
166 lines
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2022-01-12 10:06:03 +03:00
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using UnityEditor.Timeline.Actions;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
/// <summary>
/// Use this class to record the state of a timeline or its components prior to modification.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// These methods do not need to be used when adding or deleting tracks, clips or markers.
/// Methods in the UnityEngine.Timeline namespace, such as <see cref="UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.CreateTrack"/>
/// or <see cref="UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.CreateDefaultClip"/> will apply the appropriate
/// Undo calls when called in Editor.
/// </remarks>
public static class UndoExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Records all items contained in an action context. Use this method to record all objects
/// inside the context.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The action context to record into the Undo system.</param>
/// <param name="undoTitle">The title of the action to appear in the undo history (i.e. visible in the undo menu).</param>
public static void RegisterContext(ActionContext context, string undoTitle)
using (var undo = new UndoScope(undoTitle))
undo.Add(context.clips, true);
/// <summary>
/// Records any changes done on the timeline after being called. This only applies
/// to the timeline asset properties itself, and not any of the tracks or clips on the timeline
/// </summary>
/// <param name="asset">The timeline asset being modified.</param>
/// <param name="undoTitle">The title of the action to appear in the undo history (i.e. visible in the undo menu).</param>
public static void RegisterTimeline(TimelineAsset asset, string undoTitle)
using (var undo = new UndoScope(undoTitle))
/// <summary>
/// Records any changes done on the timeline after being called, including any changes
/// to any clips, tracks and markers that occur on the timeline.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="asset">The timeline asset being modified.</param>
/// <param name="undoTitle">The title of the action to appear in the undo history (i.e. visible in the undo menu).</param>
public static void RegisterCompleteTimeline(TimelineAsset asset, string undoTitle)
if (asset == null)
using (var undo = new UndoScope(undoTitle))
foreach (var t in asset.flattenedTracks)
undo.Add(t.GetClips(), true);
/// <summary>
/// Records any changes done on the track after being called, including any changes
/// to clips on the track, but not on markers or PlayableAssets attached to the clips.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="asset">The timeline track being modified.</param>
/// <param name="undoTitle">The title of the action to appear in the undo history (i.e. visible in the undo menu).</param>
public static void RegisterTrack(TrackAsset asset, string undoTitle)
using (var undo = new UndoScope(undoTitle))
/// <summary>
/// Records any changes done on the tracks after being called, including any changes
/// to clips on the tracks, but not on markers or PlayableAssets attached to the clips.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tracks">The timeline track being modified.</param>
/// <param name="undoTitle">The title of the action to appear in the undo history (i.e. visible in the undo menu).</param>
public static void RegisterTracks(IEnumerable<TrackAsset> tracks, string undoTitle)
using (var undo = new UndoScope(undoTitle))
/// <summary>
/// Records any changes done on the clip after being called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clip">The timeline clip being modified.</param>
/// <param name="undoTitle">The title of the action to appear in the undo history (i.e. visible in the undo menu).</param>
/// <param name="includePlayableAsset">Set this value to true to also record changes on the attached playable asset.</param>
public static void RegisterClip(TimelineClip clip, string undoTitle, bool includePlayableAsset = true)
using (var undo = new UndoScope(undoTitle))
undo.AddClip(clip, includePlayableAsset);
/// <summary>
/// Records any changes done on the PlayableAsset after being called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="asset">The timeline track being modified.</param>
/// <param name="undoTitle">The title of the action to appear in the undo history (i.e. visible in the undo menu).</param>
public static void RegisterPlayableAsset(PlayableAsset asset, string undoTitle)
using (var undo = new UndoScope(undoTitle))
/// <summary>
/// Records any changes done on the clips after being called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clips">The timeline clips being modified.</param>
/// <param name="name">The title of the action to appear in the undo history (i.e. visible in the undo menu).</param>
/// <param name="includePlayableAssets">Set this value to true to also record changes on the attached playable assets.</param>
public static void RegisterClips(IEnumerable<TimelineClip> clips, string name, bool includePlayableAssets = true)
using (var undo = new UndoScope(name))
undo.Add(clips, includePlayableAssets);
/// <summary>
/// Records any changes done on the Timeline Marker after being called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="marker">The timeline clip being modified.</param>
/// <param name="undoTitle">The title of the action to appear in the undo history (i.e. visible in the undo menu).</param>
public static void RegisterMarker(IMarker marker, string undoTitle)
using (var undo = new UndoScope(undoTitle))
if (marker is Object o)
else if (marker != null)
/// <summary>
/// Records any changes done on the Timeline Markers after being called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="markers">The timeline clip being modified.</param>
/// <param name="undoTitle">The title of the action to appear in the undo history (i.e. visible in the undo menu).</param>
public static void RegisterMarkers(IEnumerable<IMarker> markers, string undoTitle)
using (var undo = new UndoScope(undoTitle))