using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; // Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2022 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. namespace SciFiShipController { [CustomEditor(typeof(SSCManager))] public class SSCManagerEditor : Editor { #region Custom Editor private variables private SSCManager sscManager; // Formatting and style variables private string txtColourName = "Black"; private Color defaultTextColour =; private string labelText; private GUIStyle labelFieldRichText; private GUIStyle helpBoxRichText; private GUIStyle buttonCompact; private GUIStyle buttonCompactBoldBlue; private GUIStyle foldoutStyleNoLabel; private static GUIStyle toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal = null; // Small Toggle button. e.g. G(izmo) on/off private static GUIStyle toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled = null; private float defaultEditorLabelWidth = 0f; private float defaultEditorFieldWidth = 0f; private int selectedTabInt = 0; private GUIStyle searchTextFieldStyle = null; private GUIStyle searchCancelButtonStyle = null; private float defaultSearchTextFieldWidth = 200f; private bool isDebuggingEnabled = false; private List projectileTemplatesList; private List beamTemplateList; private List destructTemplateList; private List effectsObjectTemplatesList; // location data variables private int numLocations = 0; private int numFilteredLocations = 0; private int locationDataMoveDownPos = -1; private int locationDataInsertPos = -1; private int locationDataDeletePos = -1; private Vector2 locationScrollPosition =; private bool isModifySelectedMode = false; private float modifySelectedPosY = 0f; private float modifySelectedAddPosY = 0f; // path data variables private int numPaths = 0; private int numFilteredPaths = 0; private int pathDataMoveDownPos = -1; private int pathDataInsertPos = -1; private int pathDataDeletePos = -1; private int numPathLocations = 0; private int pathDataLocationMoveDownPos = -1; private int pathDataLocationInsertPos = -1; private int pathDataLocationDeletePos = -1; private bool pathLocationDataIsSelected = false; // Temp variable private string sscHelpPDF; #endregion #region Custom Editor Sceneview variables private bool isSceneDirtyRequired = false; private bool isSetFocusEnabled = false; // has the manager just been enabled and we need to set focus to the sceneview? private LocationData locationDataItem; private Vector3 itemHandlePosition =; //private Vector3 gizmoPosition =; private Quaternion itemHandleRotation = Quaternion.identity; private Vector3 itemHandleScale =; private Vector3 controlHandleSnap = * 0.3f; private Vector3 newControlPoint; private Color fadedGizmoColour; private float startFadeDistSqr = 4000000f; // 2km x 2km private float maxFadeDistSqr = 400000000f; // Draw Path variables private GUIStyle distanceLabel; private Vector3 pointLabelOffset = Vector3.up * 2f; private Vector3 locationPosition; private string locationName; #endregion #region GUIContent - General private GUIContent[] tabTexts = { new GUIContent("Locations"), new GUIContent("Paths"), new GUIContent("Options") }; private readonly static GUIContent headerContent = new GUIContent("The Manager is automatically added to " + "the scene if it doesn't already exist at runtime. It includes projectile and effects object management for all ships along with Location and Path management."); private readonly static GUIContent debugModeContent = new GUIContent("Debug Mode", "Use this to display pool sizes at runtime in the editor. This can help optimise the min/max pool size values."); private readonly static GUIContent projectileHeaderContent = new GUIContent("Projectile Templates", "The Projectile Templates that use pooling or DOTS"); private readonly static GUIContent projectilePoolingContent = new GUIContent(" Current Pool Size", "The current size of the projectile pool"); #if SSC_ENTITIES private readonly static GUIContent projectileDOTSContent = new GUIContent(" Use DOTS is enabled", "The projectiles will be converted to Entities"); #else private readonly static GUIContent projectileDOTSNotAvailableContent = new GUIContent(" Use DOTS is enabled but DOTS is not configured", "The projectile cannot use DOTS because it is not available in the project"); #endif private readonly static GUIContent minmaxPoolSizeContent = new GUIContent("Min/Max", "The minimum and maximum size of the pool"); private readonly static GUIContent beamHeaderContent = new GUIContent("Beam Templates", "The Beam Templates that use pooling"); private readonly static GUIContent beamPoolingContent = new GUIContent(" Current Pool Size", "The current size of the beam pool"); private readonly static GUIContent destructHeaderContent = new GUIContent("Destruct Templates", "The Destruct Templates that use pooling"); private readonly static GUIContent destructPoolingContent = new GUIContent(" Current Pool Size", "The current size of the destruct pool"); private readonly static GUIContent effectsHeaderContent = new GUIContent("Effects Templates", "The Effects Object Templates that use pooling"); private readonly static GUIContent effectsPoolingContent = new GUIContent(" Current Pool Size", "The current size of the effects pool"); private readonly static GUIContent noneWithPoolingContent = new GUIContent(" (None with Use Pooling enabled)"); private readonly static GUIContent findBtnContent = new GUIContent("F", "Find in the scene view"); private readonly static GUIContent gizmoBtnContent = new GUIContent("G", "Toggle gizmos on/off in the scene view"); private readonly static GUIContent gizmoToggleBtnContent = new GUIContent("G", "Toggle gizmos and visualisations on/off for all items in the scene view"); private readonly static GUIContent selectBtnContent = new GUIContent("S", "Toggle selection on/off in the scene view"); private readonly static GUIContent modifyToggleBtnContent = new GUIContent("M", "Modify an attribute of all selected Locations"); private readonly static GUIContent reversePathBtnContent = new GUIContent("<->", "Reverse the direction of the path"); private readonly static GUIContent filterContent = new GUIContent("Filter", "Filter the items in the list by entering part of the item name"); private readonly static GUIContent modifySelectedPosYContent = new GUIContent(" New Position Y-axis", "The new Position Y value for all selected Locations in this Path"); private readonly static GUIContent modifySelectedAddPosYContent = new GUIContent(" Add Position Y-axis", "Add (or subtract) amount to Position Y value for all selected Locations in this Path"); #endregion #region GUIContent - Locations private readonly static GUIContent locationHeaderContent = new GUIContent("To create a Location, move the mouse over scene view and press the + key. " + "The scene window needs to have the focus. Hold SHIFT key to multi-select Locations."); private readonly static GUIContent locationDefaultNormalOffsetContent = new GUIContent("Default Normal Offset", "The distance to place a new Location away from the line of sight object"); private readonly static GUIContent locationDataNameContent = new GUIContent("Location Name", "Name of the Location. E.g. Enemy Base, Route Marker 2, Command Post"); private readonly static GUIContent locationDataPositionContent = new GUIContent("Location Position", "World-space coordinates of the Location"); private readonly static GUIContent locationDataIsRadarEnabledContent = new GUIContent("Visible to Radar", "Is this Location visible to the radar system?"); private readonly static GUIContent locationDataRadarBlipSizedContent = new GUIContent("Radar Blip Size", "The relative size of the blip on the radar mini-map."); private readonly static GUIContent locationDataFactionIdContent = new GUIContent("Faction Id", "The faction or alliance the Location belongs to. This can be used to identify if a Location is friend or foe. Neutral = 0."); #endregion #region GUIContent - Paths private readonly static GUIContent pathDataHeaderContent = new GUIContent("A Path is an ordered list of Locations. Add a new Path, select the Scene view, move the mouse over the " + " Scene, and press the + key where you want to add Locations. OR Add a Location slot in the Inspector before assigning an existing Location to that slot. " + " Deleting a Location slot does not delete the Location. There is also a context menu in the scene view. Hold SHIFT key to move all selected Locations in a Path."); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataNameContent = new GUIContent("Path Name", "Name of the path."); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataActiveContent = new GUIContent("A", "Make this the Path active for editing in the scene"); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataActivateContent = new GUIContent("Activate for editing", "Make this the Path active for editing in the scene"); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataActivatedContent = new GUIContent("Stop Editing", "Stop editing this Path in the scene"); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataExportJsonContent = new GUIContent("Export Json", "Export the Path to a Json file"); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataSnapToMeshContent = new GUIContent("Snap To Mesh", "Will attempt to position all locations on the Path above the top mesh in the scene."); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataImportJsonContent = new GUIContent("Import", "Import Path data from a Json file (should be from the same version of Sci-Fi Ship Controller)"); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataTotalDistanceContent = new GUIContent("Total Distance", "The total spline length or distance of the Path"); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataIsClosedCircuitContent = new GUIContent("Closed Circuit", "Is this Path a closed circuit or loop?"); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataLineColourContent = new GUIContent("Line Colour", "The colour of the Path drawn in the scene."); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataLocationDefaultNormalOffsetContent = new GUIContent("Default Normal Offset", "The distance to place a new Location on the Path away from the line of sight object"); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataLocationSnapMinMaxHeightContent = new GUIContent("Snap Min/Max Height", "The minimum and maximum heights checked when Snap To Mesh is used."); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataShowPointNumberLabelsInSceneContent = new GUIContent("Display Number Labels", "Display the Location number labels in the scene view"); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataShowPointNameLabelsInSceneContent = new GUIContent("Display Name Labels", "Display the Location name labels in the scene view"); private readonly static GUIContent pathDataShowDistanceLabelsInSceneContent = new GUIContent("Display Distances", "Display cumulative distances in the scene view"); #endregion #region GUIContent - Options private readonly static GUIContent optionLocationContent = new GUIContent("Location Options"); private readonly static GUIContent optionIsAutosizeLocationGizmoContent = new GUIContent("Autosize Gizmos", "Autosize Location gizmos in scene view so they are visible a long way away."); private readonly static GUIContent optionLocationGizmoColourContent = new GUIContent("Gizmo Colour", "Colour of the Location gizmos in the scene view"); private readonly static GUIContent optionFindZoomDistanceContent = new GUIContent("Zoom Distance", "The default zoom distance when using the (F)ind buttons in the inspector, or Zoom content menu in the scene"); private readonly static GUIContent optionPathContent = new GUIContent("Path Options"); private readonly static GUIContent optionPathControlGizmoColourContent = new GUIContent("Control Gizmo Colour", "Colour of the Path tangent control gizmos in the scene view"); private readonly static GUIContent optionPathDisplayResolutionContent = new GUIContent("Display Resolution", "The appromiate length of each Path segment drawn in the scene view"); private readonly static GUIContent optionPathPrecisionContent = new GUIContent("Path Precision", "Determines how precisely the Path distance should be calculated. Keep as low as possible when editing in the scene."); private readonly static GUIContent optionPathControlOffsetContent = new GUIContent("Default Control Offset", "Default control point offset distance from the Path Location"); //private readonly static GUIContent optionRadarContent = new GUIContent("Radar Options"); #endregion #region Serialized Properties - Locations private SerializedProperty locationDataListProp; private SerializedProperty locationDefaultNormalOffsetProp; private SerializedProperty locationDataProp; private SerializedProperty locationDataNameProp; private SerializedProperty locationDataPositionProp; private SerializedProperty locationDataSelectedProp; private SerializedProperty locationDataGUIDHashProp; private SerializedProperty isLocationDataListExpandedProp; private SerializedProperty locationDataShowInEditorProp; private SerializedProperty locationDataShowGizmosInSceneViewProp; #endregion #region Serialized Properties - Paths private SerializedProperty pathDataListProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataActiveGUIDHashProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataNameProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataGUIDHashProp; private SerializedProperty isPathDataListExpandedProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataShowInEditorProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataShowLocationsInEditorProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataShowInSceneViewProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataIsClosedCircuitProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataLineColourProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataShowNumberLabelsProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataShowNameLabelsProp; private SerializedProperty pathLocationDataListProp; private SerializedProperty pathLocationDataProp; private SerializedProperty pathLocationDataLocationProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataLocationNameProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataLocationPositionProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataLocationSelectedProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataLocationUnassignedProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataLocationGUIDHashProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataLocationShowGizmosInSceneViewProp; private SerializedProperty pathDataLocationShowInEditorProp; #endregion #region Serialized Properties - Options private SerializedProperty isAutosizeLocationGizmoProp; private SerializedProperty locationGizmoColourProp; private SerializedProperty findZoomDistanceProp; private SerializedProperty defaultPathControlGizmoColourProp; private SerializedProperty pathDisplayResolutionProp; private SerializedProperty pathPrecisionProp; private SerializedProperty defaultPathControlOffsetProp; #endregion #region Events public void OnEnable() { sscManager = (SSCManager)target; // Only use if require scene view interaction #if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER SceneView.duringSceneGui -= SceneGUI; SceneView.duringSceneGui += SceneGUI; #else SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate -= SceneGUI; SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate += SceneGUI; #endif //Used in Richtext labels if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) { txtColourName = "White"; defaultTextColour = new Color(180f / 255f, 180f / 255f, 180f / 255f, 1f); } //Keep compiler happy - can remove this later if it isn't required if (defaultTextColour.a > 0f) { } // Reset guistyles to avoid issues - forces reinitialisation of button styles etc helpBoxRichText = null; labelFieldRichText = null; buttonCompact = null; buttonCompactBoldBlue = null; foldoutStyleNoLabel = null; toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal = null; toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled = null; searchTextFieldStyle = null; searchCancelButtonStyle = null; defaultEditorLabelWidth = 150f; // EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; defaultEditorFieldWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth; #region FindProperties // Locations locationDataListProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("locationDataList"); locationDefaultNormalOffsetProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("locationDefaultNormalOffset"); isLocationDataListExpandedProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("isLocationDataListExpanded"); // Paths pathDataListProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("pathDataList"); isPathDataListExpandedProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("isPathDataListExpanded"); pathDataActiveGUIDHashProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("pathDataActiveGUIDHash"); // Options isAutosizeLocationGizmoProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("isAutosizeLocationGizmo"); locationGizmoColourProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("locationGizmoColour"); findZoomDistanceProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("findZoomDistance"); defaultPathControlGizmoColourProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("defaultPathControlGizmoColour"); defaultPathControlOffsetProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("defaultPathControlOffset"); pathDisplayResolutionProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("pathDisplayResolution"); pathPrecisionProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("pathPrecision"); #endregion sscHelpPDF = SSCEditorHelper.GetHelpURL(); // Deselect all Locations in the scene view //SelectAllLocations(false, false); // Turn off the gizmos for the selected Path Gameobject Tools.hidden = true; // Switch to the Move tool Tools.current = Tool.Move; if (!EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) { // This is a workaround to make the scene active so that // adding locations works first time without first having to // select the scene (right click, click the scene window title etc) isSetFocusEnabled = true; } } /// /// Called automatically by Unity when the gameobject loses focus /// private void OnDisable() { // Turn on the default scene handles Tools.hidden = false; Tools.current = Tool.Move; } /// /// Called when the gameobject loses focus or Unity Editor enters/exits /// play mode /// private void OnDestroy() { #if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER SceneView.duringSceneGui -= SceneGUI; #else SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate -= SceneGUI; #endif // Always unhide Unity tools when losing focus on this gameObject Tools.hidden = false; } /// /// Gets called automatically 10 times per second /// Comment out if not required /// private void OnInspectorUpdate() { // OnInspectorGUI() only registers events when the mouse is positioned over the custom editor window // This code forces OnInspectorGUI() to run every frame, so it registers events even when the mouse // is positioned over the scene view if (sscManager != null && sscManager.allowRepaint) { Repaint(); } } #endregion #region Public Static Methods // Add a menu item so that a SSCManager can be created via the GameObject > 3D Object menu [MenuItem("GameObject/3D Object/Sci-Fi Ship Controller/SSC Manager")] public static void CreateSSCManager() { SSCManager mgr = SSCManager.GetOrCreateManager(); if (!Application.isPlaying) { EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(mgr.gameObject.scene); EditorUtility.SetDirty(mgr); } } #endregion #region Private Member Methods /// /// Add (or subtract) to the y-axis position for all the selected Locations in the Path /// /// /// /// private void AddPosYSelectList(PathData pathData, float addPositionY) { serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Path y-axis on selected"); int numInList = pathData == null || pathData.pathLocationDataList == null ? 0 : pathData.pathLocationDataList.Count; for (int idx = 0; idx < numInList; idx++) { // Get the PathLocationData class instance from the list PathLocationData pathLocationData = pathData.pathLocationDataList[idx]; // Get the LocationData class reference from within the PathLocationData class instance LocationData locationData = pathLocationData.locationData; if (!locationData.isUnassigned && locationData.selectedInSceneView) { Vector3 wsPosition = locationData.position; wsPosition.y += addPositionY; locationData.position = wsPosition; // Update the control points to match the new Y position Vector3 newControlPoint = pathLocationData.inControlPoint; newControlPoint.y += addPositionY; pathLocationData.inControlPoint = newControlPoint; pathLocationData.outControlPoint = wsPosition + ((wsPosition - newControlPoint).normalized * (wsPosition - pathLocationData.outControlPoint).magnitude); } } if (numInList > 0) { sscManager.RefreshPathDistances(pathData); } } /// /// Attempt to find a path for the first selected location, and being to edit it /// private void EditLocationPath() { if (sscManager != null) { int numLocations = sscManager.locationDataList == null ? 0 : sscManager.locationDataList.Count; int numPaths = sscManager.pathDataList == null ? 0 : sscManager.pathDataList.Count; // If no paths or no locations, then nothing to edit if (numPaths > 0 && numLocations > 0) { LocationData locationData = null; for (int locIdx = 0; locIdx < numLocations; locIdx++) { locationData = sscManager.locationDataList[locIdx]; int locDataGUIDHash = locationData.guidHash; if (locationData != null && locationData.selectedInSceneView) { // Is this location a member of a path? for (int pIdx = 0; pIdx < numPaths; pIdx++) { PathData pathData = sscManager.pathDataList[pIdx]; if (pathData != null && pathData.pathLocationDataList != null && pathData.pathLocationDataList.Exists(locData => !locData.locationData.isUnassigned && locData.locationData.guidHash == locDataGUIDHash)) { // Found a path for this selected location // Set as active path sscManager.pathDataActiveGUIDHash = pathData.guidHash; // Make sure we're on the Path tab selectedTabInt = 1; // Get out of these loops and exit the function locIdx = numLocations; break; } } } } } } } /// /// Get the Position Y from the first selected locations in the path list of locations /// /// /// private float GetPosYSelectList(SerializedProperty listProp) { float positionY = 0f; if (listProp != null) { int numInList = listProp.arraySize; for (int idx = 0; idx < numInList; idx++) { // Get the PathLocationData class instance from the list pathLocationDataProp = listProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(idx); // Get the LocationData class reference from within the PathLocationData class instance pathLocationDataLocationProp = pathLocationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("locationData"); pathDataLocationPositionProp = pathLocationDataLocationProp.FindPropertyRelative("position"); pathDataLocationSelectedProp = pathLocationDataLocationProp.FindPropertyRelative("selectedInSceneView"); pathDataLocationUnassignedProp = pathLocationDataLocationProp.FindPropertyRelative("isUnassigned"); if (!pathDataLocationUnassignedProp.boolValue && pathDataLocationSelectedProp.boolValue) { positionY = pathDataLocationPositionProp.vector3Value.y; break; } } } return positionY; } /// /// Set all the selected Locations in the Path to have a new y-axis position /// /// /// /// private void SetPosYSelectList(PathData pathData, float newPositionY) { serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Path y-axis on selected"); int numInList = pathData == null || pathData.pathLocationDataList == null ? 0 : pathData.pathLocationDataList.Count; for (int idx = 0; idx < numInList; idx++) { // Get the PathLocationData class instance from the list PathLocationData pathLocationData = pathData.pathLocationDataList[idx]; // Get the LocationData class reference from within the PathLocationData class instance LocationData locationData = pathLocationData.locationData; if (!locationData.isUnassigned && locationData.selectedInSceneView) { Vector3 wsPosition = locationData.position; wsPosition.y = newPositionY; locationData.position = wsPosition; // Update the control points to match the new Y position Vector3 newControlPoint = pathLocationData.inControlPoint; newControlPoint.y = wsPosition.y; pathLocationData.inControlPoint = newControlPoint; pathLocationData.outControlPoint = wsPosition + ((wsPosition - newControlPoint).normalized * (wsPosition - pathLocationData.outControlPoint).magnitude); } } if (numInList > 0) { sscManager.RefreshPathDistances(pathData); } } private void SceneGUI(SceneView sv) { if (sscManager != null && sscManager.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { isSceneDirtyRequired = false; Event currentEvent = Event.current; bool isRightButton = (currentEvent.button == 1); bool isCtrlKey = currentEvent.control; bool isShiftKey = currentEvent.shift; // Make the scene active so that it receives key events correctly // when the sscmanger is selected if (isSetFocusEnabled) { sv.Focus(); isSetFocusEnabled = false; } #region Context Menu if (currentEvent.type == EventType.MouseDown && isRightButton && Tools.current != Tool.View && Tools.current != Tool.None) { // If user has Path tab selected, see if there is an active path PathData activePath = selectedTabInt == 1 ? sscManager.GetPath(sscManager.pathDataActiveGUIDHash) : null; bool isEditPath = activePath != null; GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddDisabledItem(new GUIContent(isEditPath ? (string.IsNullOrEmpty( ? "Edit (unnamed) Path" : : "Edit Locations")); // Header if (isEditPath) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Stop Editing Path"), false, () => { sscManager.pathDataActiveGUIDHash = -1; isEditPath = false; activePath = null; } ); } else { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Start Editing Path for location"), false, () => { EditLocationPath(); }); } #region Context Menu - Selection menu.AddSeparator(""); if (isEditPath) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Select All (Active Path)"), false, () => { SelectPathLocations(activePath, true); }); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Unselect All (Active Path)"), false, () => { SelectPathLocations(activePath, false); }); } menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Select All Locations"), false, () => { SelectAllLocations(true, false); }); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Unselect All Locations"), false, () => { SelectAllLocations(false, false); }); #endregion #region Context Menu - Add Location menu.AddSeparator(""); if (isEditPath) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Insert Before 1st Selected (Active Path)"), false, () => { int _firstSelected = activePath.pathLocationDataList.FindIndex(locData => locData.locationData.selectedInSceneView == true); if (_firstSelected >= 0) { Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Insert in Active Path"); LocationData locationData = sscManager.InsertLocationAt(activePath, _firstSelected, true, true); if (locationData != null) { locationData.selectedInSceneView = true; } isSceneDirtyRequired = true; } } ); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Append Location (Active Path)"), false, () => { Vector3 posWS =; if (SSCEditorHelper.GetPositionFromMouse(sv, currentEvent.mousePosition, sscManager.locationDefaultNormalOffset, ref posWS, true)) { currentEvent.Use(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Append Path Location"); // Unselect existing path locations so only extended location path is selected afterwards SelectPathLocations(activePath, false); LocationData locationData = sscManager.AppendLocation(activePath, posWS, true, true); if (locationData != null) { locationData.selectedInSceneView = true; } isSceneDirtyRequired = true; } }); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Extend Active Path"), false, () => { int numPathPoints = activePath.pathLocationDataList == null ? 