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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using Selectable = UnityEngine.UI.Selectable;
namespace CurvedUI
public class CurvedUIRaycaster : GvrPointerGraphicRaycaster
public class CurvedUIRaycaster : GraphicRaycaster
bool showDebug = false;
// CurvedUIRaycaster must modify the position of the eventData to make it valid for the curved canvas.
// It can either create a copy, or override the original. The copy will only be used for this canvas, in this frame.
// The overridden original will be carried to other canvases and next frames.
// Set this to TRUE if this raycaster should override the original eventData.
// Overriding eventData allows canvas to use 1:1 scrolling. Scroll rects and sliders behave as they should on a curved surface and follow the pointer.
// This however breaks the interactions with flat canvases in the same scene as original eventData will not be correct for them any more.
// Setting this to FALSE will create a copy of the eventData for each canvas.
// Flat canvases on the same scene will work fine, but scroll rects on curved canvases will move faster / slower than the pointer.
// May break dragging and scrolling as there will be no past eventdata to calculate delta position from.
// default true.
bool overrideEventData = true;
//Variables --------------------------------------//
Canvas myCanvas;
CurvedUISettings mySettings;
Vector3 cyllinderMidPoint;
List<GameObject> objectsUnderPointer = new List<GameObject>();
Vector2 lastCanvasPos =;
GameObject colliderContainer;
PointerEventData lastFrameEventData;
PointerEventData curEventData;
PointerEventData eventDataToUse;
Ray cachedRay;
Graphic gph;
//gaze click
List<GameObject> selectablesUnderGaze = new List<GameObject>();
List<GameObject> selectablesUnderGazeLastFrame = new List<GameObject>();
float objectsUnderGazeLastChangeTime;
bool gazeClickExecuted = false;
bool pointingAtCanvas = false;
bool pointingAtCanvasLastFrame = false;
protected override void Awake()
mySettings = GetComponentInParent<CurvedUISettings>();
if (mySettings == null) return;
myCanvas = mySettings.GetComponent<Canvas>();
cyllinderMidPoint = new Vector3(0, 0, -mySettings.GetCyllinderRadiusInCanvasSpace());
//this must be set to false to make sure proper interactions.
//Otherwise, Unity may ignore Selectables on edges of heavily curved canvas.
ignoreReversedGraphics = false;
protected override void Start()
if (mySettings == null) return;
//Find if there is a GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster on the scene that can override our Raycasts.
if (Camera.main != null && Camera.main.GetComponent<GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster>() != null)
LayerMask mask = Camera.main.GetComponent<GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster>().eventMask;
if (IsInLayerMask(this.gameObject.layer, mask)){
Debug.LogWarning("CURVEDUI: GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster is raycasting over this canvas' layer (" +" - " + LayerMask.LayerToName(this.gameObject.layer)+" layer). "
+ "This can make the UI unusable. It has been automatically fixed for this run, but your 3D objects may now be unusable. "
+ "Make sure your GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster is not raycasting on this object's layer UI by editing its properties. Click here to highlight it.", Camera.main.gameObject);
mask = mask & ~(1 << this.gameObject.layer);
Camera.main.GetComponent<GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster>().eventMask = mask;
protected virtual void Update()
if (mySettings == null) return;
//Gaze click process.
if (CurvedUIInputModule.ControlMethod == CurvedUIInputModule.CUIControlMethod.GAZE && CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.GazeUseTimedClick)
if (pointingAtCanvas)
//first frame gaze enters canvas. Make sure we dont click immidiately upon entering canvas
if (!pointingAtCanvasLastFrame)
//save current selectablesUnderGaze
//find selectables we're currently pointing at in objects under pointer
selectablesUnderGaze.RemoveAll(obj =>
obj.GetComponent<Selectable>() == null || obj.GetComponent<Selectable>().interactable == false);
//Animate progress bar
if (GazeProgressImage)
if (GazeProgressImage.type != Image.Type.Filled) GazeProgressImage.type = Image.Type.Filled;
GazeProgressImage.fillAmount =
(Time.time - objectsUnderGazeLastChangeTime).RemapAndClamp(CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.GazeClickTimerDelay, CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.GazeClickTimer + CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.GazeClickTimerDelay, 0, 1);
else if (!pointingAtCanvas && pointingAtCanvasLastFrame) //first frame after gaze pointer leaves this canvas.
//not poiting at canvas, reset the timer.
if (GazeProgressImage) GazeProgressImage.fillAmount = 0;
pointingAtCanvasLastFrame = pointingAtCanvas;
//reset this variable. It will be checked again during next Raycast method run.
