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rabidus-test/Assets/Amazing Assets/Advanced Dissolve/Editor/Utilities/AdvancedDissolveUpdateShade...

210 lines
6.8 KiB

using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
namespace AmazingAssets.AdvancedDissolveEditor
public class AdvancedDissolveUpdateShaders : Editor
//[MenuItem("Tools/Amazing Assets/Advanced Dissolve/Update Shaders", false, 4202)]
static public void Menu()
//Collect all project materials
List<Shader> allProjectShaders = new List<Shader>();
string[] guids = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Shader");
for (int i = 0; i < guids.Length; i++)
string assetPath = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guids[i]);
Shader asset = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Shader>(assetPath);
if (asset != null)
for (int i = 0; i < allProjectShaders.Count; i++)
UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Hold On", allProjectShaders[i].name, (float)i / allProjectShaders.Count);
static public bool IsValidShader(Object asset, out Shader shader, out bool isBaked)
shader = null;
isBaked = false;
if (asset == null)
return false;
string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(asset);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
return false;
if (Path.GetExtension(path) != ".shader")
return false;
shader = (Shader)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(Shader));
return Utilities.IsShaderAdvancedDissolve(shader, out isBaked);
static void UpdateShaderFile(Shader sourceShader)
Shader shader;
bool isBaked;
if (IsValidShader(sourceShader, out shader, out isBaked) == false)
if (isBaked)
Debug.LogWarning("Can not update baked shader. Rebake it manually:\n" + + "\n", shader);
string shaderAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(shader);
List<string> newShaderFile = File.ReadAllLines(shaderAssetPath).ToList();
//1) Change Material Properties
//2) Change keywords
//3) Save
if (ChangeProperties(newShaderFile) == false)
Debug.LogError("Problems with material properties.\n" + + "\n", sourceShader);
if (ChangeKeywords(newShaderFile) == false)
Debug.LogError("Problems with shader keywords.\n" + + "\n", sourceShader);
CreateShaderAssetFile(shaderAssetPath, newShaderFile);
static bool ChangeProperties(List<string> newShaderFile)
// {
// Advanced Dissolve Properties Start <-- find this line ID and add Dissolve properties below it
// ...
// ...
// ...
// }
int startIndex = -1;
int endIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < newShaderFile.Count; i++)
if (newShaderFile[i].Contains("Advanced Dissolve Properties Start"))
startIndex = i;
if (newShaderFile[i].Contains("Advanced Dissolve Properties End"))
endIndex = i;
if(startIndex == -1 || endIndex == -1)
return false;
string mateiralPropertiesFilePath = Path.Combine(Utilities.GetPathToTheAssetInstallationtFolder(), "Editor", "Utilities", "AdvancedDissolveProperties.txt");
//Remove old
newShaderFile.RemoveRange(startIndex, (endIndex - startIndex) + 1);
//Add new
newShaderFile.InsertRange(startIndex, File.ReadAllLines(mateiralPropertiesFilePath).ToList());
return true;
static bool ChangeKeywords(List<string> newShaderFile)
//Advanced Dissolve Keywords Start//// <-------- find this line ID
//#pragma shader_feature_local _AD_STATE_ENABLED
//#pragma shader_feature_local _ _AD_CUTOUT_STANDARD_SOURCE_BASE_ALPHA
// ...
// ...
//#pragma shader_feature_local _ _AD_GLOBAL_CONTROL_ID_ONE
//Advanced Dissolve Keywords End//// <-------- find this line ID
string shaderKeywordsFilePath = Path.Combine(Utilities.GetPathToTheAssetInstallationtFolder(), "Editor", "Utilities", "AdvancedDissolveKeywords.txt");
List<string> shaderKeywords = File.ReadAllLines(shaderKeywordsFilePath).ToList();
int startIndex = -1;
int endIndex = -1;
int startIndexCounter = 0;
int endIndexCouter = 0;
int passCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < newShaderFile.Count; i++)
if (newShaderFile[i].Contains("Advanced Dissolve Keywords Start"))
startIndex = i;
startIndexCounter += 1;
if (newShaderFile[i].Contains("Advanced Dissolve Keywords End"))
endIndex = i;
endIndexCouter += 1;
if(startIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1 && endIndex > startIndex)
passCount += 1;
//Remove old
newShaderFile.RemoveRange(startIndex, (endIndex - startIndex) + 1);
i -= (endIndex - startIndex);
//Add new
newShaderFile.InsertRange(startIndex, shaderKeywords);
i += shaderKeywords.Count;
startIndex = -1;
endIndex = -1;
if (passCount == 0 || (passCount != startIndexCounter && passCount != endIndexCouter))
return false;
return true;
static void CreateShaderAssetFile(string sourceShaderAssetPath, List<string> newShaderFile)
File.WriteAllLines(sourceShaderAssetPath, newShaderFile);