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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace SciFiShipController
public class DemoControlModuleEditor : Editor
#region Custom Editor private variables
// Formatting and style variables
private string txtColourName = "Black";
private Color defaultTextColour =;
private string labelText;
private GUIStyle labelFieldRichText;
private GUIStyle helpBoxRichText;
private GUIStyle buttonCompact;
private float defaultEditorLabelWidth = 0f;
private float defaultEditorFieldWidth = 0f;
private bool isSceneModified = false; // used in OnInspectorGUI()
private DemoControlModule demoControlModule = null;
private int squadronMoveDownPos = -1;
private int squadronInsertPos = -1;
private int squadronDeletePos = -1;
// SceneGUI variables
private Vector3 componentHandlePosition =;
private Quaternion componentHandleRotation = Quaternion.identity;
private bool isSceneViewModified = false; // Used in SceneGUI(SceneView sv)
private Squadron svSquadron = null;
private Vector3 scale =;
private Vector3 theatrePos =;
#region GUIContent - Squadrons
private readonly static GUIContent headerContent = new GUIContent("<b>Demo Control Module</b>\n\nThis module demonstrates how to spawn squadrons of ships");
private readonly static GUIContent squadronHeaderContent = new GUIContent("Squadrons are groups of typically the same ship type. They can contain 0, 1 or more ships from the same faction or alliance.");
private readonly static GUIContent squadronIdContent = new GUIContent("Squadron Id", "The unique number or ID for this squadron");
private readonly static GUIContent squadronNameContent = new GUIContent("Squadron Name");
private readonly static GUIContent factionIdContent = new GUIContent("Faction Id", "The Faction that the squadron belongs to or fights for.");
private readonly static GUIContent anchorPositionContent = new GUIContent("Anchor Position", "The initial front middle position of the squadron. If there is more than one row on y-axis, rows will be created above this position.");
private readonly static GUIContent fwdDirectionContent = new GUIContent("Forward Direction", "Direction as a normalised vector");
private readonly static GUIContent anchorRotationContent = new GUIContent("Anchor Rotation", "The forward direction as euler angles. This is modified by setting the Forward Direction vector");
private readonly static GUIContent tacticalFormationContent = new GUIContent("Tactical Formation", "The type of formation in which to spawn ships");
private readonly static GUIContent rowsXContent = new GUIContent("Rows on x-axis", "The number of rows along the x-axis");
private readonly static GUIContent rowsZContent = new GUIContent("Rows on z-axis", "The number of rows along the z-axis");
private readonly static GUIContent rowsYContent = new GUIContent("Rows on y-axis", "The number of rows along the y-axis");
private readonly static GUIContent offsetXContent = new GUIContent("Row offset x-axis", "The distance between rows on the x-axis");
private readonly static GUIContent offsetZContent = new GUIContent("Row offset z-axis", "The distance between rows on the z-axis");
private readonly static GUIContent offsetYContent = new GUIContent("Row offset y-axis", "The distance between rows on the y-axis");
private readonly static GUIContent shipPrefabContent = new GUIContent("NPC Ship Prefab", "Non-Player-Character ship which will be used to populate the squadron");
private readonly static GUIContent playerShipContent = new GUIContent("Player Ship", "Optionally reference to a player ship in the scene to lead this squadron");
private readonly static GUIContent cameraTargetOffsetContent = new GUIContent("Camera Ship Offset", "The offset from the ship (in local space) for the camera to aim for.");
#region GUIContent - AI Targets
private readonly static GUIContent assignAITargetsContent = new GUIContent("Assign AI Targets","");
private readonly static GUIContent aiTargetsContent = new GUIContent("AI Targets","");
private readonly static GUIContent reassignTargetSecsContent = new GUIContent("Reassign Target Secs", "");
private readonly static GUIContent AddAIScriptIfMissingContent = new GUIContent("Add AI Script If Missing", "");
private readonly static GUIContent CrashAffectsHealthContent = new GUIContent("Crash Affects Health", "");
private readonly static GUIContent theatreBoundsContent = new GUIContent("Theatre Bounds", "The region that the ships can fly or operate in. Extents are distance from centre.");
#region GUIContent - Radar
private readonly static GUIContent useRadarContent = new GUIContent("Use Radar", "Enable radar tracking for all ships");
#region Serialized Properties
private SerializedProperty squadronListProp;
private SerializedProperty squadronProp;
private SerializedProperty squadronIdProp;
private SerializedProperty squadronNameProp;
private SerializedProperty squadronShowInEditorProp;
private SerializedProperty squadronTacticalFormationProp;
private SerializedProperty squadronFwdDirectionProp;
#region Event Methods
private void OnEnable()
demoControlModule = (DemoControlModule)target;
squadronListProp = serializedObject.FindProperty("squadronList");
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
SceneView.duringSceneGui -= SceneGUI;
SceneView.duringSceneGui += SceneGUI;
SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate -= SceneGUI;
SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate += SceneGUI;
Tools.hidden = true;
// Used in Richtext labels
if (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin) { txtColourName = "White"; defaultTextColour = new Color(180f / 255f, 180f / 255f, 180f / 255f, 1f); }
// Keep compiler happy - can remove this later if it isn't required
if (defaultTextColour.a > 0f) { }
