using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.UI; namespace CurvedUI { [CustomEditor(typeof(CurvedUIInputModule))] public class CurvedUIInputModuleEditor : Editor { bool opened = false; #if CURVEDUI_GOOGLEVR bool isGVR = true; #else bool isGVR = false; #endif void OnEnable() { CurvedUIInputModule myTarget = (CurvedUIInputModule)target; #if CURVEDUI_OCULUSVR //automatically find Oculus Rig, if possible if (myTarget.OculusCameraRig == null) myTarget.OculusCameraRig = Object.FindObjectOfType<OVRCameraRig>(); #elif CURVEDUI_STEAMVR_LEGACY //automatically find SteamVR Rig, if possible if (myTarget.SteamVRControllerManager == null) myTarget.SteamVRControllerManager = Object.FindObjectOfType<SteamVR_ControllerManager>(); #elif CURVEDUI_STEAMVR_2 //automatically find SteamVR Rig, if possible if (myTarget.SteamVRPlayArea == null) myTarget.SteamVRPlayArea = FindObjectOfType<Valve.VR.SteamVR_PlayArea>(); #endif } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Use CurvedUISettings component on your Canvas to configure CurvedUI", MessageType.Info); if (isGVR)//on GVR we draw all the stuff. { DrawDefaultInspector(); } else { if (opened) { if (GUILayout.Button("Hide Fields")) opened = !opened; DrawDefaultInspector(); } else { if (GUILayout.Button("Show Fields")) opened = !opened; } } GUILayout.Space(20); } } }