using System; using System.Diagnostics; using UnityEngine; namespace TMPro { /// <summary> /// Structure used to track basic XML tags which are binary (on / off) /// </summary> public struct TMP_FontStyleStack { public byte bold; public byte italic; public byte underline; public byte strikethrough; public byte highlight; public byte superscript; public byte subscript; public byte uppercase; public byte lowercase; public byte smallcaps; /// <summary> /// Clear the basic XML tag stack. /// </summary> public void Clear() { bold = 0; italic = 0; underline = 0; strikethrough = 0; highlight = 0; superscript = 0; subscript = 0; uppercase = 0; lowercase = 0; smallcaps = 0; } public byte Add(FontStyles style) { switch (style) { case FontStyles.Bold: bold++; return bold; case FontStyles.Italic: italic++; return italic; case FontStyles.Underline: underline++; return underline; case FontStyles.UpperCase: uppercase++; return uppercase; case FontStyles.LowerCase: lowercase++; return lowercase; case FontStyles.Strikethrough: strikethrough++; return strikethrough; case FontStyles.Superscript: superscript++; return superscript; case FontStyles.Subscript: subscript++; return subscript; case FontStyles.Highlight: highlight++; return highlight; } return 0; } public byte Remove(FontStyles style) { switch (style) { case FontStyles.Bold: if (bold > 1) bold--; else bold = 0; return bold; case FontStyles.Italic: if (italic > 1) italic--; else italic = 0; return italic; case FontStyles.Underline: if (underline > 1) underline--; else underline = 0; return underline; case FontStyles.UpperCase: if (uppercase > 1) uppercase--; else uppercase = 0; return uppercase; case FontStyles.LowerCase: if (lowercase > 1) lowercase--; else lowercase = 0; return lowercase; case FontStyles.Strikethrough: if (strikethrough > 1) strikethrough--; else strikethrough = 0; return strikethrough; case FontStyles.Highlight: if (highlight > 1) highlight--; else highlight = 0; return highlight; case FontStyles.Superscript: if (superscript > 1) superscript--; else superscript = 0; return superscript; case FontStyles.Subscript: if (subscript > 1) subscript--; else subscript = 0; return subscript; } return 0; } } /// <summary> /// Structure used to track XML tags of various types. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> [DebuggerDisplay("Item count = {m_Count}")] public struct TMP_TextProcessingStack<T> { public T[] itemStack; public int index; T m_DefaultItem; int m_Capacity; int m_RolloverSize; int m_Count; const int k_DefaultCapacity = 4; /// <summary> /// Constructor to create a new item stack. /// </summary> /// <param name="stack"></param> public TMP_TextProcessingStack(T[] stack) { itemStack = stack; m_Capacity = stack.Length; index = 0; m_RolloverSize = 0; m_DefaultItem = default(T); m_Count = 0; } /// <summary> /// Constructor for a new item stack with the given capacity. /// </summary> /// <param name="capacity"></param> public TMP_TextProcessingStack(int capacity) { itemStack = new T[capacity]; m_Capacity = capacity; index = 0; m_RolloverSize = 0; m_DefaultItem = default(T); m_Count = 0; } public TMP_TextProcessingStack(int capacity, int rolloverSize) { itemStack = new T[capacity]; m_Capacity = capacity; index = 0; m_RolloverSize = rolloverSize; m_DefaultItem = default(T); m_Count = 0; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public int Count { get { return m_Count; } } /// <summary> /// Returns the current item on the stack. /// </summary> public T current { get { if (index > 0) return itemStack[index - 1]; return itemStack[0]; } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public int rolloverSize { get { return m_RolloverSize; } set { m_RolloverSize = value; //if (m_Capacity < m_RolloverSize) // Array.Resize(ref itemStack, m_RolloverSize); } } /// <summary> /// Set stack elements to default item. /// </summary> /// <param name="stack">The stack of elements.</param> /// <param name="item"></param> internal static void SetDefault(TMP_TextProcessingStack<T>[] stack, T item) { for (int i = 0; i < stack.Length; i++) stack[i].SetDefault(item); } /// <summary> /// Function to clear and reset stack to first item. /// </summary> public void Clear() { index = 0; m_Count = 0; } /// <summary> /// Function to set the first item on the stack and reset index. /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> public void SetDefault(T item) { if (itemStack == null) { m_Capacity = k_DefaultCapacity; itemStack = new T[m_Capacity]; m_DefaultItem = default(T); } itemStack[0] = item; index = 1; } /// <summary> /// Function to add a new item to the stack. /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> public void Add(T item) { if (index < itemStack.Length) { itemStack[index] = item; index += 1; } } /// <summary> /// Function to retrieve an item from the stack. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public T Remove() { index -= 1; if (index <= 0) { index = 1; return itemStack[0]; } return itemStack[index - 1]; } public void Push(T item) { if (index == m_Capacity) { m_Capacity *= 2; if (m_Capacity == 0) m_Capacity = k_DefaultCapacity; Array.Resize(ref itemStack, m_Capacity); } itemStack[index] = item; if (m_RolloverSize == 0) { index += 1; m_Count += 1; } else { index = (index + 1) % m_RolloverSize; m_Count = m_Count < m_RolloverSize ? m_Count + 1 : m_RolloverSize; } } public T Pop() { if (index == 0 && m_RolloverSize == 0) return default(T); if (m_RolloverSize == 0) index -= 1; else { index = (index - 1) % m_RolloverSize; index = index < 0 ? index + m_RolloverSize : index; } T item = itemStack[index]; itemStack[index] = m_DefaultItem; m_Count = m_Count > 0 ? m_Count - 1 : 0; return item; } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public T Peek() { if (index == 0) return m_DefaultItem; return itemStack[index - 1]; } /// <summary> /// Function to retrieve the current item from the stack. /// </summary> /// <returns>itemStack <T></returns> public T CurrentItem() { if (index > 0) return itemStack[index - 1]; return itemStack[0]; } /// <summary> /// Function to retrieve the previous item without affecting the stack. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public T PreviousItem() { if (index > 1) return itemStack[index - 2]; return itemStack[0]; } } }