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rabidus-test/Assets/BNG Framework/HandPoser/Scripts/AutoPoser.cs

370 lines
15 KiB

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace BNG {
public class AutoPoser : MonoBehaviour {
[Header("Auto Pose Settings")]
[Tooltip("(Required) A HandPose in the fully open position. AutoPose will lerp each finger joint between OpenHandPose and ClosedHandPose until contact is made at each finger tip.")]
public HandPose OpenHandPose;
[Tooltip("(Required) A HandPose in the fully closed position. AutoPose will lerp each finger between OpenHandPose and ClosedHandPose until contact is made at each finger tip.")]
public HandPose ClosedHandPose;
[Header("Finger Tip Collision")]
[Tooltip("Radius (in meters) of the fingertips to use when checking for collisions during auto-posing. Only used if a FingerTipCollider is not defined. (Default : 0.00875)")]
[Range(0.0f, 0.02f)]
public float FingerTipRadius = 0.00875f;
[Tooltip("(Optional) Index Finger Offset - Use this to manually position and scale your finger tip collider")]
public FingerTipCollider ThumbCollider;
[Tooltip("(Optional) Index Finger Offset - Use this to manually position and scale your finger tip collider")]
public FingerTipCollider IndexFingerCollider;
[Tooltip("(Optional) Index Finger Offset - Use this to manually position and scale your finger tip collider")]
public FingerTipCollider MiddleFingerCollider;
[Tooltip("(Optional) Index Finger Offset - Use this to manually position and scale your finger tip collider")]
public FingerTipCollider RingFingerCollider;
[Tooltip("(Optional) Index Finger Offset - Use this to manually position and scale your finger tip collider")]
public FingerTipCollider PinkyFingerCollider;
[Header("Continuous Update")]
[Tooltip("If true the hand will auto pose in Update(). Also works in the editor.")]
public bool UpdateContinuously = false;
[Tooltip("(Optional) The HandPose to use when UpdateContinuously = true and no collisions have been detected. If not specified, the hand will make a ClosedHandPose shape when no collisions have been found.")]
public HandPose IdleHandPose;
public LayerMask CollisionLayerMask = ~0;
// Gizmo Customization
[Header("Editor Gizmos")]
public bool ShowGizmos = true;
public GizmoDisplayType GizmoType = GizmoDisplayType.Wire;
public Color GizmoColor = Color.white;
public HandPoser InspectedPose;
// Where our hand currently is this frame
HandPoseDefinition currentPose;
// Used to store temp poses and prevent GC
HandPoseDefinition tempPose;
// Where our hand would after checking for collisions
public HandPoseDefinition CollisionPose {
get {
return collisionPose;
HandPoseDefinition collisionPose;
public bool CollisionDetected {
get {
return _thumbHit || _indexHit || _middleHit || _ringHit || _pinkyHit;
#region private variables
private int _count = 0;
private bool _thumbHit = false;
private bool _indexHit = false;
private bool _middleHit = false;
private bool _ringHit = false;
private bool _pinkyHit = false;
void Start() {
if(InspectedPose == null) {
InspectedPose = GetComponent<HandPoser>();
void OnEnable() {
if(Application.isEditor && OpenHandPose == null && ClosedHandPose == null) {
// Try to auto fill open / closed hand pose
OpenHandPose = (HandPose)Resources.Load("Default", typeof(HandPose));
ClosedHandPose = (HandPose)Resources.Load("Fist", typeof(HandPose));
// Update is called once per frame
void Update() {
// Auto Update Auto Pose
if (UpdateContinuously) {
bool useIdlePose = CollisionDetected == false && IdleHandPose != null && InspectedPose != null;
if(useIdlePose) {
collisionPose = GetAutoPose();
InspectedPose.UpdateHandPose(IdleHandPose.Joints, true);
else {
public virtual void UpdateAutoPose(bool lerp) {
collisionPose = GetAutoPose();