pointingAtCanvas = false;
void ProcessGazeTimedClick()
//string str = " Object under pointer: ";
//foreach (GameObject go in objectsUnderPointer) str += + ", ";
//two lists are not the same - selected objects changed
if (selectablesUnderGazeLastFrame.Count == 0 || selectablesUnderGazeLastFrame.Count != selectablesUnderGaze.Count)
//Check if objects changed since last frame
for (int i = 0; i < selectablesUnderGazeLastFrame.Count && i < selectablesUnderGaze.Count; i++)
if (selectablesUnderGazeLastFrame[i].GetInstanceID() != selectablesUnderGaze[i].GetInstanceID())
//Check if time is done and we havent executed the click yet
if (!gazeClickExecuted && Time.time > objectsUnderGazeLastChangeTime + CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.GazeClickTimer + CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.GazeClickTimerDelay)
gazeClickExecuted = true;
void ResetGazeTimedClick()
objectsUnderGazeLastChangeTime = Time.time;
gazeClickExecuted = false;
public override void Raycast(PointerEventData eventData, List<RaycastResult> resultAppendList)
if (mySettings == null)
base.Raycast(eventData, resultAppendList);
if (!mySettings.Interactable)
//check if we have a world camera to process events by
if (!CheckEventCamera())
Debug.LogWarning("CurvedUI: No WORLD CAMERA assigned to Canvas " + + " to use for event processing!", myCanvas.gameObject);
//get a ray to raycast with depending on the control method
cachedRay = CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.GetEventRay(myCanvas.worldCamera);
//special case for GAZE and WORLD MOUSE
if (CurvedUIInputModule.ControlMethod == CurvedUIInputModule.CUIControlMethod.GAZE)
else if (CurvedUIInputModule.ControlMethod == CurvedUIInputModule.CUIControlMethod.WORLD_MOUSE)
cachedRay = new Ray(myCanvas.worldCamera.transform.position, (mySettings.CanvasToCurvedCanvas(CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.WorldSpaceMouseInCanvasSpace) - myCanvas.worldCamera.transform.position));
//Create a copy of the eventData to be used by this canvas.
if (curEventData == null)
curEventData = new PointerEventData(EventSystem.current);
if (!overrideEventData)
curEventData.pointerEnter = eventData.pointerEnter;
curEventData.rawPointerPress = eventData.rawPointerPress;
curEventData.pointerDrag = eventData.pointerDrag;
curEventData.pointerCurrentRaycast = eventData.pointerCurrentRaycast;
curEventData.pointerPressRaycast = eventData.pointerPressRaycast;
curEventData.eligibleForClick = eventData.eligibleForClick;
curEventData.pointerId = eventData.pointerId;
curEventData.position = eventData.position; =;
curEventData.pressPosition = eventData.pressPosition;
curEventData.clickTime = eventData.clickTime;
curEventData.clickCount = eventData.clickCount;
curEventData.scrollDelta = eventData.scrollDelta;
curEventData.useDragThreshold = eventData.useDragThreshold;
curEventData.dragging = eventData.dragging;
curEventData.button = eventData.button;
if (mySettings.Angle != 0 && mySettings.enabled)
{ // use custom raycasting only if Curved effect is enabled
//Getting remappedPosition on the curved canvas ------------------------------//
//This will be later passed to GraphicRaycaster so it can discover interactions as usual.
//If we did not hit the curved canvas, return - no interactions are possible
//Physical raycast to find interaction point
Vector2 remappedPosition = eventData.position;
switch (mySettings.Shape)
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER:
if (!RaycastToCyllinderCanvas(cachedRay, out remappedPosition, false)) return;
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER_VERTICAL:
if (!RaycastToCyllinderVerticalCanvas(cachedRay, out remappedPosition, false)) return;
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.RING:
if (!RaycastToRingCanvas(cachedRay, out remappedPosition, false)) return;
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.SPHERE:
if (!RaycastToSphereCanvas(cachedRay, out remappedPosition, false)) return;
//if we got here, it means user is pointing at this canvas.
pointingAtCanvas = true;
//Creating eventData for canvas Raycasting -------------------//
//Which eventData were going to use?
eventDataToUse = overrideEventData ? eventData : curEventData;
// Swap event data pressPosition to our remapped pos if this is the frame of the press
if (eventDataToUse.pressPosition == eventDataToUse.position)
eventDataToUse.pressPosition = remappedPosition;
// Swap event data position to our remapped pos
eventDataToUse.position = remappedPosition;
//Scroll Handling---------------------------------------------//
//We must handle scroll a little differently on these platforms
if (CurvedUIInputModule.ControlMethod == CurvedUIInputModule.CUIControlMethod.STEAMVR_LEGACY)
{ = remappedPosition - lastCanvasPos;
lastCanvasPos = remappedPosition;
//store objects under pointer so they can quickly retrieved if needed by other scripts
objectsUnderPointer = eventData.hovered;
lastFrameEventData = eventData;
// Use base class raycast method to finish the raycast if we hit anything
FlatRaycast(overrideEventData ? eventData : curEventData, resultAppendList);
public virtual bool RaycastToCyllinderCanvas(Ray ray3D, out Vector2 o_canvasPos, bool OutputInCanvasSpace = false)
if (showDebug)
Debug.DrawLine(ray3D.origin, ray3D.GetPoint(1000),;
RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
if (Physics.Raycast(ray3D, out hit, float.PositiveInfinity, GetRaycastLayerMask()))
//find if we hit this canvas - this needs to be uncommented
if (overrideEventData && hit.collider.gameObject != this.gameObject && (colliderContainer == null || hit.collider.transform.parent != colliderContainer.transform))
o_canvasPos =;
return false;
//direction from the cyllinder center to the hit point
Vector3 localHitPoint = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(hit.point);
Vector3 directionFromCyllinderCenter = (localHitPoint - cyllinderMidPoint).normalized;
//angle between middle of the projected canvas and hit point direction
