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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
// Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2022 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace SciFiShipController
public class SSCRadarEditor : Editor
#region Custom Editor private variables
private SSCRadar sscRadar;
private readonly static string emptyString = "";
// Formatting and style variables
private string txtColourName = "Black";
private Color defaultTextColour =;
private string labelText;
private GUIStyle labelFieldRichText;
private GUIStyle headingFieldRichText;
private GUIStyle helpBoxRichText;
private GUIStyle buttonCompact;
private GUIStyle buttonCompactBoldBlue;
private GUIStyle foldoutStyleNoLabel;
private static GUIStyle toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal = null; // Small Toggle button. e.g. G(izmo) on/off
private static GUIStyle toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled = null;
private float defaultEditorLabelWidth = 0f;
private float defaultEditorFieldWidth = 0f;
private bool isDebuggingEnabled = false;
private bool isRefreshUINextFrame = false;
private string sscHelpPDF;
#region Custom Editor Sceneview variables
#region GUIContent - General
private readonly static GUIContent generalShowInEditorContent = new GUIContent("General", "Expand general options");
private readonly static GUIContent headerContent = new GUIContent("Radar is automatically added to the scene if it doesn't already exist at runtime." +
" This futuristic Automatic Dependent Surveillance system centrally manages all radar communications.");
private readonly static GUIContent initialiseOnStartContent = new GUIContent("Initialise on Start", "If enabled, the GetOrCreateRadar() will be called as soon as Start() runs. " +
"If there is a UI (mini-map) configured, it will automatically be made visible. This should be disabled if you are instantiating the SSCRadar through code and using the SSCRadar API methods.");
private readonly static GUIContent poolInitialSizeContent = new GUIContent("Initial Pool Size", "The number of items that you expect to be tracked by the radar system at any point in time.");
private readonly static GUIContent displayRangeContent = new GUIContent("Range (metres)", "The range of the radar from the centre to the edges. Can be overridden at runtime using API methods.");
private readonly static GUIContent is3DQueryEnabledContent = new GUIContent("3D Query", "Uses 3D distances to determine range when querying the radar data.");
private readonly static GUIContent isQuerySortOrderContent = new GUIContent("Query Sort Order", "The order in which query results are returned. Use None where possible as it the fastest and has the lowest impact on performance.");
#region GUIContent - Visuals
private readonly static GUIContent visualsShowInEditorContent = new GUIContent("Visuals", "Expand visual options");
private readonly static GUIContent visualsHeaderContent = new GUIContent("Optionally use our on-screen visuals or use the SSCRadar API to populate your own UI.");
private readonly static GUIContent visualsScreenLocaleContent = new GUIContent("Screen Locale", "Position where radar will be displayed on the screen.");
private readonly static GUIContent visualsScreenLocaleCustomContent = new GUIContent("Custom Locale", "X,Y coordinates where radar will be displayed on the screen.");
private readonly static GUIContent visualsDisplayWidthContent = new GUIContent("Display Width", "The radar display width as a proportion of the screen width.");
private readonly static GUIContent visualsCanvasSortOrderContent = new GUIContent("Canvas Sort Order", "The sort order of the canvas in the scene. Higher numbers are on top.");
private readonly static GUIContent overlayColourContent = new GUIContent("Overlay Colour", "Colour of the overlay decals on the radar display");
private readonly static GUIContent backgroundColourContent = new GUIContent("Background Colour", "Primary background colour on the radar display");
private readonly static GUIContent blipFriendColourContent = new GUIContent("Blip Friend Colour", "When the built-in UI is used, this is the colour of any blip that are considered as friendly. Determined by the factionId when available");
private readonly static GUIContent blipFoeColourContent = new GUIContent("Blip Foe Colour", "When the built-in UI is used, this is the colour of any blip that are considered as hostile. Determined by the factionId when available");
private readonly static GUIContent blipNeutralColourContent = new GUIContent("Blip Neutral Colour", "When the built-in UI is used, this is the colour of any blip that are considered as neutral. Determined by the factionId when available. Faction Id = 0");