// Lerp to collision hand pose
if (collisionPose != null) {
InspectedPose.UpdateHandPose(collisionPose, lerp);
/// <summary>
/// Runs UpdateContinuously for one second
/// </summary>
public virtual void UpdateAutoPoseOnce() {
IEnumerator updateAutoPoseRoutine() {
UpdateContinuously = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
UpdateContinuously = false;
public HandPoseDefinition GetAutoPose() {
if (InspectedPose == null || OpenHandPose == null || ClosedHandPose == null) {
return null;
// Store our current hand state so we can snap back to it after we determine a collision
currentPose = CopyHandDefinition(InspectedPose.GetHandPoseDefinition());
// Start in open pose before
InspectedPose.UpdateHandPose(OpenHandPose.Joints, false);
// Lerp between Open and Closed hand position, stopping if we hit something
_count = 0;
_thumbHit = false;
_indexHit = false;
_middleHit = false;
_ringHit = false;
_pinkyHit = false;
while (_count < 300) {
// Check Tip Collision
if (!_thumbHit) { _thumbHit = GetThumbHit(InspectedPose); }
if (!_indexHit) { _indexHit = GetIndexHit(InspectedPose); }
if (!_middleHit) { _middleHit = GetMiddleHit(InspectedPose); }
if (!_ringHit) { _ringHit = GetRingHit(InspectedPose); }
if (!_pinkyHit) { _pinkyHit = GetPinkyHit(InspectedPose); }
// Can bail if everything is touching
if (_thumbHit && _indexHit && _middleHit && _ringHit && _pinkyHit) {
// Store the collision pose so we can return it after we've reset out hand back to it's original position
tempPose = CopyHandDefinition(InspectedPose.GetHandPoseDefinition());
// Switch back to the original hand pose we were in
InspectedPose.UpdateHandPose(currentPose, false);
return tempPose;
public HandPoseDefinition CopyHandDefinition(HandPoseDefinition ToCopy) {
return new HandPoseDefinition() {
IndexJoints = GetJointsCopy(ToCopy.IndexJoints),
MiddleJoints = GetJointsCopy(ToCopy.MiddleJoints),
OtherJoints = GetJointsCopy(ToCopy.OtherJoints),
PinkyJoints = GetJointsCopy(ToCopy.PinkyJoints),
RingJoints = GetJointsCopy(ToCopy.RingJoints),
ThumbJoints = GetJointsCopy(ToCopy.ThumbJoints),
WristJoint = GetJointCopy(ToCopy.WristJoint),
public FingerJoint GetJointCopy(FingerJoint ToClone) {
// Null check
if(ToClone == null) {
return null;
return new FingerJoint() {
LocalPosition = ToClone.LocalPosition,
LocalRotation = ToClone.LocalRotation,
TransformName = ToClone.TransformName
public List<FingerJoint> GetJointsCopy(List<FingerJoint> ToClone) {
List<FingerJoint> joints = new List<FingerJoint>();
for (int x = 0; x < ToClone.Count; x++) {
return joints;
public bool GetThumbHit(HandPoser poser) {
if (ThumbCollider != null) {
return LoopThroughJoints(poser.ThumbJoints, ClosedHandPose.Joints.ThumbJoints, ThumbCollider.transform.position, ThumbCollider.Radius);
else {
return LoopThroughJoints(poser.ThumbJoints, ClosedHandPose.Joints.ThumbJoints, HandPoser.GetFingerTipPositionWithOffset(poser.ThumbJoints, FingerTipRadius), FingerTipRadius);
public bool GetIndexHit(HandPoser poser) {
if (IndexFingerCollider != null) {
return LoopThroughJoints(poser.IndexJoints, ClosedHandPose.Joints.IndexJoints, IndexFingerCollider.transform.position, IndexFingerCollider.Radius);
else {
return LoopThroughJoints(poser.IndexJoints, ClosedHandPose.Joints.IndexJoints, HandPoser.GetFingerTipPositionWithOffset(poser.IndexJoints, FingerTipRadius), FingerTipRadius);
public bool GetMiddleHit(HandPoser poser) {
if (MiddleFingerCollider != null) {
return LoopThroughJoints(poser.MiddleJoints, ClosedHandPose.Joints.MiddleJoints, MiddleFingerCollider.transform.position, MiddleFingerCollider.Radius);
else {
return LoopThroughJoints(poser.MiddleJoints, ClosedHandPose.Joints.MiddleJoints, HandPoser.GetFingerTipPositionWithOffset(poser.MiddleJoints, FingerTipRadius), FingerTipRadius);