float angle = -AngleSigned(directionFromCyllinderCenter.ModifyY(0), mySettings.Angle < 0 ? Vector3.back : Vector3.forward, Vector3.up);
//convert angle to canvas coordinates
Vector2 canvasSize = myCanvas.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.size;
//map the intersection point to 2d point in canvas space
Vector2 pointOnCanvas = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
pointOnCanvas.x = angle.Remap(-mySettings.Angle / 2.0f, mySettings.Angle / 2.0f, -canvasSize.x / 2.0f, canvasSize.x / 2.0f);
pointOnCanvas.y = localHitPoint.y;
if (OutputInCanvasSpace)
o_canvasPos = pointOnCanvas;
else //convert the result to screen point in camera. This will be later used by raycaster and world camera to determine what we're pointing at
o_canvasPos = myCanvas.worldCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(pointOnCanvas));
if (showDebug)
Debug.DrawLine(hit.point, hit.point.ModifyY(hit.point.y + 10),;
Debug.DrawLine(hit.point, myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(cyllinderMidPoint), Color.yellow);
return true;
o_canvasPos =;
return false;
public virtual bool RaycastToCyllinderVerticalCanvas(Ray ray3D, out Vector2 o_canvasPos, bool OutputInCanvasSpace = false)
if (showDebug)
Debug.DrawLine(ray3D.origin, ray3D.GetPoint(1000),;
RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
if (Physics.Raycast(ray3D, out hit, float.PositiveInfinity, GetRaycastLayerMask()))
//find if we hit this canvas
if (overrideEventData && hit.collider.gameObject != this.gameObject && (colliderContainer == null || hit.collider.transform.parent != colliderContainer.transform))
o_canvasPos =;
return false;
//direction from the cyllinder center to the hit point
Vector3 localHitPoint = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(hit.point);
Vector3 directionFromCyllinderCenter = (localHitPoint - cyllinderMidPoint).normalized;
//angle between middle of the projected canvas and hit point direction
float angle = -AngleSigned(directionFromCyllinderCenter.ModifyX(0), mySettings.Angle < 0 ? Vector3.back : Vector3.forward, Vector3.left);
//convert angle to canvas coordinates
Vector2 canvasSize = myCanvas.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.size;
//map the intersection point to 2d point in canvas space
Vector2 pointOnCanvas = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
pointOnCanvas.y = angle.Remap(-mySettings.Angle / 2.0f, mySettings.Angle / 2.0f, -canvasSize.y / 2.0f, canvasSize.y / 2.0f);
pointOnCanvas.x = localHitPoint.x;
if (OutputInCanvasSpace)
o_canvasPos = pointOnCanvas;
else //convert the result to screen point in camera. This will be later used by raycaster and world camera to determine what we're pointing at
o_canvasPos = myCanvas.worldCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(pointOnCanvas));
if (showDebug)
Debug.DrawLine(hit.point, hit.point.ModifyY(hit.point.y + 10),;
Debug.DrawLine(hit.point, myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(cyllinderMidPoint), Color.yellow);
return true;
o_canvasPos =;
return false;
public virtual bool RaycastToRingCanvas(Ray ray3D, out Vector2 o_canvasPos, bool OutputInCanvasSpace = false)
LayerMask myLayerMask = GetRaycastLayerMask();
RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
if (Physics.Raycast(ray3D, out hit, float.PositiveInfinity, myLayerMask))
//find if we hit this canvas
if (overrideEventData && hit.collider.gameObject != this.gameObject && (colliderContainer == null || hit.collider.transform.parent != colliderContainer.transform))
o_canvasPos =;
return false;
//local hit point on canvas and a direction from center
Vector3 localHitPoint = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(hit.point);
Vector3 directionFromRingCenter = localHitPoint.ModifyZ(0).normalized;
Vector2 canvasSize = myCanvas.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.size;
//angle between middle of the projected canvas and hit point direction from center
float angle = -AngleSigned(directionFromRingCenter.ModifyZ(0), Vector3.up, Vector3.back);
//map the intersection point to 2d point in canvas space
Vector2 pointOnCanvas = new Vector2(0, 0);
if (showDebug)
Debug.Log("angle: " + angle);
//map x coordinate based on angle between vector up and direction to hitpoint
if (angle < 0)
pointOnCanvas.x = angle.Remap(0, -mySettings.Angle, -canvasSize.x / 2.0f, canvasSize.x / 2.0f);
else {
pointOnCanvas.x = angle.Remap(360, 360 - mySettings.Angle, -canvasSize.x / 2.0f, canvasSize.x / 2.0f);
//map y coordinate based on hitpoint distance from the center and external diameter
pointOnCanvas.y = localHitPoint.magnitude.Remap(mySettings.RingExternalDiameter * 0.5f * (1 - mySettings.RingFill), mySettings.RingExternalDiameter * 0.5f,
-canvasSize.y * 0.5f * (mySettings.RingFlipVertical ? -1 : 1), canvasSize.y * 0.5f * (mySettings.RingFlipVertical ? -1 : 1));
if (OutputInCanvasSpace)
o_canvasPos = pointOnCanvas;
else //convert the result to screen point in camera. This will be later used by raycaster and world camera to determine what we're pointing at
o_canvasPos = myCanvas.worldCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(pointOnCanvas));
return true;
o_canvasPos =;
return false;
public virtual bool RaycastToSphereCanvas(Ray ray3D, out Vector2 o_canvasPos, bool OutputInCanvasSpace = false)
RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
if (Physics.Raycast(ray3D, out hit, float.PositiveInfinity, GetRaycastLayerMask()))
//find if we hit this canvas
if (overrideEventData && hit.collider.gameObject != this.gameObject && (colliderContainer == null || hit.collider.transform.parent != colliderContainer.transform))
o_canvasPos =;
return false;
Vector2 canvasSize = myCanvas.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.size;
float radius = (mySettings.PreserveAspect ? mySettings.GetCyllinderRadiusInCanvasSpace() : canvasSize.x / 2.0f);
//local hit point on canvas, direction from its center and a vector perpendicular to direction, so we can use it to calculate its angle in both planes.