0 : activePath.pathLocationDataList.Count; Vector3 posWS =; // If no points in Path add one at the current mouse point if (numPathPoints < 1) { if (SSCEditorHelper.GetPositionFromMouse(sv, currentEvent.mousePosition, sscManager.locationDefaultNormalOffset, ref posWS, true)) { currentEvent.Use(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Append Path Location"); LocationData locationData = sscManager.AppendLocation(activePath, posWS, true, true); if (locationData != null) { locationData.selectedInSceneView = true; } isSceneDirtyRequired = true; } } else { Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Extend Active Path"); LocationData locationData = sscManager.AppendLocation(activePath, true, true); if (locationData != null) { locationData.selectedInSceneView = true; } isSceneDirtyRequired = true; } }); } else { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Add Location"), false, () => { Vector3 posWS =; if (SSCEditorHelper.GetPositionFromMouse(sv, currentEvent.mousePosition, sscManager.locationDefaultNormalOffset, ref posWS, true)) { currentEvent.Use(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Add Location"); LocationData locationData = sscManager.AppendLocation(posWS, true); if (locationData != null) { locationData.selectedInSceneView = true; } isSceneDirtyRequired = true; } }); } #endregion #region Context Menu - Control Points and Snap Location(s) if (isEditPath) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Set Controls to Location Y (Selected)"), false, () => { SetPathControlPointsY(activePath); isSceneDirtyRequired = true; }); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Snap Locations to Mesh Below (Selected)"), false, () => { sscManager.SnapPathSelectedLocationsToMesh(activePath, Vector3.up, ~0, true); isSceneDirtyRequired = true; }); } #endregion menu.AddSeparator(""); #region Context Menu - Display if (isEditPath) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Display/Distances"), activePath.showDistancesInScene, () => { activePath.showDistancesInScene = !activePath.showDistancesInScene; isSceneDirtyRequired = true; }); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Display/Number Labels"), activePath.showPointNumberLabelsInScene, () => { activePath.showPointNumberLabelsInScene = !activePath.showPointNumberLabelsInScene; if (activePath.showPointNumberLabelsInScene) { activePath.showPointNameLabelsInScene = false; } isSceneDirtyRequired = true; }); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Display/Name Labels"), activePath.showPointNameLabelsInScene, () => { activePath.showPointNameLabelsInScene = !activePath.showPointNameLabelsInScene; if (activePath.showPointNameLabelsInScene) { activePath.showPointNumberLabelsInScene = false; } isSceneDirtyRequired = true; }); } #endregion #region Context Menu - Zoom menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Zoom/Selected Locations"), false, () => { ZoomExtent(sv, false, null); }); if (isEditPath) { menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Zoom/Active Path"), false, () => { ZoomExtent(sv, true, activePath); }); } #endregion menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Delete All Selected Locations"), false, () => { DeleteSelectedLocations(); sv.Focus(); }); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Allow Scene View Rotation"), false, () => { Tools.current = Tool.View; }); // The Cancel option is not really necessary as use can just click anywhere else. However, it may help some users. menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Cancel"), false, () => { }); menu.ShowAsContext(); currentEvent.Use(); } #endregion #region Add Locations // Did the user press "+" key to add a location in the scene? // Allow for + or = which are mostly the same key (+ is typically shift and '=' key). else if (currentEvent.type == EventType.KeyUp && (currentEvent.keyCode == KeyCode.Equals || currentEvent.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadPlus)) { Vector3 posWS =; if (SSCEditorHelper.GetPositionFromMouse(sv, currentEvent.mousePosition, sscManager.locationDefaultNormalOffset, ref posWS, true)) { currentEvent.Use(); // If user has Path tab selected, see if there is an active path PathData activePath = selectedTabInt == 1 ? sscManager.GetPath(sscManager.pathDataActiveGUIDHash) : null; Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, activePath != null ? "Add Path Location" : "Add Location"); // If the user has Path tab selected and there is an active Path, add the new Location to the Path, // else just create a new Location in the scene. LocationData locationData = activePath != null ? sscManager.AppendLocation(activePath, posWS, true, true) : sscManager.AppendLocation(posWS, true); if (locationData != null) { locationData.selectedInSceneView = true; } } isSceneDirtyRequired = true; } #endregion Add Locations #region Modify Locations and Active Path in the scene else { #region Locations in the scene int numLocations = sscManager.locationDataList == null ? 0 : sscManager.locationDataList.Count; // If cannot find the camera, use the middle of the sceneview (not ideal but better than nothing) Vector3 svCamPos = != null ? : sv.pivot; fadedGizmoColour = sscManager.locationGizmoColour; using (new Handles.DrawingScope(sscManager.locationGizmoColour)) { for (int lnIdx = 0; lnIdx < numLocations; lnIdx++) { locationDataItem = sscManager.locationDataList[lnIdx]; if (locationDataItem != null) { if (locationDataItem.showGizmosInSceneView) { itemHandlePosition = locationDataItem.position; // Currently rotation and scale aren't being used. itemHandleRotation = Quaternion.identity; itemHandleScale.x = 0f; itemHandleScale.y = 0f; itemHandleScale.z = 0f; // Draw location in the scene that is non-interactable //if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) //{ // //Handles.ArrowHandleCap(0, itemHandlePosition, itemHandleRotation, 1f, EventType.Repaint); // Handles.SphereHandleCap(0, itemHandlePosition, itemHandleRotation, 1f, EventType.Repaint); //} // Here is where we would draw any shape that identifies this location type if (locationDataItem.selectedInSceneView) { // Choose which handle to draw based on which Unity tool is selected if (Tools.current == Tool.Rotate) { // Currently not required } else if (Tools.current == Tool.Scale) { // Currently not required } else if (Tools.current == Tool.Move || Tools.current == Tool.Transform) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); // Draw a movement handle itemHandlePosition = Handles.PositionHandle(itemHandlePosition, itemHandleRotation); // Use the position handle to edit the position of the location if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { isSceneDirtyRequired = true; if (currentEvent.shift) { // Move all selected Locations in the Active Path if (selectedTabInt == 1) { // This could be a little slow PathData activePath = sscManager.GetPath(sscManager.pathDataActiveGUIDHash); if (activePath != null) { Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Move Path Locations"); sscManager.MoveLocations(activePath, locationDataItem, itemHandlePosition, true); } } // Move all selected Locations in the scene else { Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Move Selected Locations"); sscManager.MoveLocations(locationDataItem, itemHandlePosition, true); } } else { Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Move Location"); // WARNING: Refreshing the Distances could get expensive on long Paths.. sscManager.UpdateLocation(locationDataItem, itemHandlePosition, true); } } } } float itemHandleSize = sscManager.isAutosizeLocationGizmo ? HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(itemHandlePosition) * 0.1f : 0.5f; // Determine how far this item is from the scene view camera and set the alpha value of the buttons float sqrDistToCamera = ((svCamPos.x - itemHandlePosition.x) * (svCamPos.x - itemHandlePosition.x)) + ((svCamPos.y - itemHandlePosition.y) * (svCamPos.y - itemHandlePosition.y)) + ((svCamPos.z - itemHandlePosition.z) * (svCamPos.z - itemHandlePosition.z)); float gizmoAlpha = 1f - (sscManager.locationGizmoColour.a - 0.1f) * ((sqrDistToCamera - startFadeDistSqr) / maxFadeDistSqr); fadedGizmoColour.a = gizmoAlpha < 0.1f ? 0.1f : gizmoAlpha > 1f ? 1f : gizmoAlpha; using (new Handles.DrawingScope(fadedGizmoColour)) { // Allow the user to select/deselect the location if (Handles.Button(itemHandlePosition, Quaternion.identity, itemHandleSize, itemHandleSize, Handles.SphereHandleCap)) { if (locationDataItem.selectedInSceneView) { // If in multi-select mode or single selected, just unselect the clicked Location locationDataItem.selectedInSceneView = false; locationDataItem.showInEditor = false; } else { if (!isShiftKey) { // If not in multi-select mode (Shift key held down), unselect all SelectAllLocations(false, true); ExpandList(sscManager.locationDataList, false); } // Select the Location clicked on locationDataItem.selectedInSceneView = true; locationDataItem.showInEditor = true; isSceneDirtyRequired = true; // Hide Unity tools Tools.hidden = true; } isSceneDirtyRequired = true; } } } } } } #endregion Locations in the scene #region Edit Tangent Control Points for Active Path in the scene // NOTE: Path lines are drawn in SSManager.OnDrawGizmosSelected() using (new Handles.DrawingScope(sscManager.defaultPathControlGizmoColour)) { PathData pathData = sscManager.GetPath(sscManager.pathDataActiveGUIDHash); // Only show the tangents for the active Path which has show Gizmos enabled if (pathData != null && pathData.showGizmosInSceneView) { int numPathLocationDatas = pathData.pathLocationDataList == null ? 0 : pathData.pathLocationDataList.Count; // We "could" only set this once but it may have issues going in and out of play mode in the editor if (pathData.showPointNumberLabelsInScene || pathData.showPointNameLabelsInScene || pathData.showDistancesInScene) { distanceLabel = new GUIStyle("Box"); distanceLabel.fontSize = 10; distanceLabel.border = new RectOffset(1, 1, 1, 1); distanceLabel.onFocused.textColor = UnityEngine.Color.white; } fadedGizmoColour = sscManager.defaultPathControlGizmoColour; for (int pldIdx = 0; pldIdx < numPathLocationDatas; pldIdx++) { PathLocationData pathLocationData = pathData.pathLocationDataList[pldIdx]; if (pathLocationData != null && pathLocationData.locationData != null && !pathLocationData.locationData.isUnassigned) { float controlHandleSize = sscManager.isAutosizeLocationGizmo ? HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pathLocationData.inControlPoint) * 0.07f : 0.4f; locationPosition = pathLocationData.locationData.position; // Determine how far this Location is from the scene view camera and set the alpha value of the buttons, handles and Control Point lines float sqrDistToCamera = ((svCamPos.x - locationPosition.x) * (svCamPos.x - locationPosition.x)) + ((svCamPos.y - locationPosition.y) * (svCamPos.y - locationPosition.y)) + ((svCamPos.z - locationPosition.z) * (svCamPos.z - locationPosition.z)); float gizmoAlpha = 1f - (sscManager.defaultPathControlGizmoColour.a - 0.1f) * ((sqrDistToCamera - startFadeDistSqr) / maxFadeDistSqr); fadedGizmoColour.a = gizmoAlpha < 0.1f ? 0.1f : gizmoAlpha > 1f ? 1f : gizmoAlpha; using (new Handles.DrawingScope(fadedGizmoColour)) { #region FreeMove Control Handles if (Tools.current == Tool.View) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); #if UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER newControlPoint = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(pathLocationData.inControlPoint, controlHandleSize, controlHandleSnap, Handles.SphereHandleCap); #else newControlPoint = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(pathLocationData.inControlPoint, Quaternion.identity, controlHandleSize, controlHandleSnap, Handles.SphereHandleCap); #endif if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { isSceneDirtyRequired = true; UpdatePathControlPoint(pathLocationData, newControlPoint, true); pathData.isDirty = true; } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); #if UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER newControlPoint = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(pathLocationData.outControlPoint, controlHandleSize, controlHandleSnap, Handles.SphereHandleCap); #else newControlPoint = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(pathLocationData.outControlPoint, Quaternion.identity, controlHandleSize, controlHandleSnap, Handles.SphereHandleCap); #endif if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { isSceneDirtyRequired = true; UpdatePathControlPoint(pathLocationData, newControlPoint, false); pathData.isDirty = true; } } #endregion #region Position Move Control Handles else if (Tools.current == Tool.Move || Tools.current == Tool.Transform) { // If the Location is selected, turn off the control handles // Check if in/out controls are enabled before marking scene dirty. if (pathLocationData.locationData.selectedInSceneView && (pathLocationData.inControlSelectedInSceneView || pathLocationData.outControlSelectedInSceneView)) { pathLocationData.inControlSelectedInSceneView = false; pathLocationData.outControlSelectedInSceneView = false; isSceneDirtyRequired = true; } // If the controls are selected, display the movable Position Handles if (pathLocationData.inControlSelectedInSceneView) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); newControlPoint = Handles.PositionHandle(pathLocationData.inControlPoint, Quaternion.identity); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { isSceneDirtyRequired = true; UpdatePathControlPoint(pathLocationData, newControlPoint, true); pathData.isDirty = true; } } if (pathLocationData.outControlSelectedInSceneView) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); newControlPoint = Handles.PositionHandle(pathLocationData.outControlPoint, Quaternion.identity); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { isSceneDirtyRequired = true; UpdatePathControlPoint(pathLocationData, newControlPoint, false); pathData.isDirty = true; } } // Buttons which let you select or unselect the control points. When selected the above handles appear if (Handles.Button(pathLocationData.inControlPoint, Quaternion.identity, controlHandleSize, controlHandleSize, Handles.SphereHandleCap)) { ToggleControl(pathData, pathLocationData, true); isSceneDirtyRequired = true; } if (Handles.Button(pathLocationData.outControlPoint, Quaternion.identity, controlHandleSize, controlHandleSize, Handles.SphereHandleCap)) { ToggleControl(pathData, pathLocationData, false); isSceneDirtyRequired = true; } } #endregion Handles.DrawLine(pathLocationData.inControlPoint, locationPosition); Handles.DrawLine(pathLocationData.outControlPoint, locationPosition); } #region Display labels if (pathData.showPointNumberLabelsInScene || pathData.showPointNameLabelsInScene || pathData.showDistancesInScene) { // Only show the Point labels if they are enabled in Editor AND infront of the scene view camera // This prevents a ghosted handle being displayed when it is behind the camera. if (SSCUtils.IsPointInCameraView(, locationPosition)) { if (pathData.showPointNameLabelsInScene) { locationName = string.IsNullOrEmpty( ? "no name" :; } // Display Point number and Distance labels if (pathData.showPointNumberLabelsInScene && pathData.showDistancesInScene) { if (pldIdx == 0 && pathData.isClosedCircuit) { Handles.Label(locationPosition + pointLabelOffset, "Pt: " + (pldIdx + 1).ToString("000") + " Distance: 0.00 [Total " + pathLocationData.distanceCumulative.ToString("0.00") + "]", distanceLabel); } else { Handles.Label(locationPosition + pointLabelOffset, "Pt: " + (pldIdx + 1).ToString("000") + " Distance: " + pathLocationData.distanceCumulative.ToString("0.00"), distanceLabel); } } // Display Point name and Distance labels else if (pathData.showPointNameLabelsInScene && pathData.showDistancesInScene) { if (pldIdx == 0 && pathData.isClosedCircuit) { Handles.Label(locationPosition + pointLabelOffset, locationName + " Distance: 0.00 [Total " + pathLocationData.distanceCumulative.ToString("0.00") + "]", distanceLabel); } else { Handles.Label(locationPosition + pointLabelOffset, locationName + " Distance: " + pathLocationData.distanceCumulative.ToString("0.00"), distanceLabel); } } else if (pathData.showPointNumberLabelsInScene) { Handles.Label(locationPosition + pointLabelOffset, "Pt: " + (pldIdx + 1).ToString("000"), distanceLabel); } else if (pathData.showPointNameLabelsInScene) { Handles.Label(locationPosition + pointLabelOffset, locationName, distanceLabel); } // Just display distance else if (pldIdx == 0 && pathData.isClosedCircuit) { Handles.Label(locationPosition + pointLabelOffset, "Distance: 0.00 [" + pathLocationData.distanceCumulative.ToString("0.00") + "]", distanceLabel); } else { Handles.Label(locationPosition + pointLabelOffset, "Distance: " + pathLocationData.distanceCumulative.ToString("0.00"), distanceLabel); } } } #endregion } } } if (pathData != null && pathData.isDirty) { sscManager.RefreshPathDistances(pathData); } } #endregion Edit Tangent Control Points for Active Path in the scene } #endregion if (isSceneDirtyRequired && !Application.isPlaying) { isSceneDirtyRequired = false; EditorSceneManager.MarkSceneDirty(EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene()); } } else { // Always unhide Unity tools and deselect all Locations when the object is disabled Tools.hidden = false; SelectAllLocations(false, true); } } /// /// When Control Points can be manipulated with Position Handles, they need to be selected from /// a button. When they are selected, all other Control points (and positions) on the Path should be unselected. /// /// /// /// private void ToggleControl(PathData pathData, PathLocationData controlPathLocationData, bool isInControl) { if (pathData != null && controlPathLocationData != null) { int numPathLocationDatas = pathData.pathLocationDataList == null ? 0 : pathData.pathLocationDataList.Count; bool isSelected = false; // Toggle the InControl Point selection if (isInControl) { controlPathLocationData.inControlSelectedInSceneView = !controlPathLocationData.inControlSelectedInSceneView; if (controlPathLocationData.inControlSelectedInSceneView) { controlPathLocationData.outControlSelectedInSceneView = false; controlPathLocationData.locationData.selectedInSceneView = false; isSelected = true; } } // Toggle the OutControl Point selection else { controlPathLocationData.outControlSelectedInSceneView = !controlPathLocationData.outControlSelectedInSceneView; if (controlPathLocationData.outControlSelectedInSceneView) { controlPathLocationData.inControlSelectedInSceneView = false; controlPathLocationData.locationData.selectedInSceneView = false; isSelected = true; } } // Only unselect all other positions and Control points if the current Control point has been selected for (int pldIdx = 0; isSelected && pldIdx < numPathLocationDatas; pldIdx++) { PathLocationData pathLocationData = pathData.pathLocationDataList[pldIdx]; // Skip the current Control point being toggled if (pathLocationData != null && pathLocationData.guidHash != controlPathLocationData.guidHash) { // Unselect all other Control points pathLocationData.inControlSelectedInSceneView = false; pathLocationData.outControlSelectedInSceneView = false; // Added SSC v1.06. Unselect Location too if (pathLocationData.locationData != null) { pathLocationData.locationData.selectedInSceneView = false; } } } } } /// /// Toggle the selected status of list of filtered Locations based on the first item. /// /// /// private void ToggleSelectList(SerializedProperty listProp, string searchFilter) { if (listProp != null) { int numInList = listProp.arraySize; bool isFirstItem = true; bool isSelected = false; for (int idx = 0; idx < numInList; idx++) { SerializedProperty itemProp = listProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(idx); if (itemProp != null) { SerializedProperty nameProp = itemProp.FindPropertyRelative("name"); if (!SSCEditorHelper.IsInSearchFilter(nameProp, searchFilter)) { continue; } SerializedProperty isSelectedProp = itemProp.FindPropertyRelative("selectedInSceneView"); // Get the selction status of the first item in the list if (isFirstItem) { isSelected = isSelectedProp.boolValue; isFirstItem = false; } // Set selectedInSceneView to the toggled value based on the first item in the list isSelectedProp.boolValue = !isSelected; } } } } /// /// Select or Deselect all Locations in the scene view edit mode. /// If unHideUnityTools is false, Tools are not changed. If you want to hide the Unity Tools, /// then it must be done outside this method. /// /// private void SelectAllLocations(bool isSelected, bool unHideUnityTools) { // Avoid situation where sscmanager is destroyed in play mode while it is selected. if (sscManager != null) { int numLocations = sscManager.locationDataList == null ? 0 : sscManager.locationDataList.Count; LocationData locationData = null; for (int idx = 0; idx < numLocations; idx++) { locationData = sscManager.locationDataList[idx]; if (locationData != null) { locationData.selectedInSceneView = isSelected; } } // Added SSC v1.0.6 if (!isSelected) { PathData activePath = numLocations > 0 ? sscManager.GetPath(sscManager.pathDataActiveGUIDHash) : null; DeselectAllControlPoints(activePath); } } // Unhide Unity tools if (unHideUnityTools) { Tools.hidden = false; } } /// /// Deselect all Control Points on a given Path /// /// private static void DeselectAllControlPoints(PathData pathData) { if (pathData != null) { int numPathLocationDatas = pathData.pathLocationDataList == null ? 0 : pathData.pathLocationDataList.Count; for (int pldIdx = 0; pldIdx < numPathLocationDatas; pldIdx++) { PathLocationData pathLocationData = pathData.pathLocationDataList[pldIdx]; if (pathLocationData != null) { // Unselect all other Control points pathLocationData.inControlSelectedInSceneView = false; pathLocationData.outControlSelectedInSceneView = false; } } } } /// /// Select or unselect all the Locations in a Path. /// Always unselect in/out Controls for a valid Path Location /// /// /// private void SelectPathLocations(PathData pathData, bool isSelected) { if (sscManager != null && pathData != null) { int numLocations = pathData.pathLocationDataList == null ? 0 : pathData.pathLocationDataList.Count; PathLocationData pathLocationData = null; LocationData locationData = null; for (int idx = 0; idx < numLocations; idx++) { pathLocationData = pathData.pathLocationDataList[idx]; locationData = pathLocationData == null ? null : pathLocationData.locationData; if (locationData != null) { locationData.selectedInSceneView = isSelected; pathLocationData.inControlSelectedInSceneView = false; pathLocationData.outControlSelectedInSceneView = false; } } } } /// /// Expand or collapse all locations within the list. /// If it is a list of Paths, always collapse the Locations in the Path /// /// /// private void ExpandList(SerializedProperty listProp, bool isExpanded) { if (listProp != null) { int numInList = listProp.arraySize; for (int idx = 0; idx < numInList; idx++) { SerializedProperty itemProp = listProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(idx); if (itemProp != null) { // Locations and Paths have the same showInEditor field. SerializedProperty showInEditorProp = itemProp.FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor"); if (showInEditorProp != null) { showInEditorProp.boolValue = isExpanded; } // If this is Path, then it will have a field to show or hide Locations SerializedProperty showLocationsInEditorProp = itemProp.FindPropertyRelative("showLocationsInEditor"); if (showLocationsInEditorProp != null) { showLocationsInEditorProp.boolValue = false; } } } } } /// /// Expand or collapse all locations within the list /// /// /// private void ExpandList(List locationDataList, bool isExpanded) { int numInList = locationDataList == null ? 0 : locationDataList.Count; for (int idx = 0; idx < numInList; idx++) { LocationData locationData = locationDataList[idx]; if (locationData != null) { locationData.showInEditor = isExpanded; } } } /// /// Toggle all items in the list based on the value of showGizmosInSceneView for the first item. /// /// private void ToggleGizmos(SerializedProperty listProp) { if (listProp != null) { int numInList = listProp.arraySize; if (numInList > 0) { // Examine the first item in the list SerializedProperty itemProp = listProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0); if (itemProp != null) { SerializedProperty showGizmosInSceneViewProp = itemProp.FindPropertyRelative("showGizmosInSceneView"); if (showGizmosInSceneViewProp != null) { bool showGizmos = showGizmosInSceneViewProp.boolValue; for (int idx = 0; idx < numInList; idx++) { itemProp = listProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(idx); if (itemProp != null) { showGizmosInSceneViewProp = itemProp.FindPropertyRelative("showGizmosInSceneView"); if (showGizmosInSceneViewProp != null) { showGizmosInSceneViewProp.boolValue = !showGizmos; } } } } } } } } /// /// Delete all selected Locations. Also removes them from an Paths. /// Prompts user for confirmation. /// private void DeleteSelectedLocations() { if (SSCEditorHelper.PromptForDelete("Delete Locations?", "Do you want to delete ALL selected Locations in the scene?\n\nThis will also remove them from any Paths")) { sscManager.DeleteSelectedLocations(true); } } /// /// Given a location, remove it from all paths in the list supplied. /// /// /// private void DeleteLocationFromPaths(SerializedProperty pathListProp, int locationGUIDHash, bool refreshPath) { if (pathListProp != null) { // Loop through all the paths int numPathsInList = pathListProp.arraySize; bool isPathAffected = false; for (int idx = 0; idx < numPathsInList; idx++) { // Get the Path SerializedProperty _pathProp = pathListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(idx); if (_pathProp != null) { // Get the list of Location slots in the Path SerializedProperty _pathLocationDataListProp = _pathProp.FindPropertyRelative("pathLocationDataList"); if (_pathLocationDataListProp != null) { isPathAffected = false; // Loop backwards through all the PathLocationData instances in the Path for (int lIdx = _pathLocationDataListProp.arraySize - 1; lIdx >= 0; lIdx--) { // Get the PathLocationData instance SerializedProperty _pathLocationDataProp = _pathLocationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(lIdx); if (_pathLocationDataProp != null) { SerializedProperty _locationDataProp = _pathLocationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("locationData"); if (_locationDataProp != null) { SerializedProperty _locGUIDHashProp = _locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("guidHash"); // If we find a match, remove the Location from the Path if (_locGUIDHashProp != null && _locGUIDHashProp.intValue == locationGUIDHash) { _pathLocationDataListProp.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(lIdx); isPathAffected = true; } } } } if (isPathAffected) { serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); PathData _pathData = sscManager.GetPath(_pathProp.FindPropertyRelative("guidHash").intValue); if (_pathData != null) { if (refreshPath) { sscManager.RefreshPathDistances(_pathData); } else { _pathData.isDirty = true; } } serializedObject.Update(); } } } } } } /// /// When the Location and Path Location lists are updated, especially during an Undo /// operation, the connect between the Location in the Path and the Location in the /// Location list can be lost. The method checks for and fixings that issue. /// private void VerifyPathConnections() { if (sscManager != null) { bool isConnected = false; bool isCheckConnection = true; // Used to check the first item for broken connection bool isUpdated = false; // Loop through all the paths int numPathsInList = sscManager.pathDataList == null ? 0 : sscManager.pathDataList.Count; for (int idx = 0; !isConnected && idx < numPathsInList; idx++) { PathData _pathData = sscManager.pathDataList[idx]; if (_pathData != null) { List _pathLocationList = _pathData.pathLocationDataList; int numLocationsInList = _pathLocationList == null ? 