private void OnDisable()
Tools.hidden = false;
Tools.current = Tool.Move;
#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
SceneView.duringSceneGui -= SceneGUI;
SceneView.onSceneGUIDelegate -= SceneGUI;
private void OnDestroy()
Tools.hidden = false;
Tools.current = Tool.Move;
#region OnInspectorGUI
// This function overides what is normally seen in the inspector window
// This allows stuff like buttons to be drawn there
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
#region Initialise
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = defaultEditorLabelWidth;
EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = defaultEditorFieldWidth;
#region Configure Buttons and Styles
// Set up rich text GUIStyles
helpBoxRichText = new GUIStyle("HelpBox");
helpBoxRichText.richText = true;
labelFieldRichText = new GUIStyle("Label");
labelFieldRichText.richText = true;
buttonCompact = new GUIStyle("Button");
buttonCompact.fontSize = 10;
// Read in all the properties
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("<b>Sci-Fi Ship Controller</b> Version " + ShipControlModule.SSCVersion + " " + ShipControlModule.SSCBetaVersion, labelFieldRichText);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(headerContent, helpBoxRichText);
#region Squadrons
EditorGUILayout.LabelField(squadronHeaderContent, helpBoxRichText);
if (squadronListProp == null)
// Apply property changes
demoControlModule.squadronList = new List<Squadron>();
isSceneModified = true;
// Read in the properties
#region Add-Remove Squadrons
int numSquadrons = squadronListProp.arraySize;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("<color=" + txtColourName + "><b>Squadrons: " + numSquadrons.ToString("00") + "</b></color>", labelFieldRichText);
if (GUILayout.Button("+", GUILayout.MaxWidth(30f)))
// Apply property changes
demoControlModule.squadronList.Add(new Squadron());
Undo.RecordObject(demoControlModule, "Add Squadron");
isSceneModified = true;
// Read in the properties
numSquadrons = squadronListProp.arraySize;
if (numSquadrons > 0)
// Force new squadron to be serialized in scene
squadronProp = squadronListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(numSquadrons - 1);
squadronIdProp = squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("squadronId");
squadronIdProp.intValue = 0;
squadronIdProp.intValue = -1;
if (GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayout.MaxWidth(30f)))
if (numSquadrons > 0)
// Get the last squadron in the list
squadronProp = squadronListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(squadronListProp.arraySize - 1);
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete Squadron?", "Do you wish to delete Squadron " + (squadronListProp.arraySize).ToString("00") + "?", "Delete Now", "Cancel"))
squadronListProp.arraySize -= 1;
#region Squadron List
// Reset button variables
squadronMoveDownPos = -1;
squadronInsertPos = -1;
squadronDeletePos = -1;
numSquadrons = squadronListProp.arraySize;
for (int index = 0; index < numSquadrons; index++)
squadronProp = squadronListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);
squadronIdProp = squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("squadronId");
squadronNameProp = squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("squadronName");
squadronShowInEditorProp = squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("showInEditor");
#region Squadron Move/Insert/Delete buttons
EditorGUI.indentLevel += 1;
squadronShowInEditorProp.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(squadronShowInEditorProp.boolValue, (index + 1).ToString("00") + ": " + squadronNameProp.stringValue);
EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 1;
//EditorGUILayout.LabelField((index + 1).ToString("00") + " " + squadronNameProp.stringValue);
// Move down button
if (GUILayout.Button("V", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f)) && numSquadrons > 1) { squadronMoveDownPos = index; }
// Create duplicate button
if (GUILayout.Button("I", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) { squadronInsertPos = index; }
// Delete button
if (GUILayout.Button("X", buttonCompact, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20f))) { squadronDeletePos = index; }
#region Show/Edit Squadron
if (squadronShowInEditorProp.boolValue)
squadronTacticalFormationProp = squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("tacticalFormation");
squadronFwdDirectionProp = squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("fwdDirection");
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronIdProp, squadronIdContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronNameProp, squadronNameContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("factionId"), factionIdContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("anchorPosition"), anchorPositionContent);
// Prevent zero rotation
if (squadronFwdDirectionProp.vector3Value == { squadronFwdDirectionProp.vector3Value = Vector3.forward; }
// Show the forward direction as a non-editable rotation
GUI.enabled = false;
EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(anchorRotationContent, Quaternion.LookRotation(squadronFwdDirectionProp.vector3Value, Vector3.up).eulerAngles);
GUI.enabled = true;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronFwdDirectionProp, fwdDirectionContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronTacticalFormationProp, tacticalFormationContent);