Vector3 localHitPoint = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(hit.point);
Vector3 SphereCenter = new Vector3(0, 0, mySettings.PreserveAspect ? -radius : 0);
Vector3 directionFromSphereCenter = (localHitPoint - SphereCenter).normalized;
Vector3 XZPlanePerpendicular = Vector3.Cross(directionFromSphereCenter, directionFromSphereCenter.ModifyY(0)).normalized * (directionFromSphereCenter.y < 0 ? 1 : -1);
//horizontal and vertical angle between middle of the sphere and the hit point.
//We do some fancy checks to determine vectors we compare them to,
//to make sure they are negative on the left and bottom side of the canvas
float hAngle = -AngleSigned(directionFromSphereCenter.ModifyY(0), (mySettings.Angle > 0 ? Vector3.forward : Vector3.back), (mySettings.Angle > 0 ? Vector3.up : Vector3.down));
float vAngle = -AngleSigned(directionFromSphereCenter, directionFromSphereCenter.ModifyY(0), XZPlanePerpendicular);
//find the size of the canvas expressed as measure of the arc it occupies on the sphere
float hAngularSize = Mathf.Abs(mySettings.Angle) * 0.5f;
float vAngularSize = Mathf.Abs(mySettings.PreserveAspect ? hAngularSize * canvasSize.y / canvasSize.x : mySettings.VerticalAngle * 0.5f);
//map the intersection point to 2d point in canvas space
Vector2 pointOnCanvas = new Vector2(hAngle.Remap(-hAngularSize, hAngularSize, -canvasSize.x * 0.5f, canvasSize.x * 0.5f),
vAngle.Remap(-vAngularSize, vAngularSize, -canvasSize.y * 0.5f, canvasSize.y * 0.5f));
if (showDebug)
Debug.Log("h: " + hAngle + " / v: " + vAngle + " poc: " + pointOnCanvas);
Debug.DrawRay(myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(SphereCenter), myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(directionFromSphereCenter) * Mathf.Abs(radius),;
Debug.DrawRay(myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(SphereCenter), myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(XZPlanePerpendicular) * 300, Color.magenta);
if (OutputInCanvasSpace)
o_canvasPos = pointOnCanvas;
else // convert the result to screen point in camera.This will be later used by raycaster and world camera to determine what we're pointing at
o_canvasPos = myCanvas.worldCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(myCanvas.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(pointOnCanvas));
return true;
o_canvasPos =;
return false;
private List<Graphic> m_RaycastResults = new List<Graphic>();
void FlatRaycast(PointerEventData eventData, List<RaycastResult> resultAppendList)
if (myCanvas == null) return; //no canvas?
var canvasGraphics = GraphicRegistry.GetGraphicsForCanvas(myCanvas);
if (canvasGraphics == null || canvasGraphics.Count == 0) return; // no graphics on canvas?
//Multiple display handling-----------------------//
int displayIndex;
var currentEventCamera = eventCamera; // Property can call Camera.main, so cache the reference instead
if (myCanvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay || currentEventCamera == null)
displayIndex = myCanvas.targetDisplay;
displayIndex = currentEventCamera.targetDisplay;
var eventPosition = Display.RelativeMouseAt(eventData.position);
if (eventPosition !=
// Support for multiple display and display identification based on event position.
int eventDisplayIndex = (int)eventPosition.z;
// Discard events that are not part of this display so the user does not interact with multiple displays at once.
if (eventDisplayIndex != displayIndex)
// The multiple display system is not supported on all platforms - returned index is 0 so default to the event data.
//We will process the event assuming it occured in our display.
eventPosition = eventData.position;
//Graphic Raycast ------------------------------------//
//Perform a Graphic Raycast of all objects on the canvas and sort them by their depth.
FlatRaycastAndSort(myCanvas, currentEventCamera, eventPosition, canvasGraphics, m_RaycastResults);
//create a ray going from camera, through pointer position
Ray ray = new Ray();
if (currentEventCamera != null)
ray = currentEventCamera.ScreenPointToRay(eventPosition);
float hitDistance = float.MaxValue;
int totalCount = m_RaycastResults.Count;
for (var index = 0; index < totalCount; index++)
var go = m_RaycastResults[index].gameObject;
//Check to see if the go is behind the camera.
Transform trans = go.transform;
Vector3 transForward = trans.forward;
float distance = (Vector3.Dot(transForward, trans.position - ray.origin) / Vector3.Dot(transForward, ray.direction));
if (distance < 0 || distance >= hitDistance) continue;
//Add to cast result list
var castResult = new RaycastResult
gameObject = go,
module = this,
distance = distance,
screenPosition = eventPosition,
index = resultAppendList.Count,
depth = m_RaycastResults[index].depth,
sortingLayer = myCanvas.sortingLayerID,
sortingOrder = myCanvas.sortingOrder
/// <summary>
/// Perform a raycast into the screen and collect all graphics underneath it.