private readonly static GUIContent minimapContent = new GUIContent("Mini-map UI Image", "A reference in the scene to the UI RawImage to be used to display the radar.");
#region GUIContent - Movement
private readonly static GUIContent movementShowInEditorContent = new GUIContent("Movement", "Expand movement options");
private readonly static GUIContent movementHeaderContent = new GUIContent("When the built-in on-screen visuals (UI) are in use, the radar can be configured to <i>move</i> around with an object or ship or remain at a fixed position.");
private readonly static GUIContent shipToFollowContent = new GUIContent("Ship to Follow", "The centre of the radar will move with this ship.");
private readonly static GUIContent gameobjectToFollowContent = new GUIContent("GameObject to Follow", "The centre of the radar will move with this gameobject.");
private readonly static GUIContent centrePositionContent = new GUIContent("Centre Position", "The centre of the radar.");
#region GUIContent - Debug
private readonly static GUIContent debugModeContent = new GUIContent("Debug Mode", "Use this to display radar data at runtime in the editor.");
private readonly static GUIContent debugIsInitialisedContent = new GUIContent("Is Initialised?");
private readonly static GUIContent debugResultQtyContent = new GUIContent("Result Count", "The number of items currently being tracked");
private readonly static GUIContent debugDisplayFwdsContent = new GUIContent("Display Forwards", "The direction the in-built UI display is facing (if there is one)");
#region Serialized Properties
private SerializedProperty generalShowInEditorProp;
private SerializedProperty visualsShowInEditorProp;
private SerializedProperty movementShowInEditorProp;
private SerializedProperty screenLocaleProp;
private SerializedProperty screenLocaleCustomXYProp;
private SerializedProperty displayWidthNProp;
private SerializedProperty overlayColourProp;
private SerializedProperty backgroundColourProp;
private SerializedProperty radarImageProp;
private SerializedProperty shipToFollowProp;
private SerializedProperty gameobjectToFollowProp;
private SerializedProperty centrePositionProp;
private SerializedProperty displayRangeProp;
private SerializedProperty canvasSortOrderProp;
#region Events
private void OnEnable()
sscRadar = (SSCRadar)target;
//Used in Richtext labels
if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) { txtColourName = "White"; defaultTextColour = new Color(180f / 255f, 180f / 255f, 180f / 255f, 1f); }
//Keep compiler happy - can remove this later if it isn't required
if (defaultTextColour.a > 0f) { }
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtColourName)) { }
// Reset guistyles to avoid issues - forces reinitialisation of button styles etc
helpBoxRichText = null;
labelFieldRichText = null;
headingFieldRichText = null;
buttonCompact = null;
buttonCompactBoldBlue = null;
foldoutStyleNoLabel = null;
toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal = null;
toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled = null;
defaultEditorLabelWidth = 150f; // EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
defaultEditorFieldWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth;
#region FindProperties
generalShowInEditorProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("generalShowInEditor");
visualsShowInEditorProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("visualsShowInEditor");
movementShowInEditorProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("movementShowInEditor");
screenLocaleProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("screenLocale");
screenLocaleCustomXYProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("screenLocaleCustomXY");
displayWidthNProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("radarDisplayWidthN");
canvasSortOrderProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("canvasSortOrder");
overlayColourProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("overlayColour");
backgroundColourProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("backgroundColour");
radarImageProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("radarImage");
shipToFollowProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("shipToFollow");
gameobjectToFollowProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("gameobjectToFollow");
centrePositionProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("centrePosition");
displayRangeProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("displayRange");
sscHelpPDF = SSCEditorHelper.GetHelpURL();
/// <summary>
/// Gets called automatically 10 times per second