0 : _pathLocationList.Count; // Loop through all the locations in the Path for (int lIdx = 0; lIdx < numLocationsInList; lIdx++) { // Get the location within the Path PathLocationData _pathLocation = _pathLocationList[lIdx]; if (_pathLocation != null) { // Get the guidHash code for the location within the Path // Lookup the Location in the full Location list (not the location list in the Path) LocationData locationDataToAssign = sscManager.locationDataList.Find(l => l.guidHash == _pathLocation.locationData.guidHash); // Only examine assigned slots if (locationDataToAssign != null) { // Checked and confirmed that first location needs reconnecting. if (isCheckConnection) { // Only do the check once isCheckConnection = false; // Is first item check, connected? if (_pathLocation.locationData == locationDataToAssign) { // Assume all are connected isConnected = true; //Debug.Log("[DEBUG] " + + " is connected"); break; } } if (!isConnected) { // If this is the first item to be reconnected, make the sscManager object as dirty in the scene if (!isUpdated) { Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Update Path Connections"); isUpdated = true; } // Reconnect Path Location with the instance in the Location list //Debug.Log("[DEBUG] reconnecting " + + " " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup); _pathLocationList[lIdx].locationData = locationDataToAssign; } } } } } } } } /// /// Update the position of an in or out control point. Then reflect this position for the other corresponding in/out control point. /// /// /// /// private void UpdatePathControlPoint(PathLocationData pathLocationData, Vector3 newControlPoint, bool isInControl) { Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, isInControl ? "Change In Control Point" : "Change Out Control Point"); Vector3 wsPosition = pathLocationData.locationData.position; if (isInControl) { pathLocationData.inControlPoint = newControlPoint; pathLocationData.outControlPoint = wsPosition + ((wsPosition - newControlPoint).normalized * (wsPosition - pathLocationData.outControlPoint).magnitude); } else { pathLocationData.outControlPoint = newControlPoint; pathLocationData.inControlPoint = wsPosition + ((wsPosition - newControlPoint).normalized * (wsPosition - pathLocationData.inControlPoint).magnitude); } } /// /// Set the control point Y-axis value to the same as the Location /// for the selected Locations on the Path. /// /// private void SetPathControlPointsY(PathData pathData) { int numPathLocationSlots = pathData == null || pathData.pathLocationDataList == null ? 0 : pathData.pathLocationDataList.Count; if (numPathLocationSlots > 0) { Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Set Control Points Y"); for (int plIdx = 0; plIdx < numPathLocationSlots; plIdx++) { PathLocationData pathLocationData = pathData.pathLocationDataList[plIdx]; if (pathLocationData != null && pathLocationData.locationData != null && !pathLocationData.locationData.isUnassigned && pathLocationData.locationData.selectedInSceneView) { Vector3 wsPosition = pathLocationData.locationData.position; Vector3 newControlPoint = pathLocationData.inControlPoint; newControlPoint.y = wsPosition.y; pathLocationData.inControlPoint = newControlPoint; pathLocationData.outControlPoint = wsPosition + ((wsPosition - newControlPoint).normalized * (wsPosition - pathLocationData.outControlPoint).magnitude); } } sscManager.RefreshPathDistances(pathData); } } /// /// Dropdown menu callback method used when a location is selected for a path /// /// private void UpdatePathLocation(object obj) { // The menu data is passed as 3 integers in a Vector3Int // as Path guidHash, path Location LocationData guidHash, and the selected Location guidHash // which is being assigned to the location slot on the path. if (obj != null && obj.GetType() == typeof(Vector3Int)) { Vector3Int objData = (Vector3Int)obj; if (sscManager != null && sscManager.pathDataList != null) { // Find the path PathData pathData = sscManager.pathDataList.Find(p => p.guidHash == objData.x); if (pathData != null) { // Look up the guidHash of the LocationData within the PathLocationData (not the hash of the PathLocationData itself) int pathLocIdx = pathData.pathLocationDataList.FindIndex(l => l.locationData.guidHash == objData.y); LocationData locationDataToAssign = sscManager.locationDataList.Find(l => l.guidHash == objData.z); // Replace this existing location reference with a reference to the one being assigned if (pathLocIdx >= 0 && pathLocIdx < pathData.pathLocationDataList.Count) { Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Assign Location to Path"); pathData.pathLocationDataList[pathLocIdx].locationData = locationDataToAssign; // Reset distances to force a new estimated distance // See ssManager.CalcPathSegments(..) for more details. pathData.pathLocationDataList[pathLocIdx].distanceFromPreviousLocation = 0f; pathData.pathLocationDataList[pathLocIdx].distanceCumulative = 0f; // Set the default tangent control points pathData.pathLocationDataList[pathLocIdx].inControlPoint = locationDataToAssign.position + Vector3.left; pathData.pathLocationDataList[pathLocIdx].outControlPoint = locationDataToAssign.position + Vector3.right; sscManager.RefreshPathDistances(pathData); } } } } } /// /// Zoom to the extent of the selected locations or the current active path /// /// /// /// private void ZoomExtent(SceneView sceneView, bool zoomActivePath, PathData pathData) { if (sceneView != null && sscManager != null) { Camera svCamera =; if (svCamera != null) { List zoomLocations = null; if (zoomActivePath) { // Get all the assigned Locations on the active Path int numPathLocationSlots = pathData == null || pathData.pathLocationDataList == null ? 0 : pathData.pathLocationDataList.Count; if (numPathLocationSlots > 0) { zoomLocations = new List(numPathLocationSlots); } for (int plIdx = 0; plIdx < numPathLocationSlots; plIdx++) { PathLocationData pathLocationData = pathData.pathLocationDataList[plIdx]; if (pathLocationData.locationData != null && !pathLocationData.locationData.isUnassigned) { zoomLocations.Add(pathLocationData.locationData); } } } else { // Get selected locations zoomLocations = sscManager.locationDataList.FindAll(l => l.selectedInSceneView == true); } int numSelected = zoomLocations == null ? 0 : zoomLocations.Count; if (numSelected > 0) { // calculate the bounds of the Locations Bounds selectedBounds = new Bounds(); for (int locIdx = 0; locIdx < numSelected; locIdx++) { // Override the 0,0,0 default centre of an empty Bounds struct. if (locIdx == 0) { = zoomLocations[locIdx].position; } selectedBounds.Encapsulate(zoomLocations[locIdx].position); } float size = Mathf.Abs(selectedBounds.size.x); sceneView.size = size < sscManager.findZoomDistance ? sscManager.findZoomDistance : size; // Place the scene view camera 8m above the position of the Location Vector3 pivotPosition = selectedBounds.min; // Raise scene view camera 25% of the height above the selected points pivotPosition.y = selectedBounds.max.y + (selectedBounds.extents.y * 1.25f); // Move the scene view camera 20% of the distance infront of the selected points pivotPosition.z -= selectedBounds.extents.z * 0.2f; sceneView.pivot = pivotPosition; //sceneView.LookAt(, Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f)); sceneView.LookAt(; //SSCEditorHelper.PositionSceneView(pos, size, GetType()); } } } } #endregion #region OnInspectorGUI // This function overides what is normally seen in the inspector window // This allows stuff like buttons to be drawn there public override void OnInspectorGUI() { #region Initialise EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = defaultEditorLabelWidth; EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = defaultEditorFieldWidth; // BUG - this is currently preventing selection of Locations AND moving them in list VerifyPathConnections(); #endregion #region Configure Buttons and Styles // Set up rich text GUIStyles if (helpBoxRichText == null) { helpBoxRichText = new GUIStyle("HelpBox"); helpBoxRichText.richText = true; } if (labelFieldRichText == null) { labelFieldRichText = new GUIStyle("Label"); labelFieldRichText.richText = true; } if (buttonCompact == null) { buttonCompact = new GUIStyle("Button"); buttonCompact.fontSize = 10; } if (buttonCompactBoldBlue == null) { buttonCompactBoldBlue = new GUIStyle("Button"); buttonCompactBoldBlue.fontSize = 10; buttonCompactBoldBlue.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; buttonCompactBoldBlue.normal.textColor =; } if (foldoutStyleNoLabel == null) { // When using a no-label foldout, don't forget to set the global // EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth to a small value like 15, then back // to the original afterward. foldoutStyleNoLabel = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout); foldoutStyleNoLabel.fixedWidth = 0.01f; } // Set up the toggle buttons styles if (toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal == null) { // Create a new button or else will effect the Button style for other buttons too toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal = new GUIStyle("Button"); toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal.fontSize = 10; toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled = new GUIStyle(toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal); toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal; toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled.normal.background =; } if (searchTextFieldStyle == null) { searchTextFieldStyle = new GUIStyle("ToolbarSeachTextField")); searchTextFieldStyle.stretchHeight = false; searchTextFieldStyle.stretchWidth = false; searchTextFieldStyle.fontSize = 10; searchTextFieldStyle.fixedHeight = 16f; searchTextFieldStyle.fixedWidth = defaultSearchTextFieldWidth; } if (searchCancelButtonStyle == null) { searchCancelButtonStyle = new GUIStyle("ToolbarSeachCancelButton")); } #endregion // Read in all the properties serializedObject.Update(); #region Header GUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Sci-Fi Ship Controller Version " + ShipControlModule.SSCVersion + " " + ShipControlModule.SSCBetaVersion, labelFieldRichText); GUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(headerContent, helpBoxRichText); #endregion #region Debug Mode // Place above Locations etc so it is not affected by ScrollView when not many Locations. EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); isDebuggingEnabled = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(debugModeContent, isDebuggingEnabled); if (isDebuggingEnabled && sscManager != null) { #region Projectiles EditorGUILayout.LabelField(projectileHeaderContent, labelFieldRichText); // Display the size of the current pool for projectiles that use pooling projectileTemplatesList = sscManager.ProjectileTemplatesList; int numProjectileTemplates = projectileTemplatesList == null ? 0 : projectileTemplatesList.Count; if (numProjectileTemplates > 0) { foreach (ProjectileTemplate projectileTemplate in projectileTemplatesList) { if (projectileTemplate.projectilePrefab != null) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(; if (projectileTemplate.projectilePrefab.usePooling) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(projectilePoolingContent, labelFieldRichText, GUILayout.Width(defaultEditorLabelWidth)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(projectileTemplate.currentPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(40f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(minmaxPoolSizeContent, GUILayout.MaxWidth(55f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(projectileTemplate.projectilePrefab.minPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(32f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(projectileTemplate.projectilePrefab.maxPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(defaultEditorFieldWidth)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else if (projectileTemplate.projectilePrefab.useECS) { #if SSC_ENTITIES EditorGUILayout.LabelField(projectileDOTSContent); #else EditorGUILayout.LabelField(projectileDOTSNotAvailableContent); #endif } } } } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(noneWithPoolingContent, labelFieldRichText); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); #endregion #region Beams EditorGUILayout.LabelField(beamHeaderContent, labelFieldRichText); // Display the size of the current pool for beams that use pooling beamTemplateList = sscManager.BeamTemplatesList; int numBeamTemplates = beamTemplateList == null ? 0 : beamTemplateList.Count; if (numBeamTemplates > 0) { foreach (BeamTemplate beamTemplate in beamTemplateList) { if (beamTemplate.beamPrefab != null && beamTemplate.beamPrefab.usePooling) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(beamPoolingContent, labelFieldRichText, GUILayout.Width(defaultEditorLabelWidth)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(beamTemplate.currentPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(40f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(minmaxPoolSizeContent, GUILayout.MaxWidth(55f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(beamTemplate.beamPrefab.minPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(32f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(beamTemplate.beamPrefab.maxPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(defaultEditorFieldWidth)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(noneWithPoolingContent, labelFieldRichText); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); #endregion #region Destructs EditorGUILayout.LabelField(destructHeaderContent, labelFieldRichText); // Display the size of the current pool for destructs that use pooling destructTemplateList = sscManager.DestructTemplatesList; int numDestructTemplates = destructTemplateList == null ? 0 : destructTemplateList.Count; if (numDestructTemplates > 0) { foreach (DestructTemplate destructTemplate in destructTemplateList) { if (destructTemplate.destructPrefab != null && destructTemplate.destructPrefab.usePooling) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(destructPoolingContent, labelFieldRichText, GUILayout.Width(defaultEditorLabelWidth)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(destructTemplate.currentPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(40f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(minmaxPoolSizeContent, GUILayout.MaxWidth(55f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(destructTemplate.destructPrefab.minPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(32f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(destructTemplate.destructPrefab.maxPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(defaultEditorFieldWidth)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(noneWithPoolingContent, labelFieldRichText); } EditorGUILayout.Space(); #endregion #region Effects EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(effectsHeaderContent, labelFieldRichText); // Display the size of the current pool for effects that use pooling effectsObjectTemplatesList = sscManager.EffectsObjectTemplatesList; int numEffectObjectTemplates = effectsObjectTemplatesList == null ? 