/// </summary>
static readonly List<Graphic> s_SortedGraphics = new List<Graphic>();
private static void FlatRaycastAndSort(Canvas canvas, Camera eventCamera, Vector2 pointerPosition, IList<Graphic> foundGraphics, List<Graphic> results)
int totalCount = foundGraphics.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; ++i)
Graphic graphic = foundGraphics[i];
// -1 means it hasn't been processed by the canvas, which means it isn't actually drawn
if (graphic.depth == -1 || !graphic.raycastTarget || graphic.canvasRenderer.cull)
if (!RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(graphic.rectTransform, pointerPosition, eventCamera))
if (eventCamera != null && eventCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(graphic.rectTransform.position).z > eventCamera.farClipPlane)
if (graphic.Raycast(pointerPosition, eventCamera)) s_SortedGraphics.Add(graphic);
s_SortedGraphics.Sort((g1, g2) => g2.depth.CompareTo(g1.depth));
totalCount = s_SortedGraphics.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; ++i)
/// <summary>
/// Creates a mesh collider for curved canvas based on current angle and curve segments.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The collider.</returns>
protected void CreateCollider()
//remove all colliders on this object
List<Collider> Cols = new List<Collider>();
for (int i = 0; i < Cols.Count; i++)
if (!mySettings.BlocksRaycasts) return; //null;
if (mySettings.Shape == CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.SPHERE && !mySettings.PreserveAspect && mySettings.VerticalAngle == 0) return;// null;
//create a collider based on mapping type
switch (mySettings.Shape)
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER:
//creating a convex (lower performance - many parts) collider for when we have a rigidbody attached
if (mySettings.ForceUseBoxCollider || GetComponent<Rigidbody>() != null || GetComponentInParent<Rigidbody>() != null)
if (colliderContainer != null)
colliderContainer = CreateConvexCyllinderCollider();
else // create a faster single mesh collier when possible
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER_VERTICAL:
//creating a convex (lower performance - many parts) collider for when we have a rigidbody attached
if (mySettings.ForceUseBoxCollider || GetComponent<Rigidbody>() != null || GetComponentInParent<Rigidbody>() != null)
if (colliderContainer != null)
colliderContainer = CreateConvexCyllinderCollider(true);
else // create a faster single mesh collier when possible
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.RING:
BoxCollider col = this.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
col.size = new Vector3(mySettings.RingExternalDiameter, mySettings.RingExternalDiameter, 1.0f);
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.SPHERE:
//rigidbody in parent?
if (GetComponent<Rigidbody>() != null || GetComponentInParent<Rigidbody>() != null)
Debug.LogWarning("CurvedUI: Sphere shape canvases as children of rigidbodies do not support user input. Switch to Cyllinder shape or remove the rigidbody from parent.", this.gameObject);
/// <summary>
/// Adds neccessary components and fills them with given mesh data.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="meshie"></param>
void SetupMeshColliderUsingMesh(Mesh meshie)
MeshFilter mf = this.AddComponentIfMissing<MeshFilter>();
MeshCollider mc = this.gameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();
mf.mesh = meshie;
mc.sharedMesh = meshie;
GameObject CreateConvexCyllinderCollider(bool vertical = false)
GameObject go = new GameObject("_CurvedUIColliders");
go.layer = this.gameObject.layer;
Mesh meshie = new Mesh();
Vector3[] Vertices = new Vector3[4];
(myCanvas.transform as RectTransform).GetWorldCorners(Vertices);
meshie.vertices = Vertices;
//rearrange them to be in an easy to interpolate order and convert to canvas local spce
if (vertical)
Vertices[0] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[1]);
Vertices[1] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[2]);
Vertices[2] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[0]);
Vertices[3] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[3]);
Vertices[0] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[1]);
Vertices[1] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[0]);
Vertices[2] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[2]);
Vertices[3] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[3]);
meshie.vertices = Vertices;
//create a new array of vertices, subdivided as needed
List<Vector3> verts = new List<Vector3>();
int vertsCount = Mathf.Max(8, Mathf.RoundToInt(mySettings.BaseCircleSegments * Mathf.Abs(mySettings.Angle) / 360.0f));
for (int i = 0; i < vertsCount; i++)
verts.Add(Vector3.Lerp(meshie.vertices[0], meshie.vertices[2], (i * 1.0f) / (vertsCount - 1)));
//curve the verts in canvas local space
if (mySettings.Angle != 0)
Rect canvasRect = myCanvas.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect;
float radius = mySettings.GetCyllinderRadiusInCanvasSpace();
for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i++)
Vector3 newpos = verts[i];
if (vertical)
float theta = (verts[i].y / canvasRect.size.y) * mySettings.Angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
newpos.y = Mathf.Sin(theta) * radius;
newpos.z += Mathf.Cos(theta) * radius - radius;
verts[i] = newpos;
float theta = (verts[i].x / canvasRect.size.x) * mySettings.Angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
newpos.x = Mathf.Sin(theta) * radius;
newpos.z += Mathf.Cos(theta) * radius - radius;
verts[i] = newpos;
//create our box colliders and arrange them in a nice cyllinder
float boxDepth = mySettings.GetTesslationSize(false).x / 10;
for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count - 1; i++)
GameObject newBox = new GameObject("Box collider");
newBox.layer = this.gameObject.layer;
if (vertical)
