using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace BNG { public class SteeringWheel : GrabbableEvents { [Header("Rotation Limits")] [Tooltip("Maximum Z value in Local Euler Angles. Can be < -360. Ex : -450")] public float MinAngle = -360f; [Tooltip("Maximum Z value in Local Euler Angles. Can be > 360. Ex : 450")] public float MaxAngle = 360f; [Header("Rotation Object")] [Tooltip("The Transform to rotate on its Z axis.")] public Transform RotatorObject; [Header("Rotation Speed")] [Tooltip("How fast to move the wheel towards the target angle. 0 = Instant.")] public float RotationSpeed = 0f; [Header("Two-Handed Option")] [Tooltip("IF true both hands will effect the rotation of the steering wheel while grabbed with both hands. Set to false if you only want one hand to control the rotation.")] public bool AllowTwoHanded = true; [Header("Return to Center")] public bool ReturnToCenter = false; public float ReturnToCenterSpeed = 45; [Header("Debug Options")] public Text DebugText; [Header("Events")] [Tooltip("Called if the SteeringWheel changes angle. Returns the current angle in degrees, clamped between MinAngle / MaxAngle")] public FloatEvent onAngleChange; [Tooltip("Called every frame. Returns the current current rotation between -1, 1")] public FloatEvent onValueChange; [Header("Editor Option")] [Tooltip("If true will show an angle helper in editor mode (Gizmos must be enabled)")] public bool ShowEditorGizmos = true; /// <summary> /// Returns the angle of the rotation, taking RotationSpeed into account /// </summary> public float Angle { get { return Mathf.Clamp(smoothedAngle, MinAngle, MaxAngle); } } /// <summary> /// Always returns the target angle, not taking RotationSpeed into account /// </summary> public float RawAngle { get { return targetAngle; } } public float ScaleValue { get { return GetScaledValue(Angle, MinAngle, MaxAngle); } } public float ScaleValueInverted { get { return ScaleValue * -1; } } public float AngleInverted { get { return Angle * -1; } } public Grabber PrimaryGrabber { get { return GetPrimaryGrabber(); } } public Grabber SecondaryGrabber { get { return GetSecondaryGrabber(); } } protected Vector3 rotatePosition; protected Vector3 previousPrimaryPosition; protected Vector3 previousSecondaryPosition; protected float targetAngle; protected float previousTargetAngle; /// <summary> /// This angle is smoothed towards target angle in Update using RotationSpeed /// </summary> protected float smoothedAngle; void Update() { // Calculate rotation if being held or returning to center if (grab.BeingHeld && grab.BeingHeldWithTwoHands) { UpdateAngleCalculations(); } else if (ReturnToCenter) { ReturnToCenterAngle(); } // Apply the new angle ApplyAngleToSteeringWheel(Angle); // Call any events CallEvents(); UpdatePreviewText(); // Update the angle so we can compare it next frame UpdatePreviousAngle(targetAngle); } public virtual void UpdateAngleCalculations() { float angleAdjustment = 0f; // Add first Grabber if (PrimaryGrabber) { rotatePosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(PrimaryGrabber.transform.position); rotatePosition = new Vector3(rotatePosition.x, rotatePosition.y, 0); // Add in the angles to turn angleAdjustment += GetRelativeAngle(rotatePosition, previousPrimaryPosition); previousPrimaryPosition = rotatePosition; } // Add second Grabber if (AllowTwoHanded && SecondaryGrabber != null) { rotatePosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(SecondaryGrabber.transform.position); rotatePosition = new Vector3(rotatePosition.x, rotatePosition.y, 0); // Add in the angles to turn angleAdjustment += GetRelativeAngle(rotatePosition, previousSecondaryPosition); previousSecondaryPosition = rotatePosition; } // Divide by two if being held by two hands if(PrimaryGrabber != null && SecondaryGrabber != null) { angleAdjustment *= 0.5f; } // Apply the angle adjustment targetAngle -= angleAdjustment; // Update Smooth Angle // Instant Rotation if(RotationSpeed == 0) { smoothedAngle = targetAngle; } // Apply smoothing based on RotationSpeed else { smoothedAngle = Mathf.Lerp(smoothedAngle, targetAngle, Time.deltaTime * RotationSpeed); } // Scrub the final results if (MinAngle != 0 && MaxAngle != 0) { targetAngle = Mathf.Clamp(targetAngle, MinAngle, MaxAngle); smoothedAngle = Mathf.Clamp(smoothedAngle, MinAngle, MaxAngle); } } public float GetRelativeAngle(Vector3 position1, Vector3 position2) { // Are we turning left or right? if (Vector3.Cross(position1, position2).z < 0) { return -Vector3.Angle(position1, position2); } return Vector3.Angle(position1, position2); } public virtual void ApplyAngleToSteeringWheel(float angle) { RotatorObject.