using System; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.U2D; namespace UnityEditor.U2D { static class GameObjectCreation { const int k_PixelPerfectCameraGameObjectMenuPriority = 5; [MenuItem("GameObject/2D Object/Pixel Perfect Camera", priority = k_PixelPerfectCameraGameObjectMenuPriority)] static void GameObjectCreatePixelPerfectCamera(MenuCommand menuCommand) { var go = CreateGameObject("Pixel Perfect Camera", menuCommand, new []{typeof(PixelPerfectCamera)}); go.GetComponent().pixelSnapping = true; } static public GameObject CreateGameObject(string name, MenuCommand menuCommand, params Type[] components) { var parent = menuCommand.context as GameObject; var newGO = ObjectFactory.CreateGameObject(name, components); = name; Selection.activeObject = newGO; Place(newGO, parent); if (EditorSettings.defaultBehaviorMode == EditorBehaviorMode.Mode2D) { var position = newGO.transform.position; position.z = 0; newGO.transform.position = position; } Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newGO, string.Format("Create {0}", name)); return newGO; } internal static void Place(GameObject go, GameObject parentTransform) { if (parentTransform != null) { var transform = go.transform; Undo.SetTransformParent(transform, parentTransform.transform, "Reparenting"); transform.localPosition =; transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; transform.localScale =; go.layer = parentTransform.gameObject.layer; if (parentTransform.GetComponent()) ObjectFactory.AddComponent(go); } else { PlaceGameObjectInFrontOfSceneView(go); StageUtility.PlaceGameObjectInCurrentStage(go); // may change parent } // Only at this point do we know the actual parent of the object and can modify its name accordingly. GameObjectUtility.EnsureUniqueNameForSibling(go); Undo.SetCurrentGroupName("Create " +; Selection.activeGameObject = go; } internal static void PlaceGameObjectInFrontOfSceneView(GameObject go) { var view = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView; if (view != null) { view.MoveToView(go.transform); } } } }