public bool GetRingHit(HandPoser poser) {
if (RingFingerCollider != null) {
return LoopThroughJoints(poser.RingJoints, ClosedHandPose.Joints.RingJoints, RingFingerCollider.transform.position, RingFingerCollider.Radius);
else {
return LoopThroughJoints(poser.RingJoints, ClosedHandPose.Joints.RingJoints, HandPoser.GetFingerTipPositionWithOffset(poser.RingJoints, FingerTipRadius), FingerTipRadius);
public bool GetPinkyHit(HandPoser poser) {
if (PinkyFingerCollider != null) {
return LoopThroughJoints(poser.PinkyJoints, ClosedHandPose.Joints.PinkyJoints, PinkyFingerCollider.transform.position, PinkyFingerCollider.Radius);
else {
return LoopThroughJoints(poser.PinkyJoints, ClosedHandPose.Joints.PinkyJoints, HandPoser.GetFingerTipPositionWithOffset(poser.PinkyJoints, FingerTipRadius), FingerTipRadius);
public virtual bool LoopThroughJoints(List<Transform> fromJoints, List<FingerJoint> toJoints, Vector3 tipPosition, float tipRadius) {
// Not a complete set
if(fromJoints == null || toJoints == null || toJoints.Count == 0) {
return false;
int fromLength = fromJoints.Count;
int toLength = toJoints.Count;
float movementAmount = 1f;
for (int x = 0; x < fromLength; x++) {
// move towards destination
Transform thisJoint = fromJoints[x];
// Bone count mismatch
if(x >= toLength) {
return false;
thisJoint.localPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(thisJoint.localPosition, toJoints[x].LocalPosition, movementAmount);
thisJoint.localRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(thisJoint.localRotation, toJoints[x].LocalRotation, movementAmount);
// Do Sphere cast at tip of finger
bool isFingerTip = x == fromLength - 1;
if (isFingerTip) {
Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(tipPosition, tipRadius, CollisionLayerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
if (hitColliders != null && hitColliders.Length > 0) {
for(int y = 0; y < hitColliders.Length; y++) {
if(IsValidCollision(hitColliders[y])) {
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// You can overrride this method to add your own collision validation logic
/// </summary>
public virtual bool IsValidCollision(Collider col) {
// Ignore Triggers
if (col == null || col.isTrigger) {
return false;
// Default to a valid collisions
return true;
#region EditorGizmos
void OnDrawGizmos() {
// Don't draw gizmos if this component has been disabled
if(!this.isActiveAndEnabled) {
if(InspectedPose == null) {
InspectedPose = GetComponent<HandPoser>();
if (ShowGizmos && InspectedPose != null) {
Gizmos.color = GizmoColor;
DrawJointGizmo(ThumbCollider, HandPoser.GetFingerTipPositionWithOffset(InspectedPose.ThumbJoints, FingerTipRadius), FingerTipRadius, GizmoType);
DrawJointGizmo(IndexFingerCollider, HandPoser.GetFingerTipPositionWithOffset(InspectedPose.IndexJoints, FingerTipRadius), FingerTipRadius, GizmoType);
DrawJointGizmo(MiddleFingerCollider, HandPoser.GetFingerTipPositionWithOffset(InspectedPose.MiddleJoints, FingerTipRadius), FingerTipRadius, GizmoType);
DrawJointGizmo(RingFingerCollider, HandPoser.GetFingerTipPositionWithOffset(InspectedPose.RingJoints, FingerTipRadius), FingerTipRadius, GizmoType);
DrawJointGizmo(PinkyFingerCollider, HandPoser.GetFingerTipPositionWithOffset(InspectedPose.PinkyJoints, FingerTipRadius), FingerTipRadius, GizmoType);
public void DrawJointGizmo(FingerTipCollider tipCollider, Vector3 defaultPosition, float radius, GizmoDisplayType gizmoType) {
if(tipCollider != null) {
defaultPosition = tipCollider.transform.position;
radius = tipCollider.Radius;
if (gizmoType == GizmoDisplayType.Wire) {
Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(defaultPosition, radius);
else if (GizmoType == GizmoDisplayType.Solid) {
Gizmos.DrawSphere(defaultPosition, radius);
public enum GizmoDisplayType {