using UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating; namespace UnityEngine.U2D.IK { /// /// Structure to store FABRIK Chain data. /// [MovedFrom("UnityEngine.Experimental.U2D.IK")] public struct FABRIKChain2D { public Vector2 first { get { return positions[0]; } } public Vector2 last { get { return positions[positions.Length - 1]; } } public Vector2 origin; public Vector2 target; public float sqrTolerance; public Vector2[] positions; public float[] lengths; public int[] subChainIndices; public Vector3[] worldPositions; } /// /// Utility for 2D Forward And Backward Reaching Inverse Kinematics (FABRIK) IK Solver. /// public static class FABRIK2D { /// /// Solve IK based on FABRIK /// /// Target position. /// Solver iteration count. /// Target position's tolerance. /// Length of the chains. /// Chain positions. /// Returns true if solver successfully completes within iteration limit. False otherwise. public static bool Solve(Vector2 targetPosition, int solverLimit, float tolerance, float[] lengths, ref Vector2[] positions) { int last = positions.Length - 1; int iterations = 0; float sqrTolerance = tolerance * tolerance; float sqrDistanceToTarget = (targetPosition - positions[last]).sqrMagnitude; Vector2 originPosition = positions[0]; while (sqrDistanceToTarget > sqrTolerance) { Forward(targetPosition, lengths, ref positions); Backward(originPosition, lengths, ref positions); sqrDistanceToTarget = (targetPosition - positions[last]).sqrMagnitude; if (++iterations >= solverLimit) break; } // Return whether positions have changed return iterations != 0; } public static bool SolveChain(int solverLimit, ref FABRIKChain2D[] chains) { // Do a quick validation of the end points that it has not been solved if (ValidateChain(chains)) return false; // Validation failed, solve chain for (int iterations = 0; iterations < solverLimit; ++iterations) { SolveForwardsChain(0, ref chains); // Break if solution is solved if (!SolveBackwardsChain(0, ref chains)) break; } return true; } static bool ValidateChain(FABRIKChain2D[] chains) { foreach (var chain in chains) { if (chain.subChainIndices.Length == 0 && ( - chain.last).sqrMagnitude > chain.sqrTolerance) return false; } return true; } static void SolveForwardsChain(int idx, ref FABRIKChain2D[] chains) { var target = chains[idx].target; if (chains[idx].subChainIndices.Length > 0) { target =; for (int i = 0; i < chains[idx].subChainIndices.Length; ++i) { var childIdx = chains[idx].subChainIndices[i]; SolveForwardsChain(childIdx, ref chains); target += chains[childIdx].first; } target = target / chains[idx].subChainIndices.Length; } Forward(target, chains[idx].lengths, ref chains[idx].positions); } static bool SolveBackwardsChain(int idx, ref FABRIKChain2D[] chains) { bool notSolved = false; Backward(chains[idx].origin, chains[idx].lengths, ref chains[idx].positions); for (int i = 0; i < chains[idx].subChainIndices.Length; ++i) { var childIdx = chains[idx].subChainIndices[i]; chains[childIdx].origin = chains[idx].last; notSolved |= SolveBackwardsChain(childIdx, ref chains); } // Check if end point has reached the target if (chains[idx].subChainIndices.Length == 0) { notSolved |= (chains[idx].target - chains[idx].last).sqrMagnitude > chains[idx].sqrTolerance; } return notSolved; } static void Forward(Vector2 targetPosition, float[] lengths, ref Vector2[] positions) { var last = positions.Length - 1; positions[last] = targetPosition; for (int i = last - 1; i >= 0; --i) { var r = positions[i + 1] - positions[i]; var l = lengths[i] / r.magnitude; var position = (1f - l) * positions[i + 1] + l * positions[i]; positions[i] = position; } } static void Backward(Vector2 originPosition, float[] lengths, ref Vector2[] positions) { positions[0] = originPosition; var last = positions.Length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < last; ++i) { var r = positions[i + 1] - positions[i]; var l = lengths[i] / r.magnitude; var position = (1f - l) * positions[i] + l * positions[i + 1]; positions[i + 1] = position; } } // For constraints static Vector2 ValidateJoint(Vector2 endPosition, Vector2 startPosition, Vector2 right, float min, float max) { var localDifference = endPosition - startPosition; var angle = Vector2.SignedAngle(right, localDifference); var validatedPosition = endPosition; if (angle < min) { var minRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, min); validatedPosition = startPosition + (Vector2)(minRotation * right * localDifference.magnitude); } else if (angle > max) { var maxRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, max); validatedPosition = startPosition + (Vector2)(maxRotation * right * localDifference.magnitude); } return validatedPosition; } } }