using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;

// Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace SciFiShipController
    [AddComponentMenu("Sci-Fi Ship Controller/Ship Components/Ship Control Module")]
    public class ShipControlModule : MonoBehaviour
        #region Public Variables and Properties

        [HideInInspector] public bool allowRepaint = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// The class in which the majority of ship data is stored in. Typically use this to access/modify data relating to a ship.
        /// You should check IsInitialised before referencing the shipInstance.
        /// </summary>
        public Ship shipInstance;

        /// <summary>
        /// [INTERNAL USE ONLY]
        /// </summary>
        public GameObject[] thrusterEffectObjects = new GameObject[1];

        // Remember which tabs etc were shown
        [HideInInspector] public int selectedTabInt = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// [READONLY] Has the ship been initialised?
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsInitialised { get { return isInitialised; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// [READONLY] Session-only transform InstanceID.
        /// </summary>
        public int GetShipId { get { return isInitialised ? shipInstance.shipId : transform.GetInstanceID(); } }

        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to get or set gravitational acceleration (must be initialised)
        /// </summary>
        public float GravitationalAcceleration { get { return isInitialised ? shipInstance.gravitationalAcceleration : 0f; } set { if (isInitialised) { shipInstance.gravitationalAcceleration = value; } } }

        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to get or set the direction gravity is acting the ship (must be initialised)
        /// </summary>
        public Vector3 GravityDirection { get { return isInitialised ? shipInstance.gravityDirection :; } set { if (isInitialised) { shipInstance.gravityDirection = value; } } }

        /// <summary>
        /// [READONLY] The rigidbody of the ship.
        /// </summary>
        public Rigidbody ShipRigidbody { get { return rBody; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// Are the thruster systems online or in the process of coming online?
        /// At runtime call StartupThrusterSystems() or ShutdownThrusterSystems().
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsThrusterSystemsStarted { get { return isInitialised ? shipInstance.isThrusterSystemsStarted : false; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// [READONLY] Is the ship currently being respawned?
        /// The ship will be disabled during the respawn time.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsRespawning { get { return isRespawning; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// [READONLY] Has respawning been paused? If so, this ship cannot respawn
        /// until ResumeRespawning() has been called. See also PauseRespawning().
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsRespawningPaused { get { return isRespawingPaused; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// [READONLY] Is this ship visible to the radar?
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsVisbleToRadar { get { return isInitialised && shipInstance != null && shipInstance.isRadarEnabled && sscRadar != null && sscRadar.GetVisibility(shipInstance.radarItemIndex);  } }

        /// <summary>
        /// [READONLY] The number of weapons on this ship. Will always return 0 if ship has not been initialised.
        /// See also ship.NumberOfWeapons.
        /// </summary>
        public int NumberOfWeapons { get { return isInitialised ? (shipInstance.weaponList == null ? 0 : shipInstance.weaponList.Count) : 0; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// [READONLY] The number of times the ship has been respawned. This is incremented
        /// when the ship is respawned - not when it is destroyed.
        /// </summary>
        public int NumberOfRespawns { get { return respawnCount; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// [INTERNAL USE ONLY]
        /// </summary>
        public string editorSearchThrusterFilter;

        #if UNITY_EDITOR

        public string ThrusterSystemsStatus { get { return isInitialised ? (shipInstance.isThrusterSystemsStarted ? (shipInstance.thrusterSystemShutdownTimer > 0f ? "shutting down" : (shipInstance.thrusterSystemStartupTimer > 0f ? "starting up" : "online") ) : "offline") : "--"; } }



        #region Private Variables

        private bool isInitialised = false;
        private SSCManager sscManager;
        private SSCRadar sscRadar;

        private ThrusterEffects[] thrusterEffects;

        /// <summary>
        /// Used internally to reset PID Controllers on AI ships
        /// when ship velocity is set to 0.
        /// </summary>
        private ShipAIInputModule shipAIInputModule;
        private bool isShipAIInputModuleAttached = false;

        private ShipDocking shipDocking;
        private bool isShipDockingAttached = false;

        private Rigidbody rBody;
        private List<Renderer> activeRenderersList;
        private List<AudioSource> audioSourcesList;
        /// <summary>
        /// This prevents the activeRenderersList being updated while the ship
        /// is disabled
        /// </summary>
        private bool isShipVisibilityDisabled = false;

        private int componentIndex;
        private int arrayLength;
        private Thruster thruster;

        private bool shipIsEnabled = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// This is a subset of shipIsEnabled. Current applies to:
        /// 1) Physics
        /// 2) Thruster Effects
        /// 3) User or AI Input
        /// 4) Sound FX (audio)
        /// </summary>
        private bool isMovementEnabled = true;

        private int lastDamageEventIndex = 0;
        private float damageRumbleTimer = -1f;

        #region Input Variables

        private Vector3 pilotForceInput =;
        // Make non-serialized internal so is visible to ShipCameraModule
        [System.NonSerialized] internal Vector3 pilotMomentInput =;
        // TODO: There could be a problem with ship fire input
        // If framerate drops below 50 FPS, fixedupdate will be called more often than update
        // Therefore it would be possible for fixedupate to be called twice or more between update calls
        // So if fire can be held is false, fire could still be true for multiple frames for a single fire call
        // However, maybe this won't be a problem if reload time is kept high enough?
        private bool pilotPrimaryFireInput = false;
        private bool pilotSecondaryFireInput = false;
        private bool pilotDockInput = false;


        #region FixedUpdate Variables

        private Vector3 localResultantForce;
        private Vector3 localResultantMoment;

        private bool isRespawning = false;
        private bool isRespawingPaused = false;
        private int respawnCount = 0;
        private float respawnTimer = 0f;
        private float stuckTimer = 0f;



        #region Public Static Version Properties

        public static string SSCVersion { get { return "1.3.7"; } }
        public static string SSCBetaVersion { get { return ""; } }


        #region Public Delegates

        public delegate void CallbackOnCollision(ShipControlModule shipControlModule, Collision collision);
        public delegate void CallbackOnDestroy(Ship ship);
        public delegate void CallbackOnRespawn(ShipControlModule shipControlModule, ShipAIInputModule shipAIInputModule);
        public delegate void CallbackOnHit(CallbackOnShipHitParameters callbackOnShipHitParameters);
        public delegate void CallbackOnStuck(ShipControlModule shipControlModule);
        public delegate void CallbackOnRumble(float rumbleAmount);

        /// <summary>
        /// The name of the custom method that is called immediately after a collision.
        /// Your method must take 2 parameters (ShipControlModule and Collision).
        /// This should be a lightweight method to avoid performance issues.
        /// </summary>
        [System.NonSerialized] public CallbackOnCollision callbackOnCollision = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// The name of the custom method that is called immediately
        /// before the ship is destroyed. Your method must take 1
        /// parameter of class Ship. This should be a lightweight
        /// method to avoid performance issues. It could be used to update
        /// a score or remove a ship from a squadron.
        /// </summary>
        [System.NonSerialized] public CallbackOnDestroy callbackOnDestroy = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// The name of the custom method that is called immediately
        /// after the ship is respawned. Your method must take 2 parameters: ShipControlModule
        /// and ShipAIInputModule. The first is never null but there may be no AI module
        /// attached to this ship. This should be a lightweight method to avoid
        /// performance issues.
        /// </summary>
        [System.NonSerialized] public CallbackOnRespawn callbackOnRespawn = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// The name of the custom method that is called immediately
        /// after the ship is hit by a projectile or beam. Your method must take 1
        /// parameter of type CallbackOnShipHitParameters. This should be 
        /// a lightweight method to avoid performance issues. It could be used to 
        /// take evasive action while being pursued by an enemy ship. It could
        /// also be used to detect friendly fire.
        /// </summary>
        [System.NonSerialized] public CallbackOnHit callbackOnHit = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// The name of the custom method that is called immediately after
        /// a ship is detected as stuck. To avoid performance issues, action
        /// should be taken otherwise your method may be called each subsequent
        /// frame. See also ship.stuckTime and ship.stuckSpeedThreshold.
        /// </summary>
        [System.NonSerialized] public CallbackOnStuck callbackOnStuck = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Generally reserved for internal use by the PlayerInputModule. If the human
        /// player ship does not have the PlayerInputModule component attached, you can
        /// create a lightweight custom method and assign it at runtime so that it is
        /// called whenever device rumble or force feedback is required.
        /// </summary>
        [System.NonSerialized] public CallbackOnRumble callbackOnRumble = null;


