// Unity built-in shader source. Copyright (c) 2016 Unity Technologies. MIT license (see license.txt)
// This code in no way belongs to BrainFailProductions. I have just made a small change to make
// it work with texture arrays


// Functionality for Standard shader "meta" pass
// (extracts albedo/emission for lightmapper etc.)

// define meta pass before including other files; they have conditions
// on that in some places

#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "Includes/BatchFewStandardInput.cginc"
#include "UnityMetaPass.cginc"
#include "Includes/BatchFewStandardCore.cginc"

struct v2f_meta
    float4 uv       : TEXCOORD0;
    float4 pos      : SV_POSITION;
    half4  attribs  : TEXCOORD1;

v2f_meta vert_meta (VertexInput v)
    v2f_meta o;
    o.pos = UnityMetaVertexPosition(v.vertex, v.uv1.xy, v.uv2.xy, unity_LightmapST, unity_DynamicLightmapST);
    o.uv = TexCoords(v);
    o.attribs = SampleAttrImg(1, o.uv.w);
    return o;

// Albedo for lightmapping should basically be diffuse color.
// But rough metals (black diffuse) still scatter quite a lot of light around, so
// we want to take some of that into account too.
half3 UnityLightmappingAlbedo (half3 diffuse, half3 specular, half smoothness)
    half roughness = SmoothnessToRoughness(smoothness);
    half3 res = diffuse;
    res += specular * roughness * 0.5;
    return res;

float4 frag_meta (v2f_meta i) : SV_Target
    // we're interested in diffuse & specular colors,
    // and surface roughness to produce final albedo.
    FragmentCommonData data = UNITY_SETUP_BRDF_INPUT (i.uv, i.attribs);

    UnityMetaInput o;

    o.Albedo = data.diffColor;
    o.Albedo = UnityLightmappingAlbedo (data.diffColor, data.specColor, data.smoothness);
    o.SpecularColor = data.specColor;
    o.Emission = Emission(i.uv);

    return UnityMetaFragment(o);