2022-01-12 10:06:03 +03:00
using UnityEngine ;
using UnityEngine.TextCore ;
using UnityEngine.U2D ;
using UnityEditor ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
namespace TMPro.EditorUtilities
public static class TMP_SpriteAssetMenu
// Add a Context Menu to the Sprite Asset Editor Panel to Create and Add a Default Material.
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[MenuItem("CONTEXT/TMP_SpriteAsset/Add Default Material", true, 2200)]
static bool AddDefaultMaterialValidate ( MenuCommand command )
return AssetDatabase . IsOpenForEdit ( command . context ) ;
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[MenuItem("CONTEXT/TMP_SpriteAsset/Add Default Material", false, 2200)]
2022-01-12 10:39:15 +03:00
static void AddDefaultMaterial ( MenuCommand command )
2022-01-12 10:06:03 +03:00
TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset = ( TMP_SpriteAsset ) command . context ;
// Make sure the sprite asset already contains a default material
if ( spriteAsset ! = null & & spriteAsset . material = = null )
// Add new default material for sprite asset.
AddDefaultMaterial ( spriteAsset ) ;
// Add a Context Menu to the Sprite Asset Editor Panel to update existing sprite assets.
2022-01-12 10:39:15 +03:00
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/TMP_SpriteAsset/Update Sprite Asset", true, 2100)]
static bool UpdateSpriteAssetValidate ( MenuCommand command )
return AssetDatabase . IsOpenForEdit ( command . context ) ;
2022-01-12 10:06:03 +03:00
[MenuItem("CONTEXT/TMP_SpriteAsset/Update Sprite Asset", false, 2100)]
static void UpdateSpriteAsset ( MenuCommand command )
TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset = ( TMP_SpriteAsset ) command . context ;
if ( spriteAsset = = null )
return ;
UpdateSpriteAsset ( spriteAsset ) ;
internal static void UpdateSpriteAsset ( TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset )
// Get a list of all the sprites contained in the texture referenced by the sprite asset.
// This only works if the texture is set to sprite mode.
string filePath = AssetDatabase . GetAssetPath ( spriteAsset . spriteSheet ) ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( filePath ) )
return ;
// Get all the sprites defined in the sprite sheet texture referenced by this sprite asset.
Sprite [ ] sprites = AssetDatabase . LoadAllAssetsAtPath ( filePath ) . Select ( x = > x as Sprite ) . Where ( x = > x ! = null ) . ToArray ( ) ;
// Return if sprite sheet texture does not have any sprites defined in it.
if ( sprites . Length = = 0 )
Debug . Log ( "Sprite Asset <color=#FFFF80>[" + spriteAsset . name + "]</color>'s atlas texture does not appear to have any sprites defined in it. Use the Unity Sprite Editor to define sprites for this texture." , spriteAsset . spriteSheet ) ;
return ;
List < TMP_SpriteGlyph > spriteGlyphTable = spriteAsset . spriteGlyphTable ;
// Find available glpyh indexes
uint [ ] existingGlyphIndexes = spriteGlyphTable . Select ( x = > x . index ) . ToArray ( ) ;
List < uint > availableGlyphIndexes = new List < uint > ( ) ;
uint lastGlyphIndex = existingGlyphIndexes . Length > 0 ? existingGlyphIndexes . Last ( ) : 0 ;
int elementIndex = 0 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < lastGlyphIndex ; i + + )
uint existingGlyphIndex = existingGlyphIndexes [ elementIndex ] ;
if ( i = = existingGlyphIndex )
elementIndex + = 1 ;
availableGlyphIndexes . Add ( i ) ;
// Iterate over sprites contained in the updated sprite sheet to identify new and / or modified sprites.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sprites . Length ; i + + )
Sprite sprite = sprites [ i ] ;
// Check if current sprites is already contained in the sprite glyph table of the sprite asset.
