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rabidus-test/Assets/BNG Framework/Scripts/Core/Grabber.cs

637 lines
22 KiB

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace BNG {
/// <summary>
/// A trigger collider that handles grabbing grabbables.
/// </summary>
public class Grabber : MonoBehaviour {
[Header("Hand Side")]
/// <summary>
/// Which controller side. None if not attached to a controller.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("Which controller side. None if not attached to a controller.")]
public ControllerHand HandSide = ControllerHand.Left;
[Header("Grab Settings")]
/// <summary>
/// Which controller side. None if not attached to a controller.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("The default hold type for all Grabbables. A Grabbable can manually override this default.")]
public HoldType DefaultHoldType = HoldType.HoldDown;
/// <summary>
/// The default grab button for all Grabbables. A Grabbable can manually override this default.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("The default grab button for all Grabbables. A Grabbable can manually override this default.")]
public GrabButton DefaultGrabButton = GrabButton.Grip;
[Header("Hold / Release")]
/// <summary>
/// 0-1 determine how much to consider a grip.
/// Example : 0.75 is holding the grip down 3/4 of the way
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("0-1 determine how much to consider a grip. Example : 0.75 is holding the grip down 3/4 of the way.")]
[Range(0.0f, 1f)]
public float GripAmount = 0.9f;
/// <summary>
/// How much grip considered to release an ob ect (0-1)
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("How much grip considered to release an object (0-1). Example : 0.75 is holding the grip down 3/4 of the way")]
[Range(0.0f, 1f)]
public float ReleaseGripAmount = 0.5f;
/// <summary>
/// How many seconds to check for grab input while Grip is held down. After grip is held down for this long, grip will need to be repressed in order to pick up an object.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("How many seconds to check for grab input while Grip is held down. After grip is held down for this long, grip will need to be repressed in order to pick up an object.")]
public float GrabCheckSeconds = 0.5f;
float currentGrabTime;
[Header("Equip on Start")]
/// <summary>
/// Assign a Grabbable here if you want to auto equip it on Start
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("Assign a Grabbable here if you want to auto equip it on Start")]
public Grabbable EquipGrabbableOnStart;
[Header("Hand Graphics")]
/// <summary>
/// Root transform that holds hands models. We may want to hide these while holding certain objects.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("Root transform that holds hands models. We may want to hide these while holding certain objects, or parent this object to the grabbable so they follow the object perfectly.")]
public Transform HandsGraphics;
Transform handsGraphicsParent;
Vector3 handsGraphicsPosition;
Quaternion handsGraphicsRotation;
[Header("Shown for Debug :")]
/// <summary>
/// The Grabbable we are currently holding. Null if not holding anything.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("The Grabbable we are currently holding. Null if not holding anything.")]
public Grabbable HeldGrabbable;
/// <summary>
/// Same as holding down grip if set to true. Should not have same value as ForceRelease.
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("Same as holding down grip if set to true. Should not have same value as ForceRelease.")]
public bool ForceGrab = false;
/// <summary>
/// Force the release of grip
/// </summary>
[Tooltip("Force the release of grip if set to true. Should not have same value as ForceGrab.")]
public bool ForceRelease = false;
[Tooltip("Time.time when we last dropped a Grabbable")]
public float LastDropTime;
Grabbable previousClosest;
Grabbable previousClosestRemote;
/// <summary>
/// Are we currently holding any valid items?
/// </summary>
public bool HoldingItem
get { return HeldGrabbable != null; }
/// <summary>
/// Are we currently pulling a remote grabbable towards us?
