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rabidus-test/Assets/BNG Framework/Scripts/Core/PlayerClimbing.cs

280 lines
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace BNG {
public class PlayerClimbing : MonoBehaviour {
[Header("Climbing Transforms")]
public Transform LeftControllerTransform;
public Transform RightControllerTransform;
[Header("Capsule Settings")]
[Tooltip("Set the player's capsule collider height to this amount while climbing. This can allow you to shorten the capsule collider a bit, making it easier to navigate over ledges.")]
public float ClimbingCapsuleHeight = 0.5f;
[Tooltip("Set the player's capsule collider capsule center to this amount while climbing.")]
public float ClimbingCapsuleCenter = -0.25f;
public bool ApplyHapticsOnGrab = true;
[Tooltip("Frequency of haptics to play on grab if 'ApplyHapticsOnGrab' is true")]
public float VibrateFrequency = 0.3f;
[Tooltip("Amplitute of haptics to play on grab if 'ApplyHapticsOnGrab' is true")]
public float VibrateAmplitude = 0.1f;
[Tooltip("Duration of haptics to play on grab if 'ApplyHapticsOnGrab' is true")]
public float VibrateDuration = 0.1f;
// Any climber grabbers in use
List<Grabber> climbers;
bool wasGrippingClimbable;
CharacterController characterController;
SmoothLocomotion smoothLocomotion;
PlayerGravity playerGravity;
Rigidbody playerRigid;
public bool IsRigidbodyPlayer {
get {
if (_checkedRigidPlayer) {
return _isRigidPlayer;
else {
_isRigidPlayer = smoothLocomotion != null && smoothLocomotion.ControllerType == PlayerControllerType.Rigidbody;
_checkedRigidPlayer = true;
return _isRigidPlayer;
bool _checkedRigidPlayer = false;
bool _isRigidPlayer = false;
[Header("Shown for Debug : ")]
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not we are currently holding on to something climbable with 1 or more grabbers
/// </summary>
public bool GrippingClimbable = false;
private Vector3 moveDirection =;
Vector3 previousLeftControllerPosition;
Vector3 previousRightControllerPosition;
Vector3 controllerMoveAmount;
// Start is called before the first frame update
public void Start() {
climbers = new List<Grabber>();
characterController = GetComponentInChildren<CharacterController>();
smoothLocomotion = GetComponentInChildren<SmoothLocomotion>();
playerGravity = GetComponentInChildren<PlayerGravity>();
playerRigid = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
public void LateUpdate() {
// Update Controller Positions
if (LeftControllerTransform != null) {
previousLeftControllerPosition = LeftControllerTransform.position;
if (RightControllerTransform != null) {
previousRightControllerPosition = RightControllerTransform.position;
public virtual void AddClimber(Climbable climbable, Grabber grab) {
if (climbers == null) {
climbers = new List<Grabber>();
if (!climbers.Contains(grab)) {
if (grab.DummyTransform == null) {
GameObject go = new GameObject(); = "DummyTransform";
go.transform.parent = grab.transform;
go.transform.position = grab.transform.position;
go.transform.localEulerAngles =;
grab.DummyTransform = go.transform;
// Set parent to whatever we grabbed. This way we can follow the object around if it moves
grab.DummyTransform.parent = climbable.transform;
grab.PreviousPosition = grab.DummyTransform.position;
// Play haptics
if(ApplyHapticsOnGrab) {
InputBridge.Instance.VibrateController(VibrateFrequency, VibrateAmplitude, VibrateDuration, grab.HandSide);
public virtual void RemoveClimber(Grabber grab) {
if (climbers.Contains(grab)) {
// Reset grabbable parent
grab.DummyTransform.parent = grab.transform;
grab.DummyTransform.localPosition =;
public virtual bool GrippingAtLeastOneClimbable() {
if (climbers != null && climbers.Count > 0) {
for (int x = 0; x < climbers.Count; x++) {
// Climbable is still being held
if (climbers[x] != null && climbers[x].HoldingItem) {
return true;
// If we made it through every climber and none were valid, reset the climbers
climbers = new List<Grabber>();
return false;
protected virtual void checkClimbing() {
GrippingClimbable = GrippingAtLeastOneClimbable();
// Check events
if (GrippingClimbable && !wasGrippingClimbable) {
if (wasGrippingClimbable && !GrippingClimbable) {
if (GrippingClimbable) {
moveDirection =;
int count = 0;
float length = climbers.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Grabber climber = climbers[i];
if (climber != null && climber.HoldingItem) {
// Add hand offsets
if (climber.HandSide == ControllerHand.Left) {
controllerMoveAmount = previousLeftControllerPosition - LeftControllerTransform.position;
else {
controllerMoveAmount = previousRightControllerPosition - RightControllerTransform.position;
// Always use last grabbed hand
if (count == length - 1) {
moveDirection = controllerMoveAmount;
// Check if Climbable object moved position
moveDirection -= climber.PreviousPosition - climber.DummyTransform.position;
// Apply movement to player
if (smoothLocomotion) {
if(smoothLocomotion.ControllerType == PlayerControllerType.CharacterController) {
else if(smoothLocomotion.ControllerType == PlayerControllerType.Rigidbody) {
else if(characterController) {
// Update any climber previous position
for (int x = 0; x < climbers.Count; x++) {
Grabber climber = climbers[x];
if (climber != null && climber.HoldingItem) {
if (climber.DummyTransform != null) {
// Use climber position if possible
climber.PreviousPosition = climber.DummyTransform.position;
else {
climber.PreviousPosition = climber.transform.position;
wasGrippingClimbable = GrippingClimbable;
void DoPhysicalClimbing() {
int count = 0;
float length = climbers.Count;
Vector3 movementVelocity =;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Grabber climber = climbers[i];
if (climber != null && climber.HoldingItem) {
Vector3 positionDelta = climber.transform.position - climber.DummyTransform.position;
// Always use last grabbed hand
if (count == length - 1) {
movementVelocity = positionDelta;
// Check if Climbable object moved position
movementVelocity -= climber.PreviousPosition - climber.DummyTransform.position;
if(movementVelocity.magnitude > 0) {
playerRigid.velocity = Vector3.MoveTowards(playerRigid.velocity, (-movementVelocity * 2000f) * Time.fixedDeltaTime, 1f);
void onGrabbedClimbable() {
// Don't allow player movement while climbing
if (smoothLocomotion) {
// No gravity on the player while climbing
if (playerGravity) {
void onReleasedClimbable() {
// Reset back to our original values
if (smoothLocomotion) {
// Gravity back to normal
if (playerGravity) {