using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM using UnityEngine.InputSystem; #endif namespace BNG { public class SavePoseBinding : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Save Input : ")] #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM [Tooltip("If this InputAction returns true, save the current hand pose using 'handPoser.CreateUniquePose(SaveNamePrefix)'")] public InputAction SaveInput; #elif ENABLE_LEGACY_INPUT_MANAGER public KeyCode SaveKey = KeyCode.Space; #endif [Header("Save name prefix : ")] [Tooltip("Prefix of the hand pose file name to use. For example, a prefix of 'HandPose' will save as 'HandPose 1', 'HandPose 2', etc.")] public string SaveNamePrefix = "HandPose"; [Header("Debug : ")] [Tooltip("If true, the SaveInput binding will be shown on the screen gui. Will not show in VR.")] public bool ShowKeybindingToolTip = true; HandPoser handPoser; void Start() { handPoser = GetComponent<HandPoser>(); #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM // Action must be enabled before it can be used if(SaveInput != null) { SaveInput.Enable(); } #endif } void Update() { #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM // New Input Save if (SaveInput != null && SaveInput.triggered) { handPoser.CreateUniquePose(SaveNamePrefix); Debug.Log("Created Hand Pose with prefix " + SaveNamePrefix); } #elif ENABLE_LEGACY_INPUT_MANAGER // Legacy Save if (Input.GetKeyDown(SaveKey)) { handPoser.CreateUniquePose(SaveNamePrefix); Debug.Log("Created Hand Pose with prefix " + SaveNamePrefix); } #endif } void OnGUI() { if(ShowKeybindingToolTip) { #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM GUI.Box(new Rect(20, 20, 480, 24), "Press '<b>" + SaveInput.bindings[0].path + "</b>' to save the current hand pose"); #elif ENABLE_LEGACY_INPUT_MANAGER GUI.Box(new Rect(20, 20, 480, 24), "Press '<b>" + SaveKey.ToString() + "</b>' to save the current hand pose"); #endif } } } }