        #region Private Initialise Methods

        // Use this for initialization
        void Awake()
            if (shipInstance.initialiseOnAwake)


        #region Update Methods

        void Update()
            if (isInitialised)
                if (isRespawning)
                    #region Respawning

                    // If we are currently respawning, count down respawn timer
                    respawnTimer -= isRespawingPaused ? 0f : Time.deltaTime;

                    // Once respawn time reaches zero, respawn the ship
                    if (respawnTimer <= 0f)
                        // We are now not in the process of respawning
                        isRespawning = false;
                        // Reset the health of the ship

                        if (shipInstance.respawningMode == Ship.RespawningMode.RespawnOnPath)
                            RespawnOnPath(shipInstance.respawningPathGUIDHash, true, false);
                            // Set ship position and rotation
                            transform.SetPositionAndRotation(shipInstance.GetRespawnPosition(), shipInstance.GetRespawnRotation());

                            // Re-enable the ship and make it visible again
                            EnableOrDisableShip(true, true, false);

                        // Re-initialise ground match variables since this will also reset PID controller

                        // Set ship velocity
                        rBody.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(shipInstance.respawnVelocity);
                        rBody.angularVelocity =;

                        // If there is an AI component attached, reset the PID controllers
                        // TODO: Test whether this is effective for when an AI respawns with a given velocity
                        if (isShipAIInputModuleAttached && shipAIInputModule != null)
                            if (shipAIInputModule.IsInitialised) { shipAIInputModule.ResetPIDControllers(); }
                            else { shipAIInputModule.Initialise(); }

                        if (callbackOnRespawn != null) { callbackOnRespawn(this, shipAIInputModule); }

                    // Only apply input, calculate movement, update effects or process damage if the ship is enabled
                    if (shipIsEnabled)
                        // Weapons can only fire, respawning after a collision, when movement is enabled.
                        #region Pass input / apply combat output
                        if (isMovementEnabled || shipInstance.useWeaponsWhenMovementDisabled)
                            // Pass position and movement data to the ship
                            shipInstance.UpdatePositionAndMovementData(transform, rBody);
                            // Pass pilot weapons input to the ship
                            shipInstance.pilotPrimaryFireInput = pilotPrimaryFireInput;
                            shipInstance.pilotSecondaryFireInput = pilotSecondaryFireInput;
                            // Update weapons and damage data

                        // Thrusters only work when movement is enabled
                        // OR when isThrusterFXStationary is true.
                        #region Visual/Audial Effects

                        // Behaviour change for 1.3.7 Beta 2a
                        if (shipInstance.isThrusterSystemsStarted && (isMovementEnabled || shipInstance.isThrusterFXStationary))

                        #region Localised Damage Region Destruction, shield recharge, or Radar Update

                        if (shipInstance.shipDamageModel == Ship.ShipDamageModel.Localised &&
                            shipInstance.numLocalisedDamageRegions > 0 && sscManager != null)
                            // Loop through localised damage regions
                            DamageRegion damageRegion;
                            for (int d = 0; d < shipInstance.numLocalisedDamageRegions; d++)
                                damageRegion = shipInstance.localisedDamageRegionList[d];

                                #region Effects Object for damage region
                                // If a damage region has been "destroyed" but no effects object has been instantiated...
                                if (damageRegion.Health <= 0f && !damageRegion.isDestructionEffectsObjectInstantiated)
                                    // If there is an effects object for this damage region, instantiate it.
                                    if (damageRegion.effectsObjectPrefabID > 0)
                                        InstantiateEffectsObjectParameters ieParms = new InstantiateEffectsObjectParameters
                                            effectsObjectPrefabID = damageRegion.effectsObjectPrefabID,
                                            position = transform.TransformPoint(damageRegion.relativePosition),
                                            rotation = shipInstance.TransformRotation

                                        // Keep track of the EffectsModule instance that was instantiated for this region
                                        if (sscManager.InstantiateEffectsObject(ref ieParms) != null)
                                            damageRegion.destructionEffectItemKey = new SSCEffectItemKey(damageRegion.effectsObjectPrefabID, ieParms.effectsObjectPoolListIndex, ieParms.effectsObjectSequenceNumber);
                                    // Then remember that we have instantiated an effects object, so we don't do it again
                                    damageRegion.isDestructionEffectsObjectInstantiated = true;
                                // Check if the effects object should move with the ship
                                else if (damageRegion.isMoveDestructionEffectsObject && damageRegion.destructionEffectItemKey.effectsObjectSequenceNumber > 0)
                                    // Find the effects object, validate it is the correct one (it hasn't been despawned) and update position/rotation
                                    if (!sscManager.MoveEffectsObject(damageRegion.destructionEffectItemKey, transform.TransformPoint(damageRegion.relativePosition), shipInstance.TransformRotation, true))
                                        // The effect may have been despawned
                                        // Once the effect has finished, it will not be respawned for this damage region
                                        damageRegion.destructionEffectItemKey = new SSCEffectItemKey(-1, -1, 0);

                                if (damageRegion.Health > 0f)
                                    #region Damage Region Radar Update
                                    if (shipInstance.isRadarEnabled && damageRegion.isRadarEnabled && damageRegion.radarItemIndex >= 0)
                                        // Update fields that may change at any time
                                        damageRegion.sscRadarPacket.isVisibleToRadar = true;
                                        damageRegion.sscRadarPacket.position = shipInstance.GetDamageRegionWSPosition(damageRegion);
                                        damageRegion.sscRadarPacket.velocity = shipInstance.WorldVelocity;
                                        damageRegion.sscRadarPacket.factionId = shipInstance.factionId;
                                        damageRegion.sscRadarPacket.squadronId = shipInstance.squadronId;

                                        // Use the internal radarItemIndex rather than RadarId to avoid the property lookup
                                        sscRadar.UpdateItem(damageRegion.radarItemIndex, damageRegion.sscRadarPacket);

                                    #region Local Damage Region Shield Recharge
                                // Only destroy the damage region once
                                else if (!damageRegion.isDestroyed)
                                    #region Damage Region Destruct
                                    DestructDamageRegion(damageRegion, false);

                                    if (damageRegion.regionChildTransform != null)

                                        // Return any weapon muzzle FX to the pool

                                    // The damage region destroy action has occurred
                                    damageRegion.isDestroyed = true;

                                    if (damageRegion.isRadarEnabled) { DisableRadar(damageRegion); }



                        #region Check if ship is stuck
                        if (isMovementEnabled && IsShipStuck())
                            if (shipInstance.stuckAction == Ship.StuckAction.InvokeCallback)
                                if (callbackOnStuck != null) { callbackOnStuck(this); }
                            else if (shipInstance.stuckAction == Ship.StuckAction.RespawnOnPath)
                                // Stop camera shake if it is currently happening
                                if (shipInstance.callbackOnCameraShake != null) { shipInstance.callbackOnCameraShake(0f); }

                                RespawnOnPath(shipInstance.stuckActionPathGUIDHash, false, true);
                            else if (shipInstance.stuckAction == Ship.StuckAction.SameAsRespawningMode)
                                if (shipInstance.respawningMode != Ship.RespawningMode.DontRespawn)
                                    // We are now in the process of respawning
                                    isRespawning = true;
                                    // Set the respawn timer
                                    respawnTimer = shipInstance.respawnTime;

