaternion rotationDelta) { if (!IsDockingPointPathsInitialised && IsInitialised) { // update cached number of docking points numDockingPoints = shipDockingPointList == null ? 0 : shipDockingPointList.Count; if (isStationShipInitialised) { currentStationPosition = shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.TransformPosition; pathVelocity = shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.WorldVelocity; pathAngularVelocity = shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.WorldAngularVelocity; } else { currentStationPosition = transform.position; pathVelocity =; pathAngularVelocity =; } for (int dpIdx = 0; dpIdx < numDockingPoints; dpIdx++) { ShipDockingPoint shipDockingPoint = shipDockingPointList[dpIdx]; if (shipDockingPoint != null) { if (shipDockingPoint.guidHashEntryPath != 0) { PathData pathData = sscManager.GetPath(shipDockingPoint.guidHashEntryPath); sscManager.InitialiseLocations(pathData, currentStationPosition, positionOffset, rotationDelta, pathVelocity, pathAngularVelocity); } if (shipDockingPoint.guidHashExitPath != 0 && shipDockingPoint.guidHashExitPath != shipDockingPoint.guidHashEntryPath) { PathData pathData = sscManager.GetPath(shipDockingPoint.guidHashExitPath); sscManager.InitialiseLocations(pathData, currentStationPosition, positionOffset, rotationDelta, pathVelocity, pathAngularVelocity); } } } IsDockingPointPathsInitialised = true; } } /// <summary> /// Assigns a ship to the docking point with index dockingPointIndex, if that docking point is currently available. /// You can check whether the docking point is available by calling IsDockingPointAvailable(). /// If the ship and/or ShipDocking components are not initialised, they will be automatically initialised if the docking point is available. /// See also UnassignDockingPoint(dockingPointIndex). /// </summary> /// <param name="shipControlModule"></param> /// <param name="shipDocking"></param> /// <param name="dockingPointIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AssignShipToDockingPoint (ShipControlModule shipControlModule, ShipDocking shipDocking, int dockingPointIndex) { if (!IsInitialised) { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogWarning("ERROR: ShipDockingStation.AssignShipToDockingPoint was called before it was initialised on " + + ". Either set initialiseOnAwake in the Editor or call Initialise() at runtime."); #endif return false; } else if (shipControlModule != null && shipDocking != null && shipDockingPointList.Count > dockingPointIndex) { shipDockingPointList[dockingPointIndex].dockedShip = shipControlModule; if (!shipControlModule.IsInitialised) { shipControlModule.InitialiseShip(); } if (!shipDocking.IsInitialised) { shipDocking.Initialise(); } // Cache the station, docking point and station ship (if there is one). shipDocking.shipDockingStation = this; shipDocking.DockingPointId = dockingPointIndex; shipDocking.dockWithShip = shipControlModuleStation; return true; } else { return false; } } /// <summary> /// Assigns a ship to the first available docking point (if any are available). /// If the ship and/or ShipDocking components are not initialised, they will be automatically initialised if a docking point is available. /// See also UnassignDockingPoint(dockingPointIndex). /// </summary> /// <param name="shipControlModule"></param> /// <param name="shipDocking"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AssignShipToDockingPoint(ShipControlModule shipControlModule, ShipDocking shipDocking) { bool isAssignSuccessful = false; if (!IsInitialised) { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogWarning("ERROR: ShipDockingStation.AssignShipToDockingPoint was called before it was initialised on " + + ". Either set initialiseOnAwake in the Editor or call Initialise() at runtime."); #endif return false; } else if (shipControlModule != null && shipDocking != null) { for (int dpIdx = 0; dpIdx < numDockingPoints; dpIdx++) { // If this proves to be to costly, we could use a BitArray for occupied docking points // like we use in SSCRadar. if (shipDockingPointList[dpIdx].dockedShip == null) { shipDockingPointList[dpIdx].dockedShip = shipControlModule; if (!shipControlModule.IsInitialised) { shipControlModule.InitialiseShip(); } if (!shipDocking.IsInitialised) { shipDocking.Initialise(); } // Cache the station, docking point and station ship (if there is one). shipDocking.shipDockingStation = this; shipDocking.DockingPointId = dpIdx; shipDocking.dockWithShip = shipControlModuleStation; isAssignSuccessful = true; break; } } } return isAssignSuccessful; } /// <summary> /// Start the docking process for an initialised ship at a valid (zero-based) docking /// point index. The ship must be Undocked. If this is an AI ship and there is an /// entry path, it will go into the docking state. Otherwise it will become