newBox.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, (verts[i + 1].y + verts[i].y) * 0.5f, (verts[i + 1].z + verts[i].z) * 0.5f);
newBox.transform.localScale = new Vector3(boxDepth, Vector3.Distance(Vertices[0], Vertices[1]), Vector3.Distance(verts[i + 1], verts[i]));
newBox.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((verts[i + 1] - verts[i]), Vertices[0] - Vertices[1]);
newBox.transform.localPosition = new Vector3((verts[i + 1].x + verts[i].x) * 0.5f, 0, (verts[i + 1].z + verts[i].z) * 0.5f);
newBox.transform.localScale = new Vector3(boxDepth, Vector3.Distance(Vertices[0], Vertices[1]), Vector3.Distance(verts[i + 1], verts[i]));
newBox.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation((verts[i + 1] - verts[i]), Vertices[0] - Vertices[1]);
return go;
Mesh CreateCyllinderColliderMesh(bool vertical = false)
Mesh meshie = new Mesh();
Vector3[] Vertices = new Vector3[4];
(myCanvas.transform as RectTransform).GetWorldCorners(Vertices);
meshie.vertices = Vertices;
//rearrange them to be in an easy to interpolate order and convert to canvas local spce
if (vertical)
Vertices[0] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[1]);
Vertices[1] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[2]);
Vertices[2] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[0]);
Vertices[3] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[3]);
Vertices[0] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[1]);
Vertices[1] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[0]);
Vertices[2] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[2]);
Vertices[3] = myCanvas.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(meshie.vertices[3]);
meshie.vertices = Vertices;
//create a new array of vertices, subdivided as needed
List<Vector3> verts = new List<Vector3>();
int vertsCount = Mathf.Max(8, Mathf.RoundToInt(mySettings.BaseCircleSegments * Mathf.Abs(mySettings.Angle) / 360.0f));
for (int i = 0; i < vertsCount; i++)
verts.Add(Vector3.Lerp(meshie.vertices[0], meshie.vertices[2], (i * 1.0f) / (vertsCount - 1)));
verts.Add(Vector3.Lerp(meshie.vertices[1], meshie.vertices[3], (i * 1.0f) / (vertsCount - 1)));
//curve the verts in canvas local space
if (mySettings.Angle != 0)
Rect canvasRect = myCanvas.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect;
float radius = mySettings.GetCyllinderRadiusInCanvasSpace();
for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i++)
Vector3 newpos = verts[i];
if (vertical)
float theta = (verts[i].y / canvasRect.size.y) * mySettings.Angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
newpos.y = Mathf.Sin(theta) * radius;
newpos.z += Mathf.Cos(theta) * radius - radius;
verts[i] = newpos;
float theta = (verts[i].x / canvasRect.size.x) * mySettings.Angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
newpos.x = Mathf.Sin(theta) * radius;
newpos.z += Mathf.Cos(theta) * radius - radius;
verts[i] = newpos;
meshie.vertices = verts.ToArray();
//create triangles drom verts
List<int> tris = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count / 2 - 1; i++)
if (vertical)
//forward tris
tris.Add(i * 2 + 0);
tris.Add(i * 2 + 1);
tris.Add(i * 2 + 2);
tris.Add(i * 2 + 1);
tris.Add(i * 2 + 3);
tris.Add(i * 2 + 2);
else {
//forward tris
tris.Add(i * 2 + 2);
tris.Add(i * 2 + 1);
tris.Add(i * 2 + 0);
tris.Add(i * 2 + 2);
tris.Add(i * 2 + 3);
tris.Add(i * 2 + 1);
meshie.triangles = tris.ToArray();
return meshie;
Mesh CreateSphereColliderMesh()
Mesh meshie = new Mesh();
Vector3[] Corners = new Vector3[4];
(myCanvas.transform as RectTransform).GetWorldCorners(Corners);
List<Vector3> verts = new List<Vector3>(Corners);
for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i++)
verts[i] = mySettings.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(verts[i]);
if (mySettings.Angle != 0)
// Tesselate quads and apply transformation
int startingVertexCount = verts.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < startingVertexCount; i += 4)
ModifyQuad(verts, i, mySettings.GetTesslationSize(false));
// Remove old quads
verts.RemoveRange(0, startingVertexCount);
//curve verts
float vangle = mySettings.VerticalAngle;
float cylinder_angle = mySettings.Angle;
Vector2 canvasSize = (myCanvas.transform as RectTransform).rect.size;
float radius = mySettings.GetCyllinderRadiusInCanvasSpace();
//caluclate vertical angle for aspect - consistent mapping
if (mySettings.PreserveAspect)
vangle = mySettings.Angle * (canvasSize.y / canvasSize.x);
else {//if we're not going for constant aspect, set the width of the sphere to equal width of the original canvas
radius = canvasSize.x / 2.0f;
//curve the vertices
for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i++)
float theta = (verts[i].x / canvasSize.x).Remap(-0.5f, 0.5f, (180 - cylinder_angle) / 2.0f - 90, 180 - (180 - cylinder_angle) / 2.0f - 90);
theta *= Mathf.Deg2Rad;
float gamma = (verts[i].y / canvasSize.y).Remap(-0.5f, 0.5f, (180 - vangle) / 2.0f, 180 - (180 - vangle) / 2.0f);
gamma *= Mathf.Deg2Rad;
verts[i] = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(gamma) * Mathf.Sin(theta) * radius,
-radius * Mathf.Cos(gamma),
Mathf.Sin(gamma) * Mathf.Cos(theta) * radius + (mySettings.PreserveAspect ? -radius : 0));
meshie.vertices = verts.ToArray();
//create triangles from verts
List<int> tris = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i += 4)
tris.Add(i + 0);
tris.Add(i + 1);
tris.Add(i + 2);
tris.Add(i + 3);
tris.Add(i + 0);
tris.Add(i + 2);
meshie.triangles = tris.ToArray();
return meshie;
bool IsInLayerMask(int layer, LayerMask layermask)
return layermask == (layermask | (1 << layer));
LayerMask GetRaycastLayerMask() {
return CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.RaycastLayerMask;
Image GazeProgressImage {
get { return CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.GazeTimedClickProgressImage; }
/// <summary>
/// Determine the signed angle between two vectors, with normal 'n'
/// as the rotation axis.
