using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace BNG { [ExecuteInEditMode] public class SkeletonVisualizer : MonoBehaviour { public bool ShowGizmos = true; [Range(0.0f, 1f)] public float JointRadius = 0.00875f; [Range(0.0f, 5f)] public float BoneThickness = 3f; public Color GizmoColor = new Color(255f, 255f, 255f, 0.5f); public bool ShowTransformNames = false; bool isQuiting; void OnApplicationQuit() { isQuiting = true; } void OnDestroy() { if (isQuiting) { return; } #if UNITY_EDITOR // Remove any components we had added if (Application.isEditor && !Application.isPlaying) { ResetEditorHandles(); UnityEditor.SceneView.RepaintAll(); } #endif } #if UNITY_EDITOR void OnDrawGizmos() { // Show Gizmos indicating bones / joints if (ShowGizmos) { Transform[] children = GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(); int childCount = children.Length; for (int x = 0; x < childCount; x++) { Transform child = children[x]; // Don't count the root object if(child == transform ) { continue; } bool isFingerTip = IsTipOfBone(child); float opacity = isFingerTip ? 0.5f : 0.1f; EditorHandle handle = child.gameObject.GetComponent<EditorHandle>(); // Create the editor handle if not available if (handle == null) { handle = child.gameObject.AddComponent<EditorHandle>(); // Hide in Inspector child.gameObject.hideFlags = HideFlags.None; handle.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector; } handle.Radius = JointRadius / 1000f; handle.BaseColor = new Color(GizmoColor.r, GizmoColor.g, GizmoColor.b, opacity); handle.ShowTransformName = ShowTransformNames; // Connect with Lines if (child.parent != null) { // Line way of drawing // Gizmos.DrawLine(child.position, child.parent.position); // Smoothed line way of drawing // Only show if the line goes far enough if(Vector3.Distance(child.position, child.parent.position) > 0.001f) { UnityEditor.Handles.DrawBezier(child.position, child.parent.position, child.position, child.parent.position, GizmoColor, null, BoneThickness); } } } } else { ResetEditorHandles(); } } void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { // Update every frame even while in editor if (!Application.isPlaying) { UnityEditor.EditorApplication.QueuePlayerLoopUpdate(); UnityEditor.SceneView.RepaintAll(); } } #endif /// <summary> /// I.e. a finger tip, tip of toe, etc. /// </summary> /// <param name="fingerJoint"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool IsTipOfBone(Transform fingerJoint) { if (fingerJoint.childCount == 0 && fingerJoint != transform && fingerJoint.parent != transform) { return true; } return false; } public void ResetEditorHandles() { EditorHandle[] handles = GetComponentsInChildren<EditorHandle>(); for (int x = 0; x < handles.Length; x++) { if (handles[x] != null && handles[x].gameObject != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate((handles[x])); } } } } }