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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
// Sci-Fi Ship Controller. Copyright (c) 2018-2023 SCSM Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
namespace SciFiShipController
/// <summary>
/// Sample ship spawner that leverages the in-build ShipSpawner class. In your project,
/// you'll want to include "using SciFiShipController" namespace and write your own code.
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("Sci-Fi Ship Controller/Samples/Ship Spawner 1")]
public class SampleShipSpawner1 : MonoBehaviour
#region Public variables
public GameObject playerShip = null;
public ShipControlModule npcShipPrefab = null;
#region Private variables
#region Initialisation Methods
void Awake()
// In this example we already have the player setup in the scene. You could instantiate it from a prefab.
// We also use a camera and the ShipCameraModule for the player ship. You don't need to use our ShipCameraModule.
if (playerShip == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Please supply a player from the scene"); }
if (npcShipPrefab == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Please supply a Ship prefab for the non-player ships"); }
Squadron squadron1 = new Squadron();
if (squadron1 != null)
squadron1.squadronName = "Blue Squadron";
squadron1.squadronId = 1;
// The squadron will be created at the location of the gameobject you place in the scene
squadron1.anchorPosition = this.transform.position;
// What types of ships are we spawning?
squadron1.shipPrefab = npcShipPrefab.gameObject;
// Optionally place the player from the scene at the head of the squadron
squadron1.playerShip = playerShip;
// Place the ships in a classic Vic (Vee) formation
squadron1.tacticalFormation = Squadron.TacticalFormation.Vic;
// Configure the formation layout
squadron1.rowsX = 1; // Not used for Vic formations
squadron1.rowsZ = 5;
squadron1.rowsY = 2; // 2 stacks of ships (one above the other)
// How far apart are the ships?
squadron1.offsetX = 50f;
squadron1.offsetZ = 50f;
squadron1.offsetY = 125f;
// Set the forwards direction of the squadron based on the rotation of the
// rotation of the gameobject it is attached to.
squadron1.fwdDirection = transform.rotation * Vector3.forward;
ShipSpawner shipSpawner = new ShipSpawner();
if (shipSpawner != null)
GameObject squadronGameObject = new GameObject(squadron1.squadronName);
if (squadronGameObject != null)
// If you have your own AI ship component, it can be automatically added to the NPC ship prefab when it is spawned
bool addAIScriptIfMissing = false;
System.Type aiShipComponent = null;
//aiShipComponent = typeof(myAIShipClass);
if (shipSpawner.CreateSquadron(squadron1, squadronGameObject.transform, ShipDestroyCallBack, addAIScriptIfMissing ? aiShipComponent : null))
int numShips = squadron1.shipList == null ? 0 : squadron1.shipList.Count;
Debug.Log("[DEBUG] Number of ships added to " + squadron1.squadronName + ": " + numShips);
#region Private Member Methods
private void ShipDestroyCallBack(Ship ship)
Debug.Log("Ship " + ship.shipId + " was destroyed in squadron " + ship.squadronId);