using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.InputSystem; namespace BNG { /// <summary> /// This script will adjust the player's virtual height to match the 'DesiredPlayerHeight' property. /// For example, if the player's height is 1.5 meters tall, but the DesiredPlayerHeight = 1.6, then the player's virtual height will be increased by 0.1. /// </summary> public class CalibratePlayerHeight : MonoBehaviour { [Tooltip("Desired height of the player in meters. The player's presence in vr will be adjusted based on their physical height. 1.65 meters = 5.41 feet")] public float DesiredPlayerHeight = 1.65f; [Tooltip("Adjust the CharacterControllerYOffset property of this playerController. If not specified one will be found using GetComponentInChildren()")] public BNGPlayerController PlayerController; [Header("Startup")] [Tooltip("If true, the player's virtual height will be adjusted to match DesiredPlayerHeight on Start()")] public bool CalibrateOnStart = true; [Header("Input :")] [Tooltip("If specified, pressing this button / action will activate the calibration")] public InputAction CalibrateHeightAction; private float _initialOffset = 0; void Start() { if(CalibrateHeightAction != null) { CalibrateHeightAction.Enable(); CalibrateHeightAction.performed += context => { CalibrateHeight(); }; } if(PlayerController == null) { PlayerController = GetComponentInChildren<BNGPlayerController>(); } if(CalibrateOnStart) { StartCoroutine(setupInitialOffset()); } } //private void Update() //{ // CalibrateHeight(); //} public void CalibrateHeight() { CalibrateHeight(DesiredPlayerHeight); } public void CalibrateHeight(float calibrateHeight) { Debug.Log("Calibrate Height"); float physicalHeight = GetCurrentPlayerHeight(); PlayerController.CharacterControllerYOffset = calibrateHeight - physicalHeight; } public void ResetPlayerHeight() { PlayerController.CharacterControllerYOffset = _initialOffset; } public float GetCurrentPlayerHeight() { if(PlayerController != null) { return PlayerController.CameraHeight; } return 0; } public virtual void SetInitialOffset() { if (PlayerController) { _initialOffset = PlayerController.CharacterControllerYOffset; } } IEnumerator setupInitialOffset() { // Give slight delay before calibrating height yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f); SetInitialOffset(); CalibrateHeight(); } } }