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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using DentedPixel;
public class GeneralSimpleUI : MonoBehaviour {
#if !UNITY_3_5 && !UNITY_4_0 && !UNITY_4_0_1 && !UNITY_4_1 && !UNITY_4_2 && !UNITY_4_3 && !UNITY_4_5
public RectTransform button;
void Start () {
Debug.Log("For better examples see the 4.6_Examples folder!");
Debug.LogError("Button not assigned! Create a new button via Hierarchy->Create->UI->Button. Then assign it to the button variable");
// Tweening various values in a block callback style
LeanTween.value(button.gameObject, button.anchoredPosition, new Vector2(200f,100f), 1f ).setOnUpdate(
(Vector2 val)=>{
button.anchoredPosition = val;
LeanTween.value(gameObject, 1f, 0.5f, 1f ).setOnUpdate(
(float volume)=>{
LeanTween.value(gameObject, gameObject.transform.position, gameObject.transform.position + new Vector3(0,1f,0), 1f ).setOnUpdate(
(Vector3 val)=>{
gameObject.transform.position = val;
LeanTween.value(gameObject,,, 1f ).setOnUpdate(
(Color val)=>{
UnityEngine.UI.Image image = (UnityEngine.UI.Image)button.gameObject.GetComponent( typeof(UnityEngine.UI.Image) );
image.color = val;
// Tweening Using Unity's new Canvas GUI System
LeanTween.move(button, new Vector3(200f,-100f,0f), 1f).setDelay(1f);
LeanTween.rotateAround(button, Vector3.forward, 90f, 1f).setDelay(2f);
LeanTween.scale(button, button.localScale*2f, 1f).setDelay(3f);
LeanTween.rotateAround(button, Vector3.forward, -90f, 1f).setDelay(4f).setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutElastic);
void Start(){
Debug.LogError("Unity 4.6+ is required to use the new UI");