                                    // Stop camera shake if it is currently happening
                                    if (shipInstance.callbackOnCameraShake != null) { shipInstance.callbackOnCameraShake(0f); }

                                    // Now we want to "despawn" this ship
                                    // So we simply disable all visual and physics components

                                    // Disable the ship and make it invisible
                                    EnableOrDisableShip(false, true, false);

                        #region Damage - Rumble and Camera Shake

                        if (isMovementEnabled && !shipInstance.Destroyed())
                            // Check if the last damage event index has changed
                            int thisDamageEventIndex = shipInstance.LastDamageEventIndex();
                            if (lastDamageEventIndex != thisDamageEventIndex)
                                // If the last damage event index has changed, there has been a damage event
                                lastDamageEventIndex = thisDamageEventIndex;

                                if (shipInstance.applyControllerRumble)
                                    // Apply rumble
                                    if (callbackOnRumble != null) { callbackOnRumble(shipInstance.RequiredDamageRumbleAmount()); }
                                    // Set the rumble timer
                                    damageRumbleTimer = 0.5f;

                                if (shipInstance.callbackOnCameraShake != null) { shipInstance.callbackOnCameraShake(shipInstance.RequiredCameraShakeAmount()); }
                            // NOTE: CameraShake is turned off by a timer in ShipCameraModule or by calling StopCameraShake(..)
                            else if (shipInstance.applyControllerRumble)
                                // Count down the rumble timer
                                if (damageRumbleTimer > 0f)
                                    damageRumbleTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
                                // If the timer reaches zero, disable rumble
                                if (damageRumbleTimer < 0f)
                                    if (callbackOnRumble != null) { callbackOnRumble(0f); }


                        #region Docking
                        // If ship is still enabled, perform dock action
                        if (pilotDockInput && shipIsEnabled && isShipDockingAttached && shipDocking.IsInitialised)
                            // Currently only supports Docked and Undocked for player ships
                            if (shipDocking.GetStateInt() == ShipDocking.dockedInt)

                    #region Ship Destruction OR Ship radar update and Thruster Systems startup/shutdown

                    // Check if the ship has been destroyed
                    if (shipInstance.Destroyed())
                        // Stop camera shake if it is currently happening
                        if (shipInstance.callbackOnCameraShake != null) { shipInstance.callbackOnCameraShake(0f); }


                        if (callbackOnDestroy != null) { callbackOnDestroy(this.shipInstance); }

                        // Check if the ship should be respawned
                        if (shipInstance.respawningMode != Ship.RespawningMode.DontRespawn)
                            // We are now in the process of respawning
                            isRespawning = true;
                            // Set the respawn timer
                            respawnTimer = shipInstance.respawnTime;

                            // Now we want to "despawn" this ship
                            // So we simply disable all visual and physics components

                            // Disable the ship and make it invisible
                            EnableOrDisableShip(false, true, false);

                            if (sscManager != null)
                                #region Instantiate the ship destruction effects prefab
                                if (shipInstance.mainDamageRegion.destructionEffectsObject != null)
                                    InstantiateEffectsObjectParameters ieParms = new InstantiateEffectsObjectParameters
                                        effectsObjectPrefabID = shipInstance.mainDamageRegion.effectsObjectPrefabID,
                                        position = transform.position,
                                        rotation = transform.rotation

                                    sscManager.InstantiateEffectsObject(ref ieParms);

                                DestructDamageRegion(shipInstance.mainDamageRegion, true);

                            // End the rumble timer
                            damageRumbleTimer = -1f;

                            // If the ship is using radar, remove it from radar before the ship gameobject
                            // is destroyed. Also remove any Localised Damage Regions from radar.
                            if (shipInstance.isRadarEnabled && shipInstance.radarItemIndex >= 0)

                            if (sscManager != null)
                                #region Instantiate the ship destruction effects prefab
                                if (shipInstance.mainDamageRegion.destructionEffectsObject != null)
                                    InstantiateEffectsObjectParameters ieParms = new InstantiateEffectsObjectParameters
                                        effectsObjectPrefabID = shipInstance.mainDamageRegion.effectsObjectPrefabID,
                                        position = transform.position,
                                        rotation = transform.rotation

                                    sscManager.InstantiateEffectsObject(ref ieParms);

                                DestructDamageRegion(shipInstance.mainDamageRegion, true);

                            // Destroy this ship
                            // Prevent the shipInstance referencing the ShipControlModule transform.
                            if (isInitialised) { shipInstance.shipTransform = null; }
                            // Need to also destroy the ship class instance
                            if (shipInstance != null) { isInitialised = false; shipInstance = null; }
                    else if (shipIsEnabled)
                        if (shipInstance.isRadarEnabled)
                            // Update fields that may change at any time
                            shipInstance.sscRadarPacket.isVisibleToRadar = true;
                            shipInstance.sscRadarPacket.position = shipInstance.TransformPosition;
                            shipInstance.sscRadarPacket.velocity = shipInstance.WorldVelocity;
                            shipInstance.sscRadarPacket.factionId = shipInstance.factionId;
                            shipInstance.sscRadarPacket.squadronId = shipInstance.squadronId;

                            // Use the internal radarItemIndex rather than RadarId to avoid the property lookup
                            sscRadar.UpdateItem(shipInstance.radarItemIndex, shipInstance.sscRadarPacket);

                        bool hasStarted, hasShutdown;
                        if (shipInstance.CheckThrusterSystems(Time.deltaTime, out hasStarted, out hasShutdown))
                            if (hasShutdown)



        // FixedUpdate is called once per physics update (typically about 50 times per second)
        void FixedUpdate()
            if (isInitialised)
                if (!isRespawning)
                    //float calcStartTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

                    // When shipIsEnabled is false, isMovementEnabled is also false,
                    // though the opposite may not be true.
                    if (shipIsEnabled && isMovementEnabled)
                        #region Pass input / apply movement output

                        // Pass position and movement data to the ship
                        shipInstance.UpdatePositionAndMovementData(transform, rBody);
                        // Pass pilot movement input to the ship
                        shipInstance.pilotForceInput = pilotForceInput;
                        shipInstance.pilotMomentInput = pilotMomentInput;
                        // Calculate the local resultant force and moment
                        shipInstance.CalculateForceAndMoment(ref localResultantForce, ref localResultantMoment);

                        // Apply the local resultant force and moment to the rigidbody


                    //float calcEndTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
                    //Debug.Log("| Total: " + ((calcEndTime - calcStartTime) * 1000f).ToString("0.0000") + " ms |");

        #region Private Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Enables or disables the ship (depending on the value of isEnabled). If updateVisibility is set to true, 
        /// changes whether the ship is visible. If resetVelocity is set to true, resets the velocity of the ship to zero.
        /// Movement is not enabled if the ship is docked, although collision detection is updated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isEnabled"></param>
        /// <param name="updateVisibility"></param>
        /// <param name="resetVelocity"></param>
        private void EnableOrDisableShip(bool isEnabled, bool updateVisibility, bool resetVelocity)
            // This does not prove the ship is docked, but the ship thinks it is docked. For absolute proof, we would
            // need to check the ShipDockingStation's docking points (which is prob too expensive here).
            bool isDocked = isShipDockingAttached && shipDocking.IsInitialised && shipDocking.GetStateInt() == ShipDocking.dockedInt;

            if (isDocked && isEnabled)
                ShipRigidbody.detectCollisions = shipDocking.detectCollisionsWhenDocked;
                EnableOrDisableShipPhysics(isEnabled, resetVelocity);
                // Pause/resume thruster effects

            #region Update Visuals

            if (updateVisibility)
                if (isEnabled)
                    // Re-enable previously active renderers
                    arrayLength = activeRenderersList.Count;
                    for (componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < arrayLength; componentIndex++)
                        activeRenderersList[componentIndex].enabled = true;
                    isShipVisibilityDisabled = false;

                    // We are disabling the ship - so we disable all visual and audial components

                    #region Find and Disable Renderers

                    if (!isShipVisibilityDisabled)
                        // Prevent the list being cleared when the ship is already disabled
                        isShipVisibilityDisabled = true;

                        // Get all the renderers in the ship and store them in a list
                        // Use a pre-defined reusable list. If respawning happens multiple
                        // times there will be a lot of GC which will hurt performance.