Docked. /// The ship must already be assigned to the Docking Point. /// See also AssignShipToDockingPoint(..) /// </summary> /// <param name="dockingPointIndex"></param> public void DockShip (int dockingPointIndex) { ShipControlModule shipControlModule = GetAssignedShip(dockingPointIndex); if (shipControlModule != null) { ShipAIInputModule aiShip = shipControlModule.GetShipAIInputModule(false); // Initially don't force a GetComponent. ShipDocking shipDocking = shipControlModule.GetShipDocking(false); // If the initial reference check failed, test again with a forced GetComponent if (shipDocking == null) { shipDocking = shipControlModule.GetShipDocking(true); } if (shipDocking != null) { // If it is an initialised AI ship then attempt to go into the docking state (and fly along the entry path - assuming there is one...) //if (aiShip != null && aiShip.IsInitialised && GetDockingPointEntryPathguidHash(dockingPointIndex) != 0) { shipDocking.SetState(ShipDocking.DockingState.Docking); } if (aiShip != null && aiShip.IsInitialised) { shipDocking.SetState(ShipDocking.DockingState.Docking); } // This is either NOT and AI ship OR there is no entry path else { shipDocking.SetState(ShipDocking.DockingState.Docked); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR else { Debug.LogWarning("ShipDockingStation.DockShip could not find ShipDocking component on " + + " at Docking Point " + (dockingPointIndex+1).ToString()); } #endif } } /// <summary> /// Start the docking process for an initialised ship at a valid (zero-based) docking /// point index. The ship must be Undocked. If this is an AI ship and there is an /// entry path, it will go into the docking state. Otherwise it will become Docked. /// The ship must already be assigned to the Docking Point. /// See also AssignShipToDockingPoint(..) /// </summary> /// <param name="shipControlModule"></param> public void DockShip (ShipControlModule shipControlModule) { if (shipControlModule != null && shipControlModule.IsInitialised) { DockShip(GetDockingPointIndex(shipControlModule.shipInstance.shipId)); } } /// <summary> /// Safely retrieve a ShipDockingPoint from the ShipDockingStation. /// Example: ShipDockingPoint shipDockingPoint = shipDockingStation.GetDockingPoint(shipDocking.DockingPointId); /// </summary> /// <param name="dockingPointIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ShipDockingPoint GetDockingPoint (int dockingPointIndex) { if (IsInitialised && dockingPointIndex >= 0 && numDockingPoints > dockingPointIndex) { return shipDockingPointList[dockingPointIndex]; } else { return null; } } /// <summary> /// Get the zero-based docking point index which a ship is assigned to. /// If the ship is not initialised or the ship is not assigned to a docking /// point on this docking station, it will return ShipDockingStation.NoDockingPoint (-1). /// USAGE: int dpIdx = GetDockingPointIndex(shipControlModule.shipInstance.shipId); /// </summary> /// <param name="shipId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int GetDockingPointIndex (int shipId) { int dockingPointIndex = NoDockingPoint; if (IsInitialised) { ShipControlModule shipControlModule; for (int dpIdx = 0; dpIdx < numDockingPoints; dpIdx++) { shipControlModule = shipDockingPointList[dpIdx].dockedShip; if (shipControlModule != null && shipControlModule.IsInitialised && shipControlModule.shipInstance.shipId == shipId) { dockingPointIndex = dpIdx; break; } } } return dockingPointIndex; } /// <summary> /// Return the world-space up direction of the docking point based on the relative rotation. /// THIS NEEDS TO BE DOUBLY CHECKED!!! /// </summary> /// <param name="shipDockingPoint"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Vector3 GetDockingPointUp (ShipDockingPoint shipDockingPoint) { if (shipDockingPoint != null) { return (isStationShipInitialised ? shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.TransformRotation : transform.rotation) * Quaternion.Euler(shipDockingPoint.relativeRotation) * Quaternion.Euler(270f, 0f, 0f) * Vector3.forward; } else { return Vector3.up; } } /// <summary> /// Get the world space docking point rotation /// </summary> /// <param name="shipDockingPoint"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Quaternion GetDockingPointRotation (ShipDockingPoint shipDockingPoint) { if (shipDockingPoint != null) { return (isStationShipInitialised ? shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.TransformRotation : transform.rotation) * Quaternion.Euler(shipDockingPoint.relativeRotation); } else { return Quaternion.identity; } } /// <summary> /// Get the world space position of the docking point. /// </summary> /// <param name="shipDockingPoint"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Vector3 GetDockingPointPositionWS (ShipDockingPoint shipDockingPoint) { if (shipDockingPoint != null) { return transform.position + (transform.rotation * shipDockingPoint.relativePosition); // I don't think we need to use scaled relative position - but not sure //return transform.position + (transform.rotation * GetScaledRelativePosition(shipDockingPoint)); } else { return transform.position; } } /// <summary> /// If a ship is assigned to this docking point, the ShipControlModule for that ship is returned. /// If the ShipDockingStation is not initialised, or the docking point index is invalid, or there is /// no assigned ship, this method will return null. /// NOTE An assigned ship can have a DockingState of Docked, Undocking, or Docking. /// See also GetDockedShip(..). /// </summary> /// <param name="dockingPointIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ShipControlModule GetAssignedShip (int dockingPointIndex) { if (IsInitialised && dockingPointIndex >= 0 && numDockingPoints > dockingPointIndex) { return shipDockingPointList[dockingPointIndex].dockedShip; } else { return null; } } /// <summary> /// If the ShipDockingStation is initialised, and the docking point is valid, and a ship is assigned /// to the docking point, and the ship's ShipDocking.DockingState is Docked, then return the ShipControlModule. /// For all other scenarios, return null. /// </summary> /// <param name="dockingPointIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ShipControlModule GetDockedShip (int dockingPointIndex) { if (IsInitialised && dockingPointIndex >= 0 && numDockingPoints > dockingPointIndex) { ShipControlModule dockedShip = shipDockingPointList[dockingPointIndex].dockedShip; if (dockedShip != null && dockedShip.ShipIsDocked()) { return dockedShip; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } /// <summary> /// Returns the velocity of the station. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Vector3 GetStationVelocity () { // Check if there is a ship attached to this station if (isStationShipInitialised) { return shipControlModuleStation.shipInstance.WorldVelocity; } else { return; } } /// <summary> /// Get the guidHash of the Entry Path for a docking point using the zero-based index. /// If the guidHash == 0 there is no path assigned. /// </summary> /// <param name="dockingPointIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int GetDockingPointEntryPathguidHash (int dockingPointIndex) { if (IsInitialised && dockingPointIndex >= 0 && numDockingPoints > dockingPointIndex) { return shipDockingPointList[dockingPointIndex].guidHashEntryPath; } else { return 0; } } /// <summary> /// Get the guidHash of the Exit Path for a docking point using the zero-based index. /// If the guidHash == 0 there is no path assigned, the station is not initialised, or /// the docking point index is invalid. /// </summary> /// <param name="dockingPointIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int GetDockingPointExitPathguidHash(int dockingPointIndex) { if (IsInitialised && dockingPointIndex >= 0 && numDockingPoints > dockingPointIndex) { return shipDockingPointList[dockingPointIndex].guidHashExitPath; } else { return 0; } } /// <summary> /// Is the docking point with index dockingPointIndex currently available? /// </summary> /// <param name="dockingPointIndex"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsDockingPointAvailable(int dockingPointIndex) { if (IsInitialised && dockingPointIndex >= 0 && numDockingPoints > dockingPointIndex) { // Availability is determined by whether there is currently a ship docked, // or in the process of docking or undocking return shipDockingPointList[dockingPointIndex].dockedShip == null; } else { return false; } } /// <summary> /// Is the ship assigned to any docking points of the Ship Docking Station? /// The ship does not have to be docked, to be assigned. /// </summary> /// <param name="shipId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsShipAssigned (int shipId) { return GetDockingPointIndex(shipId) >= 0; } /// <summary> /// Is the ship docked at any docking point of this Ship Docking Station? /// </summary> /// <param name="shipId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsShipDocked (int shipId) { return GetDockedShip(GetDockingPointIndex(shipId)) != null; } /// <summary> /// Call this when you wish to remove any custom event listeners, like /// after creating them in code and then destroying the object. /// You could add this to your game play OnDestroy code. /// </summary> public void RemoveListeners() { if (IsInitialised) { if (onPreUndock != null) { onPreUndock.RemoveAllListeners(); } if (onPostDocked != null) { onPostDocked.RemoveAllListeners(); } } } /// <summary> /// Attempt to unassign any ship allocated to a docking point within the ShipDockingStation. /// If the ship is currently docked, this method will fail. /// </summary> /// <param