0 : effectsObjectTemplatesList.Count; if (numEffectObjectTemplates > 0) { foreach (EffectsObjectTemplate effectsObjectTemplate in effectsObjectTemplatesList) { if (effectsObjectTemplate.effectsObjectPrefab != null && effectsObjectTemplate.effectsObjectPrefab.usePooling) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(effectsPoolingContent, labelFieldRichText, GUILayout.Width(defaultEditorLabelWidth)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(effectsObjectTemplate.currentPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(40f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(minmaxPoolSizeContent, GUILayout.MaxWidth(55f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(effectsObjectTemplate.effectsObjectPrefab.minPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(32f)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(effectsObjectTemplate.effectsObjectPrefab.maxPoolSize.ToString("0000"), GUILayout.MaxWidth(defaultEditorFieldWidth)); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } else { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(noneWithPoolingContent, labelFieldRichText); } #endregion } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); #endregion #region Help Toolbar GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(SSCEditorHelper.btnTxtGetSupport, buttonCompact)) { Application.OpenURL(SSCEditorHelper.urlGetSupport); } if (GUILayout.Button(SSCEditorHelper.btnDiscordContent, buttonCompact)) { Application.OpenURL(SSCEditorHelper.urlDiscordChannel); } if (GUILayout.Button(SSCEditorHelper.btnHelpContent, buttonCompact)) { Application.OpenURL(sscHelpPDF); } if (GUILayout.Button(SSCEditorHelper.tutorialsURLContent, buttonCompact)) { Application.OpenURL(SSCEditorHelper.urlTutorials); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endregion #region Grid Tab control //selectedTabInt = -1; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); selectedTabInt = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(selectedTabInt, tabTexts, 3, EditorStyles.toolbarButton); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { GUI.FocusControl(null); } #endregion #region Locations Tab if (selectedTabInt == 0) { if (sscManager.locationDataList == null) { // Apply property changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); sscManager.locationDataList = new List(5); // Read in the properties serializedObject.Update(); } EditorGUILayout.LabelField(locationHeaderContent, helpBoxRichText); // Reset button variables locationDataMoveDownPos = -1; locationDataInsertPos = -1; locationDataDeletePos = -1; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); #region Gizmos-Add-Remove Location Buttons numLocations = locationDataListProp.arraySize; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1; EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 15f; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); isLocationDataListExpandedProp.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(isLocationDataListExpandedProp.boolValue, "", foldoutStyleNoLabel); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { ExpandList(locationDataListProp, isLocationDataListExpandedProp.boolValue); } EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1; EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = defaultEditorFieldWidth; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Locations: " + numFilteredLocations + " of " + numLocations + "", labelFieldRichText); if (numLocations > 0) { if (GUILayout.Button(gizmoToggleBtnContent, GUILayout.MaxWidth(22f))) { ToggleGizmos(locationDataListProp); } } if (GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayout.MaxWidth(30f))) { // Apply property changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Add Location"); sscManager.locationDataList.Add(new LocationData()); // Read in the properties serializedObject.Update(); numLocations = locationDataListProp.arraySize; if (numLocations > 0) { // Force new location to be serialized in scene locationDataProp = locationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(numLocations - 1); locationDataShowInEditorProp = locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor"); locationDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = !locationDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue; // Show the new location locationDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = true; // Select new Locations to make them more visible to user locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("selectedInSceneView").boolValue = true; locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("name").stringValue = "new location " + numLocations.ToString(); } SceneView.RepaintAll(); } if (GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayout.MaxWidth(30f))) { if (numLocations > 0) { // Get the last location in the list locationDataProp = locationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(locationDataListProp.arraySize - 1); // Perform the delete in one place so that we can clean up the paths too. locationDataDeletePos = locationDataListProp.arraySize - 1; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endregion #region Location Search Filter and filtering buttons GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(2f)); GUILayout.Label(filterContent, labelFieldRichText, GUILayout.Width(50f)); if (sscManager.editorSearchLocationFilter == null) { sscManager.editorSearchLocationFilter = string.Empty; } sscManager.editorSearchLocationFilter = GUILayout.TextField(sscManager.editorSearchLocationFilter, searchTextFieldStyle); // Sometimes the search text is reverse search almost seems invisible (small search icon and cancel cannot be seen) // Not sure how this occurs. if (GUILayout.Button("", searchCancelButtonStyle)) { sscManager.editorSearchLocationFilter = string.Empty; GUI.FocusControl(null); } // Force buttons to be right justified GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 1f); // Toggle selection based on the first filtered one in the list if (GUILayout.Button(selectBtnContent, buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) { ToggleSelectList(locationDataListProp, sscManager.editorSearchLocationFilter); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Provide space between previous controls and next ones GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 3f); #endregion #region General Location Settings GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(2f)); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(locationDefaultNormalOffsetProp, locationDefaultNormalOffsetContent); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endregion EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); #region Location List numLocations = locationDataListProp.arraySize; numFilteredLocations = 0; locationScrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(locationScrollPosition); for (int idx = 0; idx < numLocations; idx++) { #region Get Location Properties (fields) and Filter if required locationDataProp = locationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(idx); locationDataNameProp = locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("name"); // BUG: Debug Mode appear significantly below the end of the location list. // This is due to the use of BeginScrollView which seems to have a minimum height/view area. // Check if the list of Locations is being filtered. Ignore Locations not in the filter if (!SSCEditorHelper.IsInSearchFilter(locationDataNameProp, sscManager.editorSearchLocationFilter)) { continue; } numFilteredLocations++; locationDataPositionProp = locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("position"); locationDataShowInEditorProp = locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor"); locationDataShowGizmosInSceneViewProp = locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("showGizmosInSceneView"); locationDataSelectedProp = locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("selectedInSceneView"); #endregion EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); #region Location Find/Gizmos/Move/Insert/Delete buttons EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1; // A Foldout with no label must have a style fixedWidth of low non-zero value, and have a small (global) fieldWidth. EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 15f; locationDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(locationDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue, GUIContent.none, foldoutStyleNoLabel); EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = defaultEditorFieldWidth; EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(locationDataSelectedProp, GUIContent.none, GUILayout.Width(15f)); GUILayout.Label((idx + 1).ToString("0000") + " " + locationDataNameProp.stringValue, GUILayout.MaxWidth(125f)); // Force remaining buttons to be right justified GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 1f); if (locationDataShowGizmosInSceneViewProp.boolValue) { if (GUILayout.Button(findBtnContent, buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) { // Move the scene view camera to the selected point SSCEditorHelper.PositionSceneView(locationDataPositionProp.vector3Value, sscManager.findZoomDistance, this.GetType()); } } // Show Gizmos button if (locationDataShowGizmosInSceneViewProp.boolValue) { if (GUILayout.Button(gizmoBtnContent, toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled, GUILayout.MaxWidth(22f))) { locationDataShowGizmosInSceneViewProp.boolValue = false; } } else { if (GUILayout.Button(gizmoBtnContent, toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal, GUILayout.MaxWidth(22f))) { locationDataShowGizmosInSceneViewProp.boolValue = true; } } // Move down button if (GUILayout.Button("V", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f)) && numLocations > 1) { locationDataMoveDownPos = idx; } // Create duplicate button if (GUILayout.Button("I", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) { locationDataInsertPos = idx; } // Delete button if (GUILayout.Button("X", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) { locationDataDeletePos = idx; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endregion if (locationDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(locationDataNameProp, locationDataNameContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(locationDataPositionProp, locationDataPositionContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("isRadarEnabled"), locationDataIsRadarEnabledContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("radarBlipSize"), locationDataRadarBlipSizedContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(locationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("factionId"), locationDataFactionIdContent); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); #endregion Location List #region Move/Remove/Insert Locations if (locationDataDeletePos >= 0 || locationDataInsertPos >= 0 || locationDataMoveDownPos >= 0) { GUI.FocusControl(null); // Don't permit multiple operations in the same pass if (locationDataMoveDownPos >= 0) { // Update lists directly rather than using MoveArrayElement to avoid issues with // the Locations within each Path. serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Move Location in List"); LocationData moveLocationData = sscManager.locationDataList[locationDataMoveDownPos]; if (locationDataMoveDownPos < locationDataListProp.arraySize - 1) { sscManager.locationDataList.RemoveAt(locationDataMoveDownPos); sscManager.locationDataList.Insert(locationDataMoveDownPos + 1, moveLocationData); } else { sscManager.locationDataList.Insert(0, moveLocationData); sscManager.locationDataList.RemoveAt(sscManager.locationDataList.Count - 1); } serializedObject.Update(); locationDataMoveDownPos = -1; } else if (locationDataInsertPos >= 0) { // Apply property changes before potential list changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); sscManager.locationDataList.Insert(locationDataInsertPos, new LocationData(sscManager.locationDataList[locationDataInsertPos])); serializedObject.Update(); // Hide original locationData and unselect it locationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(locationDataInsertPos + 1).FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor").boolValue = false; locationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(locationDataInsertPos + 1).FindPropertyRelative("selectedInSceneView").boolValue = false; locationDataShowInEditorProp = locationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(locationDataInsertPos).FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor"); // Update Location with a unique hashcode locationDataGUIDHashProp = locationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(locationDataInsertPos).FindPropertyRelative("guidHash"); locationDataGUIDHashProp.intValue = SSCMath.GetHashCodeFromGuid(); locationDataNameProp = locationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(locationDataInsertPos).FindPropertyRelative("name"); locationDataNameProp.stringValue += " (dup)"; // Force new locationData to be serialized in scene locationDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = !locationDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue; // Show inserted duplicate locationData locationDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = true; locationDataInsertPos = -1; } else if (locationDataDeletePos >= 0) { // In U2019.4+ DisplayDialog seems to trigger another OnInspectorGUI() and locationDataDeletePos is reset to -1. int _deleteIndex = locationDataDeletePos; if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete Location " + (_deleteIndex + 1) + "?", "Location " + (_deleteIndex + 1) + " will be deleted\n\nThis action will remove the location from the list and all the paths.", "Delete Now", "Cancel")) { DeleteLocationFromPaths(pathDataListProp, locationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(_deleteIndex).FindPropertyRelative("guidHash").intValue, true); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Delete Location"); sscManager.locationDataList.RemoveAt(_deleteIndex); serializedObject.Update(); } locationDataDeletePos = -1; } SceneView.RepaintAll(); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } #endregion } #endregion Locations Tab #region Paths Tab else if (selectedTabInt == 1) { if (sscManager.pathDataList == null) { // Apply property changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); sscManager.pathDataList = new List(5); // Read in the properties serializedObject.Update(); } EditorGUILayout.LabelField(pathDataHeaderContent, helpBoxRichText); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); #region Add-Remove-Import Path Buttons numPaths = pathDataListProp.arraySize; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // Indent the Foldout 7px GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(7f)); // Give a 2px gap between Foldout and Label EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 2f; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); isPathDataListExpandedProp.