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, angle); } public virtual void UpdatePreviewText() { if (DebugText) { // Invert the values for display. Inverted values are easier to read (i.e 5 = clockwise rotation of 5 degrees). DebugText.text = String.Format("{0}\n{1}", (int)AngleInverted, (ScaleValueInverted).ToString("F2")); } } public virtual void CallEvents() { // Call events if (targetAngle != previousTargetAngle) { onAngleChange.Invoke(targetAngle); } onValueChange.Invoke(ScaleValue); } public override void OnGrab(Grabber grabber) { // Primary or secondary that grabbed us? if(grabber == SecondaryGrabber) { previousSecondaryPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(SecondaryGrabber.transform.position); // Discard the Z value previousSecondaryPosition = new Vector3(previousSecondaryPosition.x, previousSecondaryPosition.y, 0); } // Primary else { previousPrimaryPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(PrimaryGrabber.transform.position); // Discard the Z value previousPrimaryPosition = new Vector3(previousPrimaryPosition.x, previousPrimaryPosition.y, 0); } } public virtual void ReturnToCenterAngle() { bool wasUnderZero = smoothedAngle < 0; if (smoothedAngle > 0) { smoothedAngle -= Time.deltaTime * ReturnToCenterSpeed; } else if (smoothedAngle < 0) { smoothedAngle += Time.deltaTime * ReturnToCenterSpeed; } // Overshot if (wasUnderZero && smoothedAngle > 0) { smoothedAngle = 0; } else if (!wasUnderZero && smoothedAngle < 0) { smoothedAngle = 0; } // Snap if very close if (smoothedAngle < 0.02f && smoothedAngle > -0.02f) { smoothedAngle = 0; } // Set the target angle to our newly calculated angle targetAngle = smoothedAngle; } public Grabber GetPrimaryGrabber() { if (grab.HeldByGrabbers != null) { for (int x = 0; x < grab.HeldByGrabbers.Count; x++) { Grabber g = grab.HeldByGrabbers[x]; if (g.HandSide == ControllerHand.Right) { return g; } } } return null; } public Grabber GetSecondaryGrabber() { if (grab.HeldByGrabbers != null) { for (int x = 0; x < grab.HeldByGrabbers.Count; x++) { Grabber g = grab.HeldByGrabbers[x]; if (g.HandSide == ControllerHand.Left) { return g; } } } return null; } public virtual void UpdatePreviousAngle(float angle) { previousTargetAngle = angle; } /// <summary> /// Returns a value between -1 and 1 /// </summary> /// <param name="value">Current value to compute against</param> /// <param name="min">Minimum value of range used for conversion. </param> /// <param name="max">Maximum value of range used for conversion. Must be greater then min</param> /// <returns>Value between -1 and 1</returns> public virtual float GetScaledValue(float value, float min, float max) { float range = (max - min) / 2f; float returnValue = ((value - min) / range) - 1; return returnValue; } #if UNITY_EDITOR public void OnDrawGizmosSelected() { if (ShowEditorGizmos && !Application.isPlaying) { Vector3 origin = transform.position; float rotationDifference = MaxAngle - MinAngle; float lineLength = 0.1f; float arcLength = 0.1f; //This is the color of the lines UnityEditor.Handles.color = Color.cyan; // Min / Max positions in World space Vector3 minPosition = origin + Quaternion.AngleAxis(MinAngle, transform.forward) * transform.up * lineLength; Vector3 maxPosition = origin + Quaternion.AngleAxis(MaxAngle, transform.forward) * transform.up * lineLength; //Draw the min / max angle lines UnityEditor.Handles.DrawLine(origin, minPosition); UnityEditor.Handles.DrawLine(origin, maxPosition); // Draw starting position line Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, origin + Quaternion.AngleAxis(0, transform.up) * transform.up * lineLength, Color.magenta); // Fix for exactly 180 if (rotationDifference == 180) { minPosition = origin + Quaternion.AngleAxis(MinAngle + 0.01f, transform.up) * transform.up * lineLength; } // Draw the arc Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(minPosition - origin, maxPosition - origin); if (rotationDifference > 180) { cross = Vector3.Cross(maxPosition - origin, minPosition - origin); } UnityEditor.Handles.color = new Color(0, 255, 255, 0.1f); UnityEditor.Handles.DrawSolidArc(origin, cross, minPosition - origin, rotationDifference, arcLength); } } #endif } }