Shader "Unreal/DefaultMaterial"
		_MainTex("MainTex (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
		Material_Texture2D_0( "T_Default_Material_Grid_N", 2D ) = "white" {}
		Material_Texture2D_1( "T_Default_Material_Grid_M", 2D ) = "white" {}

		View_BufferSizeAndInvSize( "View_BufferSizeAndInvSize", Vector ) = ( 1920,1080,0.00052, 0.00092 )//1920,1080,1/1920, 1/1080
		 Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" }
		//BLEND_ON Tags { "RenderType" = "Transparent"  "Queue" = "Transparent" }
		//Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
		//Cull Off


		#include "UnityPBSLighting.cginc"
		 #pragma surface surf Standard vertex:vert addshadow
		//BLEND_ON #pragma surface surf Standard vertex:vert alpha:fade addshadow
		#pragma target 5.0


		struct Input
			//float3 Normal;
			float2 uv_MainTex : TEXCOORD0;
			//float2 uv2_Material_Texture2D_0 : TEXCOORD1;
			float2 uv2_MainTex : TEXCOORD1;			
			float4 color : COLOR;
			float4 tangent;
			//float4 normal;
			float3 viewDir;
			float4 screenPos;
			float3 worldPos;
			//float3 worldNormal;
			float3 normal2;
		void vert( inout appdata_full i, out Input o )
			float3 p_normal = mul( float4( i.normal, 0.0f ), unity_WorldToObject );
			//half4 p_tangent = mul( unity_ObjectToWorld,i.tangent );

			//half3 normal_input = normalize( );
			//half3 tangent_input = normalize( );
			//half3 binormal_input = cross(, ) * i.tangent.w;

			//o.worldNormal = p_normal;
			o.normal2 = p_normal;
			o.tangent = i.tangent;
			//o.binormal_input = binormal_input;
		uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
		struct SurfaceOutputStandard
		fixed3 Albedo;		// base (diffuse or specular) color
		fixed3 Normal;		// tangent space normal, if written
		half3 Emission;
		half Metallic;		// 0=non-metal, 1=metal
		// Smoothness is the user facing name, it should be perceptual smoothness but user should not have to deal with it.
		// Everywhere in the code you meet smoothness it is perceptual smoothness
		half Smoothness;	// 0=rough, 1=smooth
		half Occlusion;		// occlusion (default 1)
		fixed Alpha;		// alpha for transparencies

		#define Texture2D sampler2D
		#define TextureCube samplerCUBE
		#define SamplerState int
		//struct Material
			//samplers start
			uniform sampler2D    Material_Texture2D_0;
			uniform SamplerState Material_Texture2D_0Sampler;
			uniform sampler2D    Material_Texture2D_1;
			uniform SamplerState Material_Texture2D_1Sampler;
		struct MaterialStruct
			float4 VectorExpressions[2];
			float4 ScalarExpressions[1];
		struct ViewStruct
			float GameTime;
			float MaterialTextureMipBias;
			SamplerState MaterialTextureBilinearWrapedSampler;
			SamplerState MaterialTextureBilinearClampedSampler;
			float4 PrimitiveSceneData[ 40 ];
			float2 TemporalAAParams;
			float2 ViewRectMin;
			float4 ViewSizeAndInvSize;
			float MaterialTextureDerivativeMultiply;
		struct ResolvedViewStruct
			float3 WorldCameraOrigin;
			float4 ScreenPositionScaleBias;
			float4x4 TranslatedWorldToView;
			float4x4 TranslatedWorldToCameraView;
			float4x4 ViewToTranslatedWorld;
			float4x4 CameraViewToTranslatedWorld;
		struct PrimitiveStruct
			float4x4 WorldToLocal;
			float4x4 LocalToWorld;

		ViewStruct View;
		ResolvedViewStruct ResolvedView;
		PrimitiveStruct Primitive;
		uniform float4 View_BufferSizeAndInvSize;
		uniform int Material_Wrap_WorldGroupSettings;		

		#include "UnrealCommon.cginc"

		MaterialStruct Material;
void InitializeExpressions()
	Material.VectorExpressions[0] = float4(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000);//SelectionColor
	Material.VectorExpressions[1] = float4(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000);//(Unknown)
	Material.ScalarExpressions[0] = float4(0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000);//(Unknown) (Unknown) (Unknown) (Unknown)
void CalcPixelMaterialInputs(in out FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters, in out FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs)
	float3 WorldNormalCopy = Parameters.WorldNormal;

