using BrainFailProductions.PolyFew; using System; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; using UnityEngine.UI; namespace BrainFailProductions.PolyFewRuntime { public class PolygonReduction : MonoBehaviour { public Slider reductionStrength; public Slider preservationStrength; public Toggle preserveUVFoldover; public Toggle preserveUVSeams; public Toggle preserveBorders; public Toggle enableSmartLinking; public Toggle preserveFace; public Toggle recalculateNormals; public Toggle regardCurvature; public InputField trianglesCount; public Text message; public Text progress; public Button exportButton; public Button importFromFileSystem; public Button importFromWeb; public Slider progressSlider; public GameObject uninteractivePanel; public GameObject targetObject; public Transform preservationSphere; public EventSystem eventSystem; private PolyfewRuntime.ObjectMeshPairs objectMeshPairs; private bool didApplyLosslessLast = false; private bool disableTemporary = false; private GameObject barabarianRef; private PolyfewRuntime.ReferencedNumeric<float> downloadProgress = new PolyfewRuntime.ReferencedNumeric<float>(0); #pragma warning disable private bool isImportingFromNetwork; private bool isWebGL; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer) { isWebGL = true; } uninteractivePanel.SetActive(false); exportButton.interactable = false; barabarianRef = targetObject; objectMeshPairs = PolyfewRuntime.GetObjectMeshPairs(targetObject, true); trianglesCount.text = PolyfewRuntime.CountTriangles(true, targetObject) + ""; } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!eventSystem) { return; } if (eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject && eventSystem.currentSelectedGameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>()) { FlyCamera.deactivated = true; } else { FlyCamera.deactivated = false; } if (isWebGL) { exportButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); importFromFileSystem.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } public void OnReductionChange(float value) { if (disableTemporary) { return; } didApplyLosslessLast = false; if (targetObject == null) { return; } if (Mathf.Approximately(0, value)) { AssignMeshesFromPairs(); trianglesCount.text = PolyfewRuntime.CountTriangles(true, targetObject) + ""; return; } PolyfewRuntime.SimplificationOptions options = new PolyfewRuntime.SimplificationOptions(); options.simplificationStrength = value; options.enableSmartlinking = enableSmartLinking.isOn; options.preserveBorderEdges = preserveBorders.isOn; options.preserveUVSeamEdges = preserveUVSeams.isOn; options.preserveUVFoldoverEdges = preserveUVFoldover.isOn; options.recalculateNormals = recalculateNormals.isOn; options.regardCurvature = regardCurvature.isOn; if (preserveFace.isOn) { options.regardPreservationSpheres = true; options.preservationSpheres.Add(new PolyfewRuntime.PreservationSphere(preservationSphere.position, preservationSphere.lossyScale.x, preservationStrength.value)); } else { options.regardPreservationSpheres = false; } trianglesCount.text = PolyfewRuntime.SimplifyObjectDeep(objectMeshPairs, options, (GameObject go, PolyfewRuntime.MeshRendererPair mInfo) => { //Debug.Log("Simplified mesh " + + " on GameObject " +; }) + ""; } public void SimplifyLossless() { //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch w = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); //w.Start(); disableTemporary = true; reductionStrength.value = 0; disableTemporary = false; didApplyLosslessLast = true; PolyfewRuntime.SimplificationOptions options = new PolyfewRuntime.SimplificationOptions { enableSmartlinking = enableSmartLinking.isOn, preserveBorderEdges = preserveBorders.isOn, preserveUVSeamEdges = preserveUVSeams.isOn, preserveUVFoldoverEdges = preserveUVFoldover.isOn, recalculateNormals = recalculateNormals.isOn, regardCurvature = regardCurvature.isOn, simplifyMeshLossless = true }; if (preserveFace.isOn) { options.regardPreservationSpheres = true; } else { options.regardPreservationSpheres = false; } trianglesCount.text = PolyfewRuntime.SimplifyObjectDeep(objectMeshPairs, options, (GameObject go, PolyfewRuntime.MeshRendererPair mInfo) => { //Debug.Log("Simplified mesh " + + " on GameObject " +; }) + ""; //w.Stop(); //Debug.Log("Elapsed " + w.ElapsedMilliseconds); } public void ImportOBJ() { // This function loads an abj file named Meat.obj from the project's asset directory // This also loads the associated textures and materials GameObject importedObject; PolyfewRuntime.OBJImportOptions importOptions = new PolyfewRuntime.OBJImportOptions(); importOptions.zUp = false; importOptions.localPosition = new Vector3(-2.199f, -1, -1.7349f); importOptions.localScale = new Vector3(0.045f, 0.045f, 0.045f); string objPath = Application.dataPath + "/PolyFew/demo/TestModels/Meat.obj"; string texturesFolderPath = Application.dataPath + "/PolyFew/demo/TestModels/textures"; string materialsFolderPath = Application.dataPath + "/PolyFew/demo/TestModels/materials"; PolyfewRuntime.ImportOBJFromFileSystem(objPath, texturesFolderPath, materialsFolderPath, (GameObject imp) => { importedObject = imp; Debug.Log("Successfully imported GameObject: " +; barabarianRef.SetActive(false); targetObject = importedObject; ResetSettings(); objectMeshPairs = PolyfewRuntime.GetObjectMeshPairs(targetObject, true); trianglesCount.text = PolyfewRuntime.CountTriangles(true, targetObject) + ""; exportButton.interactable = true; importFromWeb.interactable = false; importFromFileSystem.interactable = false; preserveFace.interactable = false; preservationStrength.interactable = false; disableTemporary = true; preservationSphere.gameObject.SetActive(false); disableTemporary = false; }, (Exception ex) => { Debug.LogError("Failed to load OBJ file. " + ex.ToString()); }, importOptions); } public void ImportOBJFromNetwork() { // This function downloads and imports an obj file named onion.obj from the url below // This also loads the associated textures and materials given by the absolute URLs GameObject importedObject; isImportingFromNetwork = true; PolyfewRuntime.OBJImportOptions importOptions = new PolyfewRuntime.OBJImportOptions(); importOptions.zUp = false; importOptions.localPosition = new Vector3(0.87815f, 1.4417f, -4.4708f); importOptions.localScale = new Vector3(0.0042f, 0.0042f, 0.0042f); string objURL = ""; string objName = "onion"; string diffuseTexURL = ""; string bumpTexURL = ""; string specularTexURL = ""; string opacityTexURL = ""; string materialURL = ""; progressSlider.value = 0; uninteractivePanel.SetActive(true); downloadProgress = new PolyfewRuntime.ReferencedNumeric<float>(0); StartCoroutine(UpdateProgress()); PolyfewRuntime.ImportOBJFromNetwork(objURL, objName, diffuseTexURL, bumpTexURL, specularTexURL, opacityTexURL, materialURL, downloadProgress, (GameObject imp) => { AssignMeshesFromPairs(); isImportingFromNetwork = false; importedObject = imp; barabarianRef.SetActive(false); targetObject = importedObject; ResetSettings(); objectMeshPairs = PolyfewRuntime.GetObjectMeshPairs(targetObject, true); trianglesCount.text = PolyfewRuntime.CountTriangles(true, targetObject) + ""; exportButton.interactable = true; uninteractivePanel.SetActive(false); importFromWeb.interactable = false; importFromFileSystem.interactable = false; preserveFace.interactable = false; preservationStrength.interactable = false; disableTemporary = true; preservationSphere.gameObject.SetActive(false); disableTemporary = false; }, (Exception ex) => { uninteractivePanel.SetActive(false); isImportingFromNetwork = false; Debug.LogError("Failed to download and import OBJ file. " + ex.Message); }, importOptions); } public void ExportGameObjectToOBJ() { //The following exports the GameObject Onion to the persistent data path string exportPath = Application.persistentDataPath; GameObject exportObject = GameObject.Find("onion"); if (exportObject) { exportObject = exportObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject; } else { exportObject = GameObject.Find("Meat"); if (!exportObject) { return; } else { exportObject = exportObject.