                        // Loop through the renderers
                        arrayLength = activeRenderersList.Count;
                        componentIndex = 0;
                        while (componentIndex < arrayLength)
                            if (!activeRenderersList[componentIndex].enabled)
                                // If the renderer is currently disabled, remove it from the list
                                // (We don't want to enable it when we respawn)
                                // If the renderer is currently enabled, disable it (and leave it in the list)
                                activeRenderersList[componentIndex].enabled = false;



            #region Update Rumble

            if (!isEnabled && callbackOnRumble != null) { callbackOnRumble(0f); }


            #region Update Radar
            if (shipInstance.isRadarEnabled)
                sscRadar.SetVisibility(shipInstance.RadarId, isEnabled);

                // If any localised damage regions have radar enabled, set the visibility.
                if (shipInstance.shipDamageModel == Ship.ShipDamageModel.Localised)
                    for (int dmIdx = 0; dmIdx < shipInstance.numLocalisedDamageRegions; dmIdx++)
                        DamageRegion damageRegion = shipInstance.localisedDamageRegionList[dmIdx];
                        if (damageRegion != null && damageRegion.isRadarEnabled)
                            sscRadar.SetVisibility(damageRegion.radarItemIndex, isEnabled);

                // Added for TechDemo3 (SSC v1.2.6 Beta 1b)
                if (isEnabled && isInitialised)
                    shipInstance.UpdatePositionAndMovementData(transform, rBody);

                    // Update fields that may change at any time
                    shipInstance.sscRadarPacket.isVisibleToRadar = true;
                    shipInstance.sscRadarPacket.position = shipInstance.TransformPosition;
                    shipInstance.sscRadarPacket.velocity = shipInstance.WorldVelocity;
                    shipInstance.sscRadarPacket.factionId = shipInstance.factionId;
                    shipInstance.sscRadarPacket.squadronId = shipInstance.squadronId;

                    // Use the internal radarItemIndex rather than RadarId to avoid the property lookup
                    sscRadar.UpdateItem(shipInstance.radarItemIndex, shipInstance.sscRadarPacket);


            // Update the shipIsEnabled variable
            shipIsEnabled = isEnabled;

            // Movement is a subset of the ship being enabled/disabled.
            isMovementEnabled = isEnabled && !isDocked;

        /// <summary>
        /// This is a subset of EnableOrDisableShip(...). The ship can still incur damage,
        /// be destroyed and respawn (and become Enabled), and appear on Radar.
        /// It applies to:
        /// 1) Physics
        /// 2) Thruster Effects
        /// 3) User or AI Input to the Ship
        /// 4) Sound FX (audio)
        /// Movement is not enabled if the ship is docked, although collision detection is updated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isEnabled"></param>
        /// <param name="resetVelocity"></param>
        private void EnableOrDisableShipMovement(bool isEnabled, bool resetVelocity)
            // This does not prove the ship is docked, but the ship thinks it is docked. For absolute proof, we would
            // need to check the ShipDockingStation's docking points (which is prob too expensive here).
            bool isDocked = isShipDockingAttached && shipDocking.IsInitialised && shipDocking.GetStateInt() == ShipDocking.dockedInt;

            if (isDocked && isEnabled)
                ShipRigidbody.detectCollisions = shipDocking.detectCollisionsWhenDocked;
                EnableOrDisableShipPhysics(isEnabled, resetVelocity);
                if (!isEnabled && callbackOnRumble != null) { callbackOnRumble(0f); }
                if (!isEnabled) { StopAudioSources(); }

                isMovementEnabled = isEnabled;

        /// <summary>
        /// Enable or disable the Physics on a ship. If this ia an AI ship, resets the PID controllers
        /// when isEnabled is true.
        /// If resetVelocity and isEnabled are true, resets the velocity of the ship to zero.
        /// NOTE: This should NOT be called when the ship is docked.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isEnabled"></param>
        /// <param name="resetVelocity"></param>
        private void EnableOrDisableShipPhysics(bool isEnabled, bool resetVelocity)
            // Ensure the rigidbody's collision detection mode is configured to permit isKinematic.
            if (!isEnabled) { ShipRigidbody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.Discrete; }

            if (isEnabled)
                // When enabling, turn on collisions and set the ship rigidbody to not kinematic
                ShipRigidbody.detectCollisions = true;
                ShipRigidbody.isKinematic = false;

                // Re-configure the rigidbody's collision detection mode
                ShipRigidbody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousDynamic;
                // When disabling, turn off collisions and set the ship rigidbody to kinematic
                ShipRigidbody.detectCollisions = false;
                ShipRigidbody.isKinematic = true;

                // Added 1.3.7 Beta 5c so that cached velo data correctly returns Vector.Zero
                // NOTE: This hasn't been fully regression tested.
                if (resetVelocity) { shipInstance.ResetVelocityData(); }

            // Set our velocity when we enable the ship
            if (isEnabled)
                if (resetVelocity)
                    // Reset velocity to zero
                    ShipRigidbody.velocity =;
                    ShipRigidbody.angularVelocity =;

                    // If there is an AI component attached, reset the PID controllers
                    if (isShipAIInputModuleAttached && shipAIInputModule != null)
                        if (shipAIInputModule.IsInitialised) { shipAIInputModule.ResetPIDControllers(); }
                        else { shipAIInputModule.Initialise(); }
                    // Set velocity to the velocity we had before the ship was disabled
                    // NOTE: This assumes shipInstance.ResetVelocityData() isn't called when this method
                    // is called with isEnabled = true.
                    ShipRigidbody.velocity = shipInstance.WorldVelocity;
                    ShipRigidbody.angularVelocity = shipInstance.WorldAngularVelocity;

        /// <summary>
        /// Pause or Resume (play) all Thruster Effects on the ship
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isEnabled"></param>
        private void PauseOrResumeThrusters(bool isEnabled)
            arrayLength = thrusterEffects == null ? 0 : thrusterEffects.Length;
            for (componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < arrayLength; componentIndex++)
                if (thrusterEffects[componentIndex] != null)
                    if (isEnabled) { thrusterEffects[componentIndex].Play(); }
                    else { thrusterEffects[componentIndex].Pause(); }

        /// <summary>
        /// Find and stop all audio sources
        /// </summary>
        private void StopAudioSources()
            // Use the pre-defined reuseable list to minmize GC
            arrayLength = audioSourcesList.Count;
            for (componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < arrayLength; componentIndex++)
                if (audioSourcesList[componentIndex].enabled && audioSourcesList[componentIndex].isPlaying)

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerator RBodyReset()
            //rBody.velocity = transform.TransformDirection(shipInstance.respawnVelocity);
            rBody.velocity =;
            rBody.angularVelocity =;
            yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();

        /// <summary>
        /// A ship can be considered stuck if it is enabled, initialised, respawnStuckTime > 0
        /// and it is trying to move for respawnStuckTime but cannot.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool IsShipStuck()
            if (!shipIsEnabled || !isInitialised || shipInstance.stuckTime <= 0f) { return false; }
                // velo in m/s
                if (Mathf.Abs((shipInstance.TransformInverseRotation * shipInstance.WorldVelocity).z) > shipInstance.stuckSpeedThreshold)
                    stuckTimer = 0f;
                    return false;
                    stuckTimer += Time.deltaTime;
                    return stuckTimer >= shipInstance.stuckTime;