	// Initial calculations (required for Normal)
	MaterialFloat2 Local0 = (Parameters.TexCoords[0].xy / 2.00000000);
	MaterialFloat2 Local1 = (Local0 / 0.05000000);
	MaterialFloat4 Local2 = UnpackNormalMap(Texture2DSampleBias(Material_Texture2D_0, Material_Texture2D_0Sampler,Local1,View.MaterialTextureMipBias));
	MaterialFloat3 Local3 = (Local2.rgb * MaterialFloat3(0.30000001,0.30000001,1.00000000));

	// The Normal is a special case as it might have its own expressions and also be used to calculate other inputs, so perform the assignment here
	PixelMaterialInputs.Normal = Local3;

	// Note that here MaterialNormal can be in world space or tangent space
	float3 MaterialNormal = GetMaterialNormal(Parameters, PixelMaterialInputs);

	Parameters.WorldNormal = float3(0, 0, 1);

	// Mobile will rely on only the final normalize for performance
	MaterialNormal = normalize(MaterialNormal);

	// normalizing after the tangent space to world space conversion improves quality with sheared bases (UV layout to WS causes shrearing)
	// use full precision normalize to avoid overflows
	Parameters.WorldNormal = TransformTangentNormalToWorld(Parameters.TangentToWorld, MaterialNormal);


	Parameters.WorldNormal = normalize(MaterialNormal);


	// flip the normal for backfaces being rendered with a two-sided material
	Parameters.WorldNormal *= Parameters.TwoSidedSign;

	Parameters.ReflectionVector = ReflectionAboutCustomWorldNormal(Parameters, Parameters.WorldNormal, false);

	Parameters.Particle.MotionBlurFade = 1.0f;

	// Now the rest of the inputs
	MaterialFloat3 Local4 = lerp(MaterialFloat3(0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000),Material.VectorExpressions[1].rgb,MaterialFloat(Material.ScalarExpressions[0].x));
	MaterialFloat2 Local5 = (Parameters.TexCoords[0].xy * 20.00000000);
	MaterialFloat4 Local6 = ProcessMaterialLinearColorTextureLookup(Texture2DSampleBias(Material_Texture2D_1, Material_Texture2D_1Sampler,Local5,View.MaterialTextureMipBias));
	MaterialFloat Local7 = lerp(0.40000001,1.00000000,Local6.r);
	MaterialFloat Local8 = (1.00000000 - Local7);
	MaterialFloat2 Local9 = (Local0 / 0.10000000);
	MaterialFloat4 Local10 = ProcessMaterialLinearColorTextureLookup(Texture2DSampleBias(Material_Texture2D_1, Material_Texture2D_1Sampler,Local9,View.MaterialTextureMipBias));
	MaterialFloat Local11 = (GetScreenPosition(Parameters).w.r - 24.00000000);
	MaterialFloat Local12 = (Local11 / 1500.00000000);
	MaterialFloat Local13 = min(max(Local12,0.00000000),1.00000000);
	MaterialFloat Local14 = lerp(Local10.g,1.00000000,Local13);
	MaterialFloat Local15 = lerp(Local7,Local8,Local14);
	MaterialFloat4 Local16 = ProcessMaterialLinearColorTextureLookup(Texture2DSampleBias(Material_Texture2D_1, Material_Texture2D_1Sampler,Local0,View.MaterialTextureMipBias));
	MaterialFloat Local17 = lerp(Local10.g,0.00000000,Local13);
	MaterialFloat Local18 = (Local16.g + Local17);
	MaterialFloat Local19 = lerp(Local18.r,0.50000000,0.50000000);
	MaterialFloat Local20 = lerp(0.29499999,0.66000003,Local19);
	MaterialFloat Local21 = (Local20 * 0.50000000);
	MaterialFloat Local22 = (Local15 * Local21);
	MaterialFloat Local23 = lerp(0.00000000,0.50000000,Local16.g);
	MaterialFloat Local24 = lerp(0.69999999,1.00000000,Local10.g);
	MaterialFloat Local25 = lerp(Local24,1.00000000,Local13);
	MaterialFloat Local26 = (Local25 * 1.00000000);
	MaterialFloat Local27 = (Local23 + Local26);
	MaterialFloat Local28 = min(max(Local27,0.00000000),1.00000000);