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).gameObject; } } PolyfewRuntime.OBJExportOptions exportOptions = new PolyfewRuntime.OBJExportOptions(true, true, true, true, true); PolyfewRuntime.ExportGameObjectToOBJ(exportObject, exportPath, () => { Debug.Log("Successfully exported GameObject: " +; string message = "Successfully exported the file to: \n" + Application.persistentDataPath; StartCoroutine(ShowMessage(message)); }, (Exception ex) => { Debug.LogError("Failed to export OBJ. " + ex.ToString()); }, exportOptions); } public void OnToggleStateChanged(bool isOn) { if (disableTemporary) { return; } preservationSphere.gameObject.SetActive(preserveFace.isOn); if (didApplyLosslessLast) { SimplifyLossless(); } else { preservationStrength.interactable = preserveFace.isOn; OnReductionChange(reductionStrength.value); } } public void OnPreservationStrengthChange(float value) { OnToggleStateChanged(true); } #region HelperFunctions public void Reset() { ResetSettings(); AssignMeshesFromPairs(); GameObject obj = GameObject.Find("onion"); if (obj) { targetObject.SetActive(false); } else { obj = GameObject.Find("Meat"); if (obj) { targetObject.SetActive(false); } } targetObject = barabarianRef; preserveFace.interactable = true; preservationStrength.interactable = preserveFace.isOn; targetObject.SetActive(true); objectMeshPairs = PolyfewRuntime.GetObjectMeshPairs(targetObject, true); trianglesCount.text = PolyfewRuntime.CountTriangles(true, targetObject) + ""; exportButton.interactable = false; importFromWeb.interactable = true; importFromFileSystem.interactable = true; } public static void OnSliderSelect() { FlyCamera.deactivated = true; } public static void OnSliderDeselect() { FlyCamera.deactivated = false; } private bool IsMouseOverUI(RectTransform uiElement) { Vector2 localMousePosition = uiElement.InverseTransformPoint(Input.mousePosition); if (uiElement.rect.Contains(localMousePosition)) { return true; } return false; } private IEnumerator ShowMessage(string message) { Debug.Log(message); this.message.text = message; yield return new WaitForSeconds(4.5f); this.message.text = ""; } private void ResetSettings() { disableTemporary = true; reductionStrength.value = 0; preserveUVSeams.isOn = false; preserveUVFoldover.isOn = false; preserveBorders.isOn = false; enableSmartLinking.isOn = true; preserveFace.isOn = false; preservationSphere.gameObject.SetActive(false); disableTemporary = false; preservationStrength.value = 100; } private IEnumerator UpdateProgress() { while (true) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); progressSlider.value = downloadProgress.Value; progress.text = (int)downloadProgress.Value + "%"; } } private void AssignMeshesFromPairs() { if (objectMeshPairs != null) { foreach (GameObject gameObject in objectMeshPairs.Keys) { if (gameObject != null) { PolyfewRuntime.MeshRendererPair meshRendererPair = objectMeshPairs[gameObject]; if (meshRendererPair.mesh == null) { continue; } if (meshRendererPair.attachedToMeshFilter) { MeshFilter filter = gameObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); if (filter == null) { continue; } //Debug.Log("Is attached to meshfilter GAMOBJECT: " + + " CurrentMesh name: " + + " set sharedMesh to " +; filter.sharedMesh = meshRendererPair.mesh; } else if (!meshRendererPair.attachedToMeshFilter) { SkinnedMeshRenderer sRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); if (sRenderer == null) { continue; } //Debug.Log("Is attached to SkinnedMeshRendere GAMOBJECT: " + + " CurrentMesh name: " + + " set sharedMesh to " +; sRenderer.sharedMesh = meshRendererPair.mesh; } } } } } #endregion Helper Functions } }