/// </summary>
float AngleSigned(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 n)
return Mathf.Atan2(
Vector3.Dot(n, Vector3.Cross(v1, v2)),
Vector3.Dot(v1, v2)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
private bool ShouldStartDrag(Vector2 pressPos, Vector2 currentPos, float threshold, bool useDragThreshold)
if (!useDragThreshold)
return true;
return (pressPos - currentPos).sqrMagnitude >= threshold * threshold;
protected virtual void ProcessMove(PointerEventData pointerEvent)
var targetGO = pointerEvent.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;
HandlePointerExitAndEnter(pointerEvent, targetGO);
protected void UpdateSelectedObjects(PointerEventData eventData)
//deselect last object if we moved beyond it
bool selectedStillUnderGaze = false;
foreach (GameObject go in eventData.hovered)
if (go == eventData.selectedObject)
selectedStillUnderGaze = true;
if (!selectedStillUnderGaze) eventData.selectedObject = null;
//find new object to select in hovered objects
foreach (GameObject go in eventData.hovered)
if (go == null) continue;
//go through only go that can be selected and are drawn by the canvas
gph = go.GetComponent<Graphic>();
#if UNITY_5_1
if (go.GetComponent<Selectable>() != null && gph != null && gph.depth != -1)
if (go.GetComponent<Selectable>() != null && gph != null && gph.depth != -1 && gph.raycastTarget)
if (eventData.selectedObject != go)
eventData.selectedObject = go;
if (mySettings.ControlMethod == CurvedUIInputModule.CUIControlMethod.GAZE)
//Test for selected object being dragged and initialize dragging, if needed.
//We do this here to trick unity's StandAloneInputModule into thinking we used a touch or mouse to do it.
if (eventData.IsPointerMoving() && eventData.pointerDrag != null
&& !eventData.dragging
&& ShouldStartDrag(eventData.pressPosition, eventData.position, EventSystem.current.pixelDragThreshold, eventData.useDragThreshold))
ExecuteEvents.Execute(eventData.pointerDrag, eventData, ExecuteEvents.beginDragHandler);
eventData.dragging = true;
// walk up the tree till a common root between the last entered and the current entered is foung
// send exit events up to (but not inluding) the common root. Then send enter events up to
// (but not including the common root).
protected void HandlePointerExitAndEnter(PointerEventData currentPointerData, GameObject newEnterTarget)
// if we have no target / pointerEnter has been deleted
// just send exit events to anything we are tracking
// then exit
if (newEnterTarget == null || currentPointerData.pointerEnter == null)
for (var i = 0; i < currentPointerData.hovered.Count; ++i)
ExecuteEvents.Execute(currentPointerData.hovered[i], currentPointerData, ExecuteEvents.pointerExitHandler);
if (newEnterTarget == null)
currentPointerData.pointerEnter = newEnterTarget;
// if we have not changed hover target
if (currentPointerData.pointerEnter == newEnterTarget && newEnterTarget)
GameObject commonRoot = FindCommonRoot(currentPointerData.pointerEnter, newEnterTarget);
// and we already an entered object from last time
if (currentPointerData.pointerEnter != null)
// send exit handler call to all elements in the chain
// until we reach the new target, or null!
Transform t = currentPointerData.pointerEnter.transform;
while (t != null)
// if we reach the common root break out!
if (commonRoot != null && commonRoot.transform == t)
ExecuteEvents.Execute(t.gameObject, currentPointerData, ExecuteEvents.pointerExitHandler);
t = t.parent;
// now issue the enter call up to but not including the common root
currentPointerData.pointerEnter = newEnterTarget;
if (newEnterTarget != null)
Transform t = newEnterTarget.transform;
while (t != null && t.gameObject != commonRoot)
ExecuteEvents.Execute(t.gameObject, currentPointerData, ExecuteEvents.pointerEnterHandler);
t = t.parent;
protected static GameObject FindCommonRoot(GameObject g1, GameObject g2)
if (g1 == null || g2 == null)
return null;
var t1 = g1.transform;
while (t1 != null)
var t2 = g2.transform;
while (t2 != null)
if (t1 == t2)
return t1.gameObject;
t2 = t2.parent;
t1 = t1.parent;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// REturns a screen point under which a ray intersects the curved canvas in its event camera view
/// </summary>
/// <returns><c>true</c>, if screen space point by ray was gotten, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
/// <param name="ray">Ray.</param>
/// <param name="o_positionOnCanvas">O position on canvas.</param>
bool GetScreenSpacePointByRay(Ray ray, out Vector2 o_positionOnCanvas)
switch (mySettings.Shape)
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER:
return RaycastToCyllinderCanvas(ray, out o_positionOnCanvas, false);
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.CYLINDER_VERTICAL:
return RaycastToCyllinderVerticalCanvas(ray, out o_positionOnCanvas, false);
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.RING:
return RaycastToRingCanvas(ray, out o_positionOnCanvas, false);
case CurvedUISettings.CurvedUIShape.SPHERE:
return RaycastToSphereCanvas(ray, out o_positionOnCanvas, false);
o_positionOnCanvas =;
return false;
bool CheckEventCamera()
//check if we have a world camera to process events by
if (myCanvas.worldCamera == null)
//try assigning from InputModule
if (CurvedUIInputModule.Instance && CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.EventCamera)
myCanvas.worldCamera = CurvedUIInputModule.Instance.EventCamera;
else if (Camera.main) //asign Main Camera
myCanvas.worldCamera = Camera.main;
return myCanvas.worldCamera != null;
#region PUBLIC
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if user's pointer is currently pointing inside this canvas.