/// Comment out if not required
/// </summary>
private void OnInspectorUpdate()
// OnInspectorGUI() only registers events when the mouse is positioned over the custom editor window
// This code forces OnInspectorGUI() to run every frame, so it registers events even when the mouse
// is positioned over the scene view
if (sscRadar != null && sscRadar.allowRepaint) { Repaint(); }
#region OnInspectorGUI
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
// TEST - Show all fields
#region Initialise
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = defaultEditorLabelWidth;
EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = defaultEditorFieldWidth;
#region Configure Buttons and Styles
// Set up rich text GUIStyles
if (helpBoxRichText == null)
helpBoxRichText = new GUIStyle("HelpBox");
helpBoxRichText.richText = true;
if (labelFieldRichText == null)
labelFieldRichText = new GUIStyle("Label");
labelFieldRichText.richText = true;
if (headingFieldRichText == null)
headingFieldRichText = new GUIStyle(UnityEditor.EditorStyles.label);
headingFieldRichText.richText = true;
headingFieldRichText.normal.textColor = helpBoxRichText.normal.textColor;
if (buttonCompact == null)
buttonCompact = new GUIStyle("Button");
buttonCompact.fontSize = 10;
if (buttonCompactBoldBlue == null)
buttonCompactBoldBlue = new GUIStyle("Button");
buttonCompactBoldBlue.fontSize = 10;
buttonCompactBoldBlue.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
buttonCompactBoldBlue.normal.textColor =;
if (foldoutStyleNoLabel == null)
// When using a no-label foldout, don't forget to set the global
// EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth to a small value like 15, then back
// to the original afterward.
foldoutStyleNoLabel = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout);
foldoutStyleNoLabel.fixedWidth = 0.01f;
// Set up the toggle buttons styles
if (toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal == null)
// Create a new button or else will effect the Button style for other buttons too
toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal = new GUIStyle("Button");
toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled = new GUIStyle(toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal);
toggleCompactButtonStyleNormal.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal;
toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
toggleCompactButtonStyleToggled.normal.background =;
#region Header
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("<b>Sci-Fi Ship Controller</b> Version " + ShipControlModule.SSCVersion + " " + ShipControlModule.SSCBetaVersion, labelFieldRichText);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(headerContent, helpBoxRichText);
#region Help Toolbar
if (GUILayout.Button(SSCEditorHelper.btnTxtGetSupport, buttonCompact)) { Application.OpenURL(SSCEditorHelper.urlGetSupport); }
if (GUILayout.Button(SSCEditorHelper.btnDiscordContent, buttonCompact)) { Application.OpenURL(SSCEditorHelper.urlDiscordChannel); }
if (GUILayout.Button(SSCEditorHelper.btnHelpContent, buttonCompact)) { Application.OpenURL(sscHelpPDF); }
if (GUILayout.Button(SSCEditorHelper.tutorialsURLContent, buttonCompact)) { Application.OpenURL(SSCEditorHelper.urlTutorials); }
// Read in all the properties
#region General Settings
DrawFoldoutWithLabel(generalShowInEditorProp, generalShowInEditorContent);
if (generalShowInEditorProp.boolValue)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("initialiseOnStart"), initialiseOnStartContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("poolInitialSize"), poolInitialSizeContent);
// minimum range is 10 metres
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(displayRangeProp, displayRangeContent);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && displayRangeProp.floatValue < 10f)
displayRangeProp.floatValue = 10f;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("is3DQueryEnabled"), is3DQueryEnabledContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("querySortOrder"), isQuerySortOrderContent);
#region Visual Settings
DrawFoldoutWithLabel(visualsShowInEditorProp, visualsShowInEditorContent);
if (visualsShowInEditorProp.boolValue)
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(visualsHeaderContent, helpBoxRichText);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("On screen radar", GUILayout.Width(defaultEditorLabelWidth-4f));
if (radarImageProp.objectReferenceValue != null)
if (GUILayout.Button("Remove", GUILayout.MaxWidth(75f)))
if (SSCEditorHelper.PromptForDelete("Delete the Mini-Map?", "Do you want to DELETE the Mini-Map and ALL child objects from the scene"))
// Note: undo doesn't rollback setting the reference to null...