/// </summary>
public bool RemoteGrabbingItem {
get { return flyingGrabbable != null; }
/// <summary>
/// Keep track of all grabbables in trigger
/// </summary>
GrabbablesInTrigger grabsInTrigger;
public GrabbablesInTrigger GrabsInTrigger {
get {
return grabsInTrigger;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Grabbable object if we are currenly remote grabbing an object
/// </summary>
public Grabbable RemoteGrabbingGrabbable {
get {
return flyingGrabbable;
Grabbable flyingGrabbable;
// How long the object has been flying at our hand
float flyingTime = 0;
// Offset Hand Models are from Grabber
public Vector3 handsGraphicsGrabberOffset { get; private set; }
public Vector3 handsGraphicsGrabberOffsetRotation { get; private set; }
public Vector3 PreviousPosition;
/// <summary>
/// Can be used to position hands independently from model
/// </summary>
public Transform DummyTransform;
Rigidbody rb;
InputBridge input;
ConfigurableJoint joint;
// Is this a fresh grab / has the control been depressed
public bool FreshGrip = true;
[Header("Grabber Events")]
[Tooltip("Called immediately before a Grabbable object is officially grabbed")]
public GrabbableEvent onGrabEvent;
[Tooltip("Called immediately after a Grabbable object is grabbed. Use this if you need the Grabbable object to be setup before accessing it")]
public GrabbableEvent onAfterGrabEvent;
[Tooltip("Called immediately before droppping an item")]
public GrabbableEvent onReleaseEvent;
// For tracking velocity
public VelocityTracker velocityTracker;
void Start() {
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
grabsInTrigger = GetComponent<GrabbablesInTrigger>();
joint = GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>();
input = InputBridge.Instance;
// Setup defaults
if (joint == null) {
joint = gameObject.AddComponent<ConfigurableJoint>();
joint.rotationDriveMode = RotationDriveMode.Slerp;
JointDrive slerpDrive = joint.slerpDrive;
slerpDrive.positionSpring = 600;
JointDrive xDrive = joint.xDrive;
xDrive.positionSpring = 2500;
JointDrive yDrive = joint.yDrive;
yDrive.positionSpring = 2500;
JointDrive zDrive = joint.zDrive;
zDrive.positionSpring = 2500;
if(HandsGraphics) {
handsGraphicsParent = HandsGraphics.transform.parent;
handsGraphicsPosition = HandsGraphics.transform.localPosition;
handsGraphicsRotation = HandsGraphics.transform.localRotation;
handsGraphicsGrabberOffset = transform.InverseTransformPoint(HandsGraphics.position);
handsGraphicsGrabberOffsetRotation = transform.localEulerAngles;
// Make Collision Dynamic so we don't miss any collisions
if (rb && rb.isKinematic) {
rb.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousSpeculative;
// Should we auto equip an item
if(EquipGrabbableOnStart != null) {
// Velocity Tracking
if(velocityTracker == null) {
velocityTracker = GetComponent<VelocityTracker>();
// Add Velocity Tracker if one was not provided
if (velocityTracker == null) {
velocityTracker = gameObject.AddComponent<VelocityTracker>();
velocityTracker.controllerHand = HandSide;
void Update() {
// Keep track of how long an object has been trying to fly to our hand
if(flyingGrabbable != null) {
flyingTime += Time.deltaTime;
// Only allow an object to fly towards us
float maxFlyingGrabbableTime = 5;
if(flyingTime > maxFlyingGrabbableTime) {
// Make sure grab is valid
// Fire off updates
// Check for input to grab or release item
if ((HoldingItem == false && InputCheckGrab()) || ForceGrab) {
else if(((HoldingItem || RemoteGrabbingItem) && inputCheckRelease()) || ForceRelease) {
void updateFreshGrabStatus() {
// Update Fresh Grab status
if (getGrabInput(GrabButton.Grip) <= ReleaseGripAmount) {
// We release grab, so this is considered fresh
FreshGrip = true;
currentGrabTime = 0;