	PixelMaterialInputs.EmissiveColor = Local4;
	PixelMaterialInputs.Opacity = 1.00000000;
	PixelMaterialInputs.OpacityMask = 1.00000000;
	PixelMaterialInputs.BaseColor = Local22;
	PixelMaterialInputs.Metallic = 0.00000000;
	PixelMaterialInputs.Specular = 0.50000000;
	PixelMaterialInputs.Roughness = Local28;
	PixelMaterialInputs.Anisotropy = 0.00000000;
	PixelMaterialInputs.Tangent = MaterialFloat3(1.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000);
	PixelMaterialInputs.Subsurface = 0;
	PixelMaterialInputs.AmbientOcclusion = 1.00000000;
	PixelMaterialInputs.Refraction = 0;
	PixelMaterialInputs.PixelDepthOffset = 0.00000000;
	PixelMaterialInputs.ShadingModel = 1;

	Parameters.WorldTangent = CalculateAnisotropyTangent(Parameters, PixelMaterialInputs);
	Parameters.WorldTangent = 0;

		void surf( Input In, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o )

			float3 Z3 = float3( 0, 0, 0 );
			float4 Z4 = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

			float3 UnrealWorldPos = float3( In.worldPos.x, In.worldPos.y, In.worldPos.z );
			float3 UnrealNormal = In.normal2;

			FMaterialPixelParameters Parameters;
				Parameters.TexCoords[ 0 ] = float2( In.uv_MainTex.x, In.uv_MainTex.y );
				Parameters.TexCoords[ 1 ] = float2( In.uv2_MainTex.x, 1.0 - In.uv2_MainTex.y );
			for( int i = 2; i < NUM_TEX_COORD_INTERPOLATORS; i++ )
				Parameters.TexCoords[ i ] = float2( In.uv_MainTex.x, In.uv_MainTex.y );
			Parameters.VertexColor = In.color;
			Parameters.WorldNormal = UnrealNormal;
			Parameters.ReflectionVector = half3( 0, 0, 1 );
			//Parameters.CameraVector = normalize( - );
			Parameters.CameraVector = mul( ( float3x3 )unity_CameraToWorld, float3( 0, 0, 1 ) ) * -1;
			Parameters.LightVector = half3( 0, 0, 0 );
			float4 screenpos = In.screenPos;
			screenpos /= screenpos.w;
			//screenpos.y = 1 - screenpos.y;
			Parameters.SvPosition = float4( screenpos.x, screenpos.y, 0, 0 );
			Parameters.ScreenPosition = Parameters.SvPosition;

			Parameters.UnMirrored = 1;

			Parameters.TwoSidedSign = 1;

			float3 InWorldNormal = UnrealNormal;
			float4 InTangent = In.tangent;
			float4 tangentWorld = float4( UnityObjectToWorldDir( ), InTangent.w ); = normalize( );
			float3x3 tangentToWorld = CreateTangentToWorldPerVertex( InWorldNormal,, tangentWorld.w );
			Parameters.TangentToWorld = tangentToWorld;
			//Parameters.TangentToWorld = float3x3( Z3, Z3, Z3 );

			//WorldAlignedTexturing in UE relies on the fact that coords there are 100x larger, prepare values for that
			//but watch out for any computation that might get skewed as a side effect
			UnrealWorldPos = UnrealWorldPos * 100;

			//Parameters.TangentToWorld = half3x3( float3( 1, 1, 1 ), float3( 1, 1, 1 ), );
			Parameters.AbsoluteWorldPosition = UnrealWorldPos;
			Parameters.WorldPosition_CamRelative = UnrealWorldPos;
			Parameters.WorldPosition_NoOffsets = UnrealWorldPos;

			Parameters.WorldPosition_NoOffsets_CamRelative = Parameters.WorldPosition_CamRelative;
			Parameters.LightingPositionOffset = float3( 0, 0, 0 );

			Parameters.AOMaterialMask = 0;