radarImageProp.objectReferenceValue = null;
if (GUILayout.Button("Refresh", GUILayout.MaxWidth(75f)) || isRefreshUINextFrame)
isRefreshUINextFrame = false;
OnScreenRadar("MinimapREFRESH", screenLocaleProp.intValue, screenLocaleCustomXYProp.vector2Value, displayWidthNProp.floatValue,
overlayColourProp.colorValue, backgroundColourProp.colorValue, radarImageProp);
if (GUILayout.Button("Mini-map", GUILayout.MaxWidth(75f)))
OnScreenRadar("MinimapADD", screenLocaleProp.intValue, screenLocaleCustomXYProp.vector2Value, displayWidthNProp.floatValue,
overlayColourProp.colorValue, backgroundColourProp.colorValue, radarImageProp);
// Older versions of Unity don't get the correct canvas when they are first created.
// So, run the MinimapREFRESH method in the next frame.
#if !UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
isRefreshUINextFrame = true;
GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 4f);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(screenLocaleProp, visualsScreenLocaleContent);
if (screenLocaleProp.intValue == (int)SSCRadar.RadarScreenLocale.Custom)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(screenLocaleCustomXYProp, visualsScreenLocaleCustomContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(displayWidthNProp, visualsDisplayWidthContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(canvasSortOrderProp, visualsCanvasSortOrderContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(overlayColourProp, overlayColourContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(backgroundColourProp, backgroundColourContent);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() && EditorApplication.isPlaying)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("blipFriendColour"), blipFriendColourContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("blipFoeColour"), blipFoeColourContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("blipNeutralColour"), blipNeutralColourContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(radarImageProp, minimapContent);
#region Movement Settings
DrawFoldoutWithLabel(movementShowInEditorProp, movementShowInEditorContent);
if (movementShowInEditorProp.boolValue)
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(movementHeaderContent, helpBoxRichText);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(shipToFollowProp, shipToFollowContent);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
if (shipToFollowProp.objectReferenceValue != null)
gameobjectToFollowProp.objectReferenceValue = null;
if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(gameobjectToFollowProp, gameobjectToFollowContent);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
if (gameobjectToFollowProp.objectReferenceValue != null)
shipToFollowProp.objectReferenceValue = null;
if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(centrePositionProp, centrePositionContent);
// Apply property changes
#region Debug Mode
isDebuggingEnabled = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(debugModeContent, isDebuggingEnabled);
if (isDebuggingEnabled && sscRadar != null && sscRadar.IsInitialised)
float rightLabelWidth = 150f;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(debugIsInitialisedContent, labelFieldRichText, GUILayout.Width(defaultEditorLabelWidth - 3f));
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(sscRadar.IsInitialised ? "Yes" : "No", GUILayout.MaxWidth(rightLabelWidth));
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(debugResultQtyContent, labelFieldRichText, GUILayout.Width(defaultEditorLabelWidth - 3f));
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(sscRadar.ResultCount.ToString(), GUILayout.MaxWidth(rightLabelWidth));
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(debugDisplayFwdsContent, labelFieldRichText, GUILayout.Width(defaultEditorLabelWidth - 3f));
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(SSCEditorHelper.GetVector3Text(sscRadar.DisplayRotation.eulerAngles,3), GUILayout.MaxWidth(rightLabelWidth));
#region Private Draw methods - General
private void DrawFoldoutWithLabel(SerializedProperty showInEditorProp, GUIContent headerLabel)
EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1;
EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 15f;
showInEditorProp.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showInEditorProp.boolValue, emptyString, foldoutStyleNoLabel);
EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = defaultEditorFieldWidth;
EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(headerLabel, headingFieldRichText);
#region Private Member Methods
/// <summary>
/// Add the on-screen radar to the canvas. Create one if it doesn't exist.
