using QFSW.QC.Utilities; using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace QFSW.QC.Grammar { public class ExpressionBodyGrammar : IQcGrammarConstruct { private readonly Regex _expressionBodyRegex = new Regex(@"^{.+}\??$"); public int Precedence => 0; public bool Match(string value, Type type) { return _expressionBodyRegex.IsMatch(value); } public object Parse(string value, Type type, Func<string, Type, object> recursiveParser) { bool nullable = false; if (value.EndsWith("?")) { nullable = true; value = value.Substring(0, value.Length - 1); } value = value.ReduceScope('{', '}'); object result = QuantumConsoleProcessor.InvokeCommand(value); if (result is null) { if (nullable) { if (type.IsClass) { return result; } else { throw new ParserInputException($"Expression body {{{value}}} evaluated to null which is incompatible with the expected type '{type.GetDisplayName()}'."); } } else { throw new ParserInputException($"Expression body {{{value}}} evaluated to null. If this is intended, please use nullable expression bodies, {{expr}}?"); } } else if (result.GetType().IsCastableTo(type, true)) { return type.Cast(result); } else { throw new ParserInputException($"Expression body {{{value}}} evaluated to an object of type '{result.GetType().GetDisplayName()}', " + $"which is incompatible with the expected type '{type.GetDisplayName()}'."); } } } }