using QFSW.QC.Utilities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;

namespace QFSW.QC
    public static partial class QuantumConsoleProcessor

        private const string helpStr = "Welcome to Quantum Console! In order to see specific help about any specific command, " +
                "please use the 'man' command. Use 'man man' to see more about the man command. To see a full list of all " +
                "commands, use 'all-commands'.\n\n" +
                "mono-targets\nVarious commands may show a mono-target in their command signature.\n" +
                "This means they are not static commands, and instead requires instance(s) of the class in order to invoke the command." +
                "\nEach mono-target works differently as follows:" +
                "\n - single: uses the first instance of the type found in the scene" +
                "\n - all: uses all instances of the type found in the scene" +
                "\n - registry: uses all instances of the type found in the registry" +
                "\n - singleton: creates and manages a single instance automatically" +
                "\n\nThe registry is a part of the Quantum Registry that allows you to decide which specific instances of the class " +
                "should be used when invoking the command. In order to add an object to the registry, either use " +
                "QFSW.QC.QuantumRegistry.RegisterObject<T> or the runtime command 'register-object<T>'.";

        [Command("help", "Shows a basic help guide for Quantum Console")]
        private static string GetHelp()
            return helpStr;

        private static string ManualHelp()
            return "To use the man command, simply put the desired command name in front of it. For example, 'man my-command' will generate the manual for 'my-command'";

        [CommandDescription("Generates a user manual for any given command, including built in ones. To use the man command, simply put the desired command name infront of it. For example, 'man my-command' will generate the manual for 'my-command'")]
        private static string GenerateCommandManual(string commandName)
            string[] matchingCommands = _commandTable.Keys.Where((string key) => key.Split('(')[0] == commandName).OrderBy((string key) => key).ToArray();
            if (matchingCommands.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException($"No command with the name {commandName} was found."); }
                Dictionary<string, ParameterInfo> foundParams = new Dictionary<string, ParameterInfo>();
                Dictionary<string, Type> foundGenericArguments = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
                Dictionary<string, CommandParameterDescriptionAttribute> foundParamDescriptions = new Dictionary<string, CommandParameterDescriptionAttribute>();
                List<Type> declaringTypes = new List<Type>(1);

                string manual = $"Generated user manual for {commandName}\nAvailable command signatures:";

                for (int i = 0; i < matchingCommands.Length; i++)
                    CommandData currentCommand = _commandTable[matchingCommands[i]];

                    manual += $"\n   - {currentCommand.CommandSignature}";
                    if (!currentCommand.IsStatic) { manual += $" (mono-target = {currentCommand.MonoTarget.ToString().ToLower()})"; }
                    for (int j = 0; j < currentCommand.ParamCount; j++)
                        ParameterInfo param = currentCommand.MethodParamData[j];
                        if (!foundParams.ContainsKey(param.Name)) { foundParams.Add(param.Name, param); }
                        if (!foundParamDescriptions.ContainsKey(param.Name))
                            CommandParameterDescriptionAttribute descriptionAttribute = param.GetCustomAttribute<CommandParameterDescriptionAttribute>();
                            if (descriptionAttribute != null && descriptionAttribute.Valid) { foundParamDescriptions.Add(param.Name, descriptionAttribute); }

                    if (currentCommand.IsGeneric)
                        Type[] genericArgs = currentCommand.GenericParamTypes;
                        for (int j = 0; j < genericArgs.Length; j++)
                            Type arg = genericArgs[j];
                            if (!foundGenericArguments.ContainsKey(arg.Name)) { foundGenericArguments.Add(arg.Name, arg); }

                if (foundParams.Count > 0)
                    manual += "\nParameter info:";
                    ParameterInfo[] commandParams = foundParams.Values.ToArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i < commandParams.Length; i++)
                        ParameterInfo currentParam = commandParams[i];
                        manual += $"\n   - {currentParam.Name}: {currentParam.ParameterType.GetDisplayName()}";

                string genericConstraintInformation = "";
                if (foundGenericArguments.Count > 0)
                    Type[] genericArgs = foundGenericArguments.Values.ToArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i < genericArgs.Length; i++)
                        Type arg = genericArgs[i];
                        Type[] typeConstraints = arg.GetGenericParameterConstraints();
                        GenericParameterAttributes attributes = arg.GenericParameterAttributes;

                        List<string> formattedConstraints = new List<string>();
                        if (attributes.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint)) { formattedConstraints.Add("struct"); }
                        if (attributes.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint)) { formattedConstraints.Add("class"); }
                        for (int j = 0; j < typeConstraints.Length; j++) { formattedConstraints.Add(typeConstraints[i].GetDisplayName()); }
                        if (attributes.HasFlag(GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint)) { formattedConstraints.Add("new()"); }

                        if (formattedConstraints.Count > 0)
                            genericConstraintInformation += $"\n   - {arg.Name}: {string.Join(", ", formattedConstraints)}";
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(genericConstraintInformation)) { manual += $"\nGeneric constraints:{genericConstraintInformation}"; }

                for (int i = 0; i < matchingCommands.Length; i++)
                    CommandData currentCommand = _commandTable[matchingCommands[i]];
                    if (currentCommand.HasDescription)
                        manual += $"\n\nCommand description:\n{currentCommand.CommandDescription}";
                        i = matchingCommands.Length;

                if (foundParamDescriptions.Count > 0)
                    manual += "\n\nParameter descriptions:";
                    ParameterInfo[] commandParams = foundParams.Values.ToArray();
                    for (int i = 0; i < commandParams.Length; i++)
                        ParameterInfo currentParam = commandParams[i];
                        if (foundParamDescriptions.ContainsKey(currentParam.Name))
                            manual += $"\n - {currentParam.Name}: {foundParamDescriptions[currentParam.Name].Description}";

                declaringTypes = declaringTypes.Distinct().ToList();
                manual += "\n\nDeclared in";
                if (declaringTypes.Count == 1) { manual += $" {declaringTypes[0].GetDisplayName(true)}"; }
                    manual += ":";
                    foreach (Type type in declaringTypes)
                        manual += $"\n   - {type.GetDisplayName(true)}";

                return manual;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all loaded unique commands. Unique excludes multiple overloads of the same command from appearing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>All loaded unique commands.</returns>
        public static IEnumerable<CommandData> GetUniqueCommands()
            return GetAllCommands()
                .DistinctBy(x => x.CommandName)
                .OrderBy(x => x.CommandName);

        [CommandDescription("Generates a list of all commands currently loaded by the Quantum Console Processor")]
        private static string GenerateCommandList()
            string output = "List of all commands loaded by the Quantum Processor. Use 'man' on any command to see more:";
            foreach (CommandData command in GetUniqueCommands())
                output += $"\n   - {command.CommandName}";

            return output;

        [Command("user-commands", "Generates a list of all commands added by the user")]
        private static IEnumerable<string> GenerateUserCommandList()
            return GetUniqueCommands()
                .Where(x => !x.MethodData.DeclaringType.Assembly.FullName.StartsWith("QFSW.QC"))
                .Select(x => $"   - {x.CommandName}");