			Parameters.Particle.RelativeTime = 0;
			Parameters.Particle.Random = 0;
			Parameters.Particle.Velocity = half4( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
			Parameters.Particle.Color = half4( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
			Parameters.Particle.TranslatedWorldPositionAndSize = float4( UnrealWorldPos, 0 );
			Parameters.Particle.MacroUV = half4(0,0,1,1);
			Parameters.Particle.DynamicParameter = half4(0,0,0,0);
			Parameters.Particle.LocalToWorld = float4x4( Z4, Z4, Z4, Z4 );
			Parameters.Particle.Size = float2(1,1);
			Parameters.TexCoordScalesParams = float2( 0, 0 );
			Parameters.PrimitiveId = 0;

			FPixelMaterialInputs PixelMaterialInputs = ( FPixelMaterialInputs)0;
			PixelMaterialInputs.Normal = float3( 0, 0, 1 );
			PixelMaterialInputs.ShadingModel = 0;

			View.GameTime = -_Time.y;// _Time is (t/20, t, t*2, t*3), run in reverse because it works better with ElementalDemo
			View.MaterialTextureMipBias = 0.0;
			View.TemporalAAParams = float2( 0, 0 );
			View.ViewRectMin = float2( 0, 0 );
			View.ViewSizeAndInvSize = View_BufferSizeAndInvSize;
			View.MaterialTextureDerivativeMultiply = 1.0f;
			for( int i2 = 0; i2 < 40; i2++ )
				View.PrimitiveSceneData[ i2 ] = float4( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

			uint PrimitiveBaseOffset = Parameters.PrimitiveId * PRIMITIVE_SCENE_DATA_STRIDE;
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 0 ] = unity_ObjectToWorld[ 0 ];//LocalToWorld
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 1 ] = unity_ObjectToWorld[ 1 ];//LocalToWorld
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 2 ] = unity_ObjectToWorld[ 2 ];//LocalToWorld
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 3 ] = unity_ObjectToWorld[ 3 ];//LocalToWorld
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 6 ] = unity_WorldToObject[ 0 ];//WorldToLocal
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 7 ] = unity_WorldToObject[ 1 ];//WorldToLocal
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 8 ] = unity_WorldToObject[ 2 ];//WorldToLocal
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 9 ] = unity_WorldToObject[ 3 ];//WorldToLocal
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 10 ] = unity_WorldToObject[ 0 ];//PreviousLocalToWorld
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 11 ] = unity_WorldToObject[ 1 ];//PreviousLocalToWorld
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 12 ] = unity_WorldToObject[ 2 ];//PreviousLocalToWorld
			View.PrimitiveSceneData[ PrimitiveBaseOffset + 13 ] = unity_WorldToObject[ 3 ];//PreviousLocalToWorld

			ResolvedView.WorldCameraOrigin =;
			ResolvedView.ScreenPositionScaleBias = float4( 1, 1, 0, 0 );
			ResolvedView.TranslatedWorldToView = unity_MatrixV;
			ResolvedView.TranslatedWorldToCameraView = unity_MatrixV;
			ResolvedView.ViewToTranslatedWorld = unity_MatrixInvV;
			ResolvedView.CameraViewToTranslatedWorld = unity_MatrixInvV;
			Primitive.WorldToLocal = unity_WorldToObject;
			Primitive.LocalToWorld = unity_ObjectToWorld;
			CalcPixelMaterialInputs( Parameters, PixelMaterialInputs );

				PixelMaterialInputs.Normal = mul( PixelMaterialInputs.Normal, (MaterialFloat3x3)( transpose( Parameters.TangentToWorld ) ) );

			//PixelMaterialInputs.BaseColor = Texture2DSample( Material_Texture2D_1, Material_Texture2D_1Sampler, Parameters.TexCoords[ 0 ].xy );

			o.Albedo = PixelMaterialInputs.BaseColor.rgb;
			o.Alpha = PixelMaterialInputs.Opacity;
			//if( PixelMaterialInputs.OpacityMask < 0.333 ) discard;

			o.Metallic = PixelMaterialInputs.Metallic;
			o.Smoothness = 1.0 - PixelMaterialInputs.Roughness;
			o.Normal = normalize( PixelMaterialInputs.Normal );
			o.Emission = PixelMaterialInputs.EmissiveColor.rgb;
			o.Occlusion = PixelMaterialInputs.AmbientOcclusion;
	Fallback "Diffuse"