using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace BNG { public class CustomCenterOfMass : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Define Center of Mass")] [Tooltip("Local coordinates to use as center of mass if 'CenterOfMassTransform' is not specified.")] public Vector3 CenterOfMass =; [Tooltip("Use this Transform's local position for the center of mass if specified.")] public Transform CenterOfMassTransform; [Header("Debug Options")] [Tooltip("If true a red sphere will in the editor show where the center of mass will be positioned")] public bool ShowGizmo = true; Rigidbody rigid; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { rigid = GetComponent(); SetCenterOfMass(getThisCenterOfMass()); } public virtual void SetCenterOfMass(Vector3 center) { if (rigid) { rigid.centerOfMass = center; } } protected virtual Vector3 getThisCenterOfMass() { if (CenterOfMassTransform != null) { return CenterOfMassTransform.localPosition; } else { return CenterOfMass; } } void OnDrawGizmos() { if(ShowGizmo) { Gizmos.color =; if(rigid) { Gizmos.DrawSphere(rigid.worldCenterOfMass, 0.02f); } else { Gizmos.DrawSphere(transform.position + transform.TransformVector(getThisCenterOfMass()), 0.02f); } } } } }