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(isPathDataListExpandedProp.boolValue, "", foldoutStyleNoLabel); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { ExpandList(pathDataListProp, isPathDataListExpandedProp.boolValue); } EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = defaultEditorFieldWidth; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Paths: " + numFilteredPaths + " of " + numPaths + "", labelFieldRichText); if (GUILayout.Button(pathDataImportJsonContent, GUILayout.MaxWidth(65f))) { string importPath = string.Empty, importFileName = string.Empty; if (SSCEditorHelper.GetFilePathFromUser("Import Path Data", SSCSetup.sscFolder, new string[] { "JSON", "json" }, false, ref importPath, ref importFileName)) { PathData importedPathData = SSCManager.ImportPathDataFromJson(importPath, importFileName); if (importedPathData != null) { serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Import Path"); // Check to see if Locations already exist numPathLocations = importedPathData.pathLocationDataList == null ? 0 : importedPathData.pathLocationDataList.Count; for (int pathLocIdx = 0; pathLocIdx < numPathLocations; pathLocIdx++) { PathLocationData pathLocationData = importedPathData.pathLocationDataList[pathLocIdx]; if (pathLocationData != null) { // If the Location already exists, re-link it to the imported Path LocationData existingLocationData = sscManager.locationDataList.Find(loc => loc.guidHash == pathLocationData.locationData.guidHash); if (existingLocationData != null) { pathLocationData.locationData = existingLocationData; } else { // Create new Locations for ones that don't already exist sscManager.locationDataList.Add(pathLocationData.locationData); } } } sscManager.pathDataList.Add(importedPathData); serializedObject.Update(); } } } if (numPaths > 0) { if (GUILayout.Button(gizmoToggleBtnContent, GUILayout.MaxWidth(22f))) { ToggleGizmos(pathDataListProp); } } if (GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayout.MaxWidth(30f))) { // Apply property changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); GUI.FocusControl(null); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Add Path"); sscManager.pathDataList.Add(new PathData() { locationDefaultNormalOffset = sscManager.locationDefaultNormalOffset }); // Read in the properties serializedObject.Update(); numPaths = pathDataListProp.arraySize; if (numPaths > 0) { // Force new path to be serialized in scene pathDataProp = pathDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(numPaths - 1); pathDataShowInEditorProp = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor"); pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = !pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue; // Show the new path pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = true; // Make it the active path pathDataActiveGUIDHashProp.intValue = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("guidHash").intValue; } SceneView.RepaintAll(); } if (GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayout.MaxWidth(30f))) { if (numPaths > 0) { // Get the last path in the list pathDataProp = pathDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(pathDataListProp.arraySize - 1); if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete Path?", "Do you wish to delete Path " + (pathDataListProp.arraySize).ToString("00") + "?", "Delete Now", "Cancel")) { GUI.FocusControl(null); pathDataListProp.arraySize -= 1; serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); } GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endregion #region Path Search Filter and filtering buttons GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(2f)); GUILayout.Label(filterContent, labelFieldRichText, GUILayout.Width(50f)); if (sscManager.editorSearchPathFilter == null) { sscManager.editorSearchPathFilter = string.Empty; } sscManager.editorSearchPathFilter = GUILayout.TextField(sscManager.editorSearchPathFilter, searchTextFieldStyle); // Sometimes the search text is reverse search almost seems invisible (small search icon and cancel cannot be seen) // Not sure how this occurs. if (GUILayout.Button("", searchCancelButtonStyle)) { sscManager.editorSearchPathFilter = string.Empty; GUI.FocusControl(null); } //// Force buttons to be right justified //GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 1f); //// Toggle selection based on the first filtered one in the list //if (GUILayout.Button(selectBtnContent, buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) //{ // ToggleSelectList(pathDataListProp, sscManager.editorSearchPathFilter); //} GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // Provide space between previous controls and next ones GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 3f); #endregion EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); #region Path List // Reset Path button variables pathDataMoveDownPos = -1; pathDataInsertPos = -1; pathDataDeletePos = -1; numPaths = pathDataListProp.arraySize; numFilteredPaths = 0; for (int pathIdx = 0; pathIdx < numPaths; pathIdx++) { #region Get Path Properties and Filter if required pathDataProp = pathDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(pathIdx); pathDataNameProp = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("name"); // Check if the list of Paths is being filtered. Ignore Locations not in the filter if (!SSCEditorHelper.IsInSearchFilter(pathDataNameProp, sscManager.editorSearchPathFilter)) { continue; } numFilteredPaths++; pathDataGUIDHashProp = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("guidHash"); pathDataShowInEditorProp = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor"); pathDataShowLocationsInEditorProp = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("showLocationsInEditor"); pathDataShowInSceneViewProp = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("showGizmosInSceneView"); pathDataIsClosedCircuitProp = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("isClosedCircuit"); pathDataLineColourProp = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("pathLineColour"); pathDataShowNumberLabelsProp = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("showPointNumberLabelsInScene"); pathDataShowNameLabelsProp = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("showPointNameLabelsInScene"); #endregion GUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); #region Path Active/Move/Insert/Delete buttons GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(7f)); pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue, (pathIdx + 1).ToString("000") + " " + pathDataNameProp.stringValue); #region Active Path // Bold the "A" text on the button if this is the active layer if (GUILayout.Button(pathDataActiveContent, pathDataActiveGUIDHashProp.intValue == pathDataGUIDHashProp.intValue ? buttonCompactBoldBlue : buttonCompact, GUILayout.Width(20f))) { pathDataActiveGUIDHashProp.intValue = pathDataGUIDHashProp.intValue; } #endregion // Show Gizmos button if (pathDataShowInSceneViewProp.boolValue) { if (GUILayout.Button(gizmoBtnContent, toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled, GUILayout.MaxWidth(22f))) { pathDataShowInSceneViewProp.boolValue = false; } } else { if (GUILayout.Button(gizmoBtnContent, toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal, GUILayout.MaxWidth(22f))) { pathDataShowInSceneViewProp.boolValue = true; } } // Move down button if (GUILayout.Button("V", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f)) && numPaths > 1) { pathDataMoveDownPos = pathIdx; } // Create duplicate button if (GUILayout.Button("I", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) { pathDataInsertPos = pathIdx; } // Delete button if (GUILayout.Button("X", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) { pathDataDeletePos = pathIdx; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endregion if (pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue) { #region General Path Settings EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pathDataNameProp, pathDataNameContent); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (pathDataActiveGUIDHashProp.intValue == pathDataGUIDHashProp.intValue) { if (GUILayout.Button(pathDataActivatedContent, buttonCompactBoldBlue, GUILayout.Width(defaultEditorLabelWidth - 5f))) { pathDataActiveGUIDHashProp.intValue = -1; } } else if (GUILayout.Button(pathDataActivateContent, buttonCompact, GUILayout.Width(defaultEditorLabelWidth - 5f))) { pathDataActiveGUIDHashProp.intValue = pathDataGUIDHashProp.intValue; // Auto-show path in scene pathDataShowInSceneViewProp.boolValue = true; // In case where Path name has the focus, disable it so that when user presses +/= key in the scene it doesn't // just update the path name. GUI.FocusControl(null); } #region PathData Export To Json if (GUILayout.Button(pathDataExportJsonContent, buttonCompact, GUILayout.Width(100f))) { string exportPath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save Path Data", "Assets", sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx].name, "json"); if (SSCManager.SavePathDataAsJson(sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx], exportPath)) { // Check if path is in Project folder if (exportPath.Contains(Application.dataPath)) { // Get the folder to highlight in the Project folder string folderPath = "Assets" + System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(exportPath).Replace(Application.dataPath, ""); // Get the json file in the Project folder exportPath = "Assets" + exportPath.Replace(Application.dataPath, ""); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(exportPath); SSCEditorHelper.HighlightFolderInProjectWindow(folderPath, true, true); } Debug.Log("PathData exported to " + exportPath); } GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } #endregion #region Snap To Mesh if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(pathDataSnapToMeshContent), buttonCompact, GUILayout.Width(100f))) { serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Path Snap To Mesh"); sscManager.SnapPathToMesh(sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx], Vector3.up, ~0, true); serializedObject.Update(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); } #endregion GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(pathDataTotalDistanceContent, new GUIContent(pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("splineTotalDistance").floatValue.ToString("0.00"))); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pathDataIsClosedCircuitProp, pathDataIsClosedCircuitContent); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); // Potentially adjust tangents when circuit is closed... sscManager.RefreshPathDistances(sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx]); serializedObject.Update(); } // Don't allow Number and Name labels to be displayed at the same time EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pathDataShowNumberLabelsProp, pathDataShowPointNumberLabelsInSceneContent); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && pathDataShowNumberLabelsProp.boolValue) { pathDataShowNameLabelsProp.boolValue = false; } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pathDataShowNameLabelsProp, pathDataShowPointNameLabelsInSceneContent); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && pathDataShowNameLabelsProp.boolValue) { pathDataShowNumberLabelsProp.boolValue = false; } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("showDistancesInScene"), pathDataShowDistanceLabelsInSceneContent); // We store the colour as a vector4 so it can be more portable so use a ColorField rather than a PropertyField. pathDataLineColourProp.vector4Value = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(pathDataLineColourContent, pathDataLineColourProp.vector4Value); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("locationDefaultNormalOffset"), pathDataLocationDefaultNormalOffsetContent); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(pathDataLocationSnapMinMaxHeightContent, GUILayout.Width(defaultEditorLabelWidth)); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("snapMinHeight"), GUIContent.none); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("snapMaxHeight"), GUIContent.none); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endregion pathLocationDataListProp = pathDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("pathLocationDataList"); if (pathLocationDataListProp != null) { #region Add-Remove Path Location slot, Modify Attribute, Reverse Buttons // Reset path location slot variables pathDataLocationMoveDownPos = -1; pathDataLocationInsertPos = -1; pathDataLocationDeletePos = -1; numPathLocations = pathLocationDataListProp.arraySize; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("", GUILayout.Width(7f)); pathDataShowLocationsInEditorProp.