TMP_SpriteGlyph spriteGlyph = spriteGlyphTable . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . sprite = = sprite ) ;
if ( spriteGlyph ! = null )
// update existing sprite glyph
if ( spriteGlyph . glyphRect . x ! = sprite . rect . x | | spriteGlyph . glyphRect . y ! = sprite . rect . y | | spriteGlyph . glyphRect . width ! = sprite . rect . width | | spriteGlyph . glyphRect . height ! = sprite . rect . height )
spriteGlyph . glyphRect = new GlyphRect ( sprite . rect ) ;
TMP_SpriteCharacter spriteCharacter ;
// Check if this sprite potentially exists under the same name in the sprite character table.
if ( spriteAsset . spriteCharacterTable ! = null & & spriteAsset . spriteCharacterTable . Count > 0 )
spriteCharacter = spriteAsset . spriteCharacterTable . FirstOrDefault ( x = > x . name = = sprite . name ) ;
spriteGlyph = spriteCharacter ! = null ? spriteGlyphTable [ ( int ) spriteCharacter . glyphIndex ] : null ;
if ( spriteGlyph ! = null )
// Update sprite reference and data
spriteGlyph . sprite = sprite ;
if ( spriteGlyph . glyphRect . x ! = sprite . rect . x | | spriteGlyph . glyphRect . y ! = sprite . rect . y | | spriteGlyph . glyphRect . width ! = sprite . rect . width | | spriteGlyph . glyphRect . height ! = sprite . rect . height )
spriteGlyph . glyphRect = new GlyphRect ( sprite . rect ) ;
// Add new Sprite Glyph to the table
spriteGlyph = new TMP_SpriteGlyph ( ) ;
// Get available glyph index
if ( availableGlyphIndexes . Count > 0 )
spriteGlyph . index = availableGlyphIndexes [ 0 ] ;
availableGlyphIndexes . RemoveAt ( 0 ) ;
spriteGlyph . index = ( uint ) spriteGlyphTable . Count ;
spriteGlyph . metrics = new GlyphMetrics ( sprite . rect . width , sprite . rect . height , - sprite . pivot . x , sprite . rect . height - sprite . pivot . y , sprite . rect . width ) ;
spriteGlyph . glyphRect = new GlyphRect ( sprite . rect ) ;
spriteGlyph . scale = 1.0f ;
spriteGlyph . sprite = sprite ;
spriteGlyphTable . Add ( spriteGlyph ) ;
spriteCharacter = new TMP_SpriteCharacter ( 0xFFFE , spriteGlyph ) ;
spriteCharacter . name = sprite . name ;
spriteCharacter . scale = 1.0f ;
spriteAsset . spriteCharacterTable . Add ( spriteCharacter ) ;
// Update Sprite Character Table to replace unicode 0x0 by 0xFFFE
for ( int i = 0 ; i < spriteAsset . spriteCharacterTable . Count ; i + + )
TMP_SpriteCharacter spriteCharacter = spriteAsset . spriteCharacterTable [ i ] ;
if ( spriteCharacter . unicode = = 0 )
spriteCharacter . unicode = 0xFFFE ;
// Sort glyph table by glyph index
spriteAsset . SortGlyphTable ( ) ;
spriteAsset . UpdateLookupTables ( ) ;
TMPro_EventManager . ON_SPRITE_ASSET_PROPERTY_CHANGED ( true , spriteAsset ) ;
[MenuItem("Assets/Create/TextMeshPro/Sprite Asset", false, 110)]
public static void CreateSpriteAsset ( )
Object target = Selection . activeObject ;
if ( target = = null | | target . GetType ( ) ! = typeof ( Texture2D ) ) // && target.GetType() != typeof(SpriteAtlas)))
Debug . LogWarning ( "A texture must first be selected in order to create a TextMesh Pro Sprite Asset." ) ;
return ;
// Get the path to the selected asset.
string filePathWithName = AssetDatabase . GetAssetPath ( target ) ;
string fileNameWithExtension = Path . GetFileName ( filePathWithName ) ;
string fileNameWithoutExtension = Path . GetFileNameWithoutExtension ( filePathWithName ) ;
string filePath = filePathWithName . Replace ( fileNameWithExtension , "" ) ;
// Create new Sprite Asset
TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset = ScriptableObject . CreateInstance < TMP_SpriteAsset > ( ) ;
AssetDatabase . CreateAsset ( spriteAsset , filePath + fileNameWithoutExtension + ".asset" ) ;
spriteAsset . version = "1.1.0" ;
// Compute the hash code for the sprite asset.
spriteAsset . hashCode = TMP_TextUtilities . GetSimpleHashCode ( spriteAsset . name ) ;
List < TMP_SpriteGlyph > spriteGlyphTable = new List < TMP_SpriteGlyph > ( ) ;
List < TMP_SpriteCharacter > spriteCharacterTable = new List < TMP_SpriteCharacter > ( ) ;
if ( target . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( Texture2D ) )
Texture2D sourceTex = target as Texture2D ;
// Assign new Sprite Sheet texture to the Sprite Asset.
spriteAsset . spriteSheet = sourceTex ;
PopulateSpriteTables ( sourceTex , ref spriteCharacterTable , ref spriteGlyphTable ) ;
spriteAsset . spriteCharacterTable = spriteCharacterTable ;
spriteAsset . spriteGlyphTable = spriteGlyphTable ;
// Add new default material for sprite asset.
