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using UnityEngine;
// Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace SciFiShipController
/// <summary>
/// Sample code to show Health of a ship in the UI.
/// This is only a sample to demonstrate how API calls could be used in your own code.
/// Add this to an empty gameobject in the scene and drag a ship from the scene into
/// the shipControlModule slot.
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("Sci-Fi Ship Controller/Samples/Show Ship Health")]
public class SampleShowShipHealth : MonoBehaviour
#region Public variables
/// <summary>
/// If true, will run just before first frame is rendered. Set to false if
/// you wish to add a reference to the ship from the scene at runtime.
/// </summary>
public bool initialiseOnAwake = false;
public bool isHealthDisplayed = false;
public ShipControlModule shipControlModule = null;
public Color normalColour = Color.white;
public Color warningColour = Color.yellow;
public Color criticalColour =;
#region Private variables
private bool isInitialised = false;
private Canvas canvas;
private UnityEngine.UI.Text uiTextHealthLabel;
private UnityEngine.UI.Text uiTextHealthValue;
private UnityEngine.UI.Text uiTextShieldLabel;
private UnityEngine.UI.Text uiTextShieldValue;
private float healthStartValue = 0f;
private float shieldStartValue = 0f;
#region Initialisation Methods
void Start()
if (!isInitialised && initialiseOnAwake) { Initialise(); }
public void Initialise()
if (isHealthDisplayed)
// Add a new canvas
canvas = GetComponent<Canvas>();
if (canvas == null) { canvas = gameObject.AddComponent<Canvas>(); }
if (canvas != null)
canvas.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay;
uiTextHealthLabel = CreateTextUI(transform, new Vector2(0f, 20f), 45f, 20f);
uiTextHealthValue = CreateTextUI(transform, new Vector2(55f, 20f), 40f, 20f);
if (uiTextHealthLabel != null) { uiTextHealthLabel.text = "Health"; }
// Setup the callback method and display the initial value
if (shipControlModule != null)
if (shipControlModule.shipInstance != null)
if (shipControlModule.shipInstance.mainDamageRegion.useShielding)
uiTextShieldLabel = CreateTextUI(transform, new Vector2(0f, 40f), 45f, 20f);
uiTextShieldValue = CreateTextUI(transform, new Vector2(55f, 40f), 40f, 20f);
if (uiTextShieldLabel != null) { uiTextShieldLabel.text = "Shield"; }
healthStartValue = shipControlModule.shipInstance.mainDamageRegion.Health;
shieldStartValue = shipControlModule.shipInstance.mainDamageRegion.ShieldHealth;
// Avoid div 0
if (healthStartValue == 0f) { healthStartValue = 0.01f; }
if (shieldStartValue == 0f) { shieldStartValue = 0.01f; }
shipControlModule.shipInstance.callbackOnDamage = ShipHealthUpdated;
isInitialised = true;
#region Private Methods
/// <summary>
/// Create a new UI Text panel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentTfrm"></param>
/// <param name="topLeft"></param>
/// <param name="width"></param>
/// <param name="height"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private UnityEngine.UI.Text CreateTextUI(Transform parentTfrm, Vector2 topLeft, float width, float height)
UnityEngine.UI.Text uiText = null;
// Create a text panel for the health value
GameObject panelGO = new GameObject();
if (panelGO != null)
if (parentTfrm != null) { panelGO.transform.SetParent(parentTfrm); }
uiText = panelGO.AddComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Text>();
if (uiText != null)
RectTransform rtfrm = panelGO.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
rtfrm.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Left, topLeft.x, width);
rtfrm.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Top, topLeft.y, height);
uiText.font = SSCUtils.GetDefaultFont();
uiText.raycastTarget = false;
return uiText;
private void Create3DText(Transform parentTfrm)
GameObject panelGO = new GameObject();
if (panelGO != null)
if (parentTfrm != null) { panelGO.transform.SetParent(parentTfrm); }
/// <summary>
/// Call back method that is called from ship.cs after damage is applied.
/// NOTE: This sample will generate some GC due to the use of ToString().
/// Formatting the string will generate even more GC.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="health"></param>
private void ShipHealthUpdated(float health)
if (isHealthDisplayed && uiTextHealthValue != null)
// Health values can be below zero so clamp them to 0.
health = health < 0f ? 0f : health;
uiTextHealthValue.text = health.ToString();
SetTextUIColour(uiTextHealthValue, health / healthStartValue);
// If shielding is in use for the main damage region,
// look up the value.
if (uiTextShieldValue != null && shipControlModule != null && shipControlModule.shipInstance != null)
float shieldingHealth = shipControlModule.shipInstance.mainDamageRegion.ShieldHealth;
shieldingHealth = shieldingHealth < 0f ? 0f : shieldingHealth;
uiTextShieldValue.text = shieldingHealth.ToString();
SetTextUIColour(uiTextShieldValue, shieldingHealth / shieldStartValue);
/// <summary>
/// Update the colour of the text based on the 0-1 value.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="uiText"></param>
/// <param name="value"></param>
private void SetTextUIColour(UnityEngine.UI.Text uiText, float value)
if (uiText != null)
if (value < 0.15f)
uiText.color = criticalColour;
else if (value < 0.3f)
uiText.color = warningColour;
uiText.color = normalColour;