using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

namespace BNG {

    public enum RotationMechanic {
    public class PlayerRotation : MonoBehaviour {

        [Tooltip("Set to false to skip Update")]
        public bool AllowInput = true;

        [Tooltip("Used to determine whether to turn left / right. This can be an X Axis on the thumbstick, for example. -1 to snap left, 1 to snap right.")]
        public List<InputAxis> inputAxis = new List<InputAxis>() { InputAxis.RightThumbStickAxis };

        [Tooltip("Unity Input Action used to rotate the player")]
        public InputActionReference RotateAction;

        [Header("Smooth / Snap Turning")]
        [Tooltip("Snap rotation will rotate a fixed amount of degrees on turn. Smooth will linearly rotate the player.")]
        public RotationMechanic RotationType = RotationMechanic.Snap;

        [Header("Snap Turn Settings")]
        [Tooltip("How many degrees to rotate if RotationType is set to 'Snap'")]
        public float SnapRotationAmount = 45f;

        [Tooltip("Thumbstick X axis must be >= this amount to be considered an input event")]
        public float SnapInputAmount = 0.75f;

        [Header("Smooth Turn Settings")]
        [Tooltip("How fast to rotate the player if RotationType is set to 'Smooth'")]
        public float SmoothTurnSpeed = 40f;

        [Tooltip("Thumbstick X axis must be >= this amount to be considered an input event")]
        public float SmoothTurnMinInput = 0.1f;

        float recentSnapTurnTime;        

        /// <summary>
        /// How much to rotate this frame
        /// </summary>
        float rotationAmount = 0;

        float xAxis;
        float previousXInput;

        #region Events
        public delegate void OnBeforeRotateAction();
        public static event OnBeforeRotateAction OnBeforeRotate;

        public delegate void OnAfterRotateAction();
        public static event OnAfterRotateAction OnAfterRotate;

        void Update() {

            if(!AllowInput) {

            xAxis = GetAxisInput();

            if (RotationType == RotationMechanic.Snap) {

            else if (RotationType == RotationMechanic.Smooth) {

            // Store input for future checks
            previousXInput = xAxis;

        /// <summary>
        /// Return a float between -1 and 1 to determine which direction to turn the character
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual float GetAxisInput() {

            // Use the largest, non-zero value we find in our input list
            float lastVal = 0;

            // Check Raw Input
            if(inputAxis != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < inputAxis.Count; i++) {
                    float axisVal = InputBridge.Instance.GetInputAxisValue(inputAxis[i]).x;

                    // Always take this value if our last entry was 0. 
                    if (lastVal == 0) {
                        lastVal = axisVal;
                    else if (axisVal != 0 && axisVal > lastVal) {
                        lastVal = axisVal;

            // Check Unity Input Action
            if(RotateAction != null) {
                float axisVal = RotateAction.action.ReadValue<Vector2>().x;
                // Always take this value if our last entry was 0. 
                if (lastVal == 0) {
                    lastVal = axisVal;
                else if (axisVal != 0 && axisVal > lastVal) {
                    lastVal = axisVal;

            return lastVal;

        public virtual void DoSnapRotation(float xInput) {

            // Reset rotation amount before retrieving inputs
            rotationAmount = 0;

            // Snap Right
            if (xInput >= 0.1f && previousXInput < 0.1f) {
                rotationAmount += SnapRotationAmount;
            // Snap Left
            else if (xInput <= -0.1f && previousXInput > -0.1f) {
                rotationAmount -= SnapRotationAmount;

            if(Math.Abs(rotationAmount) > 0) {

                // Call any Before Rotation Events

                // Apply rotation
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(transform.eulerAngles.x, transform.eulerAngles.y + rotationAmount, transform.eulerAngles.z));

                recentSnapTurnTime = Time.time;

                // Call any After Rotation Events

        public virtual bool RecentlySnapTurned() {
            return Time.time - recentSnapTurnTime <= 0.1f;

        public virtual void DoSmoothRotation(float xInput) {

            // Reset rotation amount before retrieving inputs
            rotationAmount = 0;

            // Smooth Rotate Right
            if (xInput >= SmoothTurnMinInput) {
                rotationAmount += xInput * SmoothTurnSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
            // Smooth Rotate Left
            else if (xInput <= -SmoothTurnMinInput) {
                rotationAmount += xInput * SmoothTurnSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            // Apply rotation
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(transform.eulerAngles.x, transform.eulerAngles.y + rotationAmount, transform.eulerAngles.z));