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(pathDataShowLocationsInEditorProp.boolValue, "Path Locations: " + numPathLocations.ToString("000")); // Toggle modify selected path location attributes if (GUILayout.Button(modifyToggleBtnContent, GUILayout.MaxWidth(22f))) { GUI.FocusControl(null); isModifySelectedMode = !isModifySelectedMode; if (isModifySelectedMode) { modifySelectedPosY = GetPosYSelectList(pathLocationDataListProp); } } if (GUILayout.Button(reversePathBtnContent, GUILayout.MaxWidth(40f))) { GUI.FocusControl(null); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Reverse Path"); sscManager.ReversePath(sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx]); SceneView.RepaintAll(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } if (GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayout.MaxWidth(30f))) { // Apply property changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Add Path Location slot"); sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx].pathLocationDataList.Add(new PathLocationData()); // Read in the properties serializedObject.Update(); numPathLocations = pathLocationDataListProp.arraySize; if (numPathLocations > 0) { // Force new path location slot to be serialized in scene pathLocationDataProp = pathLocationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(numPathLocations - 1); pathDataShowInEditorProp = pathLocationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor"); pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = !pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue; // Show the new path location slot pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = true; pathDataShowLocationsInEditorProp.boolValue = true; } SceneView.RepaintAll(); } if (GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayout.MaxWidth(30f))) { if (numPathLocations > 0) { pathDataLocationDeletePos = pathLocationDataListProp.arraySize - 1; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endregion #region Modify Selected if (isModifySelectedMode) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); modifySelectedPosY = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(modifySelectedPosYContent, modifySelectedPosY); if (GUILayout.Button("Change", GUILayout.Width(65f))) { SetPosYSelectList(sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx], modifySelectedPosY); isModifySelectedMode = false; GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); modifySelectedAddPosY = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(modifySelectedAddPosYContent, modifySelectedAddPosY); if (GUILayout.Button("Change", GUILayout.Width(65f))) { AddPosYSelectList(sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx], modifySelectedAddPosY); isModifySelectedMode = false; GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } #endregion #region Path Location List numPathLocations = pathLocationDataListProp.arraySize; if (pathDataShowLocationsInEditorProp.boolValue) { for (int pathLocIdx = 0; pathLocIdx < numPathLocations; pathLocIdx++) { #region Get Path Location Data properties (fields) // Get the PathLocationData class instance from the list pathLocationDataProp = pathLocationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(pathLocIdx); // Get the LocationData class reference from within the PathLocationData class instance pathLocationDataLocationProp = pathLocationDataProp.FindPropertyRelative("locationData"); // Get the properties (fields) of the LocationData within the PathLocationData class instance pathDataLocationNameProp = pathLocationDataLocationProp.FindPropertyRelative("name"); pathDataLocationPositionProp = pathLocationDataLocationProp.FindPropertyRelative("position"); pathDataLocationSelectedProp = pathLocationDataLocationProp.FindPropertyRelative("selectedInSceneView"); pathDataLocationGUIDHashProp = pathLocationDataLocationProp.FindPropertyRelative("guidHash"); pathDataLocationUnassignedProp = pathLocationDataLocationProp.FindPropertyRelative("isUnassigned"); pathDataLocationShowGizmosInSceneViewProp = pathLocationDataLocationProp.FindPropertyRelative("showGizmosInSceneView"); #endregion GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // Find in scene if it is assigned to Location from the SSSManager.locationDataList (not just a member of the Path) if (GUILayout.Button(findBtnContent, buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f)) && !pathDataLocationUnassignedProp.boolValue) { // Move the scene view camera to the selected point SSCEditorHelper.PositionSceneView(pathDataLocationPositionProp.vector3Value, sscManager.findZoomDistance, this.GetType()); // Show it in the scene pathDataLocationShowGizmosInSceneViewProp.boolValue = true; // Select it in the scene (doesn't unselect other locations) pathDataLocationSelectedProp.boolValue = true; } // When using VerifyPathConnections() for some reason cannot update the Properties. EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); pathLocationDataIsSelected = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(GUIContent.none, pathDataLocationSelectedProp.boolValue, GUILayout.Width(15f)); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Path Location Selection"); sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx].pathLocationDataList[pathLocIdx].locationData.selectedInSceneView = pathLocationDataIsSelected; serializedObject.Update(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); } if (GUILayout.Button("..", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) { // Apply property changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); int selectedIdx = sscManager.locationDataList.FindIndex(loc => loc.guidHash == pathDataLocationGUIDHashProp.intValue); // TODO - filter the drop down list by default (could be 100s or 1000s of locations in the scene). // Create a drop down list of all the locations GenericMenu dropdown = new GenericMenu(); for (int i = 0; i < sscManager.locationDataList.Count; i++) { // Replace space #/%/& with different chars as Unity treats them as SHIFT/CTRL/ALT in menus. string _locationName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sscManager.locationDataList[i].name) ? "No Name" : sscManager.locationDataList[i].name.Replace(" #", "_#").Replace(" &", " &&").Replace(" %", "_%"); dropdown.AddItem(new GUIContent(_locationName), i == selectedIdx, UpdatePathLocation, new Vector3Int(pathDataGUIDHashProp.intValue, pathDataLocationGUIDHashProp.intValue, sscManager.locationDataList[i].guidHash)); } dropdown.ShowAsContext(); SceneView.RepaintAll(); serializedObject.Update(); } EditorGUILayout.LabelField(string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathDataLocationNameProp.stringValue) ? "unknown" : pathDataLocationNameProp.stringValue); // Move down button if (GUILayout.Button("V", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f)) && numPathLocations > 1) { pathDataLocationMoveDownPos = pathLocIdx; } // Create duplicate button if (GUILayout.Button("I", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) { pathDataLocationInsertPos = pathLocIdx; } if (GUILayout.Button("X", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) { pathDataLocationDeletePos = pathLocIdx; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } #endregion Path Location List #region Move/Remove/Insert Path Location if (pathDataLocationDeletePos >= 0 || pathDataLocationInsertPos >= 0 || pathDataLocationMoveDownPos >= 0) { GUI.FocusControl(null); // Don't permit multiple operations in the same pass if (pathDataLocationMoveDownPos >= 0) { serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Move Location in Path List"); PathLocationData movePathLocationData = sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx].pathLocationDataList[pathDataLocationMoveDownPos]; if (pathDataLocationMoveDownPos < pathLocationDataListProp.arraySize - 1) { sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx].pathLocationDataList.RemoveAt(pathDataLocationMoveDownPos); sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx].pathLocationDataList.Insert(pathDataLocationMoveDownPos + 1, movePathLocationData); } else { sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx].pathLocationDataList.Insert(0, movePathLocationData); sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx].pathLocationDataList.RemoveAt(sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx].pathLocationDataList.Count - 1); } sscManager.RefreshPathDistances(sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx]); serializedObject.Update(); pathDataLocationMoveDownPos = -1; } else if (pathDataLocationInsertPos >= 0) { // Apply property changes before potential list changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); // Insert a new default location. The user will replace this with one from the list of Locations // For locations in a path, there is no advantage of duplicated an existing location slot Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Insert Path Location slot"); sscManager.pathDataList[pathIdx].pathLocationDataList.Insert(pathDataLocationInsertPos, new PathLocationData()); serializedObject.Update(); // Hide original pathDataLocation pathLocationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(pathDataLocationInsertPos + 1).FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor").boolValue = false; SerializedProperty pathLocationDataInsertedProp = pathLocationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(pathDataLocationInsertPos); pathDataLocationShowInEditorProp = pathLocationDataInsertedProp.FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor"); pathLocationDataInsertedProp.FindPropertyRelative("locationData").FindPropertyRelative("isUnassigned").boolValue = true; // Force new pathDataLocation to be serialized in scene pathDataLocationShowInEditorProp.boolValue = !pathDataLocationShowInEditorProp.boolValue; // Show inserted duplicate pathDataLocation pathDataLocationShowInEditorProp.boolValue = true; pathDataLocationInsertPos = -1; } else if (pathDataLocationDeletePos >= 0) { // In U2019.4+ DisplayDialog seems to trigger another OnInspectorGUI() and pathDataLocationDeletePos is reset to -1. int _deleteIndex = pathDataLocationDeletePos; int _pathIndex = pathIdx; // Get the last Path Location slot in the list pathLocationDataProp = pathLocationDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(_deleteIndex); if (SSCEditorHelper.PromptForDelete("Delete Path Location slot?", "Do you wish to delete Path Location slot " + (_deleteIndex+1).ToString("00") + "?")) { pathDataShowLocationsInEditorProp.boolValue = true; // Change the list rather than use DeleteArrayElementAtIndex which has issues with undo. serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Undo.RecordObject(sscManager, "Delete Path Location Slot"); sscManager.pathDataList[_pathIndex].pathLocationDataList.RemoveAt(_deleteIndex); sscManager.RefreshPathDistances(sscManager.pathDataList[_pathIndex]); pathDataLocationDeletePos = -1; SceneView.RepaintAll(); GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); //serializedObject.Update(); } } SceneView.RepaintAll(); } #endregion Move/Remove/Insert Path Location } } // There is a bug here in 2019.4 and 2020.1 where the DisplayDialog causes formatting issues. // EndLayoutGroup: BeginLayoutGroup must be called first. // No 2019_4 define but earlier versions still seem to work. #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER //if (pathDataLocationDeletePos >= 0 ) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); } if (pathDataLocationDeletePos >= 0 ) { GUIUtility.ExitGUI(); } #endif GUILayout.EndVertical(); } #endregion Path List #region Move/Remove/Insert Paths if (pathDataDeletePos >= 0 || pathDataInsertPos >= 0 || pathDataMoveDownPos >= 0) { GUI.FocusControl(null); // Don't permit multiple operations in the same pass if (pathDataMoveDownPos >= 0) { // Move down one position, or wrap round to start of list if (pathDataMoveDownPos < pathDataListProp.arraySize - 1) { pathDataListProp.MoveArrayElement(pathDataMoveDownPos, pathDataMoveDownPos + 1); } else { pathDataListProp.MoveArrayElement(pathDataMoveDownPos, 0); } pathDataMoveDownPos = -1; } else if (pathDataInsertPos >= 0) { // Apply property changes before potential list changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); sscManager.pathDataList.Insert(pathDataInsertPos, new PathData(sscManager.pathDataList[pathDataInsertPos])); serializedObject.Update(); // Hide original pathData pathDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(pathDataInsertPos + 1).FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor").boolValue = false; pathDataShowInEditorProp = pathDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(pathDataInsertPos).FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor"); // Update Path with a unique hashcode pathDataGUIDHashProp = pathDataListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(pathDataInsertPos).FindPropertyRelative("guidHash"); pathDataGUIDHashProp.intValue = SSCMath.GetHashCodeFromGuid(); // Force new pathData to be serialized in scene pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = !pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue; // Show inserted duplicate pathData pathDataShowInEditorProp.boolValue = true; pathDataInsertPos = -1; } else if (pathDataDeletePos >= 0) { // In U2019.4+ DisplayDialog seems to trigger another OnInspectorGUI() and pathDataDeletePos is reset to -1. int _deleteIndex = pathDataDeletePos; if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete Path " + (_deleteIndex + 1).ToString("00") + "?", "Path " + (_deleteIndex + 1).ToString("00") + " will be deleted\n\nThis action will remove the path from the list and cannot be undone.", "Delete Now", "Cancel")) { pathDataListProp.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(_deleteIndex); pathDataDeletePos = -1; } } SceneView.RepaintAll(); } #endregion } #endregion Paths Tab #region Options Tab else if (selectedTabInt == 2) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.helpBox); // Location Options GUILayout.Label(optionLocationContent, labelFieldRichText); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(isAutosizeLocationGizmoProp, optionIsAutosizeLocationGizmoContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(locationGizmoColourProp, optionLocationGizmoColourContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(findZoomDistanceProp, optionFindZoomDistanceContent); // Path Options GUILayout.Label(optionPathContent, labelFieldRichText); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(defaultPathControlGizmoColourProp, optionPathControlGizmoColourContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pathDisplayResolutionProp, optionPathDisplayResolutionContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(pathPrecisionProp, optionPathPrecisionContent); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(defaultPathControlOffsetProp, optionPathControlOffsetContent); //// Radar Options //GUILayout.Label(optionRadarContent, labelFieldRichText); GUILayout.EndVertical(); } #endregion // Apply property changes serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } #endregion } }