/// TODO - refresh with size and position
/// </summary>
/// <param name="command"></param>
/// <param name="screenLocaleInt"></param>
/// <param name="screenLocaleCustomXY"></param>
/// <param name="panelWidthN"></param>
/// <param name="overlayColour"></param>
/// <param name="serializedProperty"></param>
private void OnScreenRadar
string command,
int screenLocaleInt,
Vector2 screenLocaleCustomXY,
float panelWidthN,
Color overlayColour,
Color backgroundColour,
SerializedProperty serializedProperty
GameObject radarCanvasGO;
Canvas radarCanvas;
Vector2 canvasSize;
Vector3 canvasScale;
sscRadar.GetorCreateRadarCanvas(out radarCanvasGO, out radarCanvas, out canvasSize, out canvasScale);
if (radarCanvas != null && radarCanvasGO != null)
if (command.StartsWith("Minimap"))
Vector2 anchorMin =;
Vector2 anchorMax =;
Vector2 panelOffset =;
float panelWidth = Mathf.Ceil(panelWidthN * canvasSize.x), panelHeight = panelWidth;
sscRadar.GetMinimapScreenLocation(screenLocaleInt, canvasSize, new Vector2(panelWidth, panelHeight), ref anchorMin, ref anchorMax, ref panelOffset);
int texWidth = Mathf.CeilToInt(panelWidth);
int texHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt(panelHeight);
UnityEngine.UI.RawImage panelImg = null;
Texture2D radarTex = null;
if (command.Contains("ADD"))
radarTex = SSCUtils.CreateTexture(texWidth, texHeight, Color.clear, false);
UnityEngine.UI.RawImage[] uiImages = radarCanvasGO.GetComponentsInChildren<UnityEngine.UI.RawImage>();
panelImg = SSCEditorHelper.AddCanvasRawPanelIfMissing(uiImages, "Minimap", panelOffset.x, panelOffset.y, panelWidth, panelHeight,
anchorMin.x, anchorMin.y, anchorMax.x, anchorMax.y, radarTex, radarCanvasGO.transform, canvasScale);
else if (command.Contains("REFRESH") && serializedProperty.objectReferenceValue != null)
panelImg = (UnityEngine.UI.RawImage)serializedProperty.objectReferenceValue;
radarTex = (Texture2D)panelImg.texture;
if (radarTex.width != texWidth || radarTex.height != texHeight)
#if !UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER
radarTex.Resize(texWidth, texHeight);
radarTex.Reinitialize(texWidth, texHeight);
SSCUtils.UpdateCanvasPanel(panelImg.rectTransform, panelOffset.x, panelOffset.y, panelWidth, panelHeight,
anchorMin.x, anchorMin.y, anchorMax.x, anchorMax.y, canvasScale);
SSCUtils.FillTexture(radarTex, Color.clear, false);
if (panelImg != null)
int outerRadius = (int)(texWidth / 2f);
sscRadar.DrawCircle(radarTex, (int)(texWidth / 2f), (int)(texHeight / 2f), outerRadius, overlayColour, true, false);
sscRadar.DrawCircle(radarTex, (int)(texWidth / 2f), (int)(texHeight / 2f), outerRadius - 4, backgroundColour, true, false);
// Only apply once all operations have finished
panelImg.texture = radarTex;
serializedProperty.objectReferenceValue = panelImg;
Selection.activeGameObject = sscRadar.gameObject;
#region Public Static Methods
// Add a menu item so that a SSCRadar can be created via the GameObject > 3D Object menu
[MenuItem("GameObject/3D Object/Sci-Fi Ship Controller/SSC Radar")]
public static void CreateSSCRadar()
SSCRadar r = SSCRadar.GetOrCreateRadar();
if (!Application.isPlaying)