/// </summary>
public bool PointingAtCanvas {
get { return pointingAtCanvas; }
public void RebuildCollider()
cyllinderMidPoint = new Vector3(0, 0, -mySettings.GetCyllinderRadiusInCanvasSpace());
/// <summary>
/// Returns all objects currently under the pointer
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The objects under pointer.</returns>
public List<GameObject> GetObjectsUnderPointer()
if (objectsUnderPointer == null) objectsUnderPointer = new List<GameObject>();
return objectsUnderPointer;
/// <summary>
/// Returns all the canvas objects that are visible under given Screen Position of EventCamera
/// </summary>
public List<GameObject> GetObjectsUnderScreenPos(Vector2 screenPos, Camera eventCamera = null)
if (eventCamera == null)
eventCamera = myCanvas.worldCamera;
return GetObjectsHitByRay(eventCamera.ScreenPointToRay(screenPos));
/// <summary>
/// Returns all the canvas objects that are intersected by given ray
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The objects hit by ray.</returns>
/// <param name="ray">Ray.</param>
public List<GameObject> GetObjectsHitByRay(Ray ray)
List<GameObject> results = new List<GameObject>();
Vector2 pointerPosition;
//ray outside the canvas, return null
if (!GetScreenSpacePointByRay(ray, out pointerPosition))
return results;
//lets find the graphics under ray!
List<Graphic> s_SortedGraphics = new List<Graphic>();
var foundGraphics = GraphicRegistry.GetGraphicsForCanvas(myCanvas);
for (int i = 0; i < foundGraphics.Count; ++i)
Graphic graphic = foundGraphics[i];
// -1 means it hasn't been processed by the canvas, which means it isn't actually drawn
if (graphic.depth == -1 || !graphic.raycastTarget)
if (!RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(graphic.rectTransform, pointerPosition, eventCamera))
if (graphic.Raycast(pointerPosition, eventCamera))
s_SortedGraphics.Sort((g1, g2) => g2.depth.CompareTo(g1.depth));
for (int i = 0; i < s_SortedGraphics.Count; ++i)
return results;
/// <summary>
/// Sends OnClick event to every Button under pointer.
/// </summary>
public void Click()
for (int i = 0; i < GetObjectsUnderPointer().Count; i++)
if (GetObjectsUnderPointer()[i].GetComponent<Slider>())//slider requires a diffrent way to click.
//Click calculated via RectTransformUtility - that's the way Slider class does it under the hood.
Slider m_slider = GetObjectsUnderPointer()[i].GetComponent<Slider>();
Vector2 clickPoint;
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle((m_slider.handleRect.parent as RectTransform), lastFrameEventData.position, myCanvas.worldCamera, out clickPoint);
clickPoint -= m_slider.handleRect.parent.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.position;
if (m_slider.direction == Slider.Direction.LeftToRight || m_slider.direction == Slider.Direction.RightToLeft)
m_slider.normalizedValue = clickPoint.x / (m_slider.handleRect.parent as RectTransform).rect.width;
m_slider.normalizedValue = clickPoint.y / (m_slider.handleRect.parent as RectTransform).rect.height;
//prompt update from fill Graphic to avoid flicker
//Debug.Log("x: " + clickPoint.x + ", width:" + (m_slider.transform as RectTransform).rect.width + ", value:" + clickPoint.x / (m_slider.transform as RectTransform).rect.width);
ExecuteEvents.Execute(GetObjectsUnderPointer()[i], lastFrameEventData, ExecuteEvents.pointerDownHandler);
ExecuteEvents.Execute(GetObjectsUnderPointer()[i], lastFrameEventData, ExecuteEvents.pointerClickHandler);
ExecuteEvents.Execute(GetObjectsUnderPointer()[i], lastFrameEventData, ExecuteEvents.pointerUpHandler);
void ModifyQuad(List<Vector3> verts, int vertexIndex, Vector2 requiredSize)
// Read the existing quad vertices
List<Vector3> quad = new List<Vector3>();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
quad.Add(verts[vertexIndex + i]);
// horizotal and vertical directions of a quad. We're going to tesselate parallel to these.
Vector3 horizontalDir = quad[2] - quad[1];
Vector3 verticalDir = quad[1] - quad[0];
// Find how many quads we need to create
int horizontalQuads = Mathf.CeilToInt(horizontalDir.magnitude * (1.0f / Mathf.Max(1.0f, requiredSize.x)));
int verticalQuads = Mathf.CeilToInt(verticalDir.magnitude * (1.0f / Mathf.Max(1.0f, requiredSize.y)));
// Create the quads!
float yStart = 0.0f;
for (int y = 0; y < verticalQuads; ++y)
float yEnd = (y + 1.0f) / verticalQuads;
float xStart = 0.0f;
for (int x = 0; x < horizontalQuads; ++x)
float xEnd = (x + 1.0f) / horizontalQuads;
//Add new quads to list
verts.Add(TesselateQuad(quad, xStart, yStart));
verts.Add(TesselateQuad(quad, xStart, yEnd));
verts.Add(TesselateQuad(quad, xEnd, yEnd));
verts.Add(TesselateQuad(quad, xEnd, yStart));
//begin the next quad where we ened this one
xStart = xEnd;
//begin the next row where we ended this one
yStart = yEnd;
Vector3 TesselateQuad(List<Vector3> quad, float x, float y)
Vector3 ret =;
//1. calculate weighting factors
List<float> weights = new List<float>(){
(1-x) * (1-y),
(1-x) * y,
x * y,
x * (1-y),
//2. interpolate pos using weighting factors
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
ret += quad[i] * weights[i];
return ret;