        /// <summary>
        /// Respawn (move) the ship to the closest point on the given Path.
        /// The ship must be initialised and the Path must be valid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pathguidHash"></param>
        /// <param name="updateVisibility"></param>
        /// <param name="resetVelocity"></param>
        private void RespawnOnPath(int pathguidHash, bool updateVisibility, bool resetVelocity)
            if (isInitialised && pathguidHash != 0)
                PathData pathData = sscManager.GetPath(pathguidHash);
                if (pathData != null)
                    Vector3 closestPointOnPath =;
                    float closestPointOnPathTValue = 0f;
                    int prevPathLocationIdx = 0;

                    if (SSCMath.FindClosestPointOnPath(pathData, shipInstance.TransformPosition, ref closestPointOnPath, ref closestPointOnPathTValue, ref prevPathLocationIdx))

                        // Check for closest object
                        float lookDistance = 10f, minDistance = 10000f;
                        RaycastHit raycastHit;
                        Vector3 objectNormal =;

                        Ray ray = new Ray(closestPointOnPath, Vector3.up);

                        SSCUtils.GetClosestCollider(ray, Vector3.up, lookDistance, ref minDistance, ref objectNormal, out raycastHit);
                        SSCUtils.GetClosestCollider(ray, Vector3.down, lookDistance, ref minDistance, ref objectNormal, out raycastHit);
                        SSCUtils.GetClosestCollider(ray, Vector3.left, lookDistance, ref minDistance, ref objectNormal, out raycastHit);
                        SSCUtils.GetClosestCollider(ray, Vector3.right, lookDistance, ref minDistance, ref objectNormal, out raycastHit);
                        SSCUtils.GetClosestCollider(ray, Vector3.forward, lookDistance, ref minDistance, ref objectNormal, out raycastHit);
                        SSCUtils.GetClosestCollider(ray, Vector3.back, lookDistance, ref minDistance, ref objectNormal, out raycastHit);

                        if (objectNormal.sqrMagnitude > 0.01f)
                            Vector3 pathTangent =;
                            // Get the direction of the path so ship faces in the correct direction AND is orientated upwards similar to closest object.
                            if (SSCMath.GetPathTangent(pathData, prevPathLocationIdx, closestPointOnPathTValue, ref pathTangent))
                                transform.SetPositionAndRotation(closestPointOnPath, Quaternion.LookRotation(pathTangent, objectNormal));
                                transform.SetPositionAndRotation(closestPointOnPath, Quaternion.Euler(objectNormal));
                        else { transform.position = closestPointOnPath; }

                        EnableShip(updateVisibility, resetVelocity);

        /// <summary>
        /// Check to see if there is a ShipAIInputModule attached to this ship.
        /// </summary>
        private void FetchShipAIInputModule()
            isShipAIInputModuleAttached = TryGetComponent(out shipAIInputModule);

            //shipAIInputModule = GetComponent<ShipAIInputModule>();
            //isShipAIInputModuleAttached = shipAIInputModule != null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Check to see if there is a ShipDocking component attached to this ship
        /// </summary>
        private void FetchShipDocking()
            isShipDockingAttached = TryGetComponent(out shipDocking);

            //shipDocking = GetComponent<ShipDocking>();
            //isShipDockingAttached = shipDocking != null;

        /// <summary>
        /// [INTERNAL ONLY] Initialise radar for this ship
        /// Assumes shipInstance is not null and that
        /// sscRadar = SSCRadar.GetOrCreateRadar() has already
        /// been called.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitialiseRadar()
            // Not assigned in the radar system
            shipInstance.radarItemIndex = -1;

            if (shipInstance.isRadarEnabled && sscRadar != null)
                SSCRadarItem sscRadarItem = new SSCRadarItem();
                // No data from the ship yet, so hide it from radar
                sscRadarItem.isVisibleToRadar = false;
                sscRadarItem.blipSize = shipInstance.radarBlipSize;
                sscRadarItem.shipControlModule = this;

                // Create a packet to be used to send data to the radar system
                shipInstance.sscRadarPacket = new SSCRadarPacket();

                shipInstance.radarItemIndex = sscRadar.AddItem(sscRadarItem);

        /// <summary>
        /// [INTERNAL ONLY] Initialise radar for a localised damage region.
        /// Assumes shipInstance is not null, and that 
        /// sscRadar = SSCRadar.GetOrCreateRadar() has already been called.
        /// </summary>
        private void InitialiseLocalDamageRegionRadar(DamageRegion damageRegion)
            // Not assigned in the radar system
            damageRegion.radarItemIndex = -1;

            if (shipInstance.isRadarEnabled && damageRegion.isRadarEnabled && sscRadar != null)
                SSCRadarItem sscRadarItem = new SSCRadarItem();
                // No data from the ship damage region yet, so hide it from radar
                sscRadarItem.isVisibleToRadar = false;
                sscRadarItem.blipSize = 1;
                sscRadarItem.shipControlModule = this;
                // The damage region child transform can be used to help determine LoS. It may not be set.
                sscRadarItem.itemGameObject = damageRegion.regionChildTransform == null ? null : damageRegion.regionChildTransform.gameObject;
                sscRadarItem.radarItemType = SSCRadarItem.RadarItemType.ShipDamageRegion;
                sscRadarItem.guidHash = damageRegion.guidHash;

                // Create a packet to be used to send data to the radar system
                damageRegion.sscRadarPacket = new SSCRadarPacket();

                damageRegion.radarItemIndex = sscRadar.AddItem(sscRadarItem);

        /// <summary>
        /// If muzzle FX on weapons are pooled and have been parented to the weapons, when a
        /// ship or damage region is destroyed (o rmade inactive), they need to be reparented to the pool.
        /// NOTE: This may impact GC
        /// </summary>
        private void DestroyFX (Transform tfm)
            EffectsModule[] effectsModules = tfm.GetComponentsInChildren<EffectsModule>(true);

            int numEffectsModules = effectsModules == null ? 0 : effectsModules.Length;

            for (int emIdx = 0; emIdx < numEffectsModules; emIdx++)
                EffectsModule effectsModule = effectsModules[emIdx];

                if (effectsModule.usePooling && effectsModule.isReparented)

        /// <summary>
        /// Automatically attempt to determine what kind of ship this is for use in the radar system.
        /// Typically called after InitialiseRadar().
        /// It defaults ot PlayerShip.
        /// </summary>
        private void RadarAutoSetType()
            if (sscRadar != null)
                if (isShipAIInputModuleAttached) { sscRadar.SetItemType(shipInstance.RadarId, SSCRadarItem.RadarItemType.AIShip); }
                else { sscRadar.SetItemType(shipInstance.RadarId, SSCRadarItem.RadarItemType.PlayerShip); }

        /// <summary>
        /// Initiate a destruct prefab on a damage region of the ship
        /// NOTE: sscManager must not be null when calling this method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="damageRegion"></param>
        /// <param name="isMainRegion"></param>
        private void DestructDamageRegion(DamageRegion damageRegion, bool isMainRegion)
            if (!damageRegion.isDestructObjectActivated && damageRegion.destructObjectPrefabID >= 0 && damageRegion.destructObject != null)
                Vector3 destructPosition = shipInstance.TransformPosition;
                Quaternion destructRotation = shipInstance.TransformRotation;

                if (isMainRegion)
                    if (shipInstance.respawningMode == Ship.RespawningMode.DontRespawn)
                        // Turn off all colliders. As we are going to destroy the gameobject,
                        // we can simply deactivate it.
                        // Cater for respawning - before DestructDamageRegion is called the ship is disabled
                        // with EnableOrDisableShip(false, true, false). Here we should not turn off the gameObject.
                        // This "seems" to work without having to disable the colliders but might need more testing.
                    // Get the worldspace position of the region
                    destructPosition = shipInstance.GetDamageRegionWSPosition(damageRegion);

                    // Damage region needs to be repairable


                // Instantiate the region destruct prefab
                InstantiateDestructParameters dstParms = new InstantiateDestructParameters
                    destructPrefabID = damageRegion.destructObjectPrefabID,
                    position = destructPosition,
                    rotation = destructRotation,
                    explosionPowerFactor = 1f,
                    explosionRadiusFactor = 1f

