using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace BNG { /// <summary> /// Point a line at our GazePointer /// </summary> public class UIPointer : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("The controller side this pointer is on")] public ControllerHand ControllerSide = ControllerHand.Right; [Tooltip("If true this object will update the VRUISystem's Left or Right Transform property")] public bool AutoUpdateUITransforms = true; public GameObject cursor; private GameObject _cursor; [Tooltip("If true the cursor and LineRenderer will be Hidden. Otherwise it will still be show at a fixed length")] public bool HidePointerIfNoObjectsFound = true; [Tooltip("How long the line / cursor should extend if no objects are found to point at")] public float FixedPointerLength = 0.5f; [Tooltip("If true the cursor object will scale based on how far away the pointer is from the origin. A cursor far away will have a larger cusor than one up close.")] public bool CursorScaling = true; [Tooltip("Minimum scale of the Cursor object if CursorScaling is enabled")] public float CursorMinScale = 0.6f; public float CursorMaxScale = 6.0f; private Vector3 _cursorInitialLocalScale; /// <summary> /// 0.5 = Line Goes Half Way. 1 = Line reaches end. /// </summary> [Tooltip("Example : 0.5 = Line Goes Half Way. 1 = Line reaches end.")] public float LineDistanceModifier = 0.8f; /// <summary> /// Calls Events /// </summary> VRUISystem uiSystem; PointerEvents selectedPointerEvents; PointerEventData data; [Tooltip("LineRenderer to use when showing a valid UI Canvas. Leave null to attempt a GetComponent<> on this object.")] public LineRenderer lineRenderer; void Awake() { if(cursor) { _cursor = GameObject.Instantiate(cursor); _cursor.transform.SetParent(transform); _cursorInitialLocalScale = transform.localScale; } // If no Line Renderer was specified in the editor, check this Transform if (lineRenderer == null) { lineRenderer = GetComponent<LineRenderer>(); } uiSystem = VRUISystem.Instance; } void OnEnable() { // Automatically update VR System with our transforms if (AutoUpdateUITransforms && ControllerSide == ControllerHand.Left) { uiSystem.LeftPointerTransform = this.transform; } else if (AutoUpdateUITransforms && ControllerSide == ControllerHand.Right) { uiSystem.RightPointerTransform = this.transform; } uiSystem.UpdateControllerHand(ControllerSide); } public void Update() { data = uiSystem.EventData; // Can bail early if not looking at anything if (data == null || data.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject == null) { HidePointer(); return; } // Set position of the cursor if (_cursor != null ) { bool lookingAtUI = data.pointerCurrentRaycast.module.GetType() == typeof(GraphicRaycaster); selectedPointerEvents = data.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject.GetComponent<PointerEvents>(); bool lookingAtPhysicalObject = selectedPointerEvents != null; // Are we too far away from the Physics object now? if(lookingAtPhysicalObject) { if (data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance > selectedPointerEvents.MaxDistance) { HidePointer(); return; } } // Can bail immediately if not looking at a UI object or an Object with PointerEvents on it if(!lookingAtUI && !lookingAtPhysicalObject) { HidePointer(); return; } // Set as local position float distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, data.pointerCurrentRaycast.worldPosition); _cursor.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, distance - 0.0001f); _cursor.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, data.pointerCurrentRaycast.worldNormal); // Scale cursor based on distance from main camera float cameraDist = Vector3.Distance(Camera.main.transform.position, _cursor.transform.position); _cursor.transform.localScale = _cursorInitialLocalScale * Mathf.Clamp(cameraDist, CursorMinScale, CursorMaxScale); _cursor.SetActive(data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance > 0); } // Update linerenderer if (lineRenderer) { lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = false; lineRenderer.SetPosition(0,; lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, new Vector3(0, 0 , Vector3.Distance(transform.position, data.pointerCurrentRaycast.worldPosition) * LineDistanceModifier)); lineRenderer.enabled = data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance > 0; } } public virtual void HidePointer() { // Hide the line and cursor if(HidePointerIfNoObjectsFound) { _cursor.SetActive(false); lineRenderer.enabled = false; } // Show a fixed length line else { if (_cursor) { _cursor.SetActive(false); } // Set length to fixed amount if (lineRenderer) { lineRenderer.useWorldSpace = false; lineRenderer.SetPosition(0,; lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, new Vector3(0, 0, FixedPointerLength * LineDistanceModifier)); lineRenderer.enabled = true; } } } } }