name="dockingPointIndex"></param> public bool UnassignDockingPoint (int dockingPointIndex) { bool isSuccessful = false; if (IsInitialised && dockingPointIndex >= 0 && numDockingPoints > dockingPointIndex) { // TODO - check if there is a docked ship here... ShipControlModule assignedShip = shipDockingPointList[dockingPointIndex].dockedShip; if (assignedShip == null || !assignedShip.ShipIsDocked()) { shipDockingPointList[dockingPointIndex].dockedShip = null; isSuccessful = true; } } return isSuccessful; } /// <summary> /// Attempt to unassign a ship that may be assigned to a Docking Point. /// It will success if the ship is NOT assigned or NOT Docked with a /// Docking Point. /// </summary> /// <param name="shipId"></param> public bool UnassignShip (int shipId) { bool isSuccessful = true; int dockingPointIndex = GetDockingPointIndex(shipId); if (dockingPointIndex >= 0) { isSuccessful = UnassignDockingPoint(dockingPointIndex); } return isSuccessful; } /// <summary> /// Undock an initialised ship that currently has ShipDocking.DockingState of Docked /// at a valid (zero-based) docking point index. If the docked ship is an AI ship it /// will go into the Undocking state (from SSC v1.3.3+ it no longer requires an Exit Path). /// The undocking ship will be delayed by ShipDocking.undockingDelay. /// WARNING: Do NOT call this from the onPreUndock event. /// </summary> /// <param name="dockingPointIndex"></param> public void UnDockShip (int dockingPointIndex) { ShipControlModule dockedShip = GetDockedShip(dockingPointIndex); if (dockedShip != null ) { // Call any methods defined configured for this event if (onPreUndock != null) { onPreUndock.Invoke(shipDockingStationId, dockedShip.GetShipId, dockingPointIndex + 1,; } // This must return not null or else GetDockedShip above would have failed ShipDocking shipDocking = dockedShip.GetShipDocking(false); shipDocking.ResetAutoUndock(); if (shipDocking.undockingDelay > 0f) { StartCoroutine(UndockShipDelayed(dockedShip, shipDocking, shipDocking.undockingDelay)); } else { UnDockShipInternal(dockedShip, shipDocking); } } } /// <summary> /// Undock an initialised ship that currently has ShipDocking.DockingState of Docked /// at a valid (zero-based) docking point index. If the docked ship is an AI ship it /// will go into the Undocking state (from SSC v1.3.3+ it no longer requires an Exit Path). /// The undocking ship will be delayed by ShipDocking.undockingDelay. /// WARNING: Do NOT call this from the onPreUndock event. /// </summary> /// <param name="shipControlModule"></param> public void UnDockShip (ShipControlModule shipControlModule) { if (shipControlModule != null && shipControlModule.IsInitialised) { UnDockShip(GetDockingPointIndex(shipControlModule.shipInstance.shipId)); } } /// <summary> /// Import a json file from disk and return as list of ShipDockingPoints /// </summary> /// <param name="folderPath"></param> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<ShipDockingPoint> ImportDockingPointDataFromJson (string folderPath, string fileName) { List<ShipDockingPoint> importedDockingPointList = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { try { string filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(folderPath, fileName); if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { string jsonText = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath); importedDockingPointList = SSCUtils.FromJson<ShipDockingPoint>(jsonText); // Currently cannot do this because we need a wrapper class for the list //JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(jsonText, importedDockingPointList); } #if UNITY_EDITOR else { Debug.LogWarning("ERROR: ShipDockingStation Import Docking Points. Could not find file at " + filePath); } #endif } catch (System.Exception ex) { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogWarning("ERROR: ShipDockingStation - could not import docking point from: " + folderPath + " PLEASE REPORT - " + ex.Message); #else // Keep compiler happy if (ex != null) { } #endif } } return importedDockingPointList; } /// <summary> /// Save the list of docking points for this ShipDockingStation to a json file on disk. /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> public bool SaveDockingPointDataAsJson (string filePath) { bool isSuccessful = false; if (shipDockingPointList != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { try { string jsonData = SSCUtils.ToJson(shipDockingPointList); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonData) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filePath, jsonData); isSuccessful = true; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.LogWarning("ERROR: ShipDockingStation - could not export: " + + " PLEASE REPORT - " + ex.Message); #else // Keep compiler happy if (ex != null) { } #endif } } return isSuccessful; } #endregion } }