                // Keep track of the DestructModule instance that was instantiated for this region
                if (sscManager.InstantiateDestruct(ref dstParms) != null)
                    damageRegion.destructItemKey = new SSCDestructItemKey(damageRegion.destructObjectPrefabID, dstParms.destructPoolListIndex, dstParms.destructSequenceNumber);
                damageRegion.isDestructObjectActivated = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Update the Thruster Effects
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateThrusterFX()
            arrayLength = thrusterEffects == null ? 0 : thrusterEffects.Length;
            Vector3 localVelo = shipInstance.LocalVelocity;
            for (componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < arrayLength; componentIndex++)
                if (thrusterEffects[componentIndex] != null)
                    thrusterEffects[componentIndex].UpdateThrusterInput(shipInstance.thrusterList[componentIndex], localVelo);


        #region Events

        // Called when the ship rigidbody collides with another collider
        private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
            if (callbackOnCollision != null) { callbackOnCollision.Invoke(this, collision); }
            else { shipInstance.ApplyCollisionDamage(collision); }


        #region Public API Methods - Initialisation

        /// <summary>
        /// Runs all necessary initialisation processes for the ship.
        /// </summary>
        public void InitialiseShip()
            if (!isInitialised)
                // Find the rigidbody
                rBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

                // Cater for scenario where [RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))] doesn't work
                // RequireComponent only seems to work when first adding the script to a gameobject.
                if (rBody == null) { isInitialised = false; return; }
                // Configure the rigidbody
                rBody.drag = 0f;
                rBody.angularDrag = 0f;
                rBody.useGravity = false;
                rBody.isKinematic = false;
                rBody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousDynamic;
                // Set the mass and centre of mass of the ship

                // Initialise all necessary ship data
                shipInstance.UpdatePositionAndMovementData(transform, rBody);

                // Initialise ship health


                if (!shipInstance.isThrusterSystemsStarted)

                // Get a reference to the Ship Controller Manager instance
                sscManager = SSCManager.GetOrCreateManager();

                // Initialise projectiles and effects objects

                // Initialise beam weapons and the effects objects used by those weapons.

                // Initialise destruct objects used by damage regions

                // Initialise required lists
                // Pre-size the list of renderers that is used when
                // ships are disable/enabled during respawing. If the list
                // is too small, it be expanded the first time it is used (and affect GC).
                activeRenderersList = new List<Renderer>(5);

                // Assume only 1 audio source per ship. Will auto expand if required.
                // Increase the capacity of the list if ships tend to have more audio sources.
                audioSourcesList = new List<AudioSource>(1);


                if (shipInstance.isRadarEnabled)
                    sscRadar = SSCRadar.GetOrCreateRadar();

                    if (shipInstance.shipDamageModel == Ship.ShipDamageModel.Localised)
                        for (int dmIdx = 0; dmIdx < shipInstance.numLocalisedDamageRegions; dmIdx++)

                isInitialised = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Reinitialises variables related to the mass of the ship.
        /// Call after modifying shipInstance.mass or shipInstance.centreOfMass.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReinitialiseMass()
            // Set the mass and centre of mass of the ship
            rBody.mass = shipInstance.mass;
            rBody.centerOfMass = shipInstance.centreOfMass;

        /// <summary>
        /// Reinitialises variables required for projectiles and effects of the ship.
        /// Call this after modifying any projectile or effect data for this ship.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReinitialiseShipProjectilesAndEffects()
            if (sscManager != null)
                // Initialise projectiles and effects objects
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
                Debug.LogWarning("ShipControlModule.ReinitialiseShipProjectilesAndEffects Warning: could not find SSCManager to update projectiles and effects.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Reinitialises variables required for destruct objects of the ship.
        /// Call after modifying any destruct data for this ship.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReinitialiseShipDestructObjects ()
            if (sscManager != null)
                // Initialise destruct objects
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
                Debug.LogWarning("ShipControlModule.ReinitialiseShipDestructObjects Warning: could not find SSCManager to update destruct objects.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Reinitialises variables required for ship beam weapons and effects used by those beams.
        /// Call this after modifying any beams or beam effect data for this ship.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReinitialiseShipBeams()
            if (sscManager != null)
                // Initialise beams, and effects objects used by those beams
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
                Debug.LogWarning("ShipControlModule.ReinitialiseShipBeams Warning: could not find SSCManager to update (weapon) beams");

        /// <summary>
        /// Reinitialises the thruster effects for a ship.
        /// Call this after modifying thruster effects objects for this ship.
        /// WARNING: This will generate Garbage so use sparingly.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReinitialiseThrusterEffects()
            // Initialise all thruster effects
            arrayLength = shipInstance.thrusterList == null ? 0 : shipInstance.thrusterList.Count;
            int numThrusterEffects = thrusterEffects == null ? 0 : thrusterEffects.Length;
            if (arrayLength > 0)
                // There is a list of thrusterEffectObjects. Each thruster has a slot however it also may be null if the thruster has no effects parent gameobject.
                // Each thruster should have a single ThrusterEffects slot (which could be null if thruster has no effects parent gameobject in the scene)
                // One ThrusterEffects component is added the to thruster effects parent gameobject (if there is one) for each Thruster in the scene.
                // Each ThrusterEffects component is then initialised.

                if (numThrusterEffects == 0) { thrusterEffects = new ThrusterEffects[arrayLength]; }
                else if (arrayLength != numThrusterEffects) { System.Array.Resize(ref thrusterEffects, arrayLength); }

                numThrusterEffects = thrusterEffects == null ? 0 : thrusterEffects.Length;

                for (componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < arrayLength; componentIndex++)
                    if (thrusterEffectObjects[componentIndex] != null)
                        // Check if the ThrusterEffects component has previously been added. If not, add it now.
                        ThrusterEffects thrusterEffect = thrusterEffectObjects[componentIndex].GetComponent<ThrusterEffects>();
                        if (thrusterEffect == null) { thrusterEffect = thrusterEffectObjects[componentIndex].AddComponent<ThrusterEffects>(); }

                        thrusterEffects[componentIndex] = thrusterEffect;

                // Clean up old thruster effect class instances
                if (numThrusterEffects > 0)
                    for (componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < numThrusterEffects; componentIndex++)
                    System.Array.Clear(thrusterEffects, 0, numThrusterEffects);
                thrusterEffects = null;


        #region  Public API Methods - Reset, Enable, Disable Ship
        /// <summary>
        /// A fast way of re-initialising a ship without changing its position or core
        /// settings. Typically called when re-initialising a scene or bringing a ship
        /// out of hibernation. If you want to temporarily stop a ship from moving, like
        /// when a user brings up a menu, call DisableShip() and EnableShip() instead.
        /// </summary>
        public void ResetShip()
            // Temporily prevent other things from occuring
            isInitialised = false;

            // Disable ship but don't make it invisible. Reset velocity
            EnableOrDisableShip(false, false, true);

            // Stop all Thrusters on the ship
            arrayLength = thrusterEffects == null ? 0 : thrusterEffects.Length;
            for (componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < arrayLength; componentIndex++)
                if (thrusterEffects[componentIndex] != null)
                    thruster = shipInstance.thrusterList[componentIndex];
                    if (thruster != null) { thrusterEffects[componentIndex].Stop(); }

            isRespawning = false;

            // (Re)initialise all necessary ship data
            shipInstance.UpdatePositionAndMovementData(transform, rBody);

            // NOTE: This may cause issues with Radar as it sets radarItemIndex = -1
            // If we see a problem, maybe we need to remove from radar first.