// Increment fresh grab time
if (getGrabInput(GrabButton.Grip) > GripAmount) {
currentGrabTime += Time.deltaTime;
// Not considered a valid grab if holding down for too long
if (currentGrabTime > GrabCheckSeconds) {
FreshGrip = false;
void checkGrabbableEvents() {
// Bail if nothing in our trigger area
if(grabsInTrigger == null) {
// If last closest was this one let event know and remove validator
if (previousClosest != grabsInTrigger.ClosestGrabbable) {
if (previousClosest != null) {
// Fire Off Events
GrabbableEvents[] ge = previousClosest.GetComponents<GrabbableEvents>();
if (ge != null) {
for (int x = 0; x < ge.Length; x++) {
// Update closest Grabbable
if (grabsInTrigger.ClosestGrabbable != null && !HoldingItem) {
// Fire Off Events
GrabbableEvents[] ge = grabsInTrigger.ClosestGrabbable.GetComponents<GrabbableEvents>();
if (ge != null) {
for (int x = 0; x < ge.Length; x++) {
if (grabsInTrigger.ClosestGrabbable != null && !HoldingItem) {
// Remote Grabbable Events
// If last closest was this one, unhighlight object
if (previousClosestRemote != grabsInTrigger.ClosestRemoteGrabbable) {
if (previousClosestRemote != null) {
// Fire Off Events
GrabbableEvents[] ge = previousClosestRemote.GetComponents<GrabbableEvents>();
if (ge != null) {
for (int x = 0; x < ge.Length; x++) {
// Update closest remote Grabbable
if (grabsInTrigger.ClosestRemoteGrabbable != null && !HoldingItem) {
// Fire Off Events
GrabbableEvents[] ge = grabsInTrigger.ClosestRemoteGrabbable.GetComponents<GrabbableEvents>();
if (ge != null) {
for (int x = 0; x < ge.Length; x++) {
// Set this as previous closest
previousClosest = grabsInTrigger.ClosestGrabbable;
previousClosestRemote = grabsInTrigger.ClosestRemoteGrabbable;
// See if we are inputting controls to grab an item
public virtual bool InputCheckGrab() {
// Nothing nearby to grab
Grabbable closest = getClosestOrRemote();
return GetInputDownForGrabbable(closest);
public virtual bool GetInputDownForGrabbable(Grabbable grabObject) {
if(grabObject == null) {
return false;
// Check Hold Controls
HoldType closestHoldType = getHoldType(grabObject);
GrabButton closestGrabButton = GetGrabButton(grabObject);
// Hold to grab controls
if (closestHoldType == HoldType.HoldDown) {
bool grabInput = getGrabInput(closestGrabButton) >= GripAmount;
if (closestGrabButton == GrabButton.Grip && !FreshGrip) {
return false;
//if(HandSide == ControllerHand.Left && InputBridge.Instance.LeftTrigger > 0.9f) {
// Debug.Log("Trigger Down");
return grabInput;
// Check Toggle Controls
else if (closestHoldType == HoldType.Toggle) {
return getToggleInput(closestGrabButton);
return false;
HoldType getHoldType(Grabbable grab) {
HoldType closestHoldType = grab.Grabtype;
// Inherit from Grabber
if (closestHoldType == HoldType.Inherit) {
closestHoldType = DefaultHoldType;
// Inherit isn't a value in itself. Use "hold down" instead and warn the user
if (closestHoldType == HoldType.Inherit) {
closestHoldType = HoldType.HoldDown;
Debug.LogWarning("Inherit found on both Grabber and Grabbable. Consider updating the Grabber's DefaultHoldType");
return closestHoldType;
public virtual GrabButton GetGrabButton(Grabbable grab) {
GrabButton grabButton = grab.GrabButton;
// Inherit from Grabber
if (grabButton == GrabButton.Inherit) {
grabButton = DefaultGrabButton;
// Inherit isn't a value in itself. Use "Grip" instead and warn the user
if (grabButton == GrabButton.Inherit) {
grabButton = GrabButton.Grip;
Debug.LogWarning("Inherit found on both Grabber and Grabbable. Consider updating the Grabber's DefaultHoldType");
return grabButton;
Grabbable getClosestOrRemote() {
if (grabsInTrigger.ClosestGrabbable != null) {
return grabsInTrigger.ClosestGrabbable;
else if (grabsInTrigger.ClosestRemoteGrabbable != null) {