if (squadronTacticalFormationProp.intValue != (int)Squadron.TacticalFormation.Vic && squadronTacticalFormationProp.intValue != (int)Squadron.TacticalFormation.Wedge)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("rowsX"), rowsXContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("rowsZ"), rowsZContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("rowsY"), rowsYContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("offsetX"), offsetXContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("offsetZ"), offsetZContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("offsetY"), offsetYContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("shipPrefab"), shipPrefabContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("playerShip"), playerShipContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(squadronProp.FindPropertyRelative("cameraTargetOffset"), cameraTargetOffsetContent);
#region Move/Insert/Delete Squadrons
if (squadronDeletePos >= 0 || squadronInsertPos >= 0 || squadronMoveDownPos >= 0)
// Don't permit multiple operations in the same pass
if (squadronMoveDownPos >= 0)
// Move down one position, or wrap round to start of list
if (squadronMoveDownPos < squadronListProp.arraySize - 1)
squadronListProp.MoveArrayElement(squadronMoveDownPos, squadronMoveDownPos + 1);
else { squadronListProp.MoveArrayElement(squadronMoveDownPos, 0); }
squadronMoveDownPos = -1;
else if (squadronInsertPos >= 0)
// Apply property changes before potential list changes
demoControlModule.squadronList.Insert(squadronInsertPos, new Squadron(demoControlModule.squadronList[squadronInsertPos]));
// Read all properties from the DemoControlModule
// Force new squadron to be serialized in scene
squadronIdProp = squadronListProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(squadronInsertPos).FindPropertyRelative("squadronId");
int originalID = squadronIdProp.intValue;
squadronIdProp.intValue = -99;
squadronIdProp.intValue = originalID;
squadronInsertPos = -1;
isSceneModified = true;
else if (squadronDeletePos >= 0)
// In U2019.4+ DisplayDialog seems to trigger another OnInspectorGUI() and squadronDeletePos is reset to -1.
int _deleteIndex = squadronDeletePos;
if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete Squadron " + (squadronDeletePos + 1) + "?", "Squadron " + (squadronDeletePos + 1) + " will be deleted\n\nThis action will remove the squadron from the list and cannot be undone.", "Delete Now", "Cancel"))
squadronDeletePos = -1;
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
// In U2019.4+ avoid: EndLayoutGroup: BeginLayoutGroup must be called first.
if (!Application.isPlaying)
#region AI Targets
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("assignAITargets"), assignAITargetsContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("aiTargets"), aiTargetsContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("reassignTargetSecs"), reassignTargetSecsContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("AddAIScriptIfMissing"), AddAIScriptIfMissingContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("CrashAffectsHealth"), CrashAffectsHealthContent);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("theatreBounds"), theatreBoundsContent);
#region Radar
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(serializedObject.FindProperty("useRadar"), useRadarContent);
// Apply property changes
#region Mark Scene Dirty if required
if (isSceneModified && !Application.isPlaying)
isSceneModified = false;
#region Private Methods
private void SceneGUI(SceneView sv)
// Only display
if (demoControlModule != null)
int numSquadrons = demoControlModule.squadronList == null ? 0 : demoControlModule.squadronList.Count;
isSceneViewModified = false;
for (int sqIdx = 0; sqIdx < numSquadrons; sqIdx++)
svSquadron = demoControlModule.squadronList[sqIdx];
componentHandlePosition = svSquadron.anchorPosition;
componentHandleRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(svSquadron.fwdDirection, Vector3.up);
// Draw a sphere in the scene that is non-interactable
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
using (new Handles.DrawingScope(Color.yellow))
Handles.SphereHandleCap(0, componentHandlePosition, componentHandleRotation, 3f, EventType.Repaint);
// Only display handle if the squadron is expanded in the editor
if (svSquadron.showInEditor)
if (Tools.current == Tool.Rotate)
// Draw a rotation handle
componentHandleRotation = Handles.RotationHandle(componentHandleRotation, componentHandlePosition);
// Use the rotation handle to edit the direction of thrust
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
isSceneViewModified = true;
Undo.RecordObject(demoControlModule, "Rotate Squadron Anchor Position");
// ================================
// ================================
svSquadron.fwdDirection = componentHandleRotation * Vector3.forward;
#if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER
else if (Tools.current == Tool.Move || Tools.current == Tool.Transform)
else if (Tools.current == Tool.Move)
componentHandlePosition = Handles.PositionHandle(componentHandlePosition, componentHandleRotation);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
isSceneViewModified = true;
Undo.RecordObject(demoControlModule, "Move Squadron Anchor Position");
svSquadron.anchorPosition = componentHandlePosition;
// Draw the theatre of operations boundaries
if (demoControlModule.theatreBounds.extents !=
Handles.DrawWireCube(, demoControlModule.theatreBounds.extents * 2f);
if (Tools.current == Tool.Scale)
scale = demoControlModule.theatreBounds.extents;
theatrePos =;
scale = Handles.ScaleHandle(scale, theatrePos, Quaternion.identity, HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(theatrePos));
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
demoControlModule.theatreBounds.extents = scale;
Undo.RecordObject(demoControlModule, "Modify Theatre Extents");
isSceneViewModified = true;
#region Mark Scene Dirty if required
if (isSceneViewModified && !Application.isPlaying)
isSceneViewModified = false;