            // Reset the health of the ship

            // Get the last damage event index of the ship
            lastDamageEventIndex = shipInstance.LastDamageEventIndex();

            // Reset rumble
            damageRumbleTimer = -1f;

            isInitialised = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Enables the ship and make visible.
        /// If resetVelocity is set to true, resets the velocity of the ship to zero.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resetVelocity"></param>
        public void EnableShip (bool resetVelocity)
            EnableOrDisableShip(true, true, resetVelocity);

        /// <summary>
        /// Enables the ship. If updateVisibility is set to true, makes the ship visible.
        /// If resetVelocity is set to true, resets the velocity of the ship to zero.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updateVisibility"></param>
        /// <param name="resetVelocity"></param>
        public void EnableShip(bool updateVisibility, bool resetVelocity)
            EnableOrDisableShip(true, updateVisibility, resetVelocity);

        public bool IsActive => isActive;
        private bool isActive = false;

        public void LittleEnableShip()
            isActive = true;

        public void LittleDisableShip()
            isActive = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Disables the ship. If updateVisibility is set to true, makes the ship invisible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updateVisibility"></param>
        public void DisableShip(bool updateVisibility)
            EnableOrDisableShip(false, updateVisibility, false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns whether the ship is currently enabled. When disabled, it
        /// cannot move, be visible or radar, nor received damage and be destroyed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ShipIsEnabled()
            return shipIsEnabled;

        #region Public API Methods - Enable, Disable Ship Movement

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns whether the ship movement is curently enabled.
        /// See also ShipIsEnabled(). A ship's movement may be disabled
        /// while it can still receive damaage, be destroyed or be visible
        /// to radar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ShipMovementIsEnabled()
            return isMovementEnabled;

        /// <summary>
        /// This is a subset of EnableShip(...).
        /// It only applies to:
        /// 1) Physics
        /// 2) Thruster Effects
        /// 3) User or AI Input to the Ship
        /// 4) Sound FX (audio)
        /// If a ship is also disabled, this will re-enable the ship.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resetVelocity"></param>
        public void EnableShipMovement(bool resetVelocity)
            if (isInitialised)
                if (!shipIsEnabled) { EnableOrDisableShip(true, true, resetVelocity); }
                else { EnableOrDisableShipMovement(true, resetVelocity); }

        /// <summary>
        /// This is a subset of DisableShip(...).
        /// It only applies to:
        /// 1) Physics
        /// 2) Thruster Effects
        /// 3) User or AI Input to the Ship
        /// 4) Sound FX (audio)
        /// </summary>
        public void DisableShipMovement()
            if (isInitialised)
                EnableOrDisableShipMovement(false, false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Teleport the ship to a new location by moving by an amount
        /// in the x, y and z directions. This could be useful if changing
        /// the origin or centre of your world to compensate for float-point
        /// error.
        /// NOTE: This does not alter the current Respawn position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="delta"></param>
        /// <param name="resetVelocity"></param>
        public void TelePort (Vector3 delta, bool resetVelocity)
            // Remember current situation of the ship
            bool isMovementEnabled = false;

            if (isInitialised) { DisableShipMovement(); isMovementEnabled = true; }

            transform.position += delta;

            // If movement was enabled, re-enable it
            if (isMovementEnabled) { EnableShipMovement(resetVelocity); }

        /// <summary>
        /// Teleport the ship to a new location with a new rotation.
        /// NOTE: This does not alter the current Respawn position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="newRotation"></param>
        /// <param name="resetVelocity"></param>
        public void TelePort (Vector3 newPosition, Quaternion newRotation, bool resetVelocity)
            // Remember current situation of the ship
            bool isMovementEnabled = false;

            if (isInitialised) { DisableShipMovement(); isMovementEnabled = true; }

            transform.SetPositionAndRotation(newPosition, newRotation);

            // If movement was enabled, re-enable it
            if (isMovementEnabled) { EnableShipMovement(resetVelocity); }


        #region Public API Methods - Respawning

        /// <summary>
        /// If the ship is currently respawning, this will stop
        /// the countdown timer, preventing the ship from respawning
        /// until ResumeRespawning() is called.
        /// NOTE: Has no effect if not already respawning.
        /// </summary>
        public void PauseRespawning()
            if (isRespawning) { isRespawingPaused = true; }

        /// <summary>
        /// If respawning is currently paused, the respawning
        /// timer will now continue until the ship is respawned.
        /// NOTE: Has no effect if respawningMode is DontRespawn
        /// </summary>
        public void ResumeRespawning()
            isRespawingPaused = false;


        #region  Public API Methods - Radar

        /// <summary>
        /// The ship will no longer send tracking information to the radar system.
        /// If you want to change the visibility to other radar consumers, consider
        /// changing the radar item data rather than disabling the radar and (later)
        /// calling EnableRadar again. When using a Localised ShipDamageModel, it
        /// will also disable radar on all localised Damage Regions.
        /// </summary>
        public void DisableRadar()
            if (isInitialised)
                if (shipInstance.isRadarEnabled && sscRadar != null && sscRadar.IsInitialised)
                    // If enabled, remove the localised damage regions from radar
                    if (shipInstance.shipDamageModel == Ship.ShipDamageModel.Localised)
                        for (int dmIdx = 0; dmIdx < shipInstance.numLocalisedDamageRegions; dmIdx++)

                    // Remove this ship from radar
                shipInstance.sscRadarPacket = null;
                shipInstance.isRadarEnabled = false;
                shipInstance.radarItemIndex = -1;
            sscRadar = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// The ship will no longer send tracking information to the radar system for this
        /// damage region. If you want to change the visibility to other radar consumers, consider
        /// changing the radar item data rather than disabling the radar and (later)
        /// calling EnableRadar(damageRegion) again.
        /// NOTE: You do not need to call this if calling DisableRadar() for the ship.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="damageRegion"></param>
        public void DisableRadar(DamageRegion damageRegion)
            if (damageRegion != null)
                if (damageRegion.isRadarEnabled && damageRegion.radarItemIndex >= 0)
                damageRegion.sscRadarPacket = null;
                damageRegion.isRadarEnabled = false;
                damageRegion.radarItemIndex = -1;

        /// <summary>
        /// Enable the ship to send tracking information to the
        /// radar system. The ship must first be initialised.
        /// </summary>
        public void EnableRadar()
            if (isInitialised)
                sscRadar = SSCRadar.GetOrCreateRadar();

                if (sscRadar != null)
                    shipInstance.isRadarEnabled = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Enable the ship to send tracking information to the radar system
        /// for this damage region. The ship must be initialised and radar must
        /// already be enabled for the ship. See also EnableRadar().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="damageRegion"></param>
        public void EnableRadar(DamageRegion damageRegion)
            if (isInitialised && damageRegion.radarItemIndex == -1)
                damageRegion.isRadarEnabled = damageRegion.radarItemIndex >= 0;


        #region  Public API Methods - Ship Input

        /// <summary>
        /// Provide an instance of shipInput, and have it populated with the current values from the ship.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipInput"></param>
        public void GetShipInput (ShipInput shipInput)
            if (shipInput != null)
                shipInput.horizontal = pilotForceInput.x;
                shipInput.vertical = pilotForceInput.y;
                shipInput.longitudinal = pilotForceInput.z;
                shipInput.pitch = pilotMomentInput.x;
                shipInput.yaw = pilotMomentInput.y;
                shipInput.roll = pilotMomentInput.z;
                shipInput.primaryFire = pilotPrimaryFireInput;
                shipInput.secondaryFire = pilotSecondaryFireInput;
                shipInput.dock = pilotDockInput;