return grabsInTrigger.ClosestRemoteGrabbable;
return null;
// Release conditions are a little different than grab
bool inputCheckRelease() {
var grabbingGrabbable = RemoteGrabbingItem ? flyingGrabbable : HeldGrabbable;
// Can't release anything we're not holding
if (grabbingGrabbable == null) {
return false;
// Check Hold Controls
HoldType closestHoldType = getHoldType(grabbingGrabbable);
GrabButton closestGrabButton = GetGrabButton(grabbingGrabbable);
if (closestHoldType == HoldType.HoldDown) {
return getGrabInput(closestGrabButton) <= ReleaseGripAmount;
// Check for toggle controls
else if (closestHoldType == HoldType.Toggle) {
return getToggleInput(closestGrabButton);
return false;
float getGrabInput(GrabButton btn) {
float gripValue = 0;
if(input == null) {
return 0;
// Left Hand
if (HandSide == ControllerHand.Left) {
if (btn == GrabButton.Grip) {
gripValue = input.LeftGrip;
else if (btn == GrabButton.Trigger) {
gripValue = input.LeftTrigger;
// Right Hand
else if (HandSide == ControllerHand.Right) {
if (btn == GrabButton.Grip) {
gripValue = input.RightGrip;
else if (btn == GrabButton.Trigger) {
gripValue = input.RightTrigger;
return gripValue;
bool getToggleInput(GrabButton btn) {
if (input == null) {
return false;
// Left Hand
if (HandSide == ControllerHand.Left) {
if (btn == GrabButton.Grip) {
return input.LeftGripDown;
else if (btn == GrabButton.Trigger) {
return input.LeftTriggerDown;
// Right Hand
else if (HandSide == ControllerHand.Right) {
if (btn == GrabButton.Grip) {
return input.RightGripDown;
else if (btn == GrabButton.Trigger) {
return input.RightTriggerDown;
return false;
public virtual bool TryGrab() {
// Already holding something
if (HeldGrabbable != null) {
return false;
// Activate Nearby Grabbable
if (grabsInTrigger.ClosestGrabbable != null) {
return true;
// If no immediate grabbable, see if remote is available to pull
else if(grabsInTrigger.ClosestRemoteGrabbable != null && flyingGrabbable == null) {
flyingGrabbable = grabsInTrigger.ClosestRemoteGrabbable;
return false;
// Assign new held Item, then grab the item into our hand / controller
public virtual void GrabGrabbable(Grabbable item) {
// We are trying to grab something else
if(flyingGrabbable != null && item != flyingGrabbable) {
// Make sure we aren't flying an object at us still
// Drop whatever we were holding
if (HeldGrabbable != null && HeldGrabbable) {
// Assign new grabbable
HeldGrabbable = item;
// Just grabbed something, no longer fresh.
FreshGrip = false;
// Fire off Grabber 'before' grab event
// Let item know it's been grabbed
// Fire off Grabber 'after' grab event
// Dropped whatever was in hand
public virtual void DidDrop() {
// Fire off Grabber Release event
if (onReleaseEvent != null && HeldGrabbable != null) {
HeldGrabbable = null;
transform.localEulerAngles =;
LastDropTime = Time.time;
public virtual void HideHandGraphics() {
if (HandsGraphics != null) {
public virtual void ResetHandGraphics() {
if(HandsGraphics != null) {
// Make visible again
// Move parent back to where it was originally
HandsGraphics.transform.parent = handsGraphicsParent;
HandsGraphics.transform.localPosition = handsGraphicsPosition;
HandsGraphics.transform.localRotation = handsGraphicsRotation;
public virtual void TryRelease() {
if (HeldGrabbable != null && HeldGrabbable.CanBeDropped) {
// No longer try to bring flying grabbable to us
void resetFlyingGrabbable() {
// No longer flying at us
if (flyingGrabbable != null) {
flyingGrabbable = null;
flyingTime = 0;
public virtual Vector3 GetGrabberAveragedVelocity() {
return velocityTracker.GetAveragedVelocity();
public virtual Vector3 GetGrabberAveragedAngularVelocity() {
return velocityTracker.GetAveragedAngularVelocity();