AddDefaultMaterial ( spriteAsset ) ;
else if ( target . GetType ( ) = = typeof ( SpriteAtlas ) )
//SpriteAtlas spriteAtlas = target as SpriteAtlas;
//PopulateSpriteTables(spriteAtlas, ref spriteCharacterTable, ref spriteGlyphTable);
//spriteAsset.spriteCharacterTable = spriteCharacterTable;
//spriteAsset.spriteGlyphTable = spriteGlyphTable;
//spriteAsset.spriteSheet = spriteGlyphTable[0].sprite.texture;
//// Add new default material for sprite asset.
// Update Lookup tables.
spriteAsset . UpdateLookupTables ( ) ;
// Get the Sprites contained in the Sprite Sheet
EditorUtility . SetDirty ( spriteAsset ) ;
//spriteAsset.sprites = sprites;
// Set source texture back to Not Readable.
//texImporter.isReadable = false;
AssetDatabase . SaveAssets ( ) ;
AssetDatabase . ImportAsset ( AssetDatabase . GetAssetPath ( spriteAsset ) ) ; // Re-import font asset to get the new updated version.
private static void PopulateSpriteTables ( Texture source , ref List < TMP_SpriteCharacter > spriteCharacterTable , ref List < TMP_SpriteGlyph > spriteGlyphTable )
//Debug.Log("Creating new Sprite Asset.");
string filePath = AssetDatabase . GetAssetPath ( source ) ;
// Get all the Sprites sorted by Index
Sprite [ ] sprites = AssetDatabase . LoadAllAssetsAtPath ( filePath ) . Select ( x = > x as Sprite ) . Where ( x = > x ! = null ) . OrderByDescending ( x = > x . rect . y ) . ThenBy ( x = > x . rect . x ) . ToArray ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sprites . Length ; i + + )
Sprite sprite = sprites [ i ] ;
TMP_SpriteGlyph spriteGlyph = new TMP_SpriteGlyph ( ) ;
spriteGlyph . index = ( uint ) i ;
spriteGlyph . metrics = new GlyphMetrics ( sprite . rect . width , sprite . rect . height , - sprite . pivot . x , sprite . rect . height - sprite . pivot . y , sprite . rect . width ) ;
spriteGlyph . glyphRect = new GlyphRect ( sprite . rect ) ;
spriteGlyph . scale = 1.0f ;
spriteGlyph . sprite = sprite ;
spriteGlyphTable . Add ( spriteGlyph ) ;
TMP_SpriteCharacter spriteCharacter = new TMP_SpriteCharacter ( 0xFFFE , spriteGlyph ) ;
spriteCharacter . name = sprite . name ;
spriteCharacter . scale = 1.0f ;
spriteCharacterTable . Add ( spriteCharacter ) ;
private static void PopulateSpriteTables ( SpriteAtlas spriteAtlas , ref List < TMP_SpriteCharacter > spriteCharacterTable , ref List < TMP_SpriteGlyph > spriteGlyphTable )
// Get number of sprites contained in the sprite atlas.
int spriteCount = spriteAtlas . spriteCount ;
Sprite [ ] sprites = new Sprite [ spriteCount ] ;
// Get all the sprites
spriteAtlas . GetSprites ( sprites ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sprites . Length ; i + + )
Sprite sprite = sprites [ i ] ;
TMP_SpriteGlyph spriteGlyph = new TMP_SpriteGlyph ( ) ;
spriteGlyph . index = ( uint ) i ;
spriteGlyph . metrics = new GlyphMetrics ( sprite . textureRect . width , sprite . textureRect . height , - sprite . pivot . x , sprite . textureRect . height - sprite . pivot . y , sprite . textureRect . width ) ;
spriteGlyph . glyphRect = new GlyphRect ( sprite . textureRect ) ;
spriteGlyph . scale = 1.0f ;
spriteGlyph . sprite = sprite ;
spriteGlyphTable . Add ( spriteGlyph ) ;
TMP_SpriteCharacter spriteCharacter = new TMP_SpriteCharacter ( 0xFFFE , spriteGlyph ) ;
spriteCharacter . name = sprite . name ;
spriteCharacter . scale = 1.0f ;
spriteCharacterTable . Add ( spriteCharacter ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Create and add new default material to sprite asset.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="spriteAsset"></param>
private static void AddDefaultMaterial ( TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset )
Shader shader = Shader . Find ( "TextMeshPro/Sprite" ) ;
Material material = new Material ( shader ) ;
material . SetTexture ( ShaderUtilities . ID_MainTex , spriteAsset . spriteSheet ) ;
spriteAsset . material = material ;
material . hideFlags = HideFlags . HideInHierarchy ;
AssetDatabase . AddObjectToAsset ( material , spriteAsset ) ;
// Update existing SpriteInfo
private static List < TMP_Sprite > UpdateSpriteInfo ( TMP_SpriteAsset spriteAsset )
//Debug.Log("Updating Sprite Asset.");
string filePath = AssetDatabase . GetAssetPath ( spriteAsset . spriteSheet ) ;
// Get all the Sprites sorted Left to Right / Top to Bottom
Sprite [ ] sprites = AssetDatabase . LoadAllAssetsAtPath ( filePath ) . Select ( x = > x as Sprite ) . Where ( x = > x ! = null ) . OrderByDescending ( x = > x . rect . y ) . ThenBy ( x = > x . rect . x ) . ToArray ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sprites . Length ; i + + )
Sprite sprite = sprites [ i ] ;
// Check if the sprite is already contained in the SpriteInfoList
int index = - 1 ;
if ( spriteAsset . spriteInfoList . Count > i & & spriteAsset . spriteInfoList [ i ] . sprite ! = null )
index = spriteAsset . spriteInfoList . FindIndex ( item = > item . sprite . GetInstanceID ( ) = = sprite . GetInstanceID ( ) ) ;
// Use existing SpriteInfo if it already exists
TMP_Sprite spriteInfo = index = = - 1 ? new TMP_Sprite ( ) : spriteAsset . spriteInfoList [ index ] ;
Rect spriteRect = sprite . rect ;
spriteInfo . x = spriteRect . x ;
spriteInfo . y = spriteRect . y ;
spriteInfo . width = spriteRect . width ;
spriteInfo . height = spriteRect . height ;
// Get Sprite Pivot
Vector2 pivot = new Vector2 ( 0 - ( sprite . bounds . min . x ) / ( sprite . bounds . extents . x * 2 ) , 0 - ( sprite . bounds . min . y ) / ( sprite . bounds . extents . y * 2 ) ) ;
// The position of the pivot influences the Offset position.
spriteInfo . pivot = new Vector2 ( 0 - pivot . x * spriteRect . width , spriteRect . height - pivot . y * spriteRect . height ) ;
if ( index = = - 1 )
// Find the next available index for this Sprite
int [ ] ids = spriteAsset . spriteInfoList . Select ( item = > item . id ) . ToArray ( ) ;
int id = 0 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < ids . Length ; j + + )
if ( ids [ 0 ] ! = 0 ) break ;
if ( j > 0 & & ( ids [ j ] - ids [ j - 1 ] ) > 1 )
id = ids [ j - 1 ] + 1 ;
break ;
id = j + 1 ;
spriteInfo . sprite = sprite ;
spriteInfo . name = sprite . name ;
spriteInfo . hashCode = TMP_TextUtilities . GetSimpleHashCode ( spriteInfo . name ) ;
spriteInfo . id = id ;
spriteInfo . xAdvance = spriteRect . width ;
spriteInfo . scale = 1.0f ;
spriteInfo . xOffset = spriteInfo . pivot . x ;
spriteInfo . yOffset = spriteInfo . pivot . y ;
spriteAsset . spriteInfoList . Add ( spriteInfo ) ;
// Sort the Sprites by ID
spriteAsset . spriteInfoList = spriteAsset . spriteInfoList . OrderBy ( s = > s . id ) . ToList ( ) ;
spriteAsset . spriteInfoList [ index ] = spriteInfo ;
return spriteAsset . spriteInfoList ;