        /// <summary>
        /// Sends the specified input to the ship control module in order to control the ship.
        /// By default all data inputs should be enabled even when sending 0 values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shipInput"></param>
        public void SendInput(ShipInput shipInput)
            if (shipInput.isHorizontalDataEnabled) { pilotForceInput.x = shipInput.horizontal; }
            if (shipInput.isVerticalDataEnabled) { pilotForceInput.y = shipInput.vertical; }
            if (shipInput.isLongitudinalDataEnabled) { pilotForceInput.z = shipInput.longitudinal; }

            if (shipInput.isPitchDataEnabled) { pilotMomentInput.x = shipInput.pitch; }
            if (shipInput.isYawDataEnabled) { pilotMomentInput.y = shipInput.yaw; }
            if (shipInput.isRollDataEnabled) { pilotMomentInput.z = shipInput.roll; }

            if (shipInput.isPrimaryFireDataEnabled) { pilotPrimaryFireInput = shipInput.primaryFire; }
            if (shipInput.isSecondaryFireDataEnabled) { pilotSecondaryFireInput = shipInput.secondaryFire; }
            if (shipInput.isDockDataEnabled) { pilotDockInput = shipInput.dock; }

        #region Public API Methods - Docking

        /// <summary>
        /// Is the ShipDocking component attached to this ship, and if so, is the ship's state 'Docked'?
        /// NOTE: This does not mean it must be docked with a ShipDockingStation. For that, you would
        /// need to check the ShipDockingStation's docking points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ShipIsDocked()
            return isShipDockingAttached && shipDocking.GetState() == ShipDocking.DockingState.Docked;

        /// <summary>
        /// Is the ShipDocking component attached to this ship, and if so, is the ship's state 'Not Docked'?
        /// NOTE: This does not mean it must be not docked with a ShipDockingStation. For that, you would
        /// need to check the ShipDockingStation's docking points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ShipIsNotDocked()
            return isShipDockingAttached && shipDocking.GetStateInt() == ShipDocking.notDockedInt;

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a reference to the ShipDocking script if one was attached at the time this
        /// module was initiated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forceCheck">Ignore cached value and call GetComponent when true</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ShipDocking GetShipDocking(bool forceCheck = false)
            if (forceCheck) { FetchShipDocking(); }
            return isShipDockingAttached ? shipDocking : null;


        #region Public API Methods - Ship AI

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a reference to the ShipAIInputModule script if one was attached at the time
        /// this module was initialised.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forceCheck">Ignore cached value and call GetComponent when true</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ShipAIInputModule GetShipAIInputModule(bool forceCheck = false)
            if (forceCheck) { FetchShipAIInputModule(); }
            return isShipAIInputModuleAttached ? shipAIInputModule : null;


        #region Public API Methods - Thrusters

        /// <summary>
        /// Add 1 second of forward boost.
        /// See also StopBoost().
        /// For more control, see shipInstance.AddBoost(..).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forceAmountKNeutons"></param>
        public void AddBoost (float forceAmountKNeutons, float time = 1)
            if (isInitialised)
                shipInstance.AddBoost(Vector3.forward, forceAmountKNeutons * 1000f, time);

        public void MultiplyVelocity(float percent)
            if (isInitialised)
                rBody.velocity *= percent;

        /// <summary>
        /// Enable all the thruster effects where the gameobject contains the specified string.
        /// Typically used to turn on an effect to improve the quality or look of a game.
        /// Call ReinitialiseThrusterEffects() after calling 1 or more of these methods.
        /// If you wish to enable or start a thruster, it is more likely you want to use EnableShip()
        /// or EnableShipMovement().
        /// WARNING: This will generate Garbage so use sparingly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="effectNameContains"></param>
        public void EnableThrusterEffects(string effectNameContains)
            arrayLength = thrusterEffectObjects == null ? 0 : thrusterEffectObjects.Length;

            // Look through all the thrusters for effects parent gameobjects
            for (componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < arrayLength; componentIndex++)
                GameObject thrusterEffectsGO = thrusterEffectObjects[componentIndex];
                if (thrusterEffectsGO != null)
                    // If the top level effects gameobject contains the string, then disable it.
                    if ( { thrusterEffectsGO.SetActive(true); }
                        // Search through the child objects including inactive transforms
                        Transform[] childTrfms = thrusterEffectsGO.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(true);
                        int numChildren = childTrfms == null ? 0 : childTrfms.Length;
                        for (int t = 0; t < numChildren; t++)
                            if (childTrfms[t] != null && childTrfms[t].name.Contains(effectNameContains))

        /// <summary>
        /// Disable all the thruster effects where the gameobject contains the specified string.
        /// Typically used to turn off an effect to reduce the performance overhead of running it.
        /// Call ReinitialiseThrusterEffects() after calling 1 or more of these methods.
        /// If you wish to pause or stop a thruster, it is more likely you want to use DisableShip()
        /// or DisableShipMovement().
        /// WARNING: This will generate Garbage so use sparingly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="effectNameContains"></param>
        public void DisableThrusterEffects (string effectNameContains)
            arrayLength = thrusterEffectObjects == null ? 0 : thrusterEffectObjects.Length;

            // Look through all the thrusters for effects parent gameobjects
            for (componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < arrayLength; componentIndex++)
                GameObject thrusterEffectsGO = thrusterEffectObjects[componentIndex];
                if (thrusterEffectsGO != null)
                    // If the top level effects gameobject contains the string, then disable it.
                    if ( { thrusterEffectsGO.SetActive(false); }
                        // Search through the child objects
                        Transform[] childTrfms = thrusterEffectsGO.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
                        int numChildren = childTrfms == null ? 0 : childTrfms.Length;
                        for (int t = 0; t < numChildren; t++)
                            if (childTrfms[t] != null && childTrfms[t].name.Contains(effectNameContains))

        /// <summary>
        /// Set the maximum volume for a given thruster. Numbers begin at 1. Values should be between 0.0 and 1.0.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="thrusterNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="newMaxVolume"></param>
        public void SetThrusterMaxVolume (int thrusterNumber, float newMaxVolume)
            if (isInitialised && thrusterNumber > 0 && thrusterNumber <= (thrusterEffects == null ? 0 : thrusterEffects.Length))
                if (thrusterEffects[thrusterNumber - 1] != null)
                    thrusterEffects[thrusterNumber - 1].SetMaxVolume(newMaxVolume);

        /// <summary>
        /// Begin to shut down the thrusters. Optionally override the shutdown duration.
        /// </summary>
        public void ShutdownThrusterSystems (bool isInstantShutdown = false)
            if (isInitialised)

                //if (!shipInstance.isThrusterSystemsStarted)

        /// <summary>
        /// Begin to bring the thrusters online. Optionally, override the startup duration.
        /// As soon as the systems begin to start up, shipInstance.isThrusterSystemsStarted will be true.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isInstantStartup"></param>
        public void StartupThrusterSystems (bool isInstantStartup = false)
            if (isInitialised)

        /// <summary>
        /// Immediately stop any boost that has been applied with AddBoost(..).
        /// </summary>
        public void StopBoost()
            if (isInitialised) { shipInstance.StopBoost(); }

        /// <summary>
        /// Stop all Thruster Effects on the ship
        /// </summary>
        public void StopThrusterEffects()
            arrayLength = thrusterEffects == null ? 0 : thrusterEffects.Length;
            for (componentIndex = 0; componentIndex < arrayLength; componentIndex++)
                if (thrusterEffects[componentIndex] != null)



    #region Public Structures

    /// <summary>
    /// Paramaters structure for CallbackOnHit (callback for Ship Control Module).
    /// We do not recommend keeping references to any fields within this structure.
    /// Use them in one frame, then discard them.
    /// </summary>
    public struct CallbackOnShipHitParameters
        /// <summary>
        /// Hit information for the raycast hit against the ship.
        /// </summary>
        public RaycastHit hitInfo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Prefab for the projectile that hit the ship.
        /// </summary>
        public ProjectileModule projectilePrefab;
        /// <summary>
        /// Prefab for the beam that hit the ship
        /// </summary>
        public BeamModule beamPrefab;
        /// <summary>
        /// Amount of damage done by the projectile or beam.
        /// </summary>
        public float damageAmount;
        /// <summary>
        /// The squadron ID of the ship that fired the projectile or beam.
        /// </summary>
        public int sourceSquadronId;
        /// <summary>
        /// Ship that fired the projectile or beam, else